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Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje (Sena)

Centro De Desarrollo Agroindustrial Y Empresarial

Tecnología en Producción Multimedia

AP6 AA13 EV6:Writing my About Us page

Ficha n.° 2348526


Jesús David Marrugo Mendoza



In this work I will indicate by writing the "About How" of
the Tu Ritmo company, at the end making a video where I
will pronounce the aforementioned where we can find: the
history, mission, vision, and the creator of it. Also show how
the project of our website is going, which offers multimedia
production services; Provide the best user experience every
day, moving towards profitable growth and improving to
perfect our services.
Writing and publication of the text
About us
Give joy to your life with Tu Ritmo virtual platform in
development created in 2022, from there it has sought to
give a message of giving joy with small details since it is not
just a simple decoration or a reproduction app, it seeks to
feed the spirit of child that we all carry inside with hearing
songs that make us want to remember those times of joy. His
creator is Juan Arteaga, he is 19 years old and wants to
continue striving to see his business grow.
➔ One of the goals of the Tu Ritmo website is to connect
emotionally with our potential customers.
➔ Manage to connect with our brand more than with others
because they will feel identified, (transmit values or
➔ Achieve that feeling of: “I came to the right place”, “This
is exactly what I was looking for”. “That is my style”, “What
good customer service”.
Position the brand and differentiate ourselves
➔On our website we will be able to transmit our values,
better tell what our proposal is about, why it is different from
the others, why we are doing it.
➔Make us stand out and get that extra touch that will make
Tu ritmo stand out from the crowd. For example: sharing
content on a blog, sharing our values causes, speaking to our
➔Focus on understanding your customers very well and
knowing exactly what they need
After having written these paragraphs, we can conclude that
we were able to recognize the values of the company and
that we were also able to capture this writing on video,
carrying out everything learned in video editing and

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