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Term 1

Unit 1: The Ties That Bind
1. considerate (adj): thoughtful
2. obstinate (adj): stubborn
3. unprejudiced (adj): fair, just, neutral, tolerant
4. irreverent (adj): disrespectful
5. down to earth (adj): practical, realistic
6. sharp (adj): quick-witted
7. faithful (adj): loyal
8. shortcomings (n): defects, faults or weaknesses
9. shift (v): to change the place, position, state or direction
10. evolve (v): to change or develop gradually
11. sustain (v): to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of
12. unbreakable (adj): not able to be broken
13. devoted (adj): extremely caring, loving and loyal
14. back (v): to give support or help to a person, plan, or idea (+ up)
15. unconditionally (adv): with no limits
16. appreciate (v):
 to show gratitude and thankfulness
 to fully understand a situation
17. bond (n)/(v):
 a connection that fastens things together
 to connect things together
18. resentment (n): bitterness and anger that someone feels about something
19. envious (adj): jealous (+ of)

1. conjure up memories: bring back images
2. diminutive stature: lack of height, short
3. dizzy heights: a very high level of something, top position
4. iron will: strength and determination
5. unassuming manner: modest presence
6. nod in approval: show acceptance
7. suffer hardships: experience difficulties
8. home-baked treats: homemade goodies
Common Phrases
1. the ripe old age: a very old age
2. not bat an eyelid: remain calm, not show any shock
3. more than a fair share: more than sb.’s share, an unequal amount
4. put your foot down: affirm something strongly
5. see the best in: find the good thing about someone
6. put on a brave face: behave as if nothing worries you
7. get on with: carry on as normal, to continue doing something

Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions:

1. associate with: to spend time with sb. or have some connection with sb.
2. bond between: a strong feeling and experiences that unites people together.
3. portrayal of:
4. faced with: to be forced to confront or deal with something or someone.
5. envious of: feeling or showing unhappiness over someone else's good
fortune and a desire to have the same.
6. stand by: ready and waiting to provide help or to take action
7. trust with: to allow (someone) to have or use (something valuable)
8. count on: to depend on someone or expect something.
Unit 2: Learning for Life
1. looming (v.): appearing suddenly, emerging or upcoming
2. frazzled (adj.): exhausted, dried out or burnt
3. swimming in sth (v.): overwhelmed by, having too much of something
4. flit between (v.): to move
5. minefield (n.): a situation full of problems.
6. regurgitate (v.): to repeat after memorization without analyzing
7. be plastered in/with sth (expr.): be covered with something
8. hammer into (phr. v.): to keep repeating sth. so it will have an effect on sb.
9. manic (adj.): very anxious and busy
10. under the sun (expr.): all of something
11. exorbitant (adj.): much more than is reasonable
12. ever-reliable (adj.): trustworthy and dependable
13. substantially (adv.): by a large amount or degree
14. actively (adv.): energetically
15. invaluable (adj.): extremely useful
16. thoroughly (adv.): very carefully, completely, well

Phrasal Verbs
1. be faced with sth: have a difficult situation to deal with.
2. top sth up:
 increase the amount of sth so that it reaches the level that is wanted.
 completely fill a container.
3. notch sth up: achieve or win sth.
4. come by sth: manage to get sth rare or difficult.
5. lead up to sth: happening before something.
6. set sth out/ set out sth: arrange something in a clear way.
7. kick in: start to have an effect or work.
8. brush up on sth: practise and improve your skills or your knowledge.
9. cook up sth/ cook sth up: invent an excuse.
10. lap up sth/ lap sth up: enjoy sth very much.
11. lighten up: become less serious or upset.
12. pile up: increase in number or amount, collect or gather something.
13. summon up sth: try to have enough of something.
Phrases and Collocations
1. Make a slightly impulsive decision: to do things suddenly without thinking
about them carefully first.
2. Breeze through: to do sth very easily and confidently.
3. Step outside of your comfort zone: to take steps toward the fear you are
trying to overcome and away from a situation that you feel relaxed in.
4. Muster the energy: to try to produce as much energy as you can.
5. Leap into the unknown: to do sth without having any previous experience in
that activity or knowledge of it.
6. Get cold feet: to feel too frightened to do sth that you had planned to do.
7. Take a proactive approach: to avoid a problem before it actually happens.
8. Venture further afield: to go to places or areas rather than the nearest or
most obvious ones.
9. Teetering on the edge: to be very close to being in an unpleasant or
dangerous situation.
10. Have reservations: a doubt or reason for not accepting or agreeing with
something completely.
11. Give sth serious thought: to think carefully or a lot about things.
12. Stand out from the crowd: to be clearly better than or noticeably different
from ordinary people or things.
13. Break the monotony: to change the dull routine of everyday life.
14. Dismiss an idea: to decide that it is not important enough for you to think
15. Meet the deadlines: to finish sth at the time it is meant to be finished.

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