Work Energy Power 1

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A force ⃗⃗⃗⃗F = ( i + 5 j+ 7k) acts on a particle and displace it through ⃗⃗⃗S = (6i + 9k). Calculate the work
1 done if F is in newton and displacement in meters? W =69J
2 Two vectors are represented in terms of rectangular components as ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ A = (2i + j + 4k) and
B = (i – j + 2k). Find

a. ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
A X ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
b. ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
A .⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
c. Angle between ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
A and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
B (6i – 3k, 9, 370)
3 Find the value of ‘m’ such that the vectors (3i -2j + k) and (2i+6j + m k) are perpendicular to each
other. m=6
4 Calculate the work done by force F = Kx2 acting on a particle at an angle of θ with X-axis to
displace it from x1 to x2 along X axis. K = 9 N/m2, θ = 60, x1 = 2m and x2 = 3m?
W = 28.5J
5 An elevator of total mass 1800kg is moving up with constant speed of 2m/s. a frictional force of
4000N opposes its motion. Determine the minimum power delivered by the motor to the
elevator. Calculate the electrical power consumed by the motor from the mains assuming 80%
efficiency. (44kW, 55kW)
6 The position(x) of a particle of mass 2kg changes as a function of time as x = t3/3. Calculate the
work done by the force in first 3 seconds. (81J)
7 A particle is displaced from A (2, 3, 2) to B (4, 3, 5) by a force of 100N acting along X axis. Calculate
the work done. W = 200J
8 A block of mass M at rest is struck by a body of mass m. show that the fraction of kinetic energy of
mass m transferred to M is 4mM/(m + M)2
9 A ball falls under gravity from a height of 10m with an initial downward velocity u. It collides with
the ground, losses 50% of its KE in collision and rebounds back to the same height. Calculate the
initial velocity u ( u = 14 m/s)
10 A particle of mass 4m which is at rest explodes in to three fragments. Two of the fragments each
of mass m are found to move with speed v in mutually perpendicular directions, what is the total
energy released in the process? (3mv2/2)
11 A bob of mass m is suspended by a light string of length L. It is imparted a horizontal velocity vo at
the lowest point A such that it completes a semi-circular trajectory in the vertical plane with the
string becoming slack only on reaching the topmost point, C. . Obtain an expression for (i) vo; (ii)
the speeds at points B and C; (iii) the ratio of the kinetic energies (KB/KC) at B and C. Comment on
the nature of the trajectory of the bob after it reaches the point C.

12 A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 30 m3 in 15
min. If the tank is 40 m above the ground, and the efficiency of the pump is 30%, how much
electric power is consumed by the pump? (43.6kW)
13 A body of mass 0.5 kg travels in a straight line with velocity v =5 x3/2 where. What is the work done
by the net force during its displacement from x = 0 to x = 2m? (50J)
14 A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration. Show
that the power delivered to it at time t is directly proportional to time.
14 An object is moving under the effect of a source of constant power. How the displacement related
to time? (𝑥 ∝ 𝑡 3/2 )
15 A body of mass 2 kg initially at rest moves under the action of an applied horizontal force of 7 N
on a table with coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.1. Compute the (a) work done by
the applied force in 10 s, (b) work done by friction in 10 s,
(c) work done by the net force on the body in 10 s, (d) change in
kinetic energy of the body in 10 s.(g =9.8m/s2) [882J,-247J,635J,635J]
16 The sign of work done by a force on a body is important to understand. State carefully if the
following quantities are positive or negative:
a. work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of a rope tied to the bucket.
b. work done by gravitational force in the above case
c. work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane,
d. work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with
uniform velocity,
e. work done by the resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum in bringing it to rest.
(positive, negative, negative, positive, negative)
17 The bob of a pendulum is released from a horizontal position. If the length of the pendulum is 1.5
m, what is the speed with which the bob arrives at the lowermost point, given that it dissipated
5% of its initial energy against air resistance? 5.3m/s

18 A bullet of mass 0.012 kg and horizontal speed 70 m/s strikes a block of wood of mass 0.4 kg and
instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block is suspended from the ceiling by
means of thin wires. Calculate the height to which the block rises. Also, estimate the amount of
heat produced in the block. [21.2cm, 28.5J
19 Two inclined frictionless tracks, one gradual and the other steep meet at A from where two
stones are allowed to slide down from rest, one on each track.

Will the stones reach the bottom at the same time? Will they reach there with the same speed?
Explain. Given θ1 = 300, θ2 = 600, and h = 10 m, what are the speeds and times taken by the two

No, yes, 14.1m/s

20 The blades of a windmill sweep out a circle of area A. (a) If the wind flows at a velocity v
perpendicular to the circle, what is the mass of the air passing through it in time t? (b)
What is the kinetic energy of the air? (c) Assume that the windmill converts 25% of the wind
energy into electrical energy, and that A = 30 m2, v = 36km/h and the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3.
What is the electrical power produced?
[ m = 𝜌𝐴𝑣𝑡 , KE = 𝜌𝐴 𝑣 3 𝑡, 4.5kW]
21 The potential energy of a spring is 5J when stretched by 10cm. Calculate the additional work done
to stretch by 10cm more. 15J
22 A block of mass 20g moves along a frictionless surface with a speed of 5 m/s and collide with a
spring of spring constant 20N/m. calculate the maximum compression of the spring.
23 A jet engine provides a forward force of 200KN on an aircraft. Calculate the power of the engine, if
it is moving with a speed of 720km/h 4 x 107W
24 Show that two equal masses undergoing perfect elastic collision in 2D with one of them initially at
rest move right angles to each other after collision.
25 A particle moves along X axis from x = 0 to x = 5m under the influence of the force
F = 7 – 2𝑥 +3𝑥 2 . Calculate the work done in doing so. W = 135J
26 A block of mass 2kg is lying on the frictionless table. A force of 8N acts for 10seconds. Calculate
the kinetic energy at the end of 10th second. KE = 1600J
27 A neutron of mass 1.67 x 10 kg moving at a speed of 108 m/s collides with a deuteron at rest

and sticks to it. Calculate the speed of the combination, if the mass of the deuteron = 3.34 x 10 -
kg. 3.3 x 106 m/s.
28 A truck and a car moving with same kinetic energy are brought by applying brakes which provide
equal retarding forces. Which of them come to rest travelling shorter distance? Justify your
answer. ( both cover equal distance before coming to rest)
29 An ideal spring of spring constant k is hung from a ceiling and a block of mass M is attached to its
lower end. When the mass is released, calculate the maximum extension of the spring.
x = 2Mg/k
30 A spring gun of spring constant 90N/cm is compressed 12cm by a ball of mass 16g. Calculate the
speed of the ball on releasing the trigger. 90m/s.
31 A particle of mass m moving with a velocity strikes a stationary particle of mass 2mand sticks to it.
Calculate the speed of the combined system. v/3
32 Two springs A and B of spring constants KA and KB (KA < KB ) are given. In which spring more work is
to be done if they are stretched by same(a) force (b) displacement.


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