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Qualities that should be inculcated as a good citizen.

Competencies: 6.3 Gets ready to act as a member of society endowed with good qualities.
Competency Level: 6.3.1 Uses language decently (01).
Subject Content:
• Use of language decently, politely, pleasantly and correctly so as to show respect to others
• Use of language politely to suit time and place.
eg:- With the clergy, with teachers, with elders, with peers etc.
• Use of language to suit place and the situation

Qualities of the virtuous citizens

The necessary qualities of a good citizen.

 Use of decent language
 Good behavior
1. The responsibility of a good citizen
 Protect the resources of the motherland
 Dedicate oneself to safeguard its dignity
 Being loyal and righteous are also considered virtuous
Practicing polite language
2. The opportunity to associate with people
 Friends in your class room
 People at home
 people in society
3. Features of polite speech
 Discipline in speech
 Express clear and correct ideas
 Respect others
 Adopt correct posture when speaking
 Listen to others and speak patiently
 Do not misuse language
 Maintain eye contact when speaking
 Identify where to talk and where not to
4. The situation according to that the language should be used to suit them.
 Weddings and Receptions
 Sports and special functions
 Funerals
 Debates and discussions
 Public speech (radio, television, newspapers, magazines, loud speakers)

© T.Rubaseelan 1 Civic Education (Grade 6)

5. The place where the language should be used to suit them.
 Religious places (temple, mosque, church, Kovil)
 Home, school, road, bus, train
 Mass communication (radio, television, newspaper, magazine, loud speaker)

6. The individual with whom the language should be used to suit them.
 Clergyman, Priest
 Parents
 Teachers, elders
 Friends, visitors

7. Advantages you get when you use polite language

 Receive others' respect

 Good connections.
 Improve leadership qualities
 Be able to win the hearts of the others
 Be able to build up good personal contacts
 Get more opportunities to gain benefits

8. Disadvantages of using impolite language

 Disturb personal relationships
 Become isolated in society
 Lose friends.
 Economic loss.
 Lose opportunities to be a leader.

1. Give two qualities of the virtuous citizens.
2. Give the responsibility of a good citizen
3. Write three opportunities when you associate with people.
4. Write five features of polite speech.
© T.Rubaseelan 2 Civic Education (Grade 6)
5. Write five situations according to that the language should be used.
6. Write the various place where the language should be used to suit them.
7. Write the various individual with whom the language should be used to suit them.
8. Mention the various advantages of using polite language.
9. Mention the various disadvantages of using impolite language.

3.2. Let us come to conclusions through respecting the views of others.

Competency Level:
6.3.2 Arrives at agreement through discussion, respecting the views of others.
Subject Content:
 Communication skills that should be improved
 Active communication
 Tolerating the views of others in working with society
 Respecting correct views
 Giving others the opportunity to present their views
 Resolving conflicting views without a conflict
 Importance of tolerating the views of others

9. What is listening?
• Listening is merely paying attention to a sound.

10. What is active listening?

• Active listening is listening attentively and comprehensively.
Responses for active listening: Questioning, answering, suggesting, approving


1. What is listening?
© T.Rubaseelan 3 Civic Education (Grade 6)
2. What is active listening?
3. Write three responses for active listening.

11. Benefit obtained by active listening

 Comprehend messages given correctly
 Provide responses according to the message
 Build up confidence on one’s own self and on others
 Build up wholesome social relationships
 Opportunities are created to come to agreements
 Less opportunities for conflicts since conclusions were made by discussions

12. Disadvantage obtained by not listening actively

 Do not comprehend messages correctly
 Do not provide expected responses
 Possibility to build up doubt and lack of confidence
 Being isolated without developing social relationships
 Opportunities to come to agreements are avoided
 Instead of agreements problems and conflicts arise.

When we communicate with each other we can have good understanding of the other
party by listening carefully.
Misunderstanding will lead to conflicts.
13. What should be needed for active listening?
 Use of clear language
 Careful listening
 Listen with understanding

14. Qualities to be improved in order to develop interpersonal skills through

effective communication
 Presenting one's ideas clearly and appropriately.
 Tolerate other's ideas.
 Appreciate other's ideas.
 Resolution of conflicting views through effective discussion.
 Neutralize the mismatching ideas through effective discussion.
 Let the others express their own ideas.
 Try to draw successful conclusions.
 Express straightforward ideas at the correct time
© T.Rubaseelan 4 Civic Education (Grade 6)
1. Give five benefit that you obtained by active listening.
2. Give five disadvantages obtained by not listening actively.
3. What should be needed for active listening?
4. Write five qualities to be improved in order to develop interpersonal skills through
effective communication.

Competency Level: 6.3.3 Works with a good sense of discipline and decorum.
Subject Content:
• Identification of "discipline" and "decorum"
• All three aspects of learning, teaching and training should be inculcated for decorum
• The need for an individual to maintain discipline and decorum right through one’s life
• The importance of maintaining discipline and decorum

3.3. Let us behave in a disciplined manner

Good behaviour of every single person is needed very much for the well-being of the
whole society.

15. What is discipline?

Discipline means acting according to social standards and following the rules and
regulations of society.

16. What is decorum?

Decorum is behaviour that people consider to be correct, polite, and respectable.
17. What is good-behavior?
Good behaviour means behaving according to the rules and regulations, constitutions
and customs.

18. What are the benefits obtain when there is discipline and good-behaviour?
1. One will respect others.
2. Love others.
3. Apologize and accept fault.
© T.Rubaseelan 5 Civic Education (Grade 6)
19. Qualities to be improved to become a disciplined and well-behaved person:
 Follow rules and regulations and customs
 Respect the values of society
 Humanity
 Friendliness
 Patience
 Respect each other
 Kindness
 Cooperation
 Righteousness
 Honesty

1. What is discipline?
2. What is good-behavior?
3. What are the benefits of being discipline?
4. Write five qualities to be improved to become a disciplined and well-behaved person.

Disciplined behaviour in the family and society

20. The Life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in the family.
 Treat every sibling equally and be attentive to them
 Be obedient, respect and help parents
 Treat respectfully the elders in the family
 Speak politely
 Good behaviour
 Not interrupting elders’ conversations without permission

© T.Rubaseelan 6 Civic Education (Grade 6)

Be well-mannered in using mass media such as the radio, television, computer
and Internet

21. Life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior on the road
 Follow traffic rules
 Use road with care of yourself and others
 Use the road considering it as public property
 Be patient
 Be an example to others
 Safeguard your dignity through discipline and well-being

22. Life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in a society
 Help the innocent, disabled and elderly people
 Handle public property with care
 Respect others
 Respect every religion
 Display Good behaviour in various types of religious activities
 Decide on the appropriate behaviour and the dress code according to the situation
 Be well-mannered at various functions (national festivals, weddings, funerals)

23. Life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in the school
 Engage in studies
 Use the resources of the school with care
 Safeguard the dignity of the school through well-being
 Follow the rules and regulations of the school
 Obey one's teachers and respect them
 Respect the school flag and national flag, and safeguard them
 Polite behaviour (Decorum)

24. The importance of maintaining discipline and decorum.

 Protect your dignity and pride
 Be able to conduct a happy and free life
 Receive the respect and love of others
 Build up national and religious harmony
 Become a virtuous citizen in society
 Minimize conflicts in society
 Minimize accidents
 Eschew disgrace and punishment
 Create a peaceful society
 Become trustworthy among others
© T.Rubaseelan 7 Civic Education (Grade 6)
1. Write the life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in a family.
2. Write the life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior on the road.
3. Write the life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in a society.
4. Write the life skills to be improved for discipline and good behavior in the school.
5. Write five importance of maintaining discipline and decorum.
Competency Level: 6.3.4 Accepts what is worth as worthy and rejects what is barren as barren.
Subject Content:
• Identification of worthy things implemented in society
• Acceptance of things relevant to the wellbeing of society as worthy
• Identification of barren things implemented in society and rejecting them
• Learning to treat barren things that contribute to the deterioration of society and rejecting them

3.4. Let us identify the good and the bad

 There is good and bad in society.
 Sometimes you may find both good and bad in the same person.
 The good which lead you to a successful future and the bad you should avoid.

25. The good in society and their results

 Gain knowledge
 Become a scholar foundation for a good life
Study your religion and follow it
 Lead a disciplined life-style
 Mental awakening
 Become a prestigious and restrained person
© T.Rubaseelan 8 Civic Education (Grade 6)
Follow good health habits and lead a healthy life
 Become a healthy person

Select an appropriate dress code

 Receive honour from society
 Can stay relaxed

Use mass media (Telephone, Internet, Print and visual media) carefully
 Save time
 Gain pleasure and knowledge
 Polish up the way of thinking
 Update knowledge

Associate with good friends who stay all the time with you
 Can share sorrow and joy
 Can get examples and advise
 Protection
 Honor from society

1. Write five good things found in society.
2. Write three results of study your religion and follow it.
3. Write the benefits of use mass media carefully.
4. Write the results of associate with good friends.

26. Let us identify the bad in our society

 Not having a good education
 Company of bad friends
 Ignore religion
 Misled by commercials
 Adherence to blind faith
© T.Rubaseelan 9 Civic Education (Grade 6)
 Practice ill - mannered behaviours
 Commit illegal acts
 Use culturally inappropriate fashions
 Use of harmful food
 Listen and watch unsuitable videos
 Earn through illegal industries
 Addiction to liquor, drugs, cigarettes
 Associate with bad friends

27. Some possess both good and bad qualities.

 Mobile phone
 Computer
 Television
 Radio
 Cinema

Although you find very attractive types of food in the market, you should be very
careful about their nutrition, qualities, sanitation and how they affect your life.

1. Write five evil forces found in society.
2. Write the forces that has both good and bad qualities.
Competency Level: 6.3.5 Respects rules, regulations and traditions of society.
Subject Content:
• Introducing tradition
• Introducing rules
• Each rule has a punishment behind it
• The importance of respecting rules, regulations and traditions

3.5. Let us respect our traditions, rules and regulations

 These two aspects result in the well- being of the person and society.
 Rules and regulations are necessary for good administration.
 We all become a group of the followers of social traditions and rules and

© T.Rubaseelan 10 Civic Education (Grade 6)

28. What is ''traditions''?
 Traditions mean the social standards that have existed from the past.

29. Give three examples for traditions:

 Respect the customs of our own society
 Respect elders
 Protect one’s own cultural heritage

30. State four advantages of following traditions

 Have a peaceful environment.
 Minimize conflicts by respecting each other.
 Build up love and trust among each other
 Build up a friendly environment for a good administration.

31. What is '' law ''?

 The conditions passed by the government for the personal and social benefit and
to control the personal behaviorus are called rules.
 Every rule has a punishment. Law considers everyone equally.

32. Give three examples for law:

 Traffic law
 Criminal law
 Civil law

1. Give two aspects that result in the well- being of the person and society.
2. What is important for good administration of a society?
3. What is traditions?
4. Give three traditions follow in our life?
5. Give four advantages of following traditions.
© T.Rubaseelan 11 Civic Education (Grade 6)
6. What is law?
7. Write three features of law?
8. Give three examples for law?

33. What is '' regulation''?

Regulations are the set of conditions accepted as not to be done
34. What is '' Customs”?
Customs are what we should follow including what we should avoid or refrain from.
35. Give three examples for customs:
 Religious observation worship
 Parents and the teachers
 Polite use of language
36. What is '' Manners”?
A person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others is known as manners.
37. Give three examples for manners:
 Chew nails and hair
 Eavesdrop on others secret conversations.
 Dress up in unsuitable dress codes.
1. What is regulation?
2. What is Customs?
3. Give three customs follow in our life?
4. What is Manners?
5. Give three manners follow in our life?

© T.Rubaseelan 12 Civic Education (Grade 6)

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