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1 How are receptive and productive skills related?

receptive skills is the term used for reading and listening,Productive skills is the term for
speaking and writing,
receptive skill are passive , productive skill more active,
These two skills interact with each other. For example, when we send information, we will
carefully read the information sent by the other party. At this time, being receptive and
productive are related to each other.
2. Give examples of how language skills can be integrated within a
For example, when writing a class or writing a certain type of report, the best way to help
students is to show them some actual reports and help them analyze their structure and
style. Secondly, when explaining to students in oral language, they can first listen to the
Benefit from listening to what others have done. Based on the example sentences and the
way of speaking learned from the examples, it can help them create better.

We can also train students to listen to some listening materials in class, let students take
notes during the listening process, and then ask students to give speeches and oral
summaries on the notes they have compiled. When students are making oral summaries
and note writing When learning, they will almost involve receptive and productive skills such
as listening, speaking, reading and writing, so in the classroom and lesson learning, we will
integrate skills to complete learning and teaching tasks
3. What is language construction?
Language structure is the element structure in language, which is composed of
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc. It is not a language that develops naturally.
4. Explain how you understand the examples of teaching stages in
Stage 1 A few short questions guide students into the course, allowing students to draw
conclusions from the discussion, understand the topics and content involved in this lesson,
and exercise reading comprehension (acceptance)
Stage2 is to let students read complete short stories, train students' reading ability and
vocabulary comprehension ability,
Stage 3 allows students to discuss and express their opinions, to exercise students' oral
expression ability and language organization logic, and to listen to students' expressions
more can exercise students' listening ability
Stage4, let students learn new knowledge through the above activities and know how to
understand the usage of words.
Stage5, students can exercise their writing ability and expression ability by rewriting the
composition, so that students can better practice knowledge such as language structure and
the use of words in sentences. In stage 6, the listening comprehension of other students was
trained through the descriptions of the students, and each student combined the knowledge
learned and the notes made during the listening process with what they heard.
Stage 7 uses a series of games and activities to help students review better and to test
whether they have learned new knowledge
In these steps, the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing have both receptive
skills and productive skills, as well as comprehensive exercises.
5. How is the idea of top-down and bottom-up related to the
learners’ proficiency levels?
For beginners or lower-level students, who are more adapted to bottom-up processing, they
tend to focus on words and sentence length coherence in reading, and they have difficulty
recognizing individual sounds and words. To proficient students, we need to focus on word
and sound recognition, and the connection between sound and spelling.
On the contrary, for proficient people, they often apply top-down processing. In reading, they
are good at analyzing and discovering the background and location of the story, so as to
obtain more basic information. Proficiency learners can clearly understand a text is about
something, or understands a coherent piece of information.
6. Compare the procedure of teaching receptive skills and the
procedure for teaching productive skills.
The step of the procedure of teaching receptive skills:
Begin by preparing students with warm-up and induction activities. Teachers then focus on
the strategies needed to understand spoken or written text (eg, prediction, inferring meaning
from context, locating referents, etc.).
Lead-in--directs comprehension task–read/listen for task–directs feedback-directs text-related task
The step of procedure for teaching productive skills :
Provide model text
Understanding and Model Analysis
set the task
monitor the task
give the feedback and follow up
set the task
monitor the task
Often, they might reset the task (or something similar) and execute the sequence again.
7. List information and ideas learnt from section 17.4.
In general, in this chapter we have learned Teaching language
skills, understand what is Input and output in skill together, Integrating skills, Language
skills,Integrating skill and language work, Top-down and bottom-up are very important in
language construction, About Receptive skills, I learned more about A procedure for
teaching receptive skills, The language issue and Comprehension tasks, learned about A
procedure for teaching in the section Productive skills productive skills, Structuring
discourse, Interacting with an audience,Dealing with difficulty, What to do about language

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