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At age 5 his Father died.

At age 16 he quit school.

At age 17 he had already lost four jobs.
Between ages 18 and 22, he was a railroad conductor and failed.
He joined the army and washed out there.
He applied for law school he was rejected.
He became an insurance sales man and failed again.
When he was 65 years old, he found himself bankrupt after his
restaurant business had failed.

He drove around in his car, pleading with diner and restaurant

owners to use his fried chicken recipe.

He was turned down 1,009 times before a restaurant agreed to use

his recipe, which he called Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Today, Colonel Sanders is an iconic figure representing one of the

tastiest fried chickens in the world.

A very Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear

friends today I am standing infront of you to speak a few words on
the topic

‘Failure is a blessing in disguise ‘

Let me start my talk with the quotation of Swami Vivekananda “

All power is within you, You can do anything and everything ,
believe in that “
We all hate failure , we all are afraid of failure . We all don’t want
to get even one failure in our life . Those who succeed ,don’t stop
at one failure,they don’t stop at ten failures,they don’t stop at one
hundred ,one thousand or a million.They say “ This is my goal and
I do whatever it takes to achieve it, I will work smarter and I will
not quit until my dream is a reality “ That’s the difference between
success and failure . Failure makes winners stronger .

..Its ok to fail, I am not telling you to deliberately fail ,but in your

process of success you come across failures and you learn from it .
Success is inspirational but only failure is educational .

Paulo Coelo once said “ The one who falls and get hurt is stronger
than the one who never tried ‘

We all fail at some point of our life. We will loose , We will get
embarrassed, we will get stuck on something , we will disappoint ,
we will feel miserable , but its ok . Infact fail big, fail often, fail
forward . I know it may sound stupid but that is what all the other
successful people said

“ The gratest success come from having the freedom to fail”

Who doesn’t know about Michael Jordan, the great basket ball
player. He would not have become Michael Jordan if he was not
getting cut from his scholl ninth grade basketball team.

The other example is of oprah winfrey . She was rejected and fired
many times in her career . She was not considred to be a suitable
face for television .
Lets take another example of walt Disney , who is now a big fame
because of his imagination . You know what? He was also fired
from a local news paper for not having enough imagination.

Greats like Einstein, Greats like Edison , Bill gates , Zuker burg, if
thses people stopped at failure , the world would not be filled with
their greatness as it is today .

Failure builds our character and moulds us into resilient beings.

It tests our persistence and measures our progress in work. This
statement can be illustrated through a natural phenomenon – the
formation diamonds. The hardest material on Earth is formed
under a mountain of pressure. The same principle goes with us,
Homo sapiens as well.

American Idol winner once enlightened the world with her wise
words, “what does not kill you make you stronger”. Indeed, the
truth in her words can be demonstrated through Thomas Edison,
who flopped again and again before finding the right filament for
his bulb. Through the steady accretion of persistence and
knowledge gained through his failures, he finally succeeded in
inventing a revolutionary product – the light bulb.

Failure is a character building process that will equip us with

perseverance, hard work and a stronger will to succeed in life.

So Don’t let failure stop you , let it grow you,let it develop you,

Failure is not the end , it’s just the start -----the start of your
comeback story.The only way you can fail if you quit, Never quit.
Keep pushing…………….u will get there at the end
I wish to conclude my speech by quoting Sumner Redstone

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