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Realist Theory

Morgenthau’s Six Principle

1. Politics Is Governed By Objective Laws, Inherited In Human Nature:- The first principle of political realism holds that “politics, like society
in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. Human is always wants to control others and destroy their enemies. To
understand IR one must understand the human nature. e.g., UNO was made after the 2nd world war for the peace in the world order. A/c to morgenthau
the international organistaions are made because everyone wants to survive and it was realised after the 2nd world war that all will be die if the third war
will occur so the human by nature wants to live so the organisation to establisg peace is established.

2. National Interest defined in terms of National Power:- This principle holds that nations always define and act for securing their national interests
by means of power. National Interest is always secured by the use of National Power. Each nation conceptualizes its national interests in terms of power
and then acts to secure these by means of power. It is this aspect which highlights the autonomous character of International Politics. Nations always try
to secure the goals of their interests which are always defined in terms of power.

3. Interest is always Dynamic: The policies and actions of a nation are always governed by national interest the content of national interest is always
changing in nature and scope. It changes with changes in political and social environment. The national power of a nation is always dynamic and it
changes with the changes in environment in which it operates for securing national interests. For example, security has been always a primary part of
India’s national interest but the nature of security that India has been trying to secure from time to time has been changing. Similarly, the national power
of India has all also been dynamic.

4. Abstract Moral Principles cannot be applied to Politics: Political realism realizes the importance of moral principles but holds that in their
abstract and universal formulations these cannot be applied to state actions. The moral significance of political action is undisputed but the universal
moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states, unless these are analyzed in the light of specific conditions of time and space, Moral principles
do not determine policies and actions of states. These are simply a source of some influence.

5. Difference between Moral Aspirations of a Nation and the Universal Moral Principles : Each nation tries to cover its national interests
under the cloak of several moral principles. An identification of national policies as the true manifestations of moral principles is bound to be misleading
and politically pernicious. Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with the moral principles that govern the universe.
It refuses to accept that the national interests and policies of any particular nation reflect universally applied moral principles.
6. Autonomy of International Politics: Morgenthau Political Realism accepts the autonomy of International Politics as a discipline. On the basis of
the above five principles, it is ascertained by Morgenthau that there exists a real and profound difference between political realism and other approaches
and theories. Political realism has its distinctive intellectual and moral attitude towards political matters. It maintains the autonomy of the political sphere.
Political realism is neither idealistic nor legalistic and nor even moralistic in its approach to International Politics. It is concerned with national interest
defined in terms of power as its sole concern.

To sum up, we can say, Political Realism regards international politics as struggle for power among nations whereby each nation tries to secure its national
interest. It seeks to build a rational and realistic theory of International Politics and for this, regards the concept of “interest defined as power” as the benchmark.
It emphasizes the study of factors and consequences of political policies and gives secondary importance to motives in international relations. It refuses to use
universal moral principles for judging state actions and instead advocates dependence on prudence for analyzing policies and facts of international politics.

Further, political realism believes that the foreign policy of each nation is really based upon national interest and not upon moral principles. The latter are used
as covers to buttress the goals of national interests. Finally, political realism accepts and advocates the autonomy of international politics as a discipline studying
national interest defined in terms of power. It defines international politics as struggle for power. Regarding the question of securing peace, Morgenthau advocates
recourse to peace through accommodation. For this he accepts diplomacy and devices of power management as the ideal and effective means.

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