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Aris D. Nabasca 1 NATSCI 101.

1 (LEC): Physical Science

NatSci 101.1: Physical Science

Pertains to the study of the natural phenomena associated with non-living things An encompassing term for the branches of natural science, and science (generally) that study non-living systems, in contrast to bi9ological sciences.

Branches of Physical Science Physics the quantitative science dealing with matter and energy. Astronomy the study of the universe beyond the atmosphere of the Earth Chemistry the science dealing with the composition of the substances and their interactions with energy and each other Earth Science, including: o Geography the broad study of physical, ecological and political variations across the earths surface o Geology the study of the planetary structure of earth and the physical processes which shape it o Hydrology the study of the movement and distribution of water across the Earths surface o Meteorology the study of the weather patterns and their atmospheric phenomena Notable Scientists Aristotle the last of the three influential ancient Greek philosophers, although not considered to be a scientist by todays standards, nevertheless, he laid the foundations for todays scientific method by espousing the view that knowledge should be based on empirical observations instead of intuition or faith. Archimedes is considered to be the first mathematical physicist on record, and the best prior to Galileo and Newton. He established the laws of statistics, buoyancy, and the center of the gravity. Robert Boyle Irish natural philosopher, is regarded as the father of modern chemistry due to the distinction between chemistry and alchemy. His namesake is Boyles Law of an ideal gas, which he discovered, but his contributions to physical science include the definition of the chemical element, the propagation of the sound, among others. Nicolaus Copernicus Polish mathematician and economist, considered by many to be the father of the modern astronomy due to his detailed explanation of the heliocentric (Sun-centered) solar system. Marie Curie Polish-born French chemist, was the first female Nobel laureate, the first two-time Nobel laureate, and one of only two individuals to receive the Nobel Prize in two different fields. She and her husband, Pierre Curie discovered the elements Polonium and Radium.

Aris D. Nabasca 2 NATSCI 101.1 (LEC): Physical Science Albert Einstein theoretical physicist, is widely regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He proposed the theory of relativity and was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for physics, among other accomplishments. Galileo Galilei an astronomer and physicist, considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all times. His contributions to science include the Euler-Bournoulli beam equation and Euler equations. Francis Bacon an Elizabethan philosopher is credited with the philosophical advocation for the Baconian method, the early forerunner of the scientific method. Isaac Newton scientist and mathematician, is most renowned for his description of the laws of motion and law of universal gravitation.

The Scientific Method what makes the science a successful body of knowledge which includes the precise and orderly process by which information is obtained logical and orderly procedure of investigation; essential element of science reasoning process which is used in the search of relationships among things, and the processes The basic steps in the scientific method are: 1. observation 2. problem 3. hypothesis 4. experiment 5. conclusion Theory vs. Law

Theory broader, more detailed, and can give quantitatively testable

predictions, often with great precision. (e.g. Atomic theory as the wave theory of light) Law a title given to certain concise but general statement about how nature behaves (that energy is conserved, for example). Sometimes the statement takes the form of a relationship or equation between quantities (e.g. Newtons second Law, F = ma). To be called a law, statement must be found experimentally valid over a wide range of observed phenomena. In a sense, the law brings unity to many observations. Foe less general statements, the term principle is often used (such as Archimedes Principle). Where to draw the line between laws are principles is, of course, illogical, and there is not always a complete consistency.

Work, Power, Energy Energy and matter are inseparable. It is difficult to describe one without the other.

Aris D. Nabasca 3 NATSCI 101.1 (LEC): Physical Science

A. Work We do work when lifting a load against the earths gravity. The heavier the load or higher we lift it, the more work we do. Two things enter into every case where work is done: 1. the application of force Note: Force = mass x acceleration due to gravity F = mx g Unit: or Newton (N) 2. the movement of something because of the applied force or the distance covered through which the object is moved In Physics, work is defined as, the product of the force applied and the distance through which object is moved. Work = force x distance (W = Fd) Two categories of Work work done against another force when the archer stretches her bowstring she is doing work against the elastic forces of the bow Similarly, when you do push-ups, you do work against your weight. You do work on something when you force it to move against the influence of an opposing force often friction. work done to change the speed of an object the kind of work done in bringing an automobile up to speed or in slowing it down unit of measurement for work combines a unit of force, N, with a unit of distance, m. The resulting unit of work is the Newton-meter (M.m), also called the joule in honor of James Joule. One joule (J) of work is done when a foce of 1 N is exerted overa distance of 1m, as in lifting apple over your head.

Sample Problem: How much work do you do when you lift a 10kg suitcase one meter off the ground? Solution: We must first calculate the force that you will exert in lifting a suitcase with a mass of 10 kg. From Newtons second law, we know that to lift a 10 kg mass against the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2) requires a force given by:

Aris D. Nabasca 4 NATSCI 101.1 (LEC): Physical Science

F = mg = (10 kg) (9.8 m/s2) = 98 N Then, from the equation for work, W = Fd = (98 N)(1m) = 98 J B. Poower The definition of work says nothing about how long it takes to do the work. When carrying a load up some stairs, you do the same amount of work whether you walk or run the stairs. So why are more tired after running upstairs in few seconds than walking upstairs in few minutes? To understand the difference, we need to talk about how fast the work is done, power. Power is a rate at which work is done. It equals the amount of work done divided by the time interval during which the work is done. Power = work done= Time interval P=W t

The unit of power is Joule per second, also known as the watt, in honor of James Watt, 18th century developer of the steam engine. One watt (W) of power is expended when one Joule of work is done in one second. 0ne kilowatt (kW) equals 1000 watts. We customarily rate engines in units of horse power and electricity in kilowatts, but either may be used. C. Energy When work is done by an archer in drawing a bowstring, the bent bow acquires the ability to do work on the arrow. When work is done to raise the heavy ram of a pile driver, the ram acquires the ability to do work on the object it hits when it falls. In each case, something has been acquired that enables the object to do work. This has something that enables an object to do work is energy. Like work, energy is measured in Joules. It appears n many forms. The two most common forms of Mechanical Energy are the energy due to the position of something, or the movement of something. Mechanical energy can be in the form of either potential energy or kinetic energy. Potential energy the energy that is stored and held in readiness because in the stored state it has the potential for doing work Example: a compressed or stretched spring, chemical energy in fuels Kinetic energy energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and as well as its speed.

Aris D. Nabasca 5 NATSCI 101.1 (LEC): Physical Science Example: thrown ball which can hit an object, push it, doing work on what it hits.


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