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Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Lecture 6a: Internal Memory

November 26, 2021

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


1 Memory Characteristics

2 Memory Technology

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Characteristics of Memory
“Location wrt Processor”

Inside CPU – temporary memory or registers

Inside processor – L1 cache
Motherboard – main memory and L2 cache
Main memory – DRAM and L3 cache
External – peripherals such as disk, tape, and networked
memory devices

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Characteristics of Memory
“Capacity – Word Size”

The natural data size for a processor.

A 32-bit processor has a 32-bit word.
Typically based on processor’s data bus width (i.e., the width
of an integer or an instruction)
Varying widths can be obtained by putting memory chips in
parallel with same address lines

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Characteristics of Memory
“Capacity – Addressable Units”

Varies based on the system’s ability to allow addressing at

byte level etc.
Typically smallest location which can be uniquely addressed
At mother board level, this is the word
It is a cluster on disks
Addressable units (N) equals 2 raised to the power of the
number of bits in the address bus

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Characteristics of Memory
“Unit of transfer”

The number of bits read out of or written into memory at a

Internal – Usually governed by data bus width, i.e., a word
External – Usually a block which is much larger than a word

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Characteristics of Memory
“Access method”

Based on the hardware implementation of the storage device

Four types

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Sequential Access Method

Start at the beginning and read through in order

Access time depends on location of data and previous location
Example: tape

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Direct Access Method

Individual blocks have unique address

Access is by jumping to vicinity then performing a sequential
Access time depends on location of data within ”block” and
previous location
Example: hard disk

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Random Access Method

Individual addresses identify locations exactly

Access time is consistent across all locations and is
independent previous access
Example: RAM

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Associative Access Method

Addressing information must be stored with data in a general

data location
A specific data element is located by a comparing desired
address with address portion of stored elements
Access time is independent of location or previous access
Example: cache

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Performance – Access Time

Time between ”requesting” data and getting it

RAM Memory
Time between presenting the address and getting the valid data
It’s predictable.
Other types, Sequential, Direct, Associative
Time it takes to position the read-write mechanism at the
desired location.
Not predictable.

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Performance – Memory Cycle time

Primarily a RAM phenomenon

Adds “recovery” time to cycle allowing for transients to
dissipate so that next access is reliable.
Cycle time is access + recovery

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Performance – Transfer Rate

Rate at which data can be moved

RAM – Predictable; equals 1/(cycle time)
Non-RAM – Not predictable; equals
TN = TA + ( )

TN = Average time to read or write N bits
TA = Average access time
N = Number of bits
R = Transfer rate in bits per second

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Physical Types

Semiconductor – RAM
Magnetic – Disk & Tape
Optical – CD & DVD
Bubble (old) – memory that made a ”bubble” of charge in an
opposite direction to that of the thin magnetic material that
on which it was mounted
Hologram (new) – much like the hologram on your credit card,
laser beams are used to store computer-generated data in three
dimensions. (10 times faster with 12 times the density)

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Physical Characteristics

Power loss
Degradation over time
Volatility – RAM vs. Flash
Erasable – RAM vs. ROM
Power consumption – More specific to laptops, PDAs, and
embedded systems

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


Physical arrangement of bits into words

Not always obvious
Non-sequential arrangements may be due to speed or
reliability benefits, e.g. interleaved

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Semiconductor Memory Types

Memory Type Category Erasure Write Mechanism Volatility

Read-write memory Electrically, byte-level Electrically Volatile
memory (RAM)

memory (ROM)
Read-only memory Not possible


Erasable PROM
UV light, chip-level
(EPROM) Nonvolatile


Electrically Erasable Read-mostly memory

Electrically, byte-level

Flash memory Electrically, block-level

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Semiconductor Memory Types

Misnamed as all semiconductor memory is random access
Temporary storage
Static or dynamic

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Memory Cell Operation

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Dynamic RAM

Bits stored as charge in capacitors

Charges leak
Need refreshing even when powered
Simpler construction
Smaller per bit
Less expensive
Need refresh circuits
Main memory
Essentially analogue
Level of charge determines value

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Static RAM

Bits stored as on/off switches

No charges to leak
No refreshing needed when powered
More complex construction
Larger per bit
More expensive
Does not need refresh circuits
Uses flip-flops

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


Both volatile
Power needed to preserve data
Dynamic cell
Simpler to build, smaller
More dense
Less expensive
Needs refresh
Larger memory units

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Permanent storage
Library subroutines
Systems programs (BIOS)
Function tables

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Types of ROM

Written during manufacture

Very expensive for small runs
Programmable (once)
Needs special equipment to program
Read “mostly”
Erasable Programmable (EPROM)
Erased by UV
Electrically Erasable (EEPROM)
Takes much longer to write than read
Flash memory
Erase whole memory electrically

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Organisation in detail

A 16Mbit chip can be organised as 1M of 16 bit words

A bit per chip system has 16 lots of 1Mbit chip with bit 1 of
each word in chip 1 and so on
A 16Mbit chip can be organised as a 2048 × 2048 × 4-bit
Reduces number of address pins
Multiplex row address and column address
11 pins to address (211 = 2048)
Adding one more pin doubles range of values so ×4 capacity

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Typical 16 Mb DRAM (4M × 4)

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


Refresh circuit included on chip

Disable chip
Count through rows
Read & Write back
Takes time
Slows down apparent performance

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Interleaved Memory

Collection of DRAM chips

Grouped into memory bank
Banks independently service read or write requests
K banks can service k requests simultaneously

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Advanced DRAM Organization

Basic DRAM same since first RAM chips

Enhanced DRAM
Contains small SRAM as well
SRAM holds last line read (c.f. Cache!)
Cache DRAM
Larger SRAM component
Use as cache or serial buffer

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)

Access is synchronized with an external clock

Address is presented to RAM
RAM finds data (CPU waits in conventional DRAM)
Since SDRAM moves data in time with system clock, CPU
knows when data will be ready
CPU does not have to wait, it can do something else
Burst mode allows SDRAM to set up stream of data and fire
it out in block
DDR-SDRAM sends data twice per clock cycle (leading &
trailing edge)

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

SDRAM Read Timing

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


Adopted by Intel for Pentium and Itanium

Main competitor to SDRAM
Vertical package – all pins on one side
Data exchange over 28 wires ¡ cm long
Bus addresses up to 320 RDRAM chips at 1.6Gbps
Asynchronous block protocol
480ns access time
Then 1.6 Gbps

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

RAMBUS Diagram

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology


SDRAM can only send data once per clock

Double-data-rate SDRAM can send data twice per clock cycle
Rising edge and falling edge

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

Memory Characteristics Memory Technology

Simplified DRAM Read Timing

CSC 213: Computer Architecture

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