Bikers Code

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Itused to be that all bikers shared a common bond, an unspoken code of ethics and behavior that transcended words and was built-on respect and actions, There was never a bible written on this bikers code and there was no need for such. But the times are ee i Fee ning wong it, solongan thee noo gr eco tan ings i EiSdreye dazser, then ssking your life on the aephalt.on bike seu ull ! ot a5 oon ru pate cape ee) ast all ee ek Bjtumigitintoa onc-of-a oil of prife, Bikere wore leather and grease becauac they Enew cagers would) Alok at ther, so they had tobe intimdating We were a breed Unto ourselves with nd union, no Family they threw us.oa8) We had to make itn a world of our own, aa Iainattcam society, afd ageinst all dle. We surmved and prospered hecause of the Bikers code and we eter took darespec rom anybody. As an old scooter bro once sad’ every tramps job to schoo the young, how else are they gonre know Panhead from a bed pan? With that in nnd the following s “the basic bikers code" and sister, for our Code sa Ralowed one fled with respect, honor, and loyalty, thelites of which have not been since the days of knighthoy - Dont tke any disrespect. Be kind to women, children and animale, but don't take any disreapec: Tis anche par Pg. ha od esp and hoa Anyone can be a quck-tempered fool, be cool stand tall and backup what you sey with action Never ke, cheat or steal, dod always tell the truth Bikers Lnow thal thew Word is their bond Bezenber your word all yoy have inklc thats truly yous, guard cateiligane 3c comething Potts for you area truc Light of he rsd ‘ouare about anything youll take care of Prcblenes youself spd reves toc the food to arth someone off, Sitches ar tha lewest if fore on earth, right up there wth ke thieves. Dont Whine. Absolutely noone lzes or respects athiner. Another way to say this ig shold your mud? rather way to think of iis "Dore sweat the gral ctu cause host oF fete Incomveniences wort themsehes out, chether you whine or not. Keep your hin up, domi Noute a biker, not come loudy sai Never say de and pce gh Whetittirotn fiche, a debate, or a curve tS Heht, no matic how bad it acts, a biker neveraiiena Help others. Wher'a brother or iter g breken dow by the side ofthe ros, akways stop and help ‘on, Ten moral suppor, f thats all you cages beter thon riding on by Remeber fe is abbut the jourey, there, not geting there, You're sready there. And don'tjust hep bikers, sw the word tht we se better than our mage potrays us Courtedy costs you nothing butt brings respect to the ber natn Stick fo your gins. Bo what you say youll do, be there when you soy you wil This called ntegrty, The ales goes back to stending fey some Like the song says, GUN got to sta or seething or goul al for anathing Lifeisnot a dil. Yeah, this aint no dress rchearsal. This life 30 gp out and take big bites oft Neuve got no tine tolose and bikers don't stand arqund waiting for the party to cone to them, You only go sround once. Tomorrow you could be road kil thanks toa texte aeleep ot the wheel of theic d cage, 0 We le nor, make the most oF each moment. Allright, now let's reve. You area biker, a modern-day knight ofthe road. Protect the weak, Geel tend proud. Your word ie your bond. Stick to your gine Don’ take any dlereopect fe Renal Nowepforth and de. When in doubt, ride. Thats what bers do they ride. If Jou wan to ride around IABREEIO Havaion hit and sandale,go fort but you intend to lock hLe an it atleast dont Ace eg Bap arcnents are justo feof the broad strokes ofthe bikers code, thee isa ot moketalalam Bea tures Gi Ifyou jst bay abiicyori paola Pd) ihe 2 proud way oF Ife that ve hokl in high regard witha = faabihmeaaes a Take heed, brothes Don't sritch. you sity win.

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