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Unit 1

Study guide

Prepare for the test!

Topics Coursebook Student’s Corner Workbook

• Personal identification pages 16, 18, 19 pages 6, 8

• Hobbies pages 17, 42 page 33 page 6

• Physical description and

pages 24, 25, 42 pages 34, 35 pages 10, 11

• Family members and

pages 32, 33, 39, 42 pages 34, 35 pages 13, 16

pages 34, 35, 37,

• Family activities pages 36, 37 page 13
39, 42

• Jobs pages 33, 42 pages 36, 37 page 14

• Verb to be pages 20, 43 pages 2, 3 pages 7, 9

• Verb have got pages 21, 43 pages 4, 5 pages 8, 9

• Possessive determiners pages 23, 43 pages 4, 5 page 9

• Possessive case pages 28, 43 pages 6, 7 page 12

pages 36, 37, 43,

• Present continuous pages 8, 9 page 15

330 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Listening
Progress Test A
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to part 1. Complete the file about Derek’s best friend. CD 5 Tracks 5 ● 6

Derek’s best friend

1. Name:
2. Nickname:
3. Age:
4. Date of birth:
5. Place of birth:
6. Physical appearance:
7. Personality:
8. Hobbies:

B Listen to part 2 and complete the sentences about Derek’s family. CD 5 Tracks 7 ● 8

1. There are __________________ people in Derek’s family.

2. His little sister’s name is __________________. She is __________________ years old.
3. Derek’s pet is a __________________. His pet is very __________________.
4. Derek is tall and __________________.
5. He’s got __________________ black hair.
6. Derek’s father is a __________________. His mother is a __________________.

C Listen to part 3. Underline and correct the wrong information. CD 5 Tracks 9 ● 10

1. Derek and his family do family-friendly activities every day.

2. They hate doing activities in the open air.
3. Derek’s father is cooking dinner with Derek’s grandma.
4. His cat is eating next to his grandma.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 331

1 Reading
Progress Test A
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

Ally and Stella Hamilton

I’m Ally and I’ve got a twin sister, Stella. Our surname is
Hamilton. We were born in the summer, on 10 June,
and we’re twelve. My sister and I have got brown eyes
and long brown hair. I’m a very quiet girl, but my sister
5 is talkative. We’re from the USA, but we live in
Manchester, England because our grandparents are
here too. We all live in their house. Our dad, Adam, is
a motorbike mechanic and our mum, Hina, is a nurse.
We’ve got a dog called Frisbee.
10 My sister and I are in year 7, but we aren’t in the same school. I play the violin and there
is a special class in my school for musicians like me. I have got music lessons in my school on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stella can’t play an instrument. She’s a ballet dancer, and
her school has got a class for dancers like her. They have got lessons in the morning, and they
go to a ballet school in the afternoon. At the moment Stella is preparing a special dance for
15 her school Christmas party.
In my family we do lots of fun activities. We all like riding our bikes and playing lots of games
together. My mum’s favourite thing is walking our dog. My father is not very good at games,
but he likes reading about cars and bikes! In this photo my sister and I are reading our favourite
books: Harry Potter books. Books are a lot of fun!
Complete the table with information about Ally in note form.

1. Surname

2. Age

3. Physical description

4. Family

5. Pet

332 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false ones.
1. Ally and her family live in the United States.

2. Her grandmother and grandfather live with her.

3. Ally and Stella are in different school years.

4. Stella has got dance lessons in the afternoon.

5. Ally’s school is having a Christmas party.

What are the family’s hobbies? Fill in the table.

1. Father

2. Mother

3. Ally

4. Stella

Answer the questions.
1. What nationality are the twins?

2. What are Mr and Mrs Hamilton’s jobs?

3. How many times a week has Ally got music lessons?

4. What is Ally doing in the picture?

333 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test A
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher


Label the pictures with the correct hobbies.

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________

4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________

Complete the table with the words below. There are three extra words.

stubborn bestie Greek straight daughter well-known

freckles French wife real selfish

1. Physical description 2. Personality 3. Nationality 4. Family members

_____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

_ _
______________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
_ _

Read the sentences and find the job.
1. I bring you food in a restaurant. __________________
2. I take care of your pets and animals. __________________
3. I cook amazing food in a restaurant. __________________

334 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

4. I fly planes. __________________
5. I put out fires. __________________


Choose the correct possessive determiner: my, your, his, her, our.
1. We live in Manchester and __________________ address
is 32 Ellesmere Road.
2. Lewis is Ally’s best friend. He’s got lots of hobbies, but
__________________ favourite hobby is skateboarding.
3. Stella and __________________ father are in the garden
because it’s a beautiful day.
4. Mum, what’s __________________ favourite song?
__________________ favourite song is “Last Christmas”.

Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs to be and have got.
Ally and Stella 1. __________________ (have got) a cousin: Christopher. He lives near them.
Christopher 2. __________________ (not have got) any brothers or sisters. He 3. ______________
(be) an only child.
Christopher likes surfing and he 4. __________________ (have got) a new surfboard. His
parents 5. __________________ (not be) good at surfing.

Write sentences expressing possession. Use ’s or ’.
1. Stella / ballet shoes / are pink

2. They live / in their grandparents / house

3. This is / Lewis / new skateboard

4. The children / school / is / in Manchester

D Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. Ally’s grandparents __________________ (not cook) at the moment. They __________________
(watch) their granddaughter playing the violin.
2. __________________ (you / study) now, Stella?
No, I __________________. I __________________ (get) dressed for my dance lessons.

335 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That’s me!

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 336

1 Writing
Progress Test A
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read this fact file about Andrew and write a text about him.

Name / Surname Andrew Nolan

Birthday 3rd January
Place of birth Toronto, Canada
Nationality Canadian
Colour of hair brown
Colour of eyes blue
Personality hard-working, friendly
Occupation student / surfer
father – police officer, mother – shop assistant, brother –
Henry, 16 years old
Free time activities surfing / listening to music / cooking with his parents

His name and his surname

337 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That’s me!

Unit 1 – Progress Test A

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Oral
Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção

Identificar o conteúdo A. Preenchimento de tabela 8 × 5 = 40 Certo / Errado

principal do que se ouve, assim B. Completamento de espaços 9 × 4 = 36 Certo / Errado
como informações específicas. 4 × 6 = 24
C. Identificação e correção de Certo / Parcialmente certo /
informação incorreta (sublinhar informação Errado
incorreta: 2; corrigir a
informação: 4)
Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção

Entender textos narrativos A. Completamento de tabela 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado

sobre temas abordados no B. Verdadeiro / Falso Afirmações verdadeiras Certo / Errado
domínio intercultural.
Afirmações falsas
Correção das afirmações
4 × 7 = 28
C. Completamento de tabela 4 × 7 = 28 Certo / Errado
D. Resposta curta Certo / Parcialmente certo /
Total: 100 (certo: 7 pontos;
parcialmente certo: 1-6
pontos; errado: 0 pontos)

Instrumento de Avaliação – Léxico e Gramática

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Léxico A. Resposta restrita 6 × 2 = 12 Certo / Errado
Compreender formas de
B. Associação 8 × 2 = 16 Certo / Errado
organização do léxico.
C. Completamento de espaços 5 × 2 = 10 Certo / Errado
Gramática A. Completamento de espaços 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
Conhecer algumas estruturas
B. Completamento de espaços 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
frequentes do funcionamento
da língua: possessive C. Resposta restrita 4 × 3 = 12 Certo / Errado.
determiners, verb have got, D. Completamento de espaços 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
verb to be, possessive case,
present continuous. Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Produção Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção

Escrever sobre pessoas. Resposta extensa 100 Competência pragmática: 60

Competência linguística: 40
(ver níveis de desempenho no
Total: 100 final do separador)

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1 Listening
Progress Test B
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to part 1. Complete the file about Derek’s best friend. CD 5 Tracks 5 ● 6

Derek’s best friend

1. Name:
2. Nickname:
3. Age:
4. Date of birth:
5. Place of birth:
6. Physical appearance:
7. Personality:
8. Hobbies:

B Listen to part 2 and complete the sentences about Derek’s family with the words in the
box. CD 5 Tracks 7 ● 8

cat Emily nurse lazy police officer

six thin curly five

1. There are __________________ people in Derek’s family.

2. His little sister’s name is __________________. She is __________________ years old.
3. Derek’s pet is a __________________. His pet is very __________________.
4. Derek is tall and __________________.
5. He’s got __________________ black hair.
6. Derek’s father is a __________________. His mother is a __________________.

C Listen to part 3. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? CD 5 Tracks 9 ● 10

1. Derek’s family enjoys doing things together.

2. They like activities in the open air.

3. Derek’s father cooks well.

4. Derek’s grandma is helping cook dinner.

339 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Reading
Progress Test B
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

Ally and Stella Hamilton

I’m Ally and I’ve got a twin sister, Stella. Our surname is
Hamilton. We were born in the summer, on 10 June,
and we’re twelve. My sister and I have got brown eyes
and long brown hair. I’m a very quiet girl, but my sister
5 is talkative. We’re from the USA, but we live in
Manchester, England because our grandparents are
here too. We all live in their house. Our dad, Adam, is
a motorbike mechanic and our mum, Hina, is a nurse.
We’ve got a dog called Frisbee.
10 My sister and I are in year 7, but we aren’t in the same school. I play the violin and there
is a special class in my school for musicians like me. I have got music lessons in my school on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stella can’t play an instrument. She’s a ballet dancer, and
her school has got a class for dancers like her. They have got lessons in the morning, and they
go to a ballet school in the afternoon. At the moment Stella is preparing a special dance for
15 her school Christmas party.
In my family we do lots of fun activities. We all like riding our bikes and playing lots of games
together. My mum’s favourite thing is walking our dog. My father is not very good at games,
but he likes reading about cars and bikes! In this photo my sister and I are reading our favourite
books: Harry Potter books. Books are a lot of fun!

Complete the table with information in the 1st paragraph about Ally in note form.

1. Surname

2. Age

3. Physical description

4. Family

5. Pet

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 340

U1 That’s me!

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1. Ally and her family live in the United States.

2. Her grandmother and grandfather live with her.

3. Ally and Stella are in different school years.

4. Stella has got dance lessons in the afternoon.

5. Ally’s school is having a Christmas party.

What are the family’s hobbies? Fill in the table.

1. Father

2. Mother

3. Ally

4. Stella

Answer the questions.
1. What nationality are the twins?
The twins

2. What are Mr and Mrs Hamilton’s jobs?

Mr Hamilton and
Mrs Hamilton
3. How many times a week has Ally got music lessons?
Ally has got

4. What is Ally doing in the picture?

Ally is

341 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Vocabulary and Grammar
Progress Test B
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher


Label the pictures with the correct hobbies.

1. 2. c 3. s

4. w 5. l 6. f
Complete the table with the words below. There are three extra words.
stubborn Greek straight daughter
freckles French wife selfish

1. Physical description 2. Personality 3. Nationality 4. Family members

______________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

_ _
______________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
_ _

Read the sentences and find the job.
1. I bring you food in a restaurant. w
2. I take care of your pets and animals. v
3. I cook amazing food in a restaurant. c
Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 342
U1 That’s me!

4. I fly planes.
5. I put out fires. f


Choose the correct possessive determiner: my, your, his, her, our.
1. We live in Manchester and __________________ address
is 32 Ellesmere Road.
2. Lewis is Ally’s best friend. He’s got lots of hobbies, but
__________________ favourite hobby is skateboarding.
3. Stella and __________________ father are in the garden
because it’s a beautiful day.
4. Mum, what’s __________________ favourite song?
__________________ favourite song is “Last Christmas”.

Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs to be and have got.
Ally and Stella 1. __________________ (have got) a cousin: Christopher. He lives near them.
Christopher 2. __________________ (not have got) any brothers or sisters. He 3. ______________
(be) an only child.
Christopher likes surfing and he 4. __________________ (have got) a new surfboard. His parents
5. __________________ (not be) good at surfing.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive: ’s or ’.
1. Stella_____ ballet shoes are pink.
2. They live in their grandparents_____ house.
3. This is Lewis_____ new skateboard.
4. The children_____ school is in Manchester.

Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. Ally’s grandparents __________________ (not cook) at the moment. They __________________
(watch) their granddaughter playing the violin.
2. __________________ (you / study) now, Stella?
No, I __________________. I __________________ (get) dressed for my dance lessons.

343 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Writing
Progress Test B
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read this fact file about Andrew and write a text about him.

Name / Surname Andrew Nolan

Birthday 3rd January
Place of birth Toronto, Canada
Nationality Canadian
Colour of hair brown
Colour of eyes blue
Personality hard-working, friendly
Occupation student / surfer
father – police officer, mother – shop assistant, brother –
Henry, 16 years old
Free time activities surfing / listening to music / cooking with his parents
His name and his surname

Name / Surname His birthday is on .He was born

Birthday / Place of Birth He .

Nationality He has got and .

Colour of hair / eyes He is and .

Personality He is a .

Occupation His

Family .

In his free time, he

Free time activities .

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U1 That’s me!

Unit 1 – Progress Test B

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Oral
Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Identificar o conteúdo principal A. Preenchimento de tabela 8 × 5 = 40 Certo / Errado
do que se ouve, assim como
B. Completamento de espaços 9 × 4 = 36 Certo / Errado
informações específicas.
C. Verdadeiro / Falso 4 × 6 = 24 Certo / Errado
Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Entender textos narrativos A. Completamento de tabela 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
sobre temas abordados no
B. Verdadeiro / Falso 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
domínio intercultural.
C. Completamento de tabela 4 × 7 = 28 Certo / Errado
D. Resposta curta 4 × 8 = 32 Certo / Parcialmente certo /
(certo: 8 pontos;
Total: 100 parcialmente certo: 1-6
pontos; errado: 0 pontos)

Instrumento de Avaliação – Léxico e Gramática

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Léxico A. Completamento de espaços 6 × 2 = 12 Certo / Errado
Compreender formas de
B. Associação 8 × 2 = 16 Certo / Errado
organização do léxico.
C. Completamento de espaços 5 × 2 = 10 Certo / Errado
Conhecer algumas estruturas A. Completamento de espaços 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
frequentes do
B. Completamento de espaços 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
funcionamentoda língua:
possessive determiners, verb C. Completamento de espaços 4 × 3 = 12 Certo / Errado.
have got, verb to be, possessive D. Completamento de espaços 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
case, present continuous. Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Produção Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção

Escrever sobre pessoas. Resposta extensa 100 Competência pragmática: 60

Competência linguística: 40
(ver níveis de desempenho no
Total: 100 final do separador)

345 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

1 Listening
Progress Test C
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to part 1. Complete the file about Derek’s best friend. CD 5 Tracks 5 ● 6

Derek’s best friend

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Date of birth: 2nd
5. Physical appearance: straight brown ;
7. Personality: and hard-working
8. Hobbies: and playing

B Listen to part 2 and complete the sentences about Derek’s family with the words in the
box. CD 5 Tracks 7 ● 8

police officer six thin nurse

1. Emily is _________________ years old.

2. Derek is tall and _________________.

3. Derek’s father is a _________________. His mother is a _________________.

C Listen to part 3. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? CD 5 Tracks 9 ● 10

1. Derek’s family likes doing activities together.

2. They like walking in the park.

3. Derek’s father is cooking a special lunch.

4. Derek’s grandma is sleeping.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 346

1 Reading
Progress Test C
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read the text.

Ally and Stella Hamilton

I’m Ally and I’ve got a twin sister, Stella. Our surname
is Hamilton. We were born in the summer, on 10th June,
and we’re twelve. My sister and I have got brown eyes
and long brown hair. We’re from the USA, but we live in
5 Manchester, England because our grandparents are
here too. We all live in their house. Our dad, Adam, is
a motorbike mechanic and our mum, Hina, is a nurse.
We’ve got a dog called Frisbee.
My sister and I are in year 7, but we aren’t in the
10 same school. I play the violin and there is a special class in my school for musicians like me. I
have got music lessons in my school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stella is a ballet
dancer, and her school has got a class for dancers like her. They have got lessons in the morning,
and they go to a ballet school in the afternoon. At the moment Stella is preparing a special
dance for her school Christmas party.
15 In my family we do lots of fun activities. We all like riding our bikes and playing lots of games
together. My mum’s favourite thing is walking our dog. My father likes reading about cars and
bikes! In this photo my sister and I are reading our favourite books: Harry Potter books. Books
are a lot of fun!
Complete the table with information about Ally in bold in the text.

1. Surname

2. Age

3. Physical description

4. Family

5. Pet

347 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That's me!

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1. Ally lives in the United States.

2. Her grandparents live with her.

3. Ally and Stella are in different school years.

4. Stella has got dance lessons.

What are the family’s hobbies? Fill in the table.

riding ; playing ;
1. Father
riding ; playing ;
2. Mother
riding ; playing ;
3. Ally
reading ; playing
riding ; playing ;
4. Stella
reading ; ballet
Match the columns.
The twins are 1   a music lessons three times a week.
Mr Hamilton is 2   b in the photo.
Ally has got 3   c American.
Ally and Stella are reading 4   d a mechanic.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 348

1 Vocabulary and
Progress Test C
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher


Choose the correct hobbies.

1. swimming / reading 2. playing games / chatting 3. singing / drawing

on the internet

4. watching TV / playing TV 5. painting / listening to 6 flying a plane / flying a kite

Choose the correct option.
1. Physical description: straight / Italian
2. Personality: husband / selfish
3. Nationality: wife / French
4. Family member: daughter / wavy

Match the columns.

I bring you food in a restaurant. 1  pilot

 a
I take care of your pets
2   b waiter
and animals.
I cook amazing food
3   c firefighter
in a restaurant.
I fly planes. 4   d chef

349 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That's me!

I put out fires. 5   e vet


Choose the correct possessive determiner.
1. We live in Manchester and our / my address is 32 Ellesmere Road.
2. Lewis is Ally’s best friend. He’s got lots of hobbies, but
his / her favourite hobby is skateboarding.
3. Stella and his / her father are in the garden
because it’s a beautiful day.
4. Mum, what’s our / your favourite song?
My / Your favourite song is “Last Christmas”.

Choose the correct form of the verbs to be and have got.
Ally and Stella 1. has got / have got a cousin: Christopher. He lives near them.
Christopher 2. hasn’t got / haven’t got any brothers or sisters. He 3. is / are an only child.
Christopher likes surfing and he 4. has got / have got a new surfboard. His parents 5. isn’t /
aren’t good at surfing.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive: ’s or ’.
1. Stella_______ ballet shoes are pink.
2. They live in their grandparents_______ house.
3. This is Lewis_______ new skateboard.
4. The children_______ school is in Manchester.

Choose the correct form of the present continuous.
1. Ally’s grandparents isn’t cooking / aren’t cooking at the moment. They is watching / are
watching their grandaughter playing the violin.
2. Is you studying / Are you studying now, Stella?
No, I am not / aren’t. I am getting / are getting dressed for my dance lessons.

Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7 350

1 Writing
Progress Test C
Name No. Class
Date Mark Teacher

Read this fact file about Andrew and write a text about him.

Name / Surname Andrew Nolan

Birthday 3rd January
Place of birth Toronto, Canada
Nationality Canadian
Colour of hair brown
Colour of eyes blue
Personality hard-working, friendly
Occupation student / surfer
father – police officer, mother – shop assistant, brother –
Henry, 16 years old
Free time activities surfing / listening to music / cooking with his parents
His name is Andrew and is surname is 1. His birthday is on 3rd January . He

was born in Toronto, Canada. He is 2. . He has got 3. hair

and blue 4. . He is hard-working and 5. .He is a

student and a surfer. His 6. is a police officer and his mother is a

7. . He has got a 8. , Henry. He is 16 years

old. In his free 9. he likes surfing, listening to music , and

10. with his parents.

351 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That's me!

Unit 1 – Progress Test C

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Oral
Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Identificar o conteúdo principal A. Preenchimento de tabela 10 × 4 = 40 Certo / Errado
do que se ouve, assim como
B. Completamento de espaços 4 × 9 = 36 Certo / Errado
informações específicas.
C. Verdadeiro / Falso 4 × 6 = 24 Certo / Errado
Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Compreensão Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Entender textos narrativos A. Completamento de tabela 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
sobre temas abordados no
B. Verdadeiro / Falso 4 × 5 = 20 Certo / Errado
domínio intercultural.
C. Completamento de tabela 14 × 2 = 28 Certo / Errado
D. Associação 4 × 8 = 32 Certo /Errado

Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Léxico e Gramática

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção
Léxico A. Seleção de opção 6 × 2 = 12 Certo / Errado
Compreender formas de
B. Seleção de opção 4 × 4 = 16 Certo / Errado
organização do léxico.
C. Associação 5 × 2 = 10 Certo / Errado
Gramática A. Seleção de opção 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
Conhecer algumas estruturas
B. Seleção de opção 5 × 3 = 15 Certo / Errado
frequentes do
funcionamentoda língua: C. Completamento de espaços 4 × 3 = 12 Certo / Errado.
possessive determiners, verb D. Seleção de opção 5 × 4 = 20 Certo / Errado
have got, verb to be, possessive
case, present continuous.
Total: 100

Instrumento de Avaliação – Produção Escrita

Conhecimentos e
Estrutura Cotações Critérios de correção

Escrever sobre pessoas. Resposta restrita 10 × 10 = 100 Certo / Errado

Total: 100

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unit 1 Speaking Test

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Complete the fact file about yourself.

Place of birth
Family members (names,
ages, jobs…)
Free time activities/hobbies
Introduce yourself to the class.

Start like this…

My name is…

353 Editable and photocopiable © Texto | What’s up 7

U1 That's me!

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