Lynn1970尾桨设计 结构

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Tail Rotor Design

Part II: Structural Dynamics

R. W. Balke
Assistant Dynamics Group Engineer
R. L. Bennett
PhD, Aeromechanics Engineer
T. M. Gaffey
Group Engineer VTOL Dynamics
R. R. Lynn
Chief of Research and Development
Bell Helicopter Company
Fort Worth, Texas

p = air density
In this Part I1 of Tail Rotor Design, the structural dynamics aR = rotor tip speed
of stiff inplane tail rotor configurations are considered. First, the
placement of blade natural frequencies, the method of calcula-
a,, = main rotor rpm

tion and the interaction between the natural frequencies and the a,, = tail rotor rpm
forcing functions are discussed in detail. Specific design guide- = fixed system excitation frequency
lines are presented for two, three, and four blade rotors. = natural frequency in the rotating system
Second, the theoretical structural loading of a tail rotor is = fundamental drive system natural frequency
treated and comparisons of theory and test results are given.
Finally, several aeroelastic phenomena associated with tail woo = static feathering natural frequency
rotors are discussed, including "tail wagging," flutter and di-
vergence, and blade motion stability. Throughout the text, spe-
cific problems which have been encountered are noted. NATURAL FREQUENCIES

FORMANY YEARS, it was considered acceptable tail

NOTATION rotor design practice merely to avoid the coincidence
(see Part I for notations not given here) of blade natural frequencies with rotor excitation fre-
quencies within the flight operating regimes. Because of
b, tip-path-plane lateral flapping
= the inadequacies of this approach in explaining the
CF centrifugal force
= overall behavior of a tail rotor, it was necessary to en-
Ip flapping inertia
= gage in lengthy and expensive test programs to insure
mac mean aerodynamic chord
= the integrity of the hardware. Recent studies have
n an integer
= shown that in addition to the aerodynamic excitahion
R rotor radius
= frequencies the effects of the main rotor, tail rotor
V helicopter forward speed
= mounting, and transient loading must be considered
B flapping angle
= in defining the proper frequency placement. Also these
AL perturbation lift
= items must he considered when interpreting test data.
@ perturbation flapping angle
= With these items considered in the initial design stage
A@ perturbation pitch change
= future development should be less costly and time con-
a3 = pitch-flap coupling angle, positive if pitch is suming.
decreased when the blade flaps up I n the ensuing discussions, the term harmonic is used
p = advance ratio, V/aR to denote frequencies which are integer multiples of
the tail rotor rotational speed. The term nonharmonic
Presented a t the 25th Annual National Forum of the American relates to the noninteger frequencies.
Helicopter Society, May 1%9.


I Uppel Frequency Limit Figure 1shows that tail rotor inplane 2-per-rev loading
Based on a review of flight data taken during tlic exists cvcn for a well balanced rotor.
development of the UH-1 and other Bell Helicopter Fixed-Rotating System Transfer. Inplane accelera-
Co. helicopters, it has been found that oscillatory struc- tions in tlie rotating system with a frequency ratio
I tural loading of the tail rotor is not significant a t fre- o,./ntr, can transfer into the nonrotating system a t a
per-rev frequency of W , f 1. Similarly, mo-
quencies greater than 150 Hz. This corresponds to 5
per rev for the UH-1 tail rotor. Since the upper fre- tions in tlie fixed system transfer into the inplane ro-
quency limit will vary depending on tail rotor diameter tating system a t a per-rev frcquency ratio of (o,/Ot,)
and number of blades, it is suggested and bclieved to be =k 1. Accelerations a t these frequencics are related t o
conservative that the per rev limit of 5 be used in future the cyclic modes. Symmetrical out-of-plane accelera-
tail mtor blade design. Bell studies indicate that i t is tions in the rotating system transfer directly to the
generally adequate to considcr only the first four lower fixed system and vice versa without change in fre-
modes of the tail rotor. This is somewhat less than the quency. These are related to the collective modes.
5 per rev or the 150 cps limit. B y considering these freqnency transfers, a simple
Figure 1 illustrates the above. Presented are typical out-of-balance can procluce 0, 2, 4, 6 . . . per-rev cyclic
tail rotor blade bending moment amplitude spectra excitations in the rotating system. Due t o system damp-
11lots through 200 1-12 using a system with unattenuated ing, the energy of the higher modes is usually nil unless
response througli 400 Hz. Principal excitation and tlie frequency transfer is reinforced by system reso-
natural frequencies are noted. Above 100 Hz, for this nances. Thus it is clear, homever, that the louver even-
case, the higher frequency modes are suppressed by harmonic transfer frequency can be amplified by the
structural and air damping. cyclic mode tail-rotor natural frequencies which are lo-
cated to avoid the odcl pcr-rev forcing functions of tlie
Aequency Placelnent two-bladccl rotor. This phcnomcnon should bc con-
sidered in design and during test.
General Considerations. There are five gencral con- Fized System Excitation. Bell studies show sig-
straints on tail rotor frequency placement. These in- nificant contributions of steady state and transient
volve consideration of: (1) resonant amplification; (2) fixccl system excitation t o tail rotor loading. Fuselage
mounting isotropy; (3) fixed-rotating system transfer; and fin accelcrations are particularly important when
(4) fixed system excitation; and (5) main rotor aerody- their effectsare amplified by the hladc response.
namic excitations. Steady amplitude fuselage response is forced a t fre-
Resonant Amplification. W~tliin the upper fre- quencies equal to the main rotor speed (n,,) and mnl-
quency limit, tail rotor forcing functions and natural tiples of the blade passngc frequency (nbn,,,,, where n is
frequencies must not be coincident for any possiblc an integer and b is the number of main rotor blades).
steady-state operating conditions. This includes not Unless tlie fuselage responsc to a given main rotor fre-
only the normal flight operating regimes and extremi- quency a t the tail rotor location is qnite small, accelera-
ties of rotor spced and pitch, but also such conditions as tions a t that frequency will be transferred into the tail
ground idle. rotor system. Stl~~cturally borne main rotor excitations
For a seesaw two-bladed rotor system with high out- transfer directly, om,and nbn,,,,, for the symmetrical
of-plane rigidity, the first collective mode can easily out-of-plane situation and a t in,,, f n,,l and
fall coincident with 2-per-rev tail rotor excitations InbCl,3,, zk R,,I for thc cyclic inplane case.
within the ground idle range. Under certain wind and Transient fuselage response that is caused by gusts
pitch conditions, this can result in damaging structural or rapid manenvers occurs a t all the lourer values of
loads which significantly reduce the rotors' fatigue life. of,, the natural modes of vibration of the fuselage.
Mounting Isotropy. During the development of the Consequently, the tail rotor is subjected to transient
UH-1, it was discovered that out-of-balance or -track, accclcrations a t those frequencies. These fixed system
static phenomena in the rotating system produced large excitations are reflected into the tail rotor rotating
2-per-rev loading of the blade. This was found t o be system, as described before, to produce transient in-
rclated to anisotropy or the nonsymmetrical deflection plane blade structural loading with frequencies of
cliaracteristics of the tail rotor mounting which is a Jot, +. nt,J,and transient out-of-plane loacls a t fre-
function of rotor speed. The unbalance produced a quencies of w,,,
steady forcc in the rotating system which resnltcd in The forced and free fuselage vibrations give rise t o
1-per-rev fixed system motion. The elliptical hub mo- tail rotor hub response which is generally a spatial
tions a t 1-per-rev produced 2-per-rev accelerations in motion resolvable into vertical and horizontal com-
the rotating system. As the blade natural frcquency was ponents. Therefore, thcse motions may affcct both the
close t o 2-per-rev, high structural loads resulted from inplanc and out-of-plane bladc loading. Generally,
the nonisotropy in combination with the m~balance. the situation is aggravated because for a11 of the lower

8 ) OUT OF PLANE AT 0 . 2 2 R ; 1 0 8 KNOTS LEVEL FLIGllT a,,. = 2 7 . 5 11%

240 j n=3

b) OUT O F PLANE AT 0 . 2 2 R ; LEFT TURN ENTERED FROM 1 0 8 KNOTS: a,, = 2 7 . 1 HZ


0 0

C ) IN PLANE AT 0 . 0 5 ~ ; 108 KNOTS LEVEL FLIGHT; n, = 27.5 HZ

400 n=1

240 !
1 n=3
160 ,I 1=1 v
1 T&7 n=1 n-2
-& 0 20 40 60 80 100
120 140 160 180 200

8 d) IN PLANE AT 0 . 0 5 ~ : LEFT TURN ENTERED FROM 1 0 8 KNOTS; ntr = 27.1 HZ
n 240 i .=I
v n.2


n= 2 v

0 20 40 80 60100 120 140 160 180 200

1. Tail-rotor blndc bending moment n~nplitudespectra l>lots for UH-1E helicaptcr.
fuselage niorles, the tail rotor is locatetl a t or near an as spikes in tllc blade out-of-plane tracc n~bichsome-
antinode. Thus, significant transient tail rotor hub times occur n'hen the blades are in closest proximity.
accclerations occur for essentially all fuselage natural The loading varies from flight t o flight and even during
frequencies and significaut steady amplitude responses the same flight, so a definite cause-effect relationship
occur for most main rotor excitations in the low- has been elusive. The loading is important, howcver,
frequency range. Since good design practice requires and mnst be includcd in the aircraft's fatigue spectrum.
placement of the fuselage natural frequencies so as to Tlie phenomenon is presented here as a matter of record
avoid coinciclencc with the primary liiain rotor forcing and to alerl tcst and stluctures personncl to its ex-
frequencies, tlie transient respouse occurs a t frequencics istence.
between tlie n.,, and ?~bn,~,, excitations. F~eqz~encu Placenaent Design Guides. Followillg are
With numerous natural frcquencics in close prox- the frcquency placement guides developed for tlie gen-
imity to the tail rotor rotational s1,eeds and higher - -
eral case of tail rotor design.
harmonics, the possibility of "beating" phenomena
(A) For conventional semi-rigid tail rotor design
should be considered. For instance, drivc systcm, fusc-
and construction methods, all vibration modes occur-
lage and rotor flapping frequencies can interact to pro-
ring bclow 150 Hz should be considered.
duce non-harmonic beating. I11 some cases, beating
(B) IIrit1iin this frequency limit, tail rotor natural
modcs can couple strongly, producing subharmonic
frequcncies should not be coincident with nor in close
aeroelastic problems such as "tail wagging" discussed
proximity to exciting force frequcncies for any steady
latcr. Otlier beating phenomena occur and dissipate a t
state operating conditions including ground idle specd.
random, suggestive of gust distnrbances. This has little
(C) I n acldition to the tail rotor per-rev frcquencies,
implication with respect to structural dcsign other than
an attcmpt should he made to avoid natural frequencies
that its recognition is necessary for ]~ossiblelater cor-
coincident mith the excitation sources s l i o ~ nin Tablc I
rective action.
for values of n and i of 1 and 2, a t least.
Main Rotor Aerod?lnaoaic Excitations. Figurc 1
shows the existcnce of main rotor I-, 2-, 4-, and 6-per- The above general rules are illustrated for a t~vo-
rev frcquencies in tail-rotor loads during steady state bladed rotor by Fig. 2.
and maneuver flight. Also the data show the existcnce Test Dntn and Compavisons. For the tcst case
of a main rotor 3-per-rev reflected in the rotating sys- -shown by Fig. la a n d l o n,,, = 5.4 Hz, a,, = 27.5 Hz
tem. During maneuvers, the tail rotor out-of-plane and the principal main rotor induced vibrations a r t
loads occurring a t main rotor 2-per-rev and the inplane given by n = 1,2, 3, and 4. Based on these frequencies
loads associatcd with the main rotor 3-per-rev are and using Table I, steady state tail rotor inplane bend-
most significant. Analytical studies discussed later ing moments a t frequencies of 5.9, 16.7, 22.1, 32.9, 38.3,
show most of these occurrences and indicate a cause to 43.7, 49.1, 54.1, 59.9 and 70.7 Hz would he anticipated.
be the main rotor wake a t the tail rotor location. The Similarly steady state out-of-plane moments a t 5.4,
relative contrib~~tion of tlie aerodynamic and fuselage 10.8,21.6,32.4, and 43.2 Hz could be expected.
cffects is unknown. Tlie turo principal UH-1E vertical fuselage motles
F ~ g n r c10, in a later section, shows calculated tail (i = 1 and 2) are located a t 6.7 to 7.0 and 15.0 to 15.9
rotor spectra with and mithout main rotor wake in- Hz depending on gross wciglit, ballast and fuel loading.
cluded. These main rotor aerodynamic effects shonld
be ack~iowlcdged in tail rotor design by avoiding
placement of tail rotor natural frecluencies coincident
Summary of Excitation Sources
with the first scveral main rotor liarmonics (n,,,,, nbn,,,,,
Inn.,, -c a,,(, and \nhR,, & n,,l for n = 1, 2, and 3). Sarrrce anisotropy
Additional work is required to define the number of and urnbalance F~.eqoencies n l ~ d emode?
and out-of-t~.nck nbn,. innlane cvelic
harmonics that should be considered as a function of
~iumbcrof main rotor blades, tail rotor location and Fixed system excitation
the pertinent tail rotor parameters. I n Ref. 1, i t is
noted that high inplane stresses and low bladc life will Steady state
result due to aerodynamic effects if the inplane natural collective
frequency is located a t bn,?,, n,. 1, , Inplane cyclic
The UH-I series uses a noninteger gcar ratio bctween UP. Ont-of-nlnne
the main and tail rotors. With a nonintegcr ratio, the collect,ivc
relative position of the main and tail rotor blades con- Main rotor nbn,, + n,, / Inplsne cyclic
tinuously changes, placing them in close proximity neradynxmio nQntr+ S2w 1
about I/second. During many of the tests with this escitation nbn ....n... Out-of-nlnne
machine unusual tail rotor loading lias been observed


mode varying from 88.3 to 96.6 over the normal col-

lective pitch and rotor speed rangc, and the first out-
of-plane collective mode which varies from 35.0 t o
36.7 Hz. The conclusion is simply that these non-
harmonic frequencies must not be coincidcnt with the
natural frequencies of the blade.
A detailed examination of the harmonic and non-
harmonic conteut of out-of-plane bendiug moment
traces for a typical rotor as a function of flight speed
is given by Fig. 3. The nonharmonic frequencies match
those listcrl above within the accuracy of the equipment
used to screen the data. Significantly, the magnitude of
the nonharmonic moments is generally the same order
as those of the harmonic moments.
Significance. The implications of the many aero-
dynamic and dynamic excitation sources are far
reaching. Wind tunnel tests of isolated tail rotors
cannot be cspcctcd to produce structural loading data
representative of actual flight conditions; the need to
introduce significaut structural damping in the rotor
blade design is readily apparent; flight-test tail rotor data will vary, dependent on main-rotor
balance and track and the particular response char-
nctcristics; for n~eaningfultail-rotor structural anal-

' 300
8 200


2. Excitnbion sources of a typical tmo-blncled stiff

inldnue rotor.

Based on Table I, for the left turn shown in Figs. I b

and id, with n,,,. = 5.3 Hz and at,= 27.1 Hz, transient
inplane hcnding moments a t frequencies of 12.5, 20.4,
33.8, and 42.5 would be anticipated duriug the maneu-
ver and intermittently during level flight in response to
gusts. Similarly, transient out-of-plane response could
be expcoted a t 6.7 and 15.0 Hz.
A review of Fig. 1 shows that a number of these do
in fact occur and are quite significantparticularly a t
44 Hz where the tail rotor first illplane cyclic natural
frequency is near 3n,, + n, a t 43.7 Hz. Other fre- AIRSPEED - KN
quencics of interest include the first drive system tor-
sional mode, o,,a t 3.3 Ha, the first out-of-planc cyclic 3.
FIG~IRE Typical harmonic and nonhnrmanic bending moments
1.8 airspeed for UII-1E.

yses, fuselage response characteristics must be in-

cluded. Finally, an attempt sl~ouldhe made in de-
fining the configuratio~lto increase the isotropy of the
tail rotor mounting. If this cannot be donc, some form
of tail rotor isolation may be desirable to attenuate
fixed system responses and increase the isotropy.
Specific Requirements, Two-Bladed Rotor. For a
two-bladed tail rotor, as indicated in Fig. 4, I-, 3-,
and 5-per-rev tail-rotor frequencies must be avoided
by thc cyclic modes and 2-, 4-, and 6-per-rev hy the
collective modes. AtIargins of 0.10-per-rev are ncccssary
dcpending on the modes. Usually greatcr nlargins are
required for tbe lower I~armonics.The shaded regions
in Pig. 4 show margins of 0.25-per-rev. An attempt
sllonld be made to avoid natural frequencies coinci-

0 25 50 75 100

FIUUHI.;5. St~.onpbcam-chord coupling with blade pitch due to

close proximity of out-of-plnnc a ~ l dill plan^ mnd~s.

dcnt \\,it11 the other significant excitations discussetl

I n the exanlple of Fig. 4, two near resouant con-
clitions are shown: the first inplane cyclic mode with
2-per-rev in the overspeed range (A), and the first
out-of-plane collcctivc mode with 2-per-rev a t ground
idlc (B). As shown on the figurc, these conditions
sl~oulclnot be a problcm; llowever, they do require
attention during developmental testing.
A further constraint that exists for tlle two-bladed
rotor is that tllc first inplane symmetrical mode and
out-of-],lane S-ing mode must be separated from one
another so that in- and out-of-plane coupling is re-
duced and the variation in natural frequency with
collective. pitch is minimized. The consequences of
placing these modes close togcthcr are shown by
Fig. 5. For the case shown, the natural frequency of
both modes vary ovcr 12 Hz (12 to 19%) as the
collective pitch is changed from 0 to 15'. This broad
spread in frequency wit11 normal collective pitch values
makcs it very difficult to avoid resonances and other
source excitations cven with small rotor speed varia-
This situation can be avoided simply in theory.
I n practice it is difficult because, for a practical sys-
tem, the simultaneous avoidance of all of the cyclic
excitation sources is more of an art- than a science.
The preferred approach, wliich is different to that
discussed above, involves placing the S-ing mode below
3-per-rev and the inplane mode well above 3-per-rev.
This is desirahle as it tends to decouple the frequencies
with bladc pitch, thus reducing the frequency variatio~l
F~oune4. Typical frequency plots for an inplane stiff Lwo- and permitting better placement. The inplane, out-of-
bladed tail rotor.

earlier. Figure Ga illustrates the cyclic frequency plots

for a three-bladed rotor. Since less coupling exists,
location of both the first bcam and chord cyclic modes
betwecn 2- and 4-per-rev is preferred although the
boundary conditions make this less tractable. Place-
ment of the collective modes, Fig. Gb, is not a difficult
task whcn only the tail rotor aerodynamic excitations
are considered. Higllcr blade natural frequencies are
dictated, however, by the other excitation sources.
Pour-Bladed Rotov. For a four-bladed gimballed
rotor, the placement of the cyclic modes is also t h ~
most difficult. With this configuration, the rigid or
"scissoring" modes mnnst also be treated. Figure 7 shows
a typical frequency plot for a stiff inplane four-blader1
rotor. Typical fixed system and aerodynamic source
excitations are shown to illustrate the proble~n of
frequency placement.
Significant 2-pcr-rev inplane forces occur in multi-
bladed rotors that are not gimbal mounted. These are
0 25 50 75 100 the Coriolis forces due to 1-per-rev flapping. For stiff
inplane designs, the resulting 2-per-rev loads will be
high and modes subject to this excitation must bc
kept well clear of 2-per-rev. I n a three-bladed rotor
this is the first inplane cyclic mode; for a four-bladed
rotor, it is the inplane scissoring mode. I n four-blade.1
rotors, relief from the Coriolis loading may be gained
by allowing diffcrential action between the two pairs of
blades. Fignre 7c shows these rigid modes for the case
wherc 2-per-rev resonance occurs a t operating rpln
(A). With proper design this situation can be avoidcrl
Frequency Detevmination
A discrete element analysis for a rotating beam such
as Myklcstad's2 or i h a t of Ref. 3 gives satisfactory re-
sults for purposes of frequency determination pro-
viding a sufficient number of blade segments is used,
inplane-out-of-plane coupling is included and the
proper elemental stiffness parameters are used. Tor-
sional coupling for the rigid inplane design has been
found to be of small consequence.
I n using such analytical techniques, care must be
PIOURE 6. Typical frequency plots for an i11plnnc stiff three- taken to obtain the proper effective stiffness across the
bladcd tail rotor. grip-yoke bearing region. I n x series of similar de-
signs, where empirical data are available t o definc
plane coupling also causes the S-ing modc frequency radial hearing stiffness, good correlation between cal-
to decrease with pitch, thus moving the system away culated and measured frequencies has been achieved
from resonance a t high pitch. Another approach t o for the first two collective and cyclic modes.
separate the first S-ing and inplane symmetric modes With each change in hearing design or arrangement,
involves placing the S-ing mode well above 3-per-rev new elnpirical factors must be determined to obtain
and the inplane mode below 3-per-rev. This has been correct frequencies from the analysis. The empirical
done successfully using high beam stiffness inboard. factors must account for complexities such as bearing
Three-Bladed Rotor. For three-bladed gimballed play and centrifugal stiffening. Other empirical fac-
rotors, many of the same considerations apply. The tors may be necessary to account for hub impedance
placement of the cyclic modes is again the most dif- and isotropy. Often these effects are quitc nonlinear.
ficult since 1-, 2-, 4-, and 5-per-rev must be avoided The principal problem in calculating exact fre-
as well as the other forcing function frequencies noted quencies is the definition of the above effect- which are

F ~ a m s7. Frequency plots far an inplane stiff iour-bladed tail


oat amenable to precise analysis. For this reason, a rotor he1icol)ters. Due to the high rotatiolial speeds
very useful design technique is to incorporate pro- common to most designs, tlie number of loading cycles
visions for varying the effective stiffness across the accumulates rapidly on a tail rotor. This can lead to
huh region (e.g., bearing spacing). These same factors short service life if the system stresses are not below
often negate the value of nonrotating frequency re- the component's endurance limit. Efficient and effective
sponse tests or measured whirl stand rlata. Blade fre- design practice requires analytical techniques capable
qucncics should be dcterrnined by slolv rpm sweeps of predicting accurately the structural loading.
with the helicopter on the ground, noting bending Anall~ticalApproach and iltethods
moment response to determine the crossover points
where the blade frequency is coincident with ~.otorex- The primary objective of this alialytical effort a t
citation frequencies. Bell is to develop a time-variant aeroelastic-rotor-
response program capable of predicting the structural
STRUCTURAL LOADING loading and behavior of a tail rotor during steady-
Excessive structural loading of tlie tail rotor has state and accelerated flight conditions. Although the
been a problem during tlie developmcnt of many single program is in its early stages of development ant1

simulating the behavior of a main rotor in a wind tun-

nel. Up to eight modes were used in the analysis. The
results showed tbat such items as flapping, power, etc.,
were not appreciably affected by the number of modes
used. Structural loads were found to vary only slightly
as thc ntnnbcr of modes were increased above four. A
typical out-of-plane blade bending moment varied only
10% as the nodes were increased from 4 to 7. The in-
vestigation indicated that inclusion of the first four
modes was sufficient for representation of steady state
main rotor behavior. Based on this main rotor study

- 41 1 STEADY
and a review of the test data presented herein, it is be-
lieved that the tail rotor is adequately represented by
considering only the first four modes. This numhcr is
used in the analytical results presented herein.
Aero~lyna~~aics, The aerodynamic behavior is simu-
lated by use of classical techniques with the local
blade segment aerodynamic coefficients defined as a
function of Mach number and angle of attack, and
the inclusion of such effects as main rotor wake, rigid-
body fuselage yaw motions, fin interference, induced
flo~v, and elastic feedback velocities. Time varying
lift ancl drag forces are calculated for each of 40
blade segments (tip to tip) for the two-bladed rotors
studied. These forces are used in conjunction with
the input normal mode shape to define the time
dependent forcing functions.
The cffects of blade segment aerodynamic pitching
moments and velocities associated with elastic mo-
TRUE AIRSPEED, KN tion of the fuselage are not included in the aero-
dynamic simulation. Recent work by PaulT has indi-
F~ounc8. Comparison of calculated and test UH-1 tail rotor cated that nonlinear destabilizing aerodynamic pitch-
bending moments.
ing moments ran produce a self-excited tip path planc
oscilla.tion a t advancing tip Mach numbers greater
there are many improvclncnts yet to he made, the than 0.92 for certain blade configurations. Recent
results obtained and the ease with wl~ichthey may be modifications of the Bell program have included the
interpreted portend an extremely useful computer rou- effects of the aerodynamic pitching moment. The
tine for design and research purposes. I n the following effects of the elastic fuselage lnotions are expected to
paragral~hs,the dynamic and aerodynamic aspects of be small from the aerodynamics standpoint; however,
this simulation technique are discussed in general terms
to acquaint tlle reader with the items considcrcd and in
somc cases, to state n ~ h y certain apl)roaches were
D?~710?1aics.The analytical technique used is com- P,
A Calculated A Calculated
monly referred to as the modal approach. This method, "
4 -Measured ---Measured
which is derived in Refs. 4 and 5, involves the simnl-
tancous time variant solution of a system of equations
representing the selected normalized modes of vibra-
tion which are treated as input variables. The input
elastic modes and frequencies are obtained by the
Myklestad technique mentioned earlier.
I n a n earlier section the upper frequency limit for
conventional tail rotor design was defined to be 150
Hz for medium size helicopters. This usually requires
the first four lower modes be considered. The effect of TRUE AIRSPEED, KN
varying the number of modes was investigated by F l o u n ~9. Control loads.

,t n=3


n=3 - - - - WITHOUT
WAKF v%r
, V%, + Qtr

0 20 40 60 80 LOO 120 140

10. C~lclllatedeffect of main rotor make on tail rotor bending moment frequency spectrum.

they are expected to produce major changes in the blade In Fig. 10 the natural frequencies and some of the
loading because of dynamic considerations. forcing function frequencies are apparent. When the
The main rotor wake simulation is based on a main rotor wake effects are included, the main rotor
digital program developed a t the Cornell Aeronautical I-, 2-, and 4-per-rev components are seen. These re-
L a h ~ r a t o r yFor
. ~ this work, the CAL computer routine sult from considering only two vortices from each
was modified to produce the instantaneous in- and blade. A strong nonharmo~iicresulting from main rotor
out-of-plane velocity resulting from the main rotor 3-per-rev being reflected into the tail rotor rotating
a t each of the 40 tail rotor stations. In the calculation, system (3n.,, +
a,, 44 Hz) is also seen to result
one main rotor revolution is divided into 30" incre- from the main rotor wake. A physical explanation of
ments. At cach of the main rotor azimuth positions, the this has not evolved. As noted earlier, that frcquency
location of each tail rotor segment is computed hased appears in the flight test data.
on an assumed "starting" azimuth relationship be- Analytical Effects of St?.uctural Damping. It is
tween the main and tail rotors. Two waks vortices suggested in an earlier section that structural damping
arc taken from each main rotor blade. Knowing the can significantly affect the nonharmonic structural
position of the wake vortices and the tail rotor seg- loading of a tail rotor. This has been investigated
ments, the contribution of each vortex to the total analytically by simulating a left turn a t 108 knots and
flow a t a given tail rotor senment is calculated. observina- the freouency
. spectrum
. of the innlane bend-
Analytical and Test Results ing moment. From this study two principal frequencies
are listed in Table I1 below: the first frequency cor-
C o m ~ u t e dand measured tail rotor loading- for a
UH-1D are shown as a function of airspeed by Figs. 8
and 9. For these calculations, the tail rotor thrust was
i established by the measured tail rotor root collective TABLE I1
Effect of Structural Damping'
and zero yaw angle was assumed. The main rotor wake
l does not produce significant changes in the stlvctural Structoral
Structural loading (in.-lb)
I loading on the rotor, however, it does alter the fre- damp ill^ 1st inplane Tail rotor
quency content of that loading. (% critical) cyclic frequency 1-per-rev
The frequency content of the calculated UH-1D
tail rotor inplane bending moment during a left turn a t

108 knots is shown in Fig. 10. Theoretically, the 5.0 1390 2500
transient response must contain the forcing function a I t is seen that as Lhe damping is increased, even b y small
frequencies and the natural frequencies of the rotor. amounts, the transient structural loading is significl~ntlyreduced.

latcral bending-torsion mode. This coupling produces

a sensation in the cabin that the tail boom is "wag-
ging;" hence, the name.
A similar phenomenon which has been encountered
is related to the engine exhaust. For certain conditions,
the hot engine cxhaust impingcs on the tail rotor
causing oscillatory thrust and flapping. This has often
been mistakenly identified as tail wagging; however,
it is of very Ion. amplitude and disappears a t higher
speeds or if the helicopter is yawed. Minor changes in
the engine exhaust nonzle have corrected this situation.
Tail wagging nonnally increases in amplitude as
airspeed increases so that the crew is alertetl before
the amplitude reaches a dangerous level; how eve^., in
several cases it was encountered without warning, and
appeared to bc divergent. An oscillograph recording
of one occurrence of tail wagging is shown in Fig. 11.
In the case shown, a Model 47 tail rotor with the
pitch-flap coupling, $, increased from +45' to
+581/20 was being evaluated. A pedal displacement a t
11. Oscillagraph trace of tail !r,ag. 100 mph initiatcd a limit amplitude wagging, which
could bc stopped only by redncing airspeed. The fre-
quency of wagging was 7.2 Hz n~hichis close to the
responds to the natural frequcncy of the first inplane Model 47 tail hoom sccond lateral hending-torsion
cyclic mode, the major component of the total transient natural frequcncy.
loading; the second frequency is thc 1-pcr-rev forcing Pitch-flap coupling has been identified as the canse
function. of tail n~agging.This can bc explained as follows:
Frequency placement has been a primary design a t the tail boom natural frequencies, tail rotor flapping
tool used t o avoid or reduce oscillatory load levels. lags the tail Boom angular motion. This is due to the
The above indicates that much future research and tail boom natural frequencies being much higher than
development effort should be directed toward increasing the fixed system flapping natural frequency. For
the structural damping in tail rotor blades. Whenever example, the UH-1 tail rotor flapping frequency is
a practical method for increasing structural damping 1.088-per-rev in the rotating system. I n the fixed sys-
is achieved, a new tool will be available to reduce tem this appears as a 0.088-per-rcv, ~vllichis 2.4 H z .
oscillatoly loading.


Main rotor flapping instability has been of concern
recently because of the increase in helicopter speed and
the concept of slowing the rotor on compound lielicop-
ters. Since the tail rotor generally operates a t about
the same advance ratio as the main rotor, i.t is also sub-
ject to flapping instability. Pure flapping instability is
less of a problem for the tail rotor because of its lower
Lock number; however, additional considerations arise
because of its mounting on the tail hoom. There are
strong aerodynamic and inestia couplings between
the tail rotor flapping and tail boom modes which can
cause instability. Tail rotor aeroelastic phenomena BENTIN VELOCITY
u~hich have been encountered a t Bell and their ex-
planations are given in this section.
Tail Wagging. During the flight tests of several (b) swnce 01

experimental tail rotors, an instability was encountered

where the tail rotor flapping coupled with a tail boom F ~ o u ~12.
a Tail boom mode shape and EOUtCe of negative

The tail boom first coupled lateral bending-torsion

mode natural frequency is about 6.5 Hz. The mode
shape of this mode is shown in Fig. 12% If tl:e system
were undamped, flapping would lag the tail boom
motion by 180"; however, flapping is heavily damped,
about 12 to 15% of critical in the rotating system, so
the lag is less than 180'. Thus, when the tail boom is a t
its maximum bending velocity (Fig. 12b) there will be
some lateral (bl) flapping. Sincc a moment balance
must be maintained on the advancing bladc, the force
associated with the moment will be proportional to
bl(nR + V ) 2 tan Sg and on the retreating blade to
b,(nR - 1')2 tan S3. Since thesc forces are not equal,
a changc in tail rotor thrust is generated. This change
in thrust is proportional to bl tan S3, and for conven-
tional pitch-flal~coupling acts in the same direction as
the tail boom bending velocity. Since it tends to in- VELOCITY - Kn
crease tlie tail boom motion. thc thrust constitutes
13. Calculnted UH-I tail-hoom damping vs. speed and
negativc damping. pitch flap conpline.
Figure 13 shows ?vIodcl UH-1 calculated tail boom
lateral bending-torsion mode damping versus airspeed
for several values of pitch-flap coupling. For this ma- catccl slightly higher than the flapping natural fre-
chine wli~chhas S3 = +3S0, no problem is indicated quency.O This is primarily a problem with tail rotors
within the possible flight regime. It is apparent that where the inplane mode is located between 1- and
one solution to tail wagging is to rcduce the pitch-flap 2-per-rev and which use positive SB. Positive S3 causes
coupling or to use unconventional, negativc S3. Another an increase in flapping natural frequcncy as a function
solution is to reduce tlie amount of structural coupling of advance ratio. Under the adverse conditions noted
by either stiffening tlie tail boom torsionally or by above, a t some forward speecl the flapping and inplane
relocating the tail rotor closer t o the boom neutral axis. blade bending frequency will become coincident. This
Ncgative Sa appears to be the bcst solutio~isince it typc of instability was encountered with an experi-
increases the damping of the tail boom modes. Ex- mental main rotor where the inplane frequency was
tensive flight testing of tail rotors with negative 8s about 1.5-per-rev and a S3 = +39" was used. On the
has been made to prove its suitability. Flapping and UH-1 tail rotor, a similar iuplane bending-pitch-flap
loads nrcre essentially identical to those of a similar coupling exists; however, thc blade motion is very
tail rotor with conventional positive Sa. stable. This is the rcsult of the low Lock number of
Another possible destabilizing source involves the the UH-1 tail rotor wliich reduces the effect of the
tail rotor drive train. When tail wag was first en- pitch-flap coupling on the flapping natural frequency.
countered it was speculated that it mas caused by Blade motion instability is eliminated for stiff inplane
coupling with the drive train. Although tlie theoretical rotors by using negative SR, placing the lowest inplane
studies have Shown that this is not the case in this natural frequency above 2-per-rev, or by reducing the
instance, there is evidence that the drive system does rotor Lock number.
have an effect on tail wag. For example, on the
UH-1 a tail rotor drive system natural frequency is Flutter and Divergence
nhout 8 Ha which is close to the tail boom natural frc- As far as is known classical blade flutter involving
clucncy. I11 hovcr, the tail rotor adds considerable flapping and torsion has never been encountered with a
damping to the tail boom mode due to the change in Bell tail rotor. This may be surprising since Bell tail
inflow caused by the boom bending velocity. 'This can rotors are not mass balanced and use large values of
amount to 3-4% of critical damping (see Fig. 13). pitch-flap coupling. For example: the UH-1 tail rotor
With the drive system frequency close to the bending has an effective chordwise center of gravity a t 37.5%
mode frequency, the tail rotor will speed up and slow blade chord and its pitch-flap coupling is S3 = +38O.
down slightly in response to torque changes which For a main rotor, this combination of blade center of
accompany a thrust change; this reduces the a~nount gravity and pitch-flap coupling n~ould cause blade
of thrust damping. The net result is a decrease in flutter, even with a stiff control system. Study shows
the tail wagging stability. that there are three reasons why the Bell type tail
Blade Motion. Bladr motion instability is a possi- rotors are less susceptible to flutter. First, tlie systems
bility if thc lo~vestinplnne natural frequency is lo- l>ossessa very high stiffness of the blade control system

particularly blade inplane bending, since flutter occurs

first in that mode. For the purposes of this comparison,
main rotor fiutter and divergence calculations were
made on the same basis as those of the tail rotor. It
can be seen that the tail rotor is considerably less
critical from the flutter standpoint than the main
The differences between the flutter and divergence
characteristics of the main and tail rotors will be
understood when it is realized that the tail rotor is not
simply a scaled-down main rotor. Requiremeiits im-
posed by the tail's rotor more severe environment rc-
sult in blades that are relatively %6 times as stiff, and
consequently much heavier than those of a Mach-
scaled main rotor. This increase in relative inertia is
apparent in the UH-1 tail rotor where the Lock num-
ber is about 2, compared to about 5 for the main
rotor. Another significant difference, peculiar to the
UH-I, is the construction methods. For example, the
UH-I, tail rotor has a 0.025 stainless steel abrasion
strip-the same thickness as that of the UH-1 main
rotor. This and the lower aspect ratio of the tail rotor
blade cause its feathering inertia to be much greater
relative to the flapping inertia than that of the main
The impact of the tail rotor's heavier construction
on flutter and divergence can he understood by con-
sidering the mechanism of blade flapping divergence.
Similar reasoning can also be used to explain the
difference in blade flutter characteristics. Figure 15
illustrates tlie divergence mechanism a t the point of
neutral static stability-when the inertia and damping
forces are zero. As shown, a perturhation increase in
EFFECTIVE CO - PERCENT M C blade lift, AL, will cause the blade to flap upward
P~ouns14. UH-1 rotor flutter and divergence boundaries through a flapping angle Ap so that the flapping mo-
ment from the centrifugal acceleration normal to the
hlade is equal to the aerodynamic flapping moment.
which, in part, results from the lack of cyclic pitch; If the section center of gravity is off of the pitch-
second, the damping about the pitch change hearing is change axis this centrifugal force normal component
quite high; and third, the tail rotor is not as susceptible produces a torquc about the pitch-change axis. If tlie
to fluttcr or divergence as a main rotor because of its center-of-gmvity is aft of the pitch change axis, this
higher relative mass. The last reason is primary and moment is nose op. If there is control system flexibility,
will be discussed in more detail below.
Shown in Fig. 148 are calculated flutter and diver-
gence boundaries for the UH-1 tail rotor. These are
for a blade assumed rigid in bending and with all I PITCH C-E AXIS
torsional flexibility concentrated a t the root. In-
clusion of blade bending and torsion flexibility in the
calculation causes only a slight reduction in tlie bound-
ary. Damping for the pitch-change bearing was not in-
cluded in tlie calculations. For comparison, calcnlatcd
flutter and divergence boundaries for the UH-1 main t
rotor are shown in Fig. 14b. These boundarie&are also
for a blade rigid in hending and with all torsion con-
centrated a t the root. For the main rotor, blade bending
has a more significant effect than for the tail rotor; Froun~15. Mechanism of flapping divergence
an increase in pitch results which causes a further
increasc in flapping. If the control system is too soft,
flapping will diverge.
Divergence is prcvented by two nose-down moments.
One is the control system; the second is the "tennis
racket" effect which, by itself, is capable of preventing
divergence (see Fig. 14 for w,/n = 0 ) . I n Bell tail
1 rotors the tennis racket moment, which is approxi-
matcly proportional to the blade feathering inertia is
1 greater thnn that of a scaled main rotor because of the
blade construction. This is reflected in the UH-1 tail
rotor's divergence hounda~y,Fig. 14a, which shows
freedom from divergence for effective center of gravi-
ties of ul) to 48% mac, even with zero control system
stiffness ( ~ , / n= 0 ) . For comparison, the UH-1 main
rotor would diverge if the effective center of gravity
were aft of 26.5% mac (Fig. 14b). EFFECTWE CE - PERCENI PUD

Bealing Dan~ping. It was pointed out earlier that 17. Effcct of pitch-flap eaupliag on UH-1 tnil rulor
the centrifugal force on most present Bell tail rotors is flutter characteristics.
carried by a thrust hearing which also acts as a pitch
change hearing. Considerable mechanical pitch damp-
ing is generated by this arrangement. Figure 16 shows blade flaps up) has an adverse effect on flutter. Posi-
the calculated effect of pitch-change bearing damping tive pitch-flap coupling, however, does decrease the
on the flutter and divergence boundaries. It is seen possibility of flapping divergence. Unconventionnl
that control system frequency requirements are re- pitch-flap coupling, or negative S3, has a stabilizing in-
duced significantly as t l ~ edamping is incrensctl. CRU- fluence on hlade flutter. With negative Sa, some loss of
tion must be exercised, hon~ever,for bearing damping static stability (divergence) is incurred but this is not a
cannot he relied on to prevent flutter problems if there problem on most rotors. Figure 17 shows the effect of
is a large amount of bncklash in the control system. pitch-flap coupling on the UW-1 tail rotor's flutter and
Pitch-Flap Coupling and Divergence. Bell tail divergence boundaries. Thc cffect is much less than it
rotors normally employ pitch-Hap coupling ratios of nrould he on a main rotor because of the lrigher re1a t'ive
-0.7 to -1.0 (a3 = 35' to 45") to rcducc tail rotor illass of the tail rotor.
flapping. As noted, the aerodynamic effects of 8%are dis- Solne atlditional discussion of the effect of unconven-
cussed in Part I. It is well known that conventional tional pitch-flap coupling is in ortler, especially in view
pitch-flap coupling (hlade pitch is reduced when the of comments by several authors that it cannot be used
because of the divergence problems.1° This is probably
true in the case of fully articulated main rotors where
the hlade Lock number is very high. For semirigid
rotors, divergence is not a problem because of the lower
Lock numbers. Assumii~ga rigid control system, the
pitch-flap coupling ratio that causes flapping diver-
gence can be determined by setting the flapping natural
frequency equal to zero. The pitch-flap coupling for
flapping divergence is given as
AB/APai y.rr.c,,,p. = tan Sn = Wy.
Even though this divergence boundary must be re-
duced somewhat to provide for secondary effects, this
simple approach shows that relatively large values of
unconventional pitch-Hap coupling may be used on
tail rotors where the Lock number is less than 4.0.

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