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Contact People & Culture Sweden for

additional support

1. Identify and define a 2. Publish the thesis work 3. Appoint a 4. Payment

project scope assignment on the student/students • Pay the remuneration set by
external website • Review applications, available via guidelines in the
• Explore for example topics VRO, select and invite candidates process when the thesis has
from a business perspective: • Write an appealing job posting for interviews been completed and
which will attract the right talent. approved both by University
❖ What project or problems do • Inform Recruitment Sweden when and GTT.
you face in the future and • Create a requisition in to close the requisition in VRO
how can you utilize students Volvo Recruitment Online (VRO) including the name of assigned • Let the students present the
in exploring this? Länk student. work to appropriate
❖ What competences do you people in the organisation.
need to recruit for the future? • Go in to Hiring – Reqs – Add new • Appoint a contact person/mentor for
req – choose “Volvo Student the students. It does not have to be
• Describe scope and/or Requisition Template” – fill out the a manager, it can be team-
question question to be form like you would with a regular member. Mentor/contact person
investigated and describe it requisition needs to be available for
as clearly as possible in a the students on a regular basis.
thesis job posting. Connect it • Put “1. Sweden, Recruitment
to a specific competence or Team ()” in the bar for recruitment • Book regular meetings for follow up
technology. The students will team and support, weekly or bi-weekly.
have to connect the Mentor helps with network and
assignment to research. • Please write "Thesis work" in the contact information
title for the ad
• The Thesis project time is
approximately 3 months for • If you wish to have a gateway
Bachelor Students and 6 questionnaire, contact Recruitment
months for Master Students. Sweden for support.
Thesis work can be a perfect way to attract young talents to GTT. Volvo Group has a long and successful tradition of working
on thesis projects together with students from universities across the globe. Below

• Keep in mind that The content of the Thesis work cannot be confidential since the students are publishing the material and
are examinated on it by an examinator. Volvo is not responsible for the academic content of the thesis work, that is up to the
student to ensure.

• More information can be found here.

• When a student get paid for a thesis work it's classified as similar to being employed from a Swedish tax law perspective. If
the student live abroad and is visiting Sweden less than six months he/she will be taxed according to SINK (special tax for
income for persons who live abroad). If the visit is more than six months the student is taxed according to ordinary taxation
rules. You find more information about SINK in the related article Recruiting staff from other countries.

• Please note that visas may be required for students from outside EU. Always consult with People & Culture Sweden.

Volvo Group

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