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Eli Moldovan

1. What were Eli Moldovan’s deepest traumas in the abominable institutions? (physical,
mental, emotional)
Eli Moldovan’s traumas consist of the beating received from those who should have
protected her, the daily terror given by the insecurity, the permanent fear of being
physically or sexually abused, the lack of access to good and sufficient food, warmth,
hygiene and privacy; from the lack of making one’s own choices, the lack of
confidence in other people and oneself, the lack of respect and self-esteem, the fear of
something new.
2. Why are these state institutions MUCH worse than prisons, where prisoners at least
may get out into the open air / sunshine and work? Think about the physical,
emotional, intellectual conditions and LACK of possible evolution of the
institutionalized children?
These state institutions are much worse than prisons because institutionalized children
are not allowed to leave the institution even to go outside in the fres air without the
consent of the director of the institution. They have no freedom in education and work,
in personal decisions. They only have to go where they are told.
3. Why does the Romanian state maintain these abusive institutions: remember the
suffrage and the parsley (patrunjel) ‘affairs’…
The Romanian state maintains these abusive institutions duet o overvalued
acquisitions and contracts with „friendly”companies of those who work at these
institutions, and duet o the corruption that exists in our country.
4. What can you offer them: money, food, gifts or time, warmth, affection,
COUNSELLING and short walks outside, in the open?
We can offer them warmth, affection, counselling and short walks outside, in the open.
These things are more valuable for institutionalized children than money, food and

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