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1. Why EngageRocket and what appeals to you about this role?

I have heard good things about EngageRocket and aside from that, I am a

type of person that is hungry for growth, I believe I can have that growth

in EngageRocket. I am always up for the challenge and always does my best

to contribute to the company I work for.I know there’s a lot to learn,

a bigger room for improvement and a lot more time to grow. If given the

chance, I would love to do all that with you, EngageRocket.

1. How do you think your passion or strength can contribute

2. to the team at EngageRocket?

I am a volleyball player, and sportsman. Given that I am a volleyball player,

I can say I am a teamplayer and will use that discipline I got to engagerocket.

I am a goaldigger, and that trait alone will be my weapon to brave through

Whatever challenges may come. This job requires more than just dedication.

All throughout the course of growing, I learned that you need to have

The passion to provide more for the table, think outside the box and

Be an innovative person. And this, I think an EngageRocket employee should

Have, and I believe, I am him.

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