NSTP Prelims (Unfinished)

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FILIPINO CHARACTERS AND VALUES - Varies from different society through its

uniquely blended culture and values from

different influences
What are Values?

- Value = Valere = strong and vigorous

- Things, persons, ideas, or goals which are
important to life
- Anything that enables life to be
understood, evaluated, and directed
- An existing realization of desire

Values in a society gives meaning and

direction to every individual’s life and
influence his human behaviors
Filipino Values

- Standards or principles set forth by the

Filipino society as basis for what is right
or wrong
Significance of Studying Filipino Values

- The shaping of the Philippine society into

a successful and progressive nation would
depend on;
- Understanding and appreciating the
positive side of Filipino Values and how
they are applied to attain such goal
- Understand our Filipino values to enables
us to put it in use and disregard the
negative ones
Understanding the Filipino Values and Culture
Malay + Indo + Spaniards +Americans+
Chinese+ Indians
= Uniquely Filipino in Character
Family – basic social unit in the Philippine
Article 15 Section 1
“The State recognizes the Filipino family as
the foundation of the nation”
Filipino Society needs to break away from its
past and adjust itself towards the future
Filipino Characteristics

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