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SPECIAL ISSUE The SN 10: Scientists to Watch


Launching at Last
After years of delays, the James Webb Space Telescope
will take flight to explore the earliest galaxies

cover.indd 1 9/22/21 12:29 PM


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_C2.indd 2 9/10/21 4:16 PM

VOL. 200 | NO. 7

26 The Origami Satellite
COVER STORY In the decades it’s taken
to build and test the James Webb Space
Telescope, science has changed, opening new
vistas for the long-awaited observatory.
By Lisa Grossman

32 The SN 10: Times of Change

Science News checks in with researchers

previously featured in our annual Scientists to


Watch list to see how the pandemic and other

upheavals have affected their work.

6 Astronomers piece 12 Forest fires have 18 An ancient woman’s
together a case of double encroached on the DNA sheds new light
cosmic cannibalism homes of most of on human migrations to
the Amazon’s parts of Indonesia
7 Rains made ancient
threatened species
Arabia a recurring oasis 20 Artificial intelligence
for hominids 14 Swarms of satellites could improve sea ice
will disrupt views of forecasts 4
8 NASA’s Perseverance
rover collects its first the night sky, new 22 Human infants and
Martian rock samples simulations suggest chimpanzees laugh
in similar ways
Beams of atoms and 16 Fossilized elephant
molecules that twist like footprints may reveal Zinc makes the “teeth”
corkscrews are a first an ancient nursery of some leaf-cutter ants 4 NOTEBOOK
razor sharp COVID-19 vaccines are
10 A supernova’s repeat Stone Age humans in working; scientists find
appearance could help Africa used scrapers 24 Potty training cattle an easier way to temper
resolve how fast the made of bone to make might cut down on chocolate
universe is expanding leather and pelts pollution
Scientists and poets unite
on a spoken word album


A magnified oak leaf
resembles sea life

COVER Once unfolded,

as in this illustration,
the James Webb Space
Telescope will observe
exoplanets and distant
24 galaxies. NASA | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 1

toc.indd 1 9/22/21 12:47 PM


Good things come to



astronomers who wait EDITOR , SPECIAL PROJECTS Elizabeth Quill

NEWS DIRECTOR Macon Morehouse
Scientists and journalists share a deep fascination with MANAGING EDITOR , MAGAZINE Erin Wayman
what’s new, but our patience can be tried when a prom- ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR Ashley Yeager
ised big new thing is delayed. That’s particularly true of ASSOCIATE DIGITAL EDITOR Helen Thompson
the protracted wait for the James Webb Space Telescope, AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT EDITOR Mike Denison
ASTRONOMY Lisa Grossman
which has stretched from a promised 20 years or so to BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Bruce Bower
BIOMEDICAL Aimee Cunningham
32 years — enough to make the project the butt of many jokes. EARTH AND CLIMATE Carolyn Gramling
Finally the massive telescope, designed to capture faint hints of infrared MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, SENIOR WRITER Tina Hesman Saey
light from the distant reaches of the universe, is poised to launch in December. PHYSICS , SENIOR WRITER Emily Conover
And astonishingly, it’s not past its freshness date. In this issue, astronomy STAFF WRITERS Erin Garcia de Jesús, Jonathan Lambert
writer Lisa Grossman explains that the long delay may end up making the CONTRIBUTING CORRESPONDENTS
instrument actually more useful (Page 26). Advances in the last few decades, Laura Beil, Tom Siegfried, Alexandra Witze

including the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, have raised exciting ques- DESIGN
tions, including whether there’s life on those planets, that the telescope is now DESIGN DIRECTOR Erin Otwell
ART DIRECTOR Tracee Tibbitts
poised to explore. ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Chang Won Chang

The telescope is also beautiful, with a golden sunflower-like mirror and SCIENCE NEWS FOR STUDENTS
EDITOR Janet Raloff
horizontal “sails” that shield the spacecraft from the sun. I’m a word person, MANAGING EDITOR Sarah Zielinski
and one of the great pleasures of my job is to see how our design team uses WEB PRODUCER Lillian Steenblik Hwang

images and graphics to explain complex science. In this case, it involved sift- SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE
ing through many images to find an illustration that reveals how the craft, CHIEF OF STAFF Rachel Goldman Alper
which will be folded like an umbrella for launch, will look once it’s unfolded CHIEF PROGRAM OFFICER Michele Glidden
and flying in space. It’s a joyous expression of science in action that requires CHIEF COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Gayle Kansagor
Also in this issue, you’ll find an update on our SN 10: Scientists to Watch CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Dan Reznikov

(Page 32). In years past, this project has introduced early- and mid-career BOARD OF TRUSTEES
CHAIR Mary Sue Coleman
scientists doing fascinating, significant work. This year, because of the VICE CHAIR Martin Chalfie TREASURER Hayley Bay Barna
SECRETARY Paul J. Maddon AT LARGE Christine Burton
tumult in science and the world, we chose to check back in with several of MEMBERS Craig R. Barrett, Adam Bly, Mariette DiChristina,
Tessa M. Hill, Tom Leighton, Alan Leshner, W.E. Moerner,
the scientists we profiled in years past to see how their research, and their Dianne K. Newman, Thomas F. Rosenbaum, Gideon Yu,
Feng Zhang, Maya Ajmera, ex officio
perspectives, have changed. Theirs are inspiring stories of adaptability, cre-
ativity and perseverance, and speak to how essential science is in answering ADVERTISING Daryl Anderson
the challenges that humankind and our planet face. They give me hope for PERMISSIONS Maxine Baydush

our shared future. — Nancy Shute, Editor in Chief Science News

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2 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

ednote.indd 2 9/22/21 12:23 PM


_p3.indd 3 9/10/21 4:51 PM


The Hispaniolan vineboa’s

large eyes and zigzag color-
ing alerted researchers that
Excerpt from the they had stumbled upon a new
October 9, 1971 species, one that may be among
issue of Science News the world’s smallest boas.


Probing pharaohs Eye-popping boas constitute a new species

with X-rays A wide-eyed snake has made scientists Genetic analyses and close inspections of
The 29 mummies of do a double take. The Hispaniolan five snakes confirmed the team’s hunch
pharaohs and queens were vineboa, with its large protruding eyes that the boas belong to a species new to
examined without disturb- and square snout, is the first boa spe- science.
ing their present positions.… cies to be discovered in the Dominican The species may already be in trouble.
[Researchers using portable Republic in more than a century. All serpents that the team found were
X-ray equipment] found Naturalist Miguel Landestoy of within one kilometer of each other. That’s
evidence of rheumatoid the Universidad Autónoma de Santo “a little bit alarming in the sense that they
inflammation of the verte- Domingo in the Dominican Republic might be restricted to a very small area,”
brae of Amenophis II, ruler and colleagues discovered the snake, Reynolds says. Agricultural activities
of Egypt from 1436 to 1413 Chilabothrus ampelophis, slithering in threaten the species’s habitat. Next, the
B.C…. [A queen] was buried a patch of mountainous dry forest near team plans to figure out the extent of the
with what was thought to be the country’s southwestern border with boa’s range. — Erin Garcia de Jesús
her mummified infant. But Haiti on the island of Hispaniola. The
radiography of the object last time researchers described a new
confirmed its identification boa species on the island was in 1888. SCIENCE STATS d
as a mummified adolescent “The fact that an animal could have C
baboon. gone undetected for so long on this
COVID-19 vaccines
island that has a lot of people on it is are doing their job c
UPDATE: Scientists now pretty remarkable,” says herpetologist As the coronavirus continues to surge w
investigate Egyptian mum- R. Graham Reynolds of the University across the United States, hospitals are J
mies with advanced imaging of North Carolina Asheville. filling up with people with COVID-19. r
devices that were unavailable What’s more, the Hispaniolan And the vast majority of those patients w
in 1971. Micro-CT scans and vineboa may be among the world’s are unvaccinated, as two recent charts a


virtual reality models have pro- smallest boas, Reynolds, Landestoy (see Page 5) make clear. t
vided detailed life history and and colleague Robert Henderson of The first of those charts shows that
embalming information about the Milwaukee Public Museum report from the week ending January 30 to
three animal mummies — a cat, August 17 in Breviora. In general, adult the week ending July 24, vaccinated
a bird and a snake (SN: 9/12/20, boas typically reach 2 meters or more in individuals (red) were hospital-
p. 17). 3-D printing has enabled length. The longest Hispaniolan vineboa ized with COVID-19 at a much lower
scientists to reconstruct the that the team found, an adult female, cumulative rate than unvaccinated
vocal tract and simulate the measures less than 1 meter. The short- individuals (blue). And the dif-
voice of a 3,000-year-old est, probably a juvenile male, is less than ference in rates between the two
mummified priest (SN: 2/15/20, a half meter long. groups grew over time. By late July, a
p. 14). And infrared scanners Compared with the features of the total of about 26 adults per 100,000

have revealed tattoos on three other boa species on the island, vaccinated people had been hospital-
seven mummies dating to the Hispaniolan vineboa’s small size, ized for COVID-19. That’s compared
about 3,000 years ago large eyes and dark, zigzag-patterned with about 431 adults hospitalized
(SN: 12/21/19 & 1/4/20, p. 8). scales tipped off the researchers that per 100,000 unvaccinated people. The SO

they had spotted something new.

4 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

notebook.indd 4 9/22/21 12:07 PM


A pinch of fat could make tempering chocolate a breeze

Glossy, velvety chocolate that snaps in the fingers and melts
in the mouth is the chocolatier’s dream.
But crafting cocoa confections with this optimal texture
is no easy feat. The endeavor, known as tempering (shown at
right), demands carefully warming and cooling liquid choco-
late until it crystallizes into its most delectable form. Now,
scientists may have found a shortcut: adding a small pinch
of fatty molecules called phospholipids, researchers report
August 31 in Nature Communications.
With phospholipids, “you can simplify the whole temper- butter — achieving a concentration of 0.1 percent of the
ing process, making sure you always have the right quality chocolate’s total weight — the mixture rapidly crystallized
of the chocolate,” says food chemist Alejandro Marangoni of into the elusive, melt-in-the-mouth texture. The process
the University of Guelph in Canada. required a single cooling to 20˚ Celsius rather than multiple
Curious about what occurs on a molecular level during heating and cooling cycles as tempering typically demands.
tempering, Marangoni and colleagues focused on the ingre- Next, the team increased the phospholipid concentration
dient that gives chocolate its texture — cocoa butter. While in melted dark chocolate by an extra 0.1 percent and eas-
previous tempering research had targeted cocoa butter’s ily produced high-quality textures. The result suggests that
main component, triglycerides, the team set its sights on a phospholipids could be used to simplify chocolate tempering.
y different sweet spot: the minor components, which include The hack could help small-scale chocolatiers avoid some
free fatty acids and phospholipids. Removing these minor of the complications and expenses associated with temper-
components from the cocoa butter and adding them back in ing machines, Marangoni says. Large-scale manufacturers,
one by one allowed the researchers to figure out the role of on the other hand, would need to figure out how to evenly
each during tempering. disperse phospholipids in a large vat of molten chocolate.
With just a pinch of phospholipids added to the cocoa — Nikk Ogasa

data come from 13 states, including The cumulative rates and the The findings “remind us that
California, Georgia and Utah. weekly rates send two clear messages: if you are not yet vaccinated, you
That trend held when researchers If you’re vaccinated, your overall risk are among those highest at risk,”
charted hospitalization rates on a of hospitalization is much lower than Rochelle Walensky, director of the
weekly basis too (below, right). From if you’re not vaccinated. And, even as U.S. Centers for Disease Control
January to July, weekly hospitalization hospitalization risk among unvacci- and Prevention, said August 24 at a
rates among unvaccinated people (blue) nated people fluctuates week by week, White House news briefing. “Please
were six to 31 times as high as those probably as a result of community do not underestimate the risk of
among vaccinated people (red), the transmission, risk remains low for serious consequences of this virus.”

team reports August 29 at vaccinated people. — Erin Garcia de Jesús

Cumulative rates of U.S. COVID-19 hospitalizations of Weekly rates of U.S. COVID-19 hospitalizations of
adults by vaccination status, January–July 2021 adults by vaccination status, January–July 2021
500 35
450 Unvaccinated
Rate per 100,000 people

Rate per 100,000 people

400 Fully vaccinated
350 25
300 20
200 15
150 10

0 0
January 30 March 20 May 15 July 3 January 30 March 20 May 15 July 3
Week ending date Week ending date
SOURCE: F.P. HAVERS ET AL/MEDRXIV.ORG | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 5

notebook.indd 5 9/22/21 1:34 PM


Double cannibalism sparks explosion

It could be astronomers’ first glimpse of this rare stellar event
the still-living star for hundreds of
A star that engulfed years, eventually making its way down
its partner spews jets
(illustrated) as the to and then merging with its partner’s
partner merges with core. Before the merger, the larger of
the star’s core. the pair shed huge amounts of gas and
dust, forming a shell of material around
the duo.
In the living star’s center, gravita-
tional forces and complex m agnetic
interactions from the partner ’s
munching launched enormous jets of
energy — picked up as the X-ray flash
in 2014 — as well as causing the larger
partner to explode. Debris from the
detonation smashed with colossal speed
into the surrounding shell of material,
generating the optical and radio light.
While theorists have previously
envisioned such a scenario, dubbed a
merger-triggered core collapse super-
nova, this event appears to be the first
direct observation of this phenomenon,
Dong says.
“They’ve done some pretty good detec-
BY ADAM MANN telescopes at the W.M. Keck Observatory tive work using these observations,”
For the first time, astronomers have in Hawaii. The Keck telescope, which says Adam Burrows, an astrophysicist
captured solid evidence of a rare double sees optical light, like our eyes, caught a at Princeton University who was not
cosmic cannibalism: A star swallowed a luminous outflow of material spewing in involved in the work. The findings should
compact object such as a black hole or all directions at 3.2 million kilometers help constrain the timing of a process
neutron star. In turn, that object gobbled per hour from a central location. That called common envelope evolution, in
the star’s core, causing it to explode and finding suggests an energetic explosion which one star becomes immersed inside
leave behind only a black hole. had occurred there. another, he says. Such stages in stars’
The first hints of the gruesome event, The team then found an extremely lives are relatively short-lived in cosmic
described in the Sept. 3 Science, came bright X-ray source in archival data time and difficult to both observe and
from the Very Large Array, or VLA, a from the Monitor of All Sky X-ray simulate. Most of the time, the engulfing
radio telescope consisting of 27 enor- Image telescope on the International partner dies before its core is consumed,
mous dishes in the New Mexican desert Space Station. This X-ray burst was in leading to two compact objects such as
near Socorro. During the telescope’s the same place as the radio burst but had white dwarfs, neutron stars or black
scans of the night sky in 2017, a burst of been observed back in 2014. holes orbiting one another.
radio energy as bright as the brightest Piecing the data together, Dong and The final stages of common envelope
exploding star — or supernova — as seen colleagues think this is what happened: evolution are exactly what observatories
from Earth appeared in a dwarf galaxy. Long ago, a pair of stars were born orbit- like the Advanced Laser Interferometer
“We thought, ‘Whoa, this is interest- ing each other; one died in a spectacular G ravitational-Wave Observatory, or
ing,’” says astronomer Dillon Dong of supernova and became either a neutron LIGO, detect when capturing ripples
Caltech. star or a black hole. As gravity brought in spacetime (SN: 1/30/21, p. 30), Dong
Dong and colleagues made follow- the two objects closer together, the says. Now that astronomers know to look

up observations of the galaxy, which former star actually entered the outer for these multiple lines of evidence, he
is about 500 million light-years from layers of its larger stellar sibling. expects more examples of this strange
Earth, using the VLA and one of the The compact object spiraled inside phenomenon to pop up. s

6 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

blackhole.indd 6 9/22/21 10:59 AM

HUMANS & SOCIETY Roughly 400,000 years 20 mm
ago, members of an
A lush Arabia enticed Stone Age groups unidentified Homo group
left behind stone hand
Migrating hominids trekked through the area during wet periods axes such as this one
near a lake in northern
BY BRUCE BOWER says archaeologist Donald Henry of the
Arabia, known today for its desert land- University of Tulsa in Oklahoma, who did lake bed, Groucutt
scape, served as a “green turnstile” for not participate in the study. says. These finds
migrating Stone Age members of the Across five occupation phases cov- consist of rock
human genus starting around 400,000 ering hundreds of thousands of years, chunks shaped
years ago, a new study finds. different Homo species or closely related so that sharp flakes,
Monsoon rains periodically turned Homo populations at KAM 4 “were doing also unearthed there,
northern Arabia into an oasis, creating broadly the same things,” Groucutt says. could be pounded off. Humans based in
windows of opportunity for humans Small groups camped by lakes where northeastern Africa around that time
or their relatives to trek through that individuals made stone tools for food made similar tools. Some of those people
crossroads region from starting points in preparation, hunting and woodworking. may have reached Arabia before jour-
northern Africa and southwestern Asia. But each phase, dated mainly by a neying to southwestern Asia, Groucutt
That’s the implication of five ancient technique that estimates the amount of suggests.
lake beds of varying ages, each accompa- time since grains of lake sediment were Groucutt’s group excavated compa-
nied by distinctive stone tools, unearthed last exposed to sunlight, had its own evo- rable tools at a site called Jubbah, about
in northern Saudi Arabia at a site called lutionary character. 150 kilometers east of KAM 4. Those tools
Khall Amayshan 4, or KAM 4. Sediments The identity of the KAM 4 crowd date to about 210,000 years ago and are
from the lake beds, which were linked to 400,000 years ago, who left behind hand another sign of migrations into Arabia at
periods when the climate was wetter than axes, is unclear, but it couldn’t have been a time when the corresponding KAM 4
today, also yielded fossils of hippos, wild H. sapiens. Our species didn’t originate lake bed shows that wet conditions
cattle and other animals. Like hominids, until roughly 300,000 years ago in Africa. reigned. Additional stone tools unearthed
those creatures must have migrated into One possibility is that those ancient at Jubbah date to about 75,000 years ago.
the region along rain-fed lakes, wetlands Arabians represented a now-extinct Stone implements resembling the
and rivers, an international team reports Homo population from southwestern Jubbah finds were also excavated at the
in the Sept. 16 Nature. Asia that later migrated into Africa, youngest two KAM 4 sites, one dating
Until now, the oldest stone tools in possibly contributing to H. sapiens evolu- to between about 125,000 and 75,000
Arabia dated to at least 300,000 years ago tion, Groucutt speculates. years ago and the other to roughly
(SN: 12/22/18 & 1/5/19, p. 6). Aside from Similar but slightly smaller, more finely 55,000 years ago. The older site probably
providing the earliest known evidence of worked hand axes turned up at a roughly hosted H. sapiens, possibly a group that

hominids in Arabia, the new finds dem- 300,000-year-old KAM 4 lake bed, indi- left Africa, Groucutt suggests.
onstrate that Homo groups traveled there cating a second occupation phase. The The youngest KAM 4 artifacts could
when conditions turned wet, say archae- researchers doubt that early H. sapiens represent H. sapiens or Neandertals, he
ologist Huw Groucutt of the Max Planck from Africa scurried over there in time to says. Neandertals reached the Middle
Institute for the Science of Human make the tools. Whichever Homo group East by about 70,000 years ago and
History in Jena, Germany, and colleagues. did could have come either from northern could have reached a green Arabia by
The number, completeness and time Africa or southwestern Asia. 55,000 years ago. If so, Neandertals may
frames of KAM 4’s lake deposits make A third round of KAM 4 occupants, have interbred with H. sapiens in Arabia,
this site “one of a kind … that will con- probably H. sapiens, fashioned artifacts a possibility not raised before.
tinue to produce remarkable results,” found at a roughly 200,000-year-old Despite uncertainties about which
hominids reached KAM 4, the site’s
Stone tools excavated at the Jubbah oasis (shown) in northern Saudi Arabia, tools generally look more like simi-
along with nearby lake bed finds, indicate that hominids periodically traveled larly aged African tools than artifacts
through the region when the climate was wetter than today. found in southern Arabia or at eastern
Mediterranean sites, Henry says. Migra-
tions from Africa, he says, appear more
likely to have wended through north-
ern Arabia than across a narrow Red
Sea crossing to southern Arabia, often
regarded as a major dispersal route. s | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 7

arabia-tools.indd 7 9/22/21 10:17 AM


ATOM & COSMOS attempt to take a bit of Mars ended with

Perseverance the sample crumbling to dust, leaving

an empty tube (SN: 9/11/21, p. 32). That
snags Mars’ rocks rock was too soft to hold up to the drill,
scientists suspect. Nevertheless, the
The samples might shed light rover persevered.
on the Red Planet’s wet past Rochette is a hard rock that appears
to have been less severely eroded by mil-
BY LISA GROSSMAN lennia of Martian weather (SN: 7/4/20 &
The Perseverance rover has captured its 7/18/20, p. 24). Rover measurements of
first two slices of Mars. the rock’s texture and chemistry suggest The Perseverance rover drilled two cylinders
of stone out of a Martian rock in September.
NASA’s latest Mars rover drilled into a that Rochette is made of basalt and may The samples may eventually come to Earth for
flat rock nicknamed Rochette in Jezero have been part of an ancient lava flow. further study.
crater on September 1 and filled a roughly That’s useful because volcanic rocks pre-
finger-sized tube with stone. The sample serve their ages well, Stack Morgan says. Once the rocks are on Earth, scientists
is the first ever destined to be sent to When scientists on Earth get their hands plan to search inside the salts for fluid-
Earth for further study. On September 8, on the samples, they’ll be able to use the filled bubbles. Finding such bubbles
the rover snagged a second sample from concentrations of certain elements and would “give us a glimpse of the Jezero
the same rock. Both are now stored in air- isotopes to figure out exactly how old the crater at the time when it was wet and
tight tubes inside the rover’s body. rock is — something that’s never been was able to sustain ancient Martian life,”
Getting pairs of samples from every done for a pristine Martian rock. said planetary scientist Yulia Goreva,
rock it drills is “a little bit of an insur- Rochette also contains salt minerals also of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, in a
ance policy,” says deputy project that probably formed when the rock September 10 news briefing.
scientist Katie Stack Morgan of NASA’s interacted with water over long time Scientists will have to be patient,
Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif. It periods. That could suggest water mov- though. The earliest any samples will
means the rover can drop identical stores ing through the M artian subsurface, make it to Earth is 2031. But it’s still a
of samples in two different places, boost- maybe creating habitable environments historic milestone, says planetary scien-
ing chances that a future mission will be within the rocks there, Stack Morgan tist Meenakshi Wadhwa of Arizona State
able to pick up at least one of the sets. says. “It really feels like this rich trea- University in Tempe. “We’ve talked about
The successful drilling is a comeback sure trove of information for when we Mars sample return for decades, and now
story for Perseverance. The rover’s first get this sample back.” it’s starting to actually feel real.” s

MATTER & ENERGY through a grid of specially shaped slit pat-

Scientists spin up large-particle beams terns, each pattern just 600 nanometers
wide. The team detected a hallmark of
Twisting streams of atoms and molecules mark a physics first vortex beams: a row of rings imprinted
by the atoms on a detector, in which each
BY EMILY CONOVER possible applications aren’t yet clear, ring corresponds to a beam with a differ-
Like soft serve ice cream, beams of atoms says physicist Sonja Franke-Arnold of ent orbital angular momentum. Another
and molecules now come with a swirl. the University of Glasgow in Scotland. set of rings revealed vortex beams made
Scientists already knew how to dish According to quantum physics, par- of helium excimers, molecules created
up spiraling beams of light or electrons, ticles travel through space as waves. But when a helium atom in an energized state
known as vortex beams. Now, the first vortex beams’ waves don’t slosh up and pairs up with another helium atom.
vortex beams of atoms and molecules down like ripples on water. Instead, the Scientists might next study what hap-
are on the menu, researchers report in beams’ particles move in a corkscrewlike pens when the beams collide with light,
the Sept. 3 Science. fashion. That means vortex beams carry electrons or other atoms or molecules.
Vortex beams made of light or elec- a rotational oomph known as orbital In physics, “most important things are
trons have shown promise for making angular momentum. “This is some- achieved when we are revisiting known
special types of microscope images thing really very strange,” says physicist phenomena with a fresh perspective,”

and for transmitting information using Edvardas Narevicius of the Weizmann says physicist Ivan Madan of the Swiss
quantum physics (SN: 9/5/15, p. 14). But Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. Federal Institute of Technology in
vortex beams of larger particles such as Narevicius and colleagues created Lausanne. “This experiment allows us
atoms or molecules are so new that the the new beams by passing helium atoms to do that.” s

8 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

percy-vortex.indd 8 9/22/21 11:00 AM

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_p9.indd 9 9/10/21 5:03 PM


around 2042, the team calculates.

Not everyone agrees with the team’s
forecast of a 21-year delay. “It is very dif-
ficult to predict what the time delay will
be,” says Rudolph Schild, an astrophysi-
cist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. The
distribution of matter, which affects grav-
ity, in the supernova’s host galaxy and the
cluster bending the supernova’s light is so
uncertain, Schild says, that the next point
of light from SN Requiem could appear
outside the years the team has specified.
When the supernova does eventu-
ally appear again, “that would be a
A galaxy cluster (yellow phenomenally precise measurement” of
blobs, center) bends the
light (orange arcs) of the time delay, says astronomer Patrick
galaxy MRG-M0138 Kelly of the University of Minnesota in
in this telescope image. Minneapolis who was not involved with
the work. That’s because the uncertainty
ATOM & COSMOS in the time delay will be small compared

Supernova’s return may take decades with the tremendous length of the time
delay itself.
The delay could end a debate over the universe’s expansion rate That delay, coupled with an accurate
description of how light weaves through
BY KEN CROSWELL describes how fast the universe is expand- the galaxy cluster, could affect a debate
A meandering trek taken by light from ing and helps estimate the universe’s age. over the Hubble constant (SN: 9/14/19,
a remote supernova in the constellation The first three points of light appeared p. 22). Numerically, the Hubble constant
Cetus may help researchers pin down in images from the Hubble Space is the speed a distant galaxy recedes
how fast the universe is expanding — in Telescope. “It was purely an accident,” from us divided by the distance to that
another decade or two. says astronomer Steve Rodney, who did galaxy. For a given galaxy with a known
About 10 billion years ago, a star the work while at the University of South speed, a larger estimated distance from
exploded in a far-off galaxy named Carolina in Columbia. Three years later, Earth therefore leads to a lower number
MRG-M0138. Some of the light from when the telescope again observed the for the Hubble constant.
that explosion later encountered a galaxy, astronomer Gabriel Brammer of Decades ago, the Hubble constant was
gravitational lens, a cluster of galaxies the University of Copenhagen discov- in dispute by a factor of two. Today the
whose gravity sent the light on multiple ered that all three points of light had range is much tighter, from about 67 to
diverging paths. In 2016, the supernova vanished, indicating a supernova. 74 kilometers per second per 3 million
appeared in Earth’s sky three times, each By calculating how the gravity of the light-years. But that spread still leaves
time as a distinct point of light that took intervening cluster alters the paths of the universe’s age uncertain. The fre-
a different path to get here. the supernova’s light, Rodney, Brammer quently quoted age of 13.8 billion years
Now, researchers predict that the and colleagues predict that a fourth corresponds to a Hubble constant of A. NEWMAN, M. AKHSHIK, K. WHITAKER, HUBBLE/NASA, ESA

supernova will appear again in the late point of light — much delayed by the 67.4. But if the Hubble constant is 74,
2030s. The time from when the super- cluster’s gravity — will appear in 2037, then the universe could be about a
nova’s light last appeared in 2016 to give or take a couple of years. Around billion years younger.
when the light is predicted to appear that time, the Hubble Space Telescope The longer it takes for SN Requiem
again — the longest delay ever seen from a may burn up in Earth’s atmosphere, to reappear, the farther from Earth the
gravitationally lensed supernova — could so the team has dubbed the supernova host galaxy is — which means a lower
provide a more precise estimate for the SN Requiem. Hubble constant and an older universe.
distance to the supernova’s host gal- “It’s a requiem for a dying star and If the debate over the Hubble constant
axy, the team reports September 13 in a sort of elegy to the Hubble Space persists into the 2030s, the exact date
Nature Astronomy. And that, in turn, Telescope itself,” Rodney says. A fifth the supernova shows itself again could
may let astronomers refine estimates of point of light that will be too faint to help resolve the dispute and nail down a
the Hubble constant, the parameter that see with current telescopes may arrive fundamental cosmological parameter. s

10 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

supernova.indd 10 9/22/21 11:03 AM

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_p11.indd 11 9/10/21 5:01 PM


EARTH & ENVIRONMENT ranges have been exposed to recent

Amazon fires intrude on wildlife spaces fires. The team compiled range maps of
11,514 plant and 3,079 vertebrate species,
Burnings affect up to 85 percent of the area’s threatened species creating what may be the most compre-
hensive dataset of range maps for the
BY JAKE BUEHLER but also some of its capacity to cope with Amazon. Comparing these maps with
Much of the Amazon’s biodiversity is the changing climate.” satellite images of Amazon forest cover
under fire — literally. As fires advance deeper into the rain- and fire location data let the team track
In the last two decades, deforestation forest, more species will experience fire how logging and fires degraded rain­
and forest fires have encroached on the for the first time, Staal says. “These spe- forest habitat from 2001 to 2019.
ranges of thousands of plant and animal cies, including many threatened ones, Fire impacted up to 190,000 square
species in the Amazon rainforest, scien- have not evolved under circumstances kilometers — an area roughly the size
tists report September 1 in Nature. Fire with regular fires, so the consequences of Washington state — the team found.
has singed the ranges of up to 85 percent for those species can be severe.” Such Up to about 95 percent of the species in
of threatened species in the region. consequences may include increased the study had ranges that overlapped
Since much of the rainforest is within risk of population declines or e­xtinction, with fires during this nearly two-decade
Brazil’s borders, the extent of the dam- similar to what was feared following period, though for many species, burned
age is closely tied to the enforcement, or wildfires in Australia in 2019 and 2020 areas made up less than 15 percent of
lack thereof, of the country’s regulations (SN: 4/10/21, p. 14). their overall range. In 2019 alone, over
aimed at protecting the rainforest from In recent decades, ongoing deforesta- 12,000 species experienced fire some-
widespread logging and fires often used to tion and periodic drought in the Amazon where in their geographic range.
clear open space. The findings illustrate basin have been associated with intensi- Affected species include up to 85 per-
the key role that forest use regulations fying fires there. In 2019, a particularly cent of the 610 in the region that the
have in the fate of the Amazon rain­forest, severe series of fires scorched the region. I­nternational Union for C­onservation of
the researchers argue. “But we do not know how fires are Nature considers threatened. This cat-
Threats to the survival of this biodi- impacting the biodiversity across the egory includes as many as 264 kinds of
versity could have long-term effects. Amazon basin,” says biogeographer plants, 107 amphibians and 55 mammals.
Biodiversity boosts a forest’s resilience Xiao Feng of Florida State University in Starting in 2009, when the Brazilian
to drought, says ecologist Arie Staal of T­allahassee. The Amazon “is a huge area, government began enforcing a series
Utrecht University in the Netherlands. and it is generally impossible for people of regulations aimed at reducing defor-
A deep bench of tree species allows the to go there and count the number of spe- estation, the extent of fires generally
plants to replace those that may not cies before the fire and after,” he says. decreased, the team found. Then in 2019,
survive drought conditions, he says. “If So Feng and colleagues instead inves- fires ticked back up, coinciding with a
fire-impacted area continues to rise, not tigated the extent to which Amazonian relaxation of regulations. Much of the
only does the Amazon lose forest cover, plant and animal species’ geographic fire-driven forest loss was congregated
in Brazil, along the rainforest’s intensely
logged southern reaches.
The shift suggests that effective forest
preservation policies can slow destruc-
tion, and may be crucial for preventing
the region from reaching a tipping point.
That point would occur when the cycle
of deforestation, drying and fire trig-
gers transformation of large parts of the
A­mazon basin into a savanna-like habitat.
While the team couldn’t track the
fate of specific plants or animals, Feng
plans to look at fire’s impact on groups of

s­pecies that may have different vulner-

abilities to an increasingly flammable
Amazon. “We know some trees may be
more resistant to burns, but some may
A fire burns in the Amazon in Brazil’s Maranhão state in 2014. Fires like this are searing the not. So it may also be really important to
geographic ranges of thousands of plant and animal species, a study finds. distinguish differences,” he says. s

12 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

amazon.indd 12 9/22/21 11:05 AM





Satellites like SpaceX’s Starlink

constellations will leave streaks in
sky photos taken by researchers
and amateurs alike. This photo
shows Mars (far left) and the
Pleiades star cluster (center)
with light trails from two
Starlinks crisscrossing
the scene.

ATOM & COSMOS of four companies — SpaceX’s Starlink, research observatories are located, there

Satellite swarms Amazon’s Project Kuiper, OneWeb

and StarNet/GW — that were filed
will be a period of about three hours per
night in the winter and near the time of
will alter night sky with the U.S. Federal Communications
Commission and the International
the spring and fall equinoxes with few or
no sunlit satellites visible. But there will
‘Mega-constellations’ may mar Telecommunications Union. The filings be hundreds of sunlit satellites at dusk
even casual stargazers’ views detail the expected orbital heights and and dawn at these locations year-round.
angles of 65,000 satellites that could be Companies have been testing ways
BY LISA GROSSMAN launched over the next few years. to reduce reflectivity, like shading the
Fleets of private satellites orbiting Earth “It’s impossible to predict the future, satellites with a visor. Other proposed
will be visible to the naked eye in the but this is realistic,” says Meredith strategies include limiting the satellites to
next few years, sometimes all night long. Rawls, an astronomer at the University lower in the sky, where they move faster
Companies such as SpaceX and of Washington in Seattle. “A lot of times across the sky and leave a fainter streak in
Amazon have launched hundreds of sat- when people make these simulations, telescope images. Such satellites would be
ellites into orbit since 2019, with plans they pick a number out of a hat.” better for astronomy, Rawls says. “They
to launch thousands more. The goal of Satellite numbers are increasing fast. move out of the way quick.”
these satellite “mega-constellations” is There are about 5,800 satellites in low But that lower-altitude strategy will
to bring high-speed internet around the Earth orbit now, says study coauthor mean more visible satellites for other
globe, but these bright objects threaten Aaron Boley, an astronomer at the parts of the world, and more that are vis-
to disrupt astronomers’ ability to University of British Columbia in ible to the naked eye. “There’s not some
observe the cosmos (SN: 3/28/20, p. 24). Vancouver. That’s up from about 3,000 magical orbital altitude that solves all
“For astronomers, this is kind of a in 2019, he says. our problems,” Rawls says. “The only
pants-on-fire situation,” says radio The researchers computed how many way out of this is fewer satellites.”
astronomer Harvey Liszt of the National satellites will be in the sky at different There are no regulations concerning
Radio Astronomical Observatory in times of the year, at different hours of how bright a satellite can be or how many
Charlottesville, Va. the night and from different positions on satellites a company can launch. Scien-
A new simulation of these satellites Earth’s surface. Satellites’ flat, smooth tists are grateful that companies say they
suggests that, contrary to earlier predic- surfaces can reflect sunlight depend- are willing to work together, but nervous
tions, casual skywatchers will have their ing on the position in the sky. The team that cooperation is voluntary. “We need to
views disrupted too, Samantha Lawler, an estimated how bright the satellites were get some kind of regulation as soon as pos-
astronomer at the University of Regina in likely to be at different hours of the day sible,” Rawls says. Representatives from
Canada, and colleagues report in a paper and times of the year. Starlink, Project Kuiper and OneWeb did

posted September 9 at Places where naked-eye stargazing will not respond to requests for comment.
“We humans have been looking up probably be most affected are at latitudes Efforts are under way to bring the issue
at the night sky and analyzing patterns 50° N and 50° S — regions that cross lower to the United Nations’ attention and to
there for as long as we’ve been human,” Canada, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, much of use existing environmental regulations
Lawler says. These mega-constellations Europe and the southern tips of Chile and to place limits on satellite launches,
could mean “we’ll see a human-made Argentina. “The geometry of sunlight in Boley says. Other global pollution
pattern more than we can see the stars, the summer means there will be hun- problems, like space junk, can provide
for the first time in human history.” dreds of visible satellites all night long,” inspiration and precedents, he says.
Lawler and colleagues built the simu- Lawler says. “We shouldn’t just lose hope. We can do
lation with data about the launch plans Closer to the equator, where many things about this.” s

14 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

constellation.indd 14 9/22/21 1:09 PM

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_p15.indd 15 9/15/21 10:25 AM

BCM_008_21_B.indd 1 9/14/2021 12:32:50 PM

LIFE & EVOLUTION in Scientific Reports. The sandy-clay newborns, juveniles and adult females

Baby elephants sediments hosting this trove of

tracks were probably laid down about
frequented the area and possibly used it
as a nursery, the researchers say. Other
left ancient trail 106,000 years ago, previous studies
fossils found at the site, including those
preserving traces of ancient roots, hint
Fossilized footprints in Spain Among the tracks are the first foot- that the area was rich in vegetation and
may reveal an Ice Age nursery prints discovered of newborn straight- speckled with lakes and ponds.
tusked elephants (Palaeoloxodon The findings make for “a thrilling
BY SID PERKINS antiquus), a species that probably died study,” says Anthony Martin, a trace fos-
Fossilized footprints found on a beach out during the last ice age. The teeny sil expert at Emory University in Atlanta
in southern Spain betray what may have footprints — which measure 9.6 centi- who wasn’t involved in the research.
been a nursery for a now extinct species meters from heel to toe, about the size The series of footprints shows how the
of elephant. of a drink coaster — suggest that the ancient elephants were moving, offers
The track-rich coastal site, which sci- petite, possibly 2-month-old pachy- insight into their social structure and
entists have dubbed the Matalascañas derms stood up to about 66 centimeters even provides a glimpse of their repro-
Trampled Surface, is typically covered tall at their shoulders and weighed as ductive ecology, he says.
by at least 1½ meters of sand, says much as 70 kilograms, slightly heftier What’s more, the presence of pre-
Clive Finlayson, an evolutionary biolo- than a Newfoundland dog. served Neandertal footprints at the
gist at the Gibraltar National Museum. Based on previous finds elsewhere site suggests that the ancient hominids
But storm surges in the spring of 2020 of actual bones, adult straight-tusked foraged there and may have preyed on
washed away much of that sand and elephants may have weighed 5.5 metric young elephants or scavenged dead ele-
exposed the preserved footprints of ele- tons for females and a whopping 13 tons phants or other creatures, Martin says.
phants, cattle, deer, pigs, wolves, water for males. The Neandertals, he adds, “probably
birds and even Neandertals, Finlayson The mix of elephant tracks at the site were not foolhardy enough to take on a
and colleagues report September 16 suggests that family groups including full-sized elephant.” s


Stone Age tools turned hides into clothes

Discoveries in North Africa provide a rare look at how Stone Age
people may have turned animal skins into clothing. Roughly
90,000- to 120,000-year-old bone tools, including hide scrapers,
were unearthed in Morocco’s Contrebandiers Cave, archaeolo-
gist Emily Hallett and colleagues report September 16 in iScience.
“Prior to major successful dispersals out of Africa and into
Eurasia, Homo sapiens [were] making tools for various special-
ized functions, and those behaviors would have aided them
[in] new environments,” says Hallett, of the Max Planck
Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany.
Different types of bone tools from around the time of the
new finds have been discovered at a handful of other African
sites, though uses for many of those items remain unclear.
Of 62 bone tools from the Moroccan cave, seven were
hide scrapers (one shown from different angles) crafted from
animal ribs that were split in half lengthwise and worked into
flat, spatula-like shapes. Short, deep grooves and polish on these
items resulted from scraping hides, the researchers say. Patterns

of stone-tool incisions on nearby jawbones and limbs of sand foxes,

golden jackals and wildcats resulted from detaching skin at the paws
and pulling it over the head in one piece, the scientists say.
Ancient humans could have put animal hides, presumably worked
into leather or pelts, to various uses, though clothing seems especially
likely, Hallett says. — Bruce Bower

16 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

elephant_tools.indd 16 9/22/21 11:09 AM

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_p17.indd 17 9/10/21 4:48 PM



Ancient DNA alters migration timeline

East Asians arrived at Indonesian islands surprisingly early

BY BRUCE BOWER The discovery of Besse shows that the

A young woman who lived on the peopling of Southeast Asian islands was
I­ndonesian island of Sulawesi as early much more complex than has t­ypically
as around 7,300 years ago had a surpris- been appreciated, says population genet-
ingly ancient East Asian pedigree, mixed icist Lluis Quintana-Murci of Collége de
with a dash of Denisovan ancestry, a new France and the Pasteur Institute, both
study finds. in Paris. “Wallacea was probably a key
Researchers excavated the woman’s habitat region for Denisovan-related
partial skeleton from South Sulawesi’s groups,” says Quintana-Murci, who did
Leang Panninge cave. An analysis of her not participate in the research.
DNA shows that she was a descendent Brumm and colleagues estimate that
of mainly East Asian Homo sapiens who the ancient Sulawesi woman inher-
probably reached the tropical outpost ited about 2.2 percent of her DNA
at least 50,000 years ago, researchers from D­enisovans. That’s a bit less than DNA from an Indonesian woman’s 7,300-year-
old skull (fragments shown) may help shed
report in the Aug. 26 Nature. some other groups in the region. Indig- light on ancient human interbreeding with
Until now, many scientists thought enous groups in the Philippines carry Denisovans on certain Southeast Asian islands.
that skilled mariners and farmers the highest known levels of Denisovan
called Austronesians first spread East ancestry, topping out at about 5 percent had been placed in the ancient w­oman’s
Asian genes through Wallacea — a (SN: 9/11/21, p. 16). grave identify her as a member of South
group of islands between m­a inland Earlier genetic evidence suggested Sulawesi’s Toalean hunter-gatherer
Asia and A­u stralia that includes that different Denisovan populations people, Brumm says. Toalean stone arti-
Sulawesi, L­ombok and Flores — around interbred with H. sapiens groups in facts date to between roughly 8,000 and
3,500 years ago. the Philippines and on a landmass that 1,500 years ago. Evidence of Toalean
The ancient Sulawesi woman’s DNA included what’s now Papua New Guinea culture disappears after that.
provides the first indication that an and Australia. The Sulawesi woman’s The Indonesian coauthors of the new
Asian ancestry was present in W­allacea DNA indicates that interbreeding study excavated the ancient woman’s
long before Austronesians, says occurred in Wallacea as some Stone Age partial skeleton from 2015 to 2018. Sur-
a­rchaeologist Adam Brumm of Griffith H. sapiens made their way toward Papua viving fossils mainly came from the skull
University in Brisbane, A­ustralia. New Guinea and Australia. and pelvis. The team extracted DNA
Indonesian archaeologists who “The major gene flow from Denisovans from a dense bone in the base of the skull
unearthed the skeleton — and who into ancestors of Papuans and A­boriginal that’s known to preserve genetic mate-
coauthored the new study with Brumm Australians most likely took place once rial especially well. Fossils in tropical
and other colleagues — nicknamed the [H. sapiens] reached the W­a llacea climates like Indonesia’s rarely yield
young woman, who was 17 or 18 years islands,” says population geneticist and ancient DNA because the fragile genetic
old when she died, Besse (pronounced study coauthor Cosimo Posth of the material doesn’t typically survive those
BESS-eh). In ethnic communities of U­niversity of Tübingen in Germany. conditions.
South Sulawesi, Besse is an affection- The woman’s DNA more closely Radiocarbon dating of a burned seed
ate term for individual girls and women. resembles that of present-day P­apuans from a common Southeast Asian tree,
After arriving on Sulawesi, the wom- and Indigenous Australians than of which was found near the skeleton, pro-
an’s ancestors mated with Denisovans any current mainland East Asians, vided an age estimate of between around
who already inhabited the island, the the s­c ientists say. Those compari- 7,300 and 7,200 years.
investigators suspect. Known mainly sons indicate that she belonged to a It’s not known if ancestors of Besse
from ancient DNA samples, D­enisovans previously unknown, distinct genetic created previously discovered Sulawesi
are a group of mysterious ancient hom- line of humans that emerged around rock art of a pig that dates to at least

inids who date to as early as around 37,000 years ago, roughly the same time 45,500 years ago, one of the oldest
300,000 years ago in Siberia and sur- as a previously estimated evolution- known artistic depictions of a real-
vived on nearby Papua New Guinea ary split of Papuans from Indigenous world organism (SN: 2/13/21, p. 32). So
until as late as 30,000 to 15,000 years A­ustralians. the artists of that work remain a mystery,
ago (SN: 4/27/19, p. 15). Carefully crafted stone points that for now. s

18 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

dna.indd 18 9/22/21 11:07 AM

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_p19.indd 19 9/10/21 4:46 PM


EARTH & ENVIRONMENT how sea ice will change. But partly due to of sea ice from the training data while

AI helps predict uncertainties in scientists’ understand-

ing of the physical systems governing
physics-based models still struggle to
understand this information.
sea ice losses the ice, these models struggle to produce
accurate long-range forecasts. “Fore-
“These machine learning techniques
have only begun contributing to [fore-
IceNet accurately forecasts casting sea ice is really hard because sea casting] in the last couple years, and
Arctic ice months in advance ice interacts in complex ways with the they’ve been doing amazingly well,” says
atmosphere above and ocean below,” Uma Bhatt, an atmospheric scientist at
BY GLORIA DICKIE Andersson says. the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
On September 16, the sea ice floating To create IceNet, Andersson and Bhatt says that good seasonal ice fore-
atop the Arctic Ocean shrank to its low- colleagues used a method called deep casts are important for assessing the
est extent of the year, as summer-warmed learning. Observational sea ice data from risk of wildfires in the Arctic, which are
waters ate away at the ice’s edges. 1979 to 2011 and climate simulations cov- tied strongly to the presence of sea ice.
This year’s minimum was the Arctic’s ering 1850 to 2100 were loaded into the “Knowing where the sea ice is going to be
12th-lowest sea ice extent since satel- algorithm to train IceNet how to predict in the spring could potentially help you
lite record keeping began in 1979. It’s the state of future sea ice by processing figure out where you’re likely to have
an unexpected finish considering that data from the past. The team compared fires — in Siberia, for example, as soon as
in early summer, sea ice hit a record low IceNet’s outputs with the observed sea ice the sea ice moves away from the shore,
for that time of year. extent from 2012 to 2020, and with fore- the land can warm up very quickly and
The surprise comes in part because, casts made by SEAS5. IceNet was as much help set the stage for a bad fire season.”
though the best current statistical- and as 2.9 percent more accurate than SEAS5, Any forecasting improvement can also
physics-based forecasting tools can corresponding to an additional 360,000 help economic, safety and environmen-
closely predict sea ice extent a few weeks square kilometers of ocean being cor- tal planning in northern and Indigenous
in advance, the accuracy of long-range rectly labeled as “ice” or “no ice.” communities. For example, tens of thou-
forecasts falters. A new tool that uses What’s more, in 2012, a sudden crash sands of walruses haul out on land to rest
artificial intelligence promises to boost in summer sea ice extent heralded a when the sea ice disappears. Human dis-
accuracy, researchers report August 26 new annual record low in September of turbances can trigger deadly stampedes
in Nature Communications. that year. In running through past data, and lead to many walrus deaths. With sea-
IceNet is “95 percent accurate in fore- IceNet saw the dip coming months in sonal forecasts, biologists can anticipate
casting sea ice two months ahead — higher advance. SEAS5 had inklings too but its rapid ice loss and manage haul-out sites.
than the leading physics-based model projections that far out were off by a few Still, limitations remain. At four
SEAS5 — while running 2,000 times hundred thousand square kilometers. months of lead time, IceNet was about
faster,” says Tom Andersson, a data sci- Andersson says it’s possible that 91 percent accurate in predicting Sep-
entist at the British Antarctic Survey’s IceNet has better learned the physical tember’s ice edge. Increasing accuracy of
Artificial Intelligence Lab. processes that determine the evolution summer forecasts made early in the year
Whereas SEAS5 takes about six hours is difficult, in part, due to what’s called the
on a supercomputer to produce a fore- “spring predictability barrier.” It’s crucial
cast, IceNet can do the same in less than to know the sea ice’s condition at the start
10 seconds on a laptop. The system also of the spring melting season to be able to
shows a surprising ability to predict forecast end-of-summer conditions.
anomalous ice events — unusual highs Another limit is “that the weather is so
or lows — up to four months in advance. variable,” says Mark Serreze, director of
Tracking sea ice is crucial to keeping the National Snow and Ice Data Center
tabs on climate change’s impacts. While in Boulder, Colo. Though sea ice seemed
that’s more of a long game, the advanced primed to set a new annual record low at
notice provided by IceNet could have the start of July, the speed of ice loss ulti-
more immediate benefits too. It could mately slowed due to cool atmospheric
give the lead time needed to plan for risks temperatures. “We know that sea ice
of Arctic fires or wildlife-human conflicts, responds very strongly to summer

and provide data that Indigenous com- weather patterns, but we can’t get good
munities need to make economic and weather predictions. Weather predict-
environmental decisions. ability is about 10 days in advance.” Until
Existing forecast tools put the laws of Forecasting summer sea ice, seen here in the long-term weather forecasts improve,
physics into computer code to predict Chukchi Sea near Alaska, is a challenge. there will be limits on sea ice forecasts. s

20 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

ice.indd 20 9/22/21 2:03 PM



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_p21.indd 21 9/10/21 4:43 PM


HUMANS & SOCIETY ing inhalation and exhalation, while older different sounds and social functions.

Young infants infants laughed more on the exhale. That

finding suggests that laughter becomes
Humans and chimps alike adjust their
laughs based on peer feedback, she says.
laugh like chimps less apelike with age, the researchers
report in the September Biology Letters.
Still, the small number of audio clips
analyzed makes discerning trends hard,
As babies age, giggles start to Babies’ maturing vocal tracts and says D. Kimbrough Oller, a theoretical
sound more like those of adults their social interactions may influence biologist at the University of Memphis
the development of the sounds, the in Tennessee. All together, listeners in
BY CAROLYN WILKE researchers say. the trials heard 108 clips, with each one
A few months after birth, babies may A second trial with different audio lasting four to seven seconds. The intense
laugh like some apes before transition- clips and a new group of 100 novices also examples in this study probably aren’t
ing to chuckling more like human adults, found that older infants laughed more all that representative, he says. All-day
a study finds. on exhales. Participants in both trials recordings suggest babies rarely laugh.
Human adults tend to laugh while reported that the more adultlike laughs So scientists should listen to babies for
exhaling, but chimpanzees mainly were more pleasing to hear, as well as longer periods of time to better under-
laugh in two ways. One is like panting, contagious. That finding suggests that the stand the range of early laughter, he says.
with sound produced on both in and out shift in laughter may partly happen due to Reading into laughter’s pleasantness
breaths, and the other has outbursts subconscious affirmations from parents, may also be problematic, says Carolyn
occurring on exhales, like human adults. Kret says. In general, laughs during exha- McGettigan, a cognitive neuroscientist at
Less is known about how babies laugh. lation are clearer and louder than during University College London. What people
So Mariska Kret, a cognitive psychologist inhalation, she says, sending a stronger rate as enjoyable may relate to how they
at Leiden University in the Netherlands, signal that may be better for bonding. perceive kids’ ages. Individuals who think
and colleagues scoured the internet for The idea that social interactions shape toddlers are more fun than young infants
videos with laughing 3- to 18-month-olds, babies’ laughs matches observations from may enjoy older infants’ laughs more.
and asked 15 speech specialists and hun- chimps, says Marina Davila Ross, a com- Still, the research provides a good
dreds of novices to judge the laughs. parative psychologist at the University of starting place, she says. “Studying these
After evaluating dozens of audio clips, Portsmouth in England. Davila Ross has kinds of infant vocal behaviors gives us
experts and about 100 nonexperts both found that among chimps in different this window into the evolution of what
found that younger infants laughed dur- social groups, laughs can have somewhat we can do with our voices.” s


Metal gives ant jaws an edge

It may seem incredible that something as small
as a biting insect can so easily slice human skin.
Now, a study published September 1 in Scientific
Reports shows how some ant jaws form extremely
sharp cutting edges.
Researchers used a microscope to examine the
“teeth” that line the jaws of leaf-cutter ants called
Atta cephalotes (one shown). These teeth natu-
rally contain the metal zinc. The team discovered
that zinc atoms are dispersed homogeneously,
not in chunks, throughout a single tooth. This
uniformity allows the ants to grow thin, sharp
blades, the researchers say. The team also
estimates that zinc-infused teeth allow a
leaf-cutter ant to puncture and cut using only
about 60 percent of the energy and muscle mass
it would otherwise require. By having sharp, pre-

cisely sculpted tools, ants and other small animals

can make up for their tiny muscles. — Jake Buehler

22 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 Listen to how baby laughs change over time at

laughter-ant.indd 22 9/22/21 10:21 AM



_p23.indd 23 9/10/21 4:40 PM



Cows use stalls

when nature calls
Capturing cattle urine could
reduce pollution, scientists say
You can lead a cow to a water closet, but
can you make it pee there? It turns out
that yes, you can.
Researchers successfully trained
cows to use a small, fenced-in area
with artificial turf flooring as a bath-
room stall. Setups like this could allow
farms to easily capture and treat cow
urine, which often pollutes air, soil and
water, researchers report in the Sept. 13
Current Biology. Components of that
urine, such as nitrogen and phospho-
rus, could also be used to make fertilizer
(SN: 4/10/21, p. 29). Scientists trained 11 calves (one shown) to use a latrine when they need to urinate.
The average cow can urinate up to Potty training cattle on a large scale may help curb ammonia emissions.
tens of liters per day, and there are some
1 billion cattle worldwide. In barns, cow people give them credit for.” Each calf expected cattle to be able to learn this
urine typically mixes with feces on the got 45 minutes per day of what the task,” says Whistance, who was not
floor to create a slurry that emits the air researchers call “MooLoo training.” At involved in the study. The practicality
pollutant ammonia. Out in pastures, cow first, the team enclosed the calves inside of potty training cows on a large scale,
urine can leach into nearby waterways the makeshift bathroom stall and fed the she says, is another matter.
and release the potent greenhouse gas animals a treat every time they urinated. For MooLoo training to become a
nitrous oxide. Once the calves made the connec- widespread practice, “it has to be auto-
“I’m always of the mind, how can we tion between using the bathroom stall mated,” Matthews says. “We want to
get animals to help us in and receiving a treat, the develop automated training systems,

their management?” says researchers positioned the automated reward systems.” Those
Lindsay Matthews, a self- calves in a hallway leading systems are still far from reality, but
described cow psychologist to the stall. Whenever ani- Matthews and colleagues hope they
who studies animal behav- Number of times per day mals visited the little cows’ could have big impacts. If 80 percent
ior at the University of a cow typically urinates room, they got a treat; of cow urine were collected in latrines,

Auckland in New Zealand. whenever calves urinated for instance, that could cut associated
Matthews and colleagues in the hallway, the team ammonia emissions in half, previous
set out to potty train spritzed them with water. research suggests.
16 calves, which had the free Within 10 days, 11 of the “It’s those ammonia emissions that
time to learn a new skill. liters 16 calves were potty are key to the real environmental ben-
“They’re not so involved How much a typical trained, Matthews says. efit, as well as potential for reducing
cow urinates per day
with milking and other The remaining cows “are water contamination,” says Jason Hill,
systems,” he says. “They’re SOURCE: A. VAUGHAN ET AL/APPLIED
probably trainable too,” a biosystems engineer at the University
basically just hanging he adds. “It’s just that we of Minnesota in St. Paul who was not
out, eating a bit of food, socializing and didn’t have enough time.” involved in the work. “Ammonia from
resting.” Lindsay Whistance, a livestock cattle is a major contributor to reduced
Matthews was optimistic about the researcher at the Organic Research human health,” he says. So potty train-

cows’ potty training prospects. “I was Centre in Cirencester, England, is ing cattle could help create cleaner air
convinced that we could do it,” he says. “not surprised by the results.” With as well as a cleaner, more comfortable
Cows “are much, much smarter than proper training and motivation, “I fully living space for cows themselves. s

24 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 Watch a video of a calf using a latrine at

cow-latrine.indd 24 9/22/21 11:36 AM


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_p25.indd 25 9/10/21 4:36 PM


Engineers work on the James Webb Space

Telescope’s primary mirror. The 18 hexagonal
mirror segments are made of lightweight yet
tough beryllium and coated with a thin layer of
gold to boost reflectivity.

The Origami
Amid high expectations, the James Webb Space Telescope
is finally ready to explore the distant universe By Lisa Grossman

he James Webb Space Telescope has been a long time lutions like the discoveries of dark energy and planets orbiting
coming. When it launches later this year, the observa- stars outside our solar system hadn’t yet happened.
tory will be the largest and most complex telescope “It’s been over 25 years,” says cosmologist Wendy Freedman
ever sent into orbit. Scientists have been drafting of the University of Chicago. “But I think it was really worth


and redrafting their dreams and plans for this unique tool the wait.”
since 1989.
The mission was originally scheduled to launch between An audacious plan
2007 and 2011, but a series of budget and technical issues Webb has a distinctive design. Most space telescopes house a

pushed its start date back more than a decade. Remarkably, single lens or mirror within a tube that blocks sunlight from
the core design of the telescope hasn’t changed much. But the swamping the dim lights of the cosmos. But Webb’s massive
science that it can dig into has. In the years of waiting for Webb 6.5-meter-wide mirror and its scientific instruments are
to be ready, big scientific questions have emerged. When Webb exposed to the vacuum of space. A multilayered shield the size
was an early glimmer in astronomers’ eyes, cosmological revo- of a tennis court will block light from the sun, Earth and moon.

26 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

jwt.indd 26 9/22/21 9:44 AM

For the awkward shape to fit on a rocket, Webb will launch
folded up, then unfurl itself in space (see Page 29, What could
go wrong?). Secondary
“They call this the origami satellite,” says astronomer Scott
Friedman of the Space Telescope Science Institute, or STScI, Primary
in Baltimore. Friedman is in charge of Webb’s postlaunch
choreography. “Webb is different from any other telescope Scientific
that’s flown.”
Its basic design hasn’t changed in more than 25 years. The Sun shield
telescope was first proposed in September 1989 at a workshop
held at STScI, which also runs the Hubble Space Telescope.
At the time, Hubble was less than a year from launching,
and was expected to function for only 15 years. Thirty-one
years after its launch, the telescope is still going strong,
despite a series of computer glitches and gyroscope failures
Stabilization Solar
(SN Online: 10/10/18). flap panels
The institute director at the time, Riccardo Giacconi, was Antenna
concerned that the next major mission would take longer than
15 years to get off the ground. So he and others proposed that
A novel design Once all is unfolded, the James Webb Space
NASA investigate a possible successor to Hubble: a space tele- Telescope’s sun shield will span the length of a tennis court to protect
scope with a 10-meter-wide primary mirror that was sensitive the main and secondary mirrors from the sun, moon and Earth’s light and
to light in infrared wavelengths to complement Hubble’s range heat. The solar panels, exposed to the sun, will convert light to electricity
to power the instruments. Webb’s antenna will keep it communicating
of ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared. with scientists on Earth, sending data from the scientific instruments.
Infrared light has a longer wavelength than light that is The stabilization flap keeps the machine from veering off course.
visible to human eyes. But it’s perfect for a telescope to look
back in time. Because light travels at a fixed speed, looking been at STScI since 1995. “People started thinking that there
at distant objects in the universe means seeing them as they is interesting science here.”
looked in the past. The universe is expanding, so that light is In 1995, STScI and NASA commissioned a report to design
stretched before it reaches our telescopes. For the most distant Hubble’s successor. The report, led by astronomer Alan Dressler
objects in the universe — the first galaxies to clump together, of the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, Calif., suggested an
or the first stars to burn in those galaxies — light that was origi- infrared space observatory with a 4-meter-wide mirror.
nally emitted in shorter wavelengths is stretched all the way to The bigger a telescope’s mirror, the more light it can col-
the infrared. lect, and the farther it can see. Four meters wasn’t that much
Giacconi and his collaborators dreamed of a telescope larger than Hubble’s 2.4-meter-wide mirror, but anything big-
that would detect that stretched light from the earliest gal- ger would be difficult to launch.
axies. When Hubble started sharing its views of the early Dressler briefed then-NASA Administrator Dan Goldin
universe, the dream solidified into a science plan. The galax- in late 1995. In January 1996 at the American Astronomical
ies Hubble saw at great distances “looked different from what Society’s annual meeting, Goldin challenged the scientists to
people were expecting,” says astronomer Massimo Stiavelli, be more ambitious. He called out Dressler by name, saying,
a leader of the James Webb Space Telescope project who has “Why do you ask for such a modest thing? Why not go after six
or seven meters?” (Still nowhere near Giacconi’s pie-in-the-
Mixed views Webb will observe the universe in wavelengths that sky 10-meter wish.) The speech received a standing ovation.
are mostly longer than what humans can see (0.38 to 0.7 micrometers) Six meters was a larger mirror than had ever flown in space,
and what the Hubble Space Telescope can observe, yet shorter than most
of the Spitzer Space Telescope’s range. This infrared view lets telescopes and larger than would fit in available launch vehicles. Scien-
observe farther and see through dust clouds. SOURCE: NASA, J. OLMSTED/STSCI tists would have to design a telescope mirror that could fold,

Electromagnetic spectrum then deploy once it reached space.

Ultraviolet The telescope would also need to cool itself passively by
Visible radiating heat into space. It needed a sun shield — a big one.
Infrared Microwave Radio The origami telescope was born. It was dubbed James Webb
in 2002 for NASA’s administrator from 1961 to 1968, who

Gamma fought to support research to boost understanding of the

universe in the increasingly human-focused space program.
0.09–2.5 µm 0.6–28.5 µm 3–180 µm (In response to a May petition to change the name, NASA
HUBBLE WEBB SPITZER is investigating allegations that James Webb persecuted | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 27

jwt.indd 27 9/22/21 9:46 AM


gay and lesbian people during his government career.) But in the 1990s, astronomers had a problem: There didn’t
Goldin’s motto at NASA was “Faster, better, cheaper.” Bigger seem to be enough time in the universe to make galaxies much
was better for Webb, but it sure wasn’t faster — or cheaper. earlier than the ones astronomers had already seen. The
By late 2010, the project was more than $1.4 billion over its standard cosmology at the time suggested the universe was
$5.1 billion budget (SN: 4/9/11, p. 22). And it was going to take 8 billion or 9 billion years old, but there were stars in the Milky
another five years to be ready. Today, the cost is estimated at Way that seemed to be about 14 billion years old.
almost $10 billion. “There was this age conflict that reared its head,” Freedman
The telescope survived a near-cancellation by Congress, and says. “You can’t have a universe that’s younger than the oldest
its timeline was reset for an October 2018 launch. But in 2017, stars. The way people put it was, ‘You can’t be older than your
the launch was pushed to June 2019. Two more delays in 2018 grandmother!’ ”
pushed the takeoff to May 2020, then to March 2021. Some of In 1998, two teams of cosmologists showed that the uni-
those delays were because assembling and testing the space- verse is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. A mysterious
craft took longer than NASA expected. substance dubbed dark energy may be pushing the universe
Other slowdowns were because of human errors, like using to expand faster and faster. That accelerated expansion means
the wrong cleaning solvent, which damaged valves in the the universe is older than astronomers previously thought —
propulsion system. Recent shutdowns due to the coronavirus the current estimate is about 13.8 billion years old.
pandemic pushed the launch back a few more months. “That resolved the age conflict,” Freedman says. “The dis-
“I don’t think we ever imagined it would be this long,” says covery of dark energy changed everything.” And it expanded
University of Chicago’s Freedman, who worked on the Dressler Webb’s to-do list.
report. But there’s one silver lining: Science marched on.
Dark energy
The age conflict Top of the list is getting to the bottom of a mismatch in cos-
The first science goal listed in the Dressler report was “the mic measurements. Since at least 2014, different methods for
detailed study of the birth and evolution of normal galaxies measuring the universe’s rate of expansion — called the Hubble
such as the Milky Way.” That is still the dream, partly because constant — have been giving different answers. Freedman calls
it’s such an ambitious goal, Stiavelli says. the issue “the most important problem in cosmology today.”
“We wanted a science rationale that would resist the test The question, Freedman says, is whether the mismatch
of time,” he says. “We didn’t want to build a mission that is real. A real mismatch could indicate something profound
would do something that gets done in some other way before about the nature of dark energy and the history of the universe.
you’re done.” But the discrepancy could just be due to measurement errors.
Webb will peek at galaxies and stars as they were just Webb can help settle the debate. One common way to deter-
400 million years after the Big Bang, which astronomers mine the Hubble constant is by measuring the distances and
think is the epoch when the first tiny galaxies began making speeds of far-off galaxies. Measuring cosmic distances is dif-
the universe transparent to light by stripping electrons from ficult, but astronomers can estimate them using objects of
cosmic hydrogen. known brightness, called standard candles. If you know the
object’s actual brightness, you can calculate its distance based
on how bright it seems from Earth.
Getting there Webb will orbit the sun from a stable point in space Studies using supernovas and variable stars called Cepheids
called L2, 1.5 million kilometers from Earth. The telescope will spend as candles have found an expansion rate of
its first month after launch getting to this point and unfolding its sun
shield and mirrors. The sun shield will face Earth and the sun at all 74.0 kilometers per second for approximately
times, keeping their light and heat away from the telescope’s sensitive every 3 million light-years, or megaparsec,
instruments. Once at L2, the telescope will spend another five months of distance between objects. But using red
turning on and testing its scientific instruments before collecting data.
giant stars, Freedman and colleagues have
Webb travels to L2 gotten a smaller answer: 69.8 km/s/Mpc.
One month Other studies have measured the
after launch Hubble constant by looking at the dim
Moon orbit Telescope
reaches L2
glow of light emitted just 380,000 years
after the Big Bang, called the cosmic
microwave background. Calculations
based on that glow give a smaller rate still:
1.5 million 67.4 km/s/Mpc. Although these numbers
kilometers may seem close, the fact that they disagree
First month
Telescope unfolds
at all could alter our understanding of the


contents of the universe and how it evolves

28 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

jwt.indd 28 9/22/21 9:46 AM

rocket (left). Once in space, both will slowl

What could go wrong?

For the James Webb Space Telescope, getting into space is Baltimore, who is in charge of this timeline. Webb will be
just step one. The telescope must complete a complicated heading to a point in space called L2, which is too far from
series of unfolding steps before it can observe the cosmos. Earth for astronauts to visit and make repairs. “There’s every
The entire sequence, including getting the science instru- reason to believe things will go very well,” Friedman says.
ments ready, will take about six months. “But we won’t know until we get there.”
“A lot has to go right, that’s for sure,” says astronomer Here’s a timeline of what has to go right (all times are
Scott Friedman of the Space Telescope Science Institute in approximate).

31 minutes 12.5 hours 2.5 days

Time after launch Solar arrays unfold, Engines burn Another burn
(all are approximate) allowing Webb to fuel to set to stay on
produce its own power. course for L2. course to L2.

27 minutes 3 days
Telescope separates Sun shield pallets
from the launch vehicle. are lowered.

10 days 7 days 6 days 5 days

Secondary mirror, Vertical sun shield poles Horizontal sun shield Stabilization flap deploys
which reflects light from extend, and the sun shield’s poles extend, and the like a rudder to keep
main mirror to science five layers pull apart over sun shield forms its sunlight from pushing
instruments, unfolds. several days. The telescope distinctive kitelike the telescope off course.
Radiator begins letting and instruments begin shape.
instruments send their cooling down.
excess heat into space.

12 days 28 days 29 days 96 days 118 days 180 days

Primary High-amplification Telescope arrives Telescope reaches its Eighteen Calibration
mirror antenna begins at L2 with a final temperatures: segments align of science
segments transmitting. Webb course-correction about 40 kelvins for to act as one instruments is
begin to open can communicate burn to get into mirrors and near- continuous complete.
and latch in with the distant final orbit around infrared system and honeycomb-
place. Earth. the sun. just under 7 kelvins for shaped mirror.
mid-infrared system.

over time. The discrepancy has been called a crisis in cosmo- Exoplanets
logy (SN: 9/14/19, p. 22). Perhaps the biggest change for Webb science has been the rise
In its first year, Webb will observe some of the same galaxies of the field of exoplanet explorations.
used in the supernova studies, using three different objects “When this was proposed, exoplanets were scarcely a thing,”
as candles: Cepheids, red giants and peculiar stars called says STScI’s Friedman. “And now, of course, it’s one of the hot-
carbon stars. test topics in all of science, especially all of astronomy.”
The telescope will also try to measure the Hubble constant The Dressler report’s second major goal for Hubble’s succes-
using a distant gravitationally lensed galaxy. Comparing those sor was “the detection of Earthlike planets around other stars
measurements with each other and with similar ones from and the search for evidence of life on them.” But back in 1995,
Hubble will show if earlier measurements were just wrong, or only a handful of planets orbiting other sunlike stars were
if the tension between measurements is real, Freedman says. even known, and all of them were scorching-hot gas giants —
Without these new observations, “we were just going to nothing like Earth at all.
argue about the same things forever,” she says. “We just need Since then, astronomers have discovered thousands of


better data. And [Webb] is poised to deliver it.” exoplanets orbiting distant stars. Scientists now estimate that, | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 29

jwt.indd 29 9/22/21 9:47 AM


launch delays were one of the best things that’s happened for
exoplanet science with Webb,” she says. “Full stop.”
That’s mainly thanks to NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey
Satellite, or TESS, which launched in April 2018. TESS’ job is
um e
tr er

to find planets orbiting the brightest, nearest stars, which will

ec ph
sp os

give Webb the best shot at detecting interesting molecules in


planetary atmospheres.
Na K If it had launched in 2018, Webb would have had to wait
a few years for TESS to pick out the best targets. Now, it
can get started on those worlds right away. Webb’s first year
Transiting Toward of observations will include probing several known exo-
exoplanet Webb planets that have been hailed as possible places to find life.
Scientists will survey planets orbiting small, cool stars called
M dwarfs to make sure such planets even have atmospheres, a
Transit advantages Webb will measure the composition of question that has been hotly debated.
exoplanet atmospheres by looking at the light from the planet’s host If a sign of life does show up on any of these planets, that
star as the planet crosses in front of the star. Atoms and molecules in result will be fiercely debated, too, Lewis says. “There will be a
the atmosphere, such as sodium (Na) and potassium (K), absorb certain
wavelengths of the starlight, leaving a unique fingerprint in the huge kerfuffle in the literature when that comes up.” It will be
spectrum of light that reaches Webb’s detectors. hard to compare planets orbiting M dwarfs with Earth, because
these planets and their stars are so different from ours. Still,
on average, there is at least one planet for every star we see in “let’s look and see what we find,” she says.
the sky. And some of the planets are small and rocky, with the
right temperatures to support liquid water, and maybe life. A limited lifetime
Most of the known planets were discovered as they crossed, With its components assembled, tested and folded at Northrop
or transited, in front of their parent stars, blocking a little bit Grumman’s facilities in California, Webb is on its way by boat
of the parent star’s light. Astronomers soon realized that, if through the Panama Canal, ready to launch in an Ariane 5
those planets have atmospheres, a sensitive telescope could rocket from French Guiana. The most recent launch date is
effectively sniff the air by examining the starlight that filters set for December 18.
through the atmosphere. For the scientists who have been working on Webb for
The infrared Spitzer Space Telescope, which launched in decades, this is a nostalgic moment.
2003, and Hubble have started this work. But Spitzer ran out “You start to relate to the folks who built the pyramids,”
of coolant in 2009, keeping it too warm to measure important Stiavelli says.
molecules in exoplanet atmospheres. And Hubble is not sensi- Other scientists, who grew up in a world where Webb was
tive to some of the most interesting wavelengths of light — the always on the horizon, are already thinking about the next
ones that could reveal alien life-forms. big thing.
That’s where Webb is going to shine. If Hubble is peeking “I’m pretty sure, barring epic disaster, that [Webb] will carry
through a crack in a door, Webb will throw the door wide open, my career through the next decade,” Lewis says. “But I have to
says exoplanet scientist Nikole Lewis of Cornell University. think about what I’ll do in the next decade” after that.
Crucially, Webb, unlike Hubble, will be particularly sensitive Unlike Hubble, which has lasted decades thanks to fixes by
to several carbon-bearing molecules in exoplanet atmospheres astronauts and upgrade missions, Webb has a strictly limited
that might be signs of life. lifetime. Orbiting the sun at a gravitationally fixed point called
“Hubble can’t tell us anything really about carbon, carbon L2, Webb will be too far from Earth to repair, and will need to
monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane,” she says. burn small amounts of fuel to stay in position. The fuel will last
If Webb had launched in 2007, it could have missed this for at least five years, and hopefully as much as 10. But when
whole field. Even though the first transiting exoplanet was dis- the fuel runs out, Webb is finished. The telescope operators
covered in 1999, their numbers were low for the next decade. will move it into retirement in an out-of-the-way orbit around
Lewis remembers thinking, when she started grad school in the sun, and bid it farewell. s
2007, that she could make a computer model of all the transit-
ing exoplanets. “Because there were literally only 25,” she says. Explore more
Between 2009 and 2018, NASA’s Kepler space telescope s Space Telescope Science Institute. “General Observer
raked in transiting planets by the thousands. But those planets Programs in Cycle 1.”

were too dim and distant for Webb to probe their atmospheres. s Alan Dressler et al. “Exploration and the search for origins:
So the down-to-the-wire delays of the last few years have A vision for ultraviolet-optical-infrared space astronomy.”
actually been good for exoplanet research, Lewis says. “The Report of the “HST & Beyond” Committee. May 15, 1996.

30 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

jwt.indd 30 9/22/21 9:47 AM

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SN 10 Times of change
We ask how recent events have refocused our Scientists to Watch
Each year since 2015, Science News has featured the work of most devastating effects is closing fast (SN: 9/11/21, p. 8). With
outstanding early- and mid-career scientists in our SN 10: all the upheaval, we wondered: How do these extraordinary
Scientists to Watch list. They’re nominated by Nobel laureates times change a scientist’s work?
and members of the National Academy of Sciences, and are Here, we catch up with 10 noteworthy Scientists to Watch
recognized because of their curiosity, passion, determination alumni. Emily Fischer, who studies wildfire smoke, has faced
and, of course, their discoveries. the threat of fires firsthand, cognitive neuroscientist Jessica
But we decided that 2021 begs for something different. The Cantlon is fighting sexual harassment in the sciences and

coronavirus pandemic continues to rage worldwide, with its economist Parag Pathak is taking his efforts to make institu-
burdens falling hardest on those least able to bear them — tions more equitable from schools to hospitals. Other scientists

inequities already on our minds due to Black Lives Matter, reveal how their work has gained new urgency and meaning for
#MeToo and other social movements. At the same time, we’re them. The interviews that follow have been edited for length
learning that the window to reverse some of climate change’s and clarity. — Elizabeth Quill

32 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 32 9/22/21 9:37 AM

Speaking out for
women in science
Jessica Cantlon, featured in 2016, studies the
evolution and development of complex math-
ematical thinking, including the traits that set
humans apart from other primates (SN: 10/1/16,
p. 18). In 2017, she was recognized as a Time
Person of the Year, as a “silence breaker” speaking
out against sexual harassment during the height of
the #MeToo movement. But as we know, much later on in development,
we see a severe underrepresentation of girls in
What has been the most notable progress mathematics-related fields. What’s happening?
in your research since 2016? There’s evidence in the field … that what happens
We’ve expanded our repertoire to compare people in late childhood and adolescence is that children’s
across different cultures, who have different edu- interests are shaped culturally.
cational practices. We’ve been going to Bolivia to
work with this group of people called the Tsimane, What are some of the greatest challenges
who live in rural parts of the Amazon forest. They you’ve faced since 2016?
don’t have the rigid, formal schooling where kids In 2016, [some of my colleagues at the University
go through these particular curricula to achieve of Rochester and I] filed a sexual harassment com-
mathematical cognition. Instead, education there plaint against a faculty member in our department
is more organic and more deeply connected to their who was sexually harassing women — undergrad-
way of life. That allows us to try to understand what uate and graduate students and faculty. It became
effect does a particular type of education have on this situation that hijacked my career for a num- JESSICA CANTLON
numerical thinking. ber of years.… We went public with our complaint,
There was one study that we did, comparing partly to protect ourselves, but also partly to let Cognitive neuroscientist
species — nonhuman primates and humans — to people know at other universities that this kind Carnegie Mellon
understand the evolution of these concepts. of thing is happening to students, and it’s affecting University
Across all species and stages of development and women’s career paths in ways that are discrimina-
cultural groups, there’s this bias that when you’re tory and unequal.
looking at a set of objects, and you’re trying to Ultimately, it was really important. Our
quantify it, you think about that set numerically. complaint went public in September of 2017. In
And you don’t have to; you can think about that October 2017, the Harvey Weinstein story came
set of objects spatially, as an amount of stuff, you out in the New York Times, and that kicked off a
can think about how much surface area is there, or series of reactions that ultimately culminated in
the perimeter around it. But primates, including millions of people saying #MeToo, which I think
humans, [tend to] think about that set as a set of was really powerful and important, and was some-
discrete objects, and count them up. thing that we got to be a part of.
I’ve had dozens of women reach out to me for
What is something that excites you right advice, about how to file a complaint at their uni-
now in your work? versity, how to take legal action, if that’s what
We’ve looked at the similarities and differences they’re thinking, what the risks and benefits are.
between boys and girls as their brains develop. And so, part of my career now — and I’m excited
We’ve done some of the first, early studies com- by it, and I think it’s really important work — is to
paring children’s brains that can truly allow us be an advocate for women who are experiencing
to collect evidence on the trajectory of similar- discrimination and harassment at universities.
ity between boys and girls…. We’ve shown that One response that we thought was really great

very early in development, between around 3 and was that the National Academies of Sciences,
8 years of age, there’s evidence during mathe- Engineering and Medicine did a full study on

matical processing that most of the brain — over sexual harassment in the sciences…. It has a lot of
95 percent — shows functional similarity in that ideas about what might effect larger-scale change.
processing between boys and girls. — Interview by Aina Abell | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 33

SN_10.indd 33 9/22/21 9:37 AM


From fair schools to we found was pretty exciting: Those who won the
[preschool] lottery are more likely to graduate high
vaccine distribution school, they score higher on SATs and they’re more
likely to enroll in college. Boston has continued to
Parag Pathak, featured in 2019, strives to make refine and try to improve [the lottery system]. It’s
public education more equitable (SN: 10/12/19 & a model for other cities that are expanding public
10/26/19, p. 38). He has used data and algorithms preschool.
to overhaul school choice systems in Boston, New
York and other U.S. cities. Now he’s applying his Are you pursuing any new questions or
research to the question of how to equitably dis- projects?
tribute vaccines and other medical resources. COVID-19 was this huge shock. We all were look-
ing around for how we could be useful, using our
What’s the most notable progress in your respective toolboxes. Tayfun Sönmez, M. Utku
work since 2019? Ünver and M. Bumin Yenmez, all of Boston
Since we last talked, I released a paper on the College — the four of us — started to study how
effects of universal preschool. A lot of people scarce medical resources are rationed. And it turns
are interested right now because [universal pre- out, there are some parallels with the way school
school, which is open to everyone with no income seats are rationed.
rule,] is part of the White House’s agenda. Because One of the ideas that we’ve explored is the idea
of the work we had done with Boston with their of a reserve system. In cases where people can’t
school choice algorithm over the years, we had agree on what’s fair, who should get a vaccine first?
some files on school admissions going back to It’s very similar to who should get into a school.
the late 1990s. Boston was a leader nationwide And the way that [schools] have handled that is
in expanding slots for children in preschool. But, they set up more elaborate versions of priority
like many cities, there weren’t enough slots for systems. With a vaccine reserve system, you basi-
PARAG PATHAK demand, so they had to ration. And that’s where cally have a [supply] that’s reserved for cardiac
the lotteries come in. communities, and one that’s reserved for frontline
Economist Fast forward to now. We linked these applicant medical personnel, so on and so forth…. States like
MIT cohorts to standardized test scores and educa- California and Massachusetts have used some of
tional outcomes all the way into college. And what our ideas [for their reserve systems].
My wife [Ruma Rajbhandari] is a medical doctor,
and my sister [Sapana Adhikari] is an emergency
room physician. A big part of my interest in medical
rationing guidelines was their having to go to the
hospital in March 2020 not knowing what the risks
were and not having personal protective equip-
ment. That was something that got me really keen
on this debate about frontline health care workers,
do they get first priority or not?

How has the pandemic shifted how you

view your work in the area of education?
I have a kindergartner who was virtual this past
year. And he did an amazing job with it. I think what
the pandemic has done is rip the Band-Aid off on
these lingering problems in society — inequitable
access to health care, inequitable access to educa- MEGAN MENDENHALL/DUKE UNIV.

tion, inefficiencies in both of the systems — and

has made them much more pronounced. That’s

been the theme of our research throughout. We

hope more people take these issues on, because
the way COVID-19 played out was really a scar-
ring event in terms of haves and the have-nots.
— Interview by Cassie Martin

34 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 34 9/22/21 9:37 AM

How social stressors
mark our genes
Jenny Tung, featured in 2018, studies how social
environments — including social status, relation-
ships and isolation — influence primates’ genes
and health (SN: 10/13/18, p. 29). Her study sub-
jects have included captive rhesus macaques and
wild baboons.

What has been the most notable progress edge of where the ranges of two different species
in your work since 2018? of baboons meet. And so this population is inter-
We have built layers of complexity onto [our] ini- mixed between one species, the Anubis baboon,
tial story. A few years ago we were showing that it’s and this other species, the yellow baboon.… We
possible for social interactions to have profound know that [humans] have also intermixed a lot
effects on the function of our genome. And now with some groups that don’t even exist today,
we’re trying to derive a much better understand- like Neandertals and Denisovans. That process of
ing of how and why and when, and what are the admixture that we observe right now in living pri-
exceptions. mates [is] potentially relevant to understanding
The other thing I’m really excited about is our our species’s history.
ability to move away from this very powerful but
very artificial system using captive primates and What are some of the greatest challenges
to ask about what’s going on in the field with wild you’ve faced since 2018?
monkeys. I’ve studied wild baboons in Kenya for In many ways, I felt very fortunate during the pan-
many, many years. We know a lot about the social demic; as an academic with tenure, I have a secure JENNY TUNG
environments, the social experiences. And now job. But we were also home with a 3-year-old for a
with the ability to collect some simple blood sam- long stretch. I spend usually at least a month a year Evolutionary
ples, we’re also seeing strong signatures of things in Kenya, and I have since 2006. But not in 2020. anthropologist
Duke University
like social status and social integration, social We had to figure out some way of keeping [the
bonds, social connectedness in the function of research] continuous without any ability to travel
these animals’ genomes. That’s pretty exciting there. We have a permanent staff in Kenya — they
because lab studies are powerful and wonderful, are Kenyan — who are very important to us and
but there’s always this question of, “Well, is this have been working with our project in some cases
real in the real world?” for many decades, and they were having their own
issues, and isolation, and risks in the face of a lot
You were named a MacArthur Fellow in of uncertainty.
2019. What have you been pursuing since? I spend a lot of time in my research life thinking
It was a real honor. It has encouraged us to con- about social interactions. And every species that I
tinue down some of these paths … and to also do study … they live in groups. And humans, to a large
some more comparative work and think about extent, we live together. We didn’t evolve to be on
species beyond the ones that I have tradition- our own for a long period of time. And so I spent
ally studied. So in the past few years, I’ve picked a lot of time reading and thinking and working
up work in other social mammals — wild meer- on, “Why when you don’t have the right sort of
kats and these very social rodents called mole social connections, why does your risk of death
rats — that have their own advantages in giving us just shoot up? What’s the consequence of chronic
insight into how our social world has shaped both social stress?” One of the things that I really

how we came to be, our evolutionary past, and how appreciate in a more visceral manner [now] is
we do day to day in our present. how important my social network is to me. I think

I’ve been doing more work on something that’s that we’re all looking for ways to connect during
an old love of mine: trying to understand the evo- the pandemic. And that’s when your personal
lutionary consequences of intermixing between experience and the things that you’re writing
different primates. The population of baboons papers about and thinking about really collide.
that I study in Kenya actually sits right at the — Interview by Aina Abell | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 35

SN_10.indd 35 9/22/21 9:38 AM


One test that can You published what you’ve referred to as

a “landmark study” in Science last year.
detect many cancers What did it find?
We call it a landmark study because it was the first
Isaac Kinde, featured in 2015, is developing tests demonstration in a prospective setting of how a
to detect cancer early, when treatment is more multicancer blood test could be used in real time
likely to be successful (SN: 10/3/15, p. 22). In to report results to patients with cancer.
2019, PapGene, a small biotech start-up where We looked at 10,000 women in the Geisinger
he was chief scientific officer, was acquired by Health system. It’s primarily women who are in
Thrive, cofounded by Kinde. Just this year, it got Pennsylvania…. In the study, 24 [women had can-
the backing of the much larger cancer diagnostics cers] detected with standard-of-care screening:
firm Exact Sciences. colonoscopy, mammography or low-dose CT scan
ISAAC KINDE for lung. Then there were 26 cancers in which
Could you tell us about Thrive and what the CancerSEEK test detected the cancer first….
spurred this transition? Sixty-five percent of the cancers we detected
Molecular biologist
Thrive Early Detection Thrive basically acquired the predecessor com- were at a stage prior to stage 4. So [the addition of
pany [PapGene]…. There was a lot more money, CancerSEEK] doubled the number of cases that
there’s a lot more expertise, but the core mission were [found before symptoms were reported] — in
didn’t change, which is to develop cancer diagnos- many, many cases early enough where some effec-
tic products that we think will have an impact on tive therapies could be implemented.
the lives of people with cancer. We have essentially And then it was also safe…. There were very few
turbocharged and focused our efforts, leading with false positives, and we could very quickly resolve
the most promising product, which is CancerSEEK. the false positives with whole-body PET-CT
The premise is we can reduce cancer mor- imaging. At least two patients [who first had
bidity and mortality through earlier detection. detections from CancerSEEK] had their cancers
CancerSEEK is a blood test, and it is a multicancer successfully removed and are thriving as of the
test. That contrasts with the current paradigm, last time we checked.
which is one test, one cancer.… Right now, all of our
efforts are on making it commercially available. Routine cancer screenings fell during the
pandemic. Has this affected your work?
CancerSEEK, which is still in testing, It fans the flame, right? The reason why cancer
picks up on DNA mutations and proteins screening went down is not because there was less
associated with cancer. How many cancer. It was [ just] more difficult for whatever
cancers can it detect at this time? reason to get the appropriate standard-of-care
There’s good evidence for detecting over 60 to test.… All this did was just strengthen the case
70 percent of the cancers that cause the most that more tools, easier tools are needed for can-
deaths per year. That boils down to … colon, cer screening. And I think maybe the other feeling

breast, lung…. But the [full] range is bigger than is just wishing we could go even faster, but bal-
those three. There’s esophageal, gastric, kidney, ancing a commercial launch with having all the
pancreatic. There’s data that support maybe 12 to right pieces in place that will set us up for success.
13 different cancers. — Interview by Ashley Braun

36 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 36 9/22/21 9:38 AM

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_p37.indd 37 9/16/21 8:24 AM


Pig organs for people

move closer to reality
When featured in 2017, Luhan Yang had cofounded
and was chief scientific officer of eGenesis, a bio-
tech start-up (SN: 10/14/17, p. 26). She is now
cofounder and CEO of Qihan Biotech, based in
Hangzhou, China, which aims to develop animal
organs that are safe for human transplant and to
make cell therapies that can treat conditions such
as cancer and autoimmune diseases more widely

What is some of the most notable

progress in your work since 2017?
The concept of xenotransplantation is to use ani-
mal organs as an alternative resource for human
transplantation, since there is a huge unmet need
for organs. There are two fundamental issues to
be addressed. One is [that] there are endogenous
retroviruses in the pig genome — some virus
sequences — and they can jump around within the
pig genome. The viruses can also jump from the
pig cell to the human cell. So there is a potential
LUHA N YAN G cross-species transmission, which is a huge safety
and regulatory concern.… The second hurdle of What was it like to move from the lab to
using pig organs for human transplant, as you can leading a company?
Qihan Biotech imagine, is rejection, and it is tremendous. Being a leader in biotech is not all business. There
Those are the two fundamental problems … and are three components that are needed. The first
that’s where we think gene editing can come into part is to set the vision and strategy of the com-
play. By 2017, our team had knocked out 62 [retro- pany. In such an innovative area, I think the
virus copies]. Since then, there are three notable scientific knowledge, the breadth of the exposure,
milestones: First, we have created our Pig 2.0, I think that’s my strength.… The second part is to
with 15 modifications for immunology…. Last year recruit, retain and train people. And the last part
in Nature Biomedical Engineering, we showed is some business judgment…. I have to admit, I’m
that those modifications are properly expressed not the expert. But I think at my position, the key
in the pig cell, and the resulting pig is healthy, is to recruit the best people to do the job.… And I
as well as fertile, and the genetic modification started to embrace that every leader has different
can be passed to the offspring. The second part strengths and weaknesses.
is we combined the [retrovirus] knockout and
the immune rejection–related modification in a How has the pandemic influenced your
single pig. We call it Pig 3.0. So that is a prototype company’s international collaborations?
close to clinical trial. I was hoping we could have more in-person meet-
The third part is the most exciting part for us: ings or travels, but right now, China still has the
We need to test the function. quarantine policy that makes it super inconve-
[In a recent study published in the American nient for international travel. Hopefully with the
Journal of Transplantation,] we put the pig kid- vaccine, the world will become what it was.
ney into a monkey. If it’s a normal pig kidney, it I feel the world is more divided compared with

will be rejected in a few minutes. And right now 10 years before. And I hope at least for medicine, we
the longest survival of our monkey is about one can see that our enemy is not a different country,

year.… The monkey experiment demonstrates but our enemy is cancer, is organ failure, is COVID,
the possibility of achieving long-term xenotrans- that we can keep and strengthen the collaboration
plantation. across borders. — Interview by Aina Abell

38 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 38 9/22/21 9:39 AM

Seeking solutions and making work available for others to read and
evaluate and criticize and engage with — those
to climate change are [also] values I felt really strongly about in the
world of biomedical science.
When he was featured in 2016, Jeremy Freeman
was developing new tools and methods to help What CarbonPlan work are you most
scientists better analyze brain data (SN: 10/1/16, proud of right now?
p. 20). Now he is executive director of CarbonPlan, We have done a lot of analysis identifying very spe-
a nonprofit organization that he founded in March cific ways in which the implementation of forest
2020 to tackle the climate crisis through open- carbon offset programs [the planting or preserva-
source data and research. tion of trees to attempt to compensate for carbon
emissions] haven’t worked. We did a comprehen-
You’ve shifted gears since 2016. Tell us sive analysis of the role of forest carbon offsets in
about it. California’s cap-and-trade program, which is a
I moved very far from neuroscience, and I’m massive sort of market of offsets on the order of
now exclusively working on climate change. Our $2 billion, and we identified about $400 million
focus [at CarbonPlan] is the scientific integrity worth of offset credits that in our analysis do not
and transparency of climate solutions. [We do] a reflect real climate benefits because of errors in
combination of research on different areas of cli- how they were calculated with respect to issues
mate science and strategies for addressing climate that involve fundamental problems in statistics
change. We [also] produce a variety of resources and ecology.
and tools for both the research community and That team effort, led by Grayson Badgley and
the public at large. Danny Cullenward, along with a lot of other work
Despite being a radically different field, there that we’ve done on the role of offsets, is really start-
are some interesting commonalities, in terms of ing to change the conversation, and wake people
the value of having very accessible, open, pub- up to the fact that these approaches to dealing with JEREMY FREEMAN
licly available data that speaks to critical issues. climate change haven’t been working.
[For climate change,] issues around both what is
Scientist and designer
changing in the climate and how we might address What other questions are you looking at? CarbonPlan
that, in different strategies we might take. Hav- There’s an area known as carbon removal, which
ing as much of that information be developed in refers to any mechanisms that draw down CO2
the open, in a way that others can contribute to, from the atmosphere. And carbon removal is
really, really complicated, because there are
a lot of different ways to potentially accomplish
that.… So that’s an area where we’ve been very
involved, studying, analyzing, comparing. We
helped write, edit and produce a book called the
CDR Primer — carbon dioxide removal primer. It’s,
of course, a publicly available resource.

Have recent social justice movements

influenced your work?
Absolutely.… Climate change is so fundamen-
tally an issue of equity and an issue of justice.
The burdens of climate change are going to be
borne by those who were not directly respon-
sible for it, and those who in many ways have
been responsible for it will be more able to
avoid its impacts. And there’s a deep injustice in

that.… How to think about that is an important

aspect of our work.… We’re interested in find-

ing a way to be really complementary to a lot of

existing community efforts around these issues.
— Interview by Aina Abell | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 39

SN_10.indd 39 9/22/21 9:39 AM


the tree a feature that could be attributed to a star

formation burst … a few gigayears after the [merger
of these two galaxies] that we know happened.

You’re also writing a popular book on

stars. Can you tell me more about the
book, Fósiles del cosmos: descifrando la
historia de la Vía Láctea, or Fossils of the
Cosmos: Deciphering the History of the Milky
Way, and why you decided to write it?
It’s going to be published in November [in Chile].
It’s a book in Spanish for the public. I am teach-
ing a class about stars in the Milky Way, a general
astronomy class. And I’ve been finding that there is
no proper literature in Spanish for the students.…
The level is sometimes way too basic or too com-
plex. So I wanted to write something for their level.
[The book] explains how stars create the chem-
ical elements, what’s the role of Gaia [a satellite
Astrophysicist writes mission to map the galaxy], what’s the role of the

about the stars for Milky Way Mapper [another survey using Earth-
based telescopes], about all these big surveys, why
Spanish speakers we care, what’s going on.
When I started writing it, of course, I started
Paula Jofré, featured in 2018, used the chemical reading other books…. In all these general
PAULA JOFRÉ composition of stars across the Milky Way like astronomy books, women are never highlighted.
DNA to map the stars’ family tree (SN: 10/13/18, In my book, I have lots of quotes from 40 differ-
Astrophysicist p. 26). She recently filled in some details of the ent women all around the world, working in my
Universidad Diego tree — and is filling a gap in the publishing world field.… I want to make the point that you can be a
Portales by writing a book about stars in Spanish. woman, you can be clever, you can dedicate your-
self to something that is mentally challenging. You
What progress have you made on your can be like any of these 40 women.
stellar family tree?
In the first paper, the tree had three main What’s the greatest challenge that you’ve
branches. There was one that we could associ- faced since 2018?
ate with a young thin disk, which is one of the The biggest challenge has been to promote hiring
populations in the Milky Way. Another was asso- more women at the faculty level. Chile’s a very
ciated with an old, thick disk, which was the older small country and they love new figures, young
component of the Milky Way. And then we had figures being highlighted by the United States.
something in between…. Now, because we had The moment I was in Science News, I became very
more stars and more chemical elements and we popular [in Chile] very quickly. They needed the
made a better selection of which chemical elements inspirational woman. And I kept saying, “I don’t
to include, we could find that this strange popula- want to be the only one. I want more women.”
tion was actually an ancestor population of the thin I don’t know if you were aware of this collective
disk. And one of the interpretations we had in the Las Tesis; they made a dance for the social unrest
second paper [published in January in the Monthly that we had in Chile before the pandemic. It was
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society] was that a feminist movement that resonated for so many
they were produced all very quickly. people in the world. The movement [says]: We
Other groups have found striking evidence want to be treated with respect, we want the same
of a galaxy that was merged into the Milky Way salary, we want the same opportunities, we want

[billions of years ago]. And that [merging and mix- to feel safe on the streets.… But then, when you are
ing of gas] could have triggered what is called a star fewer in academia, you’re not going to start jump-
formation burst — lots of stars [forming] at the ing on the table and dancing, right? You have to
same time. So, it’s kind of exciting that we find in argue … it’s difficult. — Interview by Ashley Braun

40 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 40 9/22/21 9:39 AM



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_p41.indd 41 9/16/21 8:25 AM


A clever genetic tool by the bacteria to fight against invading viruses.

So we said, “OK, humans also have many foes like
tackles new troubles invading viruses. Can we repurpose this CRISPR
to help us fight our infectious diseases?” That
By disabling the DNA-cutting enzyme in the was the idea before the COVID-19 pandemic. We
CRISPR system, Stanley Qi, featured in 2019, practiced first on influenza, seasonal flu…. We
created a new and versatile tool (SN: 10/12/19 & adapted a type of CRISPR system that targets a
10/26/19, p. 33). Attaching a range of molecules specific RNA molecule, and it works pretty well. I
to these “dead Cas” enzymes has yielded an entire remember it working in January [2020] when the
toolbox worth of DNA and RNA manipulators. news started reporting, “Oh, there’s a new virus,
it’s an RNA virus,” and we thought immediately,
Is the strategy of disabling Cas molecules “What if we use this tool on this new RNA virus?”
still popular among researchers? Instead [of using the live virus], we used syn-
I feel it’s getting more popular, for a number of thetic biology to mimic the RNA sequence.… [And
reasons: One, people use … this tool to study how we found] we can still very rapidly cleave and
the genome works. Two, there are some new destroy this RNA virus and its fragments in the
efforts using the tool to treat some genetic dis- human lung cells. We were really excited. Since
eases. And three, there are some other exciting then we’ve been working very hard to follow up
uses of this tool to think about other diseases, on the idea, to make this as fast as possible into a
other topics that we can possibly tackle. possible antiviral. We called it PAC-MAN.
For example, this CRISPR system came from
bacteria cells, right? They were used as weapons Can you talk a bit about how the dead
Cas, or dCas, approach has been
improved and adapted?
One bigger use is for treating disease like a gene
STANLEY QI therapy. However, there’s still a number of fea-
tures that have not been ideal for easy use or
testing in clinics.… [For patient care,] people
Stanford University always think about making the system very,
very compact and suitable into a nanoparticle
or into a viral particle, so we can deliver them
with ease into the human body. So that requires
a miniaturization of the CRISPR system. And we
actually did some work on that…. They are like
two-thirds smaller than what people use.
And second is, many of these natural proteins
from bacteria don’t work very well [in human
cells].… So we did some protein engineering. Fol-
lowing these efforts, we actually created some
highly compact, yet highly efficient dCas systems
that can be easily delivered into the human body
to turn on or off genes.


What are the greatest challenges you’ve
faced in the last couple of years?
We are bioengineers and we think our strength is
in creating stuff, modifying. Now as we step into
the domain of applying these tools to solve real-
world problems, the challenge is how to build a
bridge between where we are to where we want
to go. That usually requires learning a significant
amount about a disease, about a new field, and
thinking creatively on how to interface two fields.

— Interview by Ashley Braun

42 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

SN_10.indd 42 9/22/21 9:39 AM

With the Cameron
Peak Fire, research
on wildfire smoke
hits close to home
Emily Fischer, featured in 2020, is in the midst
of one of the most comprehensive analyses of
wildfire smoke ever attempted (SN: 10/10/20 &
10/24/20, p. 29). Since we last chatted with
Fischer, her wildfire research and the way she
talks about it have become more personal.

Have you started any projects since 2020?

We’re looking at the impact of smoke on the vis-
ible light range where photosynthesis occurs.
There’s smoke blanketing the U.S. in summers
now. Regardless of whether it’s at the ground, it’s
somewhere in the atmosphere between the sun
and the plants on the ground. In the Midwest,
for example, over our corn and soybean belt,
there’s smoke between a third to half of the days
on average in July and August, during peak grow-
ing season. What does that mean for crops? How
is that changing the light at the surface? If it’s EMILY FISCHER
boosting the diffuse fraction of radiation, and not
decreasing the total radiation, that’s a boost to months, and my family ran from the Cameron Atmospheric chemist
productivity. Peak Fire.… For me, there was a shift from “These Colorado State
are the numbers, these are the graphs,” to “Oh, University
Last year, you helped launch a national this is what my graphs feel like, this is what this
group called Science Moms. What is that? trend feels like.”
We are a nonpartisan group of scientists who are
also mothers. The goal of Science Moms is for us Did your experience fleeing a wildfire shift
to speak directly [via a website, videos and events] your perspective around your science?
on climate change to other mothers in ways that I’m the kind of person who studies what I see.… And
are accurate, digestible and also engaging. While so I should not have been surprised by that fire. I
roughly 60 percent of the U.S. population is wor- was out backpacking with my family, and it started
ried about climate change, like 85 percent of one range over and my kids and I ran out, and we
moms are worried about climate change. But they made it. So it was OK, but I was not sure it would be
don’t feel comfortable talking about it, or know OK. When something like that happens to you, you
how to talk to their representatives about it or have to respond to it. [Now] I think, when we cal-
even talk to their book club about it. culate a change in something going forward, what

does that mean? What are all the impacts that that
How have people responded to your could have?
outreach efforts? Also, seeing the incident management teams
I get all sorts of messages: “This is so different working together to help people [during the fire]
than any other climate communication that I’ve was very inspiring. I would say to my husband,
ever seen.” We’re trained as scientists to take “These teams are beautiful. They are functioning
the emotion out of things, but actually it’s very at such a high level under such hard conditions.
important for people to understand the feeling of If we could just harness this level of cooperation
climate change. toward climate change action, or toward elimi-
Last summer [2020], extreme fires impacted nating the pandemic, we [could] do anything.”

my own home. We had smoke here for multiple — Interview by Cassie Martin | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 43

SN_10.indd 43 9/22/21 9:40 AM


How have other scientists reacted?

The community is naturally skeptical. That was
kind of the story of exoplanets. When researchers
first discovered a hot Jupiter, no one believed it.
It wasn’t until they discovered about 10 of them
that people started to say that, actually, maybe
these are real. I don’t know how it’s going to go
with any exomoon candidate. Maybe what we’ve
found is genuinely bogus, but I obviously hope
not. We did our due diligence, and we’re very
careful with the results.
It’s maybe not surprising that the first ones
we find are going to be so large, because after all,
they’re going to be the easiest to detect.… Actu-
ally, less than 1 percent of sunlike stars have hot
Jupiters, but they dominated all of the first exo-
planet detections just because they were so easy
to find. Maybe the same thing will play out here.

In 2017, you had just launched a YouTube

channel called Cool Worlds. How is that
outreach going?
It’s been pretty overwhelming to us, because I’d
never expected to get anywhere near the number
of people watching who have watched. The last
DAVID KIPPING video [on what’s called the red sky paradox] got
200,000 views, and the one before it got 500,000.
I mean, that’s just bonkers. I get e-mails from
Astronomer people, really amazing e-mails, that say how much
Columbia University
the channel and the videos mean to them. That’s
really incredible.

The search for We have lots of people actually financially sup-

porting us now. We give them special access to the
exomoons continues videos and early access to the papers we’re writing.
We hang out with some of them once every two
After being featured in 2017 (SN: 10/14/17, months on a livestream and chat about science.
p. 22), David Kipping and his colleagues formally It’s starting to be enough that I’m funding stu-
reported in Science Advances the first detection of dents through donations. I have this dream that
a potential exomoon — a moon orbiting a planet I do research, it produces cool ideas, I talk about
outside of the solar system. Signs of the Neptune- it on my outreach channel, people get excited
sized moon were spotted around a Jupiter-sized about it and they support us, which enables me to
planet 8,000 light-years from Earth. Kipping has do more research.
been hunting for more ever since, and has also
become a hit on YouTube. What are the greatest challenges you’ve
faced since 2017?
Have you found any more exomoons? I’m still [working to earn] tenure. It’s obviously
Well, I can’t really talk about that. We are close to one of the most stressful periods of your career
releasing the results of a new survey of the ensem- because you don’t have that safety net yet that
ble of Jupiter-like planets discovered by the Kepler some young tenured colleagues enjoy. At the same
space telescope. Such planets are thought to be the time, you’re trying to raise a family and make sure
best hunting ground for moons, being far from you see your kids growing up. You don’t want to be
the gravitational influence of their star and large a ghost at home. And so that’s been tricky, but [the

enough to support potentially massive moons. pandemic] enabled me to spend a lot more time at
Unfortunately, the results are still not quite ready. home with the family. — Interview by Cassie Martin

44 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

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A spoken word album weaves rhyme with reason

“Science asks the questions. / And poetry marks the spot.”  and environmental engineer Sunday Popo-Ola of Imperial
This line from “Unweaving Science,” the opening track of College London and spoken word artist Malaika Kegode,
the spoken word album Experimental Words, illuminates the features an original instrumental piece written by Kegode
connections between science and art. The album, an eclectic and her sister, Handina Dutiro. A meditation on the every-
collection of 10 poems birthed from collaborations between day innovations many people take for granted — clean water,
researchers and spoken word artists, is a celebration of the well-lit roads, trains, shoes — the poem opens with a chal-
craft and creativity that drives scientists and poets alike.  lenge: “It is true that we shouldn’t walk on glass. But what
The album comes from the minds of coproducers Sam if that glass is a bridge, and it is your only way to cross the
Illingworth and Dan Simpson, themselves embodiments valley?” A playful percussive motif that evokes a person tin-
of the bow shock between the two disciplines. Illingworth, kering with metal tools invites the listener to “meet on that
who has a Ph.D. in atmospheric physics, is an interdisciplin- glass bridge / in all its translucent strength / and talk about
ary researcher at Edinburgh Napier University examining the invisible, / visible things that keep us alive.”
poetry as a science communication tool. In “Mechanisms & Multitudes,” a
Simpson, former poet in residence at piece about artificial intelligence,
Imperial College London, is known for computer scientist Ruth Aylett of
writing poems that are influenced by Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh
science. and poet Momtaza Mehri play with syn-
Illingworth calls Experimental Words thetic and human voices for the poem’s
a “dance. It’s an experiment.” Every part three characters. Daedalus, the mythi-
of the album, from the collaborations to cal Greek architect and craftsman, and
the “music videos” that accompany some PARRY, an early chatbot relic from
of the tracks, evinces the experimenta- 1972, don mechanical voices that con-
tion and exploration that defines both trast with the human inflections of
the scientific and creative processes. Ada Lovelace, widely considered the
Even the album cover is experimental, first computer programmer and who
created from an interactive algorithm Experimental Words was known for her philosophy of “poeti-
that visualizes the words of the poems. STREAM AT BANDCAMP, SPOTIFY, cal science.”
Online, listeners can play around with APPLE MUSIC AND YOUTUBE Experimental Words features poets
the algorithm, developed by graphic and and scientists from various personal,
web designer Ben Gregory, to create their own versions of artistic and scientific backgrounds. All of the collaborators
the cover. live in the United Kingdom — which is not surprising
The album, available on streaming services such as since the project originated as a set of live performances
Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube, aims to shat- there. These roots in the local U.K. sphere left me curious
ter the preconception that science and poetry mix like oil about how the project might evolve in the future, perhaps
and water, Simpson says. “Poets and scientists go out into incorporating more international collaborations or even
the world to try to understand it, internalize it and then try different media.
and give it back,” he says. “We’re communicators and inter- Still, the album’s themes are universal. And listeners are
preters and revealers of truth on some level.” dared to “realize that science and poetry are not mutually
Whether scientist, poet, both or neither, listeners will likely exclusive entities, but complementary ways of understand-
discover some truth in Experimental Words that resonates. ing the world in which we live,” Illingworth says.
The poems have wide-ranging themes, exploring humans’ The album asserts this message on the final track. In
sometimes-harmonious, sometimes-contentious history with “Shapeshifter,” entomologist and science communicator
the ocean; the wonders of the universe’s plethora of sounds; Adam Hart of the University of Gloucestershire in England
the perceptions and realities of artificial intelligence; and the and poet Desree personify science and art as entities that
unsung heroism of civil engineers. “carry life, uphill, on their backs / and yet still have to beg for
Each piece, anchored by its own distinct spoken word a sustainable rucksack.”
style, is colored with unique sounds and music that run the The piece, which begins with an argument between the
gamut from satellite audio recordings of space to a rendi- two disciplines about their values to humankind, concludes
tion of a famed 1975 performance by American jazz musician with the resolution that they are, indeed, one and the same:

Keith Jarrett. “I am a shapeshifter / Tell me what you need, / And that, that

“Glass Bridge,” for instance, written and recorded by civil I’ll be.” — Aina Abell

46 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

reviews.indd 46 9/22/21 9:50 AM

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Cofounder and CEO of Modern Fertility

Maya Ajmera, President & CEO of the Society for Science and Publisher of Science News,
chatted with Afton Vechery, an alumnus of the 2005 International Science and
Engineering Fair (ISEF). Vechery is cofounder and CEO of Modern Fertility, a reproductive
health company making personalized fertility information and support more accessible.
Recently acquired by the telehealth company Ro, Modern Fertility is building a vertically
integrated platform for women to own every part of their health. We are thrilled to share
an edited summary of their conversation.

You are an alum of ISEF 2005, where you competed The company you launched, Modern Fertility, introduced
with your project called “Contamination of Proximate Wells its first fertility testing kits in August 2017. Please tell us
in the Piedmont Region.” How did that competition impact about the company and your impetus for launching it.
your life? My introduction to the fertility and infertility space started
ISEF was really one of the most formative experiences of my when I was working in health care private equity where I
life to date. It was the first time that I learned what it meant to identified sectors of health care that were growing fast and
truly be an expert in something. Becoming a subject matter had consolidation potential. Because of my personal passion
expert in a very narrow slice of science when I was only in high for women's health, I spent a lot of time in that industry and
school gave me a lot of confidence and taught me the sheer stumbled upon the infertility space. While I had to learn
power of applying science in a business framework. Scientific the business and science of infertility, it was the emotional
developments are some of the most impactful ways to improve aspect that stuck with me. I would go to infertility clinics
society, but if we don’t think about them with a business mind and talk to women who had never been told that fertility
set, the learnings can stay isolated in academia. declined with age or that in vitro fertilization wouldn't work
for everyone. Something about the model didn’t sit well with
A lot of ISEF alumni have founded their own companies. me — it was focused on growth of a reactive approach, with
Do you think there's a link between participating in science infertility treatments coming at extremely high costs, largely
fair and the start-up world? out of pocket for women. Women felt blindsided, particularly
Absolutely. I think there are a lot of parallels between because they had little to no proactive education.
participating in science fair and the entrepreneurial journey. I was 22 at the time. I don't think I really knew what to do
Nothing can prepare you for starting a company, but when I with those conversations, but I did feel like I had a secret
think back on things that prepared me along the way, science window into conversations that I was definitely not having
fair is at the top of the list. It’s the persistence and grit to with my girlfriends. Fast forward to working at 23andMe, and
continue to move forward with the scientific process without I realized that I was waiting until later in life to start my family.
knowing what the outcome may be and the skill set you get I tried to request a baseline fertility test and my doctor said
when presenting and defending your findings to experts and no because I wasn’t actively trying or failing to start a family.
the broader public. I ended up going to an infertility clinic to request the test and

SN_018_21_C.indd 48 9/22/21 11:48 AM

had to pay out of pocket. When I finally got my test results, it Women’s health and their control over their own health
was so empowering to have a conversation with my doctor, is a hotly debated topic right now. I would love to get your
my partner and myself. thoughts on the issue.
This all clicked with the cultural shift that’s been under way: Women’s health has been highly debated and politicized for
Women are demanding more information about their bodies centuries, and it's certainly coming to a head in many ways
to have more power over what impacts their health and lives. right now. I think what this really tells us is that our health
We wanted to start as a fertility information company care system is not set up to give women all of the tools that
because we believe that awareness and education is the they need for them to play an active role in their health. The
critical first step. How could women own the decisions Modern Fertility point of view is that we need to put the
impacting their bodies and futures, whatever those might power of fertility knowledge directly in the hands of women.
be? We took the exact same tests typically done in infertility
clinics, took them out of the clinics and made them available The Femtech Industry, which focuses on technology
to women on their own terms. We launched our hormone connected to women’s health is growing at a rapid pace.
test with a clinical study that demonstrated the concordance Why do you think that’s the case?
and interchangeability of our at-home test and a traditional I think there's so much more work and growth that we need
venous blood draw, providing women with an easier and more to see, but I believe the momentum to date comes down to a
accessible format for hormone testing. Our full concordance few key facts. In order for the industry to grow, there has to
study was published by the Green Journal, the official be women leaders creating the tools, products and services
publication of the American College of Obstetricians and that women everywhere want — whether they’ve known they’ve
Gynecologists. Since launching that test, Modern Fertility has wanted it all along or are realizing now that there are finally
expanded into other areas to help women gain more insight more options. The increase in women leaders, although still
into reproductive health. relatively small and in need of support, is giving women a taste
of what it looks like to have businesses and products created
specifically for us. This taste is opening the floodgates, inspiring
more women to start companies or projects that solve our
problems and setting a new standard for women everywhere
in what they expect of products. This is showing that there
is a rapidly growing market here, and venture capitalists are
realizing that this is a sector that can make money.

Modern Fertility was recently acquired. What is your

current role in the company and what is next for you?
A big part of the decision to move forward with the acquisition
was to accelerate everything that we were doing at Modern
Fertility and the change we want to see in women’s health.
We were acquired by Ro, a $5 billion telehealth company, to
be their women's health vertical. As part of that acquisition,
there’s a commitment to continued investment in women's
health, because we believe it can and should be even bigger
than men's health. There is just so much work that needs to
be done, and we do not have time to lose. There are massive
gaps in care that women everywhere are facing today. I am
personally motivated to do everything I can in my lifetime to
continue to close that gap. I joined Ro as President of their
women's health division. My cofounder and I are continuing
on alongside the Modern Fertility team, and we're doubling
the size of the Modern Fertility team by year-end.

There are many challenges in the world today. What’s

keeping you up at night?
Afton Vechery spoke during the Innovation and Entrepreneurship As an industry, we are not making progress fast enough.
Panel at ISEF 2019, providing advice to the finalists on making We are just too far behind in women's health care and research,
the jump from conducting science research in the lab to bringing
ideas to market. and we have no time to lose. This is about access to excellent
health care for all people, which should be a human right.

SN_018_21_C.indd 49 9/22/21 12:26 PM


Polar Bears Hunt With Weapons | Ice Gets Bent Out of Shape
Viral buzz cut anything inside the black hole that
The coronavirus razes cells’ hairlike cilia, could generate that field would be cut
which protect a person’s respiratory tract off from the outside world,” Conover
from foreign objects, Erin Garcia de Jesús says. But if a massive object that already
reported in “How COVID-19 sabotages has a magnetic field, such as a neutron
What Is cells” (SN: 8/28/21, p. 18).
Reader Ron Kern asked if the mowed-
star, collapses to form a black hole, that
field won’t disappear instantly, she says.
a Planet?
Fifteen years after down cilia can grow back. In such cases, plasma surrounding the
Pluto lost its title,
scientists still
don’t agree
The cilia can eventually regrow, says black hole maintains the magnetic field
viral immunologist Lisa Chakrabarti until the field blasts outward or falls into
of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. While the black hole, simulations suggest.
the coronavirus destroys cells’ cilia,
the cells themselves seem to live on.
Chakrabarti compares the regrowth
to a forest recovering after a fire. “The
AUGUST 28, 2021
roots are still there, and it will grow
back.” By the time cilia regrow, though,
SOCIAL MEDIA the virus may have already invaded
the lungs, potentially causing severe
Passion for Pluto COVID-19, she says.
Pluto’s status in the solar sys-
tem continues to be a sore
Clearing the air
point for many, Lisa Grossman
Pluto became a dwarf planet 15 years
reported (see “Clearing the air,”
ago when the International Astronomical
right). A Science News poll on
Union, or IAU, instituted a new definition
Twitter asked users their
for a planet, which requires a celestial
opinion on whether Pluto is a
body to clear other objects from its orbit,
planet. The results from nearly
Lisa Grossman reported in “Pluto’s place”
5,000 respondents reveal the
(SN: 8/28/21, p. 20).
perennial divide:
Several readers expressed confusion
Do you think Pluto is a planet? over why planets that share their orbits
Yes 57.8% with asteroids, such as Jupiter and its
No 42.2% Trojan asteroids, weren’t also demoted.
Such asteroids are effectively in the
same category as satellites, Grossman
says. “These cases don’t violate the
IAU’s definition because the planets are
still the most gravitationally significant
objects around,” she says. Jupiter, for
instance, controls the Trojans’ orbit. In
contrast, Pluto’s gravity does not signif-
icantly affect the objects in its Kuiper
Belt neighborhood.

Balding black holes

Join the conversation
Black holes born with magnetic fields
quickly shed those fields, Emily Conover
MAIL Attn: Feedback
1719 N St., NW reported in “Magnetized black holes go
Washington, DC 20036 bald” (SN: 8/28/21, p. 18).
Reader Dave Foss wondered how a
Connect with us black hole could exhibit a magnetic field
if nothing can escape its gravity.

“Scientists don’t expect a black hole

itself to exhibit a magnetic field since

50 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021

fback.indd 50 9/22/21 9:53 AM

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_p51.indd 51 9/10/21 4:24 PM


weird stuff under the microscope and see what it looks like,”
How to make an oak leaf Kirk says. “That’s what happened with this.” J. KIRK/BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, NIKON SMALL WORLD

look like an underwater oasis His young daughter remarked that the leaf’s trichomes — 
A zoomed-in view can make even the most mundane objects structures that help protect plants from extreme weather
look spectacular. and insects — looked like sea anemones. That comment
This glimpse of the underside of a leaf from a southern inspired Kirk to craft a photo using false color that made the
live oak tree (Quercus virginiana), shown at 60 times mag- leaf’s underside look like an underwater landscape.
nification, is just one example. Jason Kirk, a self-described The picture is a composite of about 200 images stacked
microscope enthusiast and director of Baylor College of together. The leaf’s trichomes are colored white and stick
Medicine’s Optical Imaging & Vital Microscopy Core in out of cyan-colored vessels, which carry water. Surrounding
Houston, took this photo with a microscope that he finished stomata, colored purple, regulate the flow of gases such as
building in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. carbon dioxide. The photo won first place in the 2021 Nikon
Kirk tested his homemade device with a variety of objects Small World photomicrography competition, the results of
from his yard, including tree leaves. “A lot of times, you stick which were announced September 13. — Erin Garcia de Jesús

52 SCIENCE NEWS | October 9, 2021 & October 23, 2021 See more winners of this year’s contest at

scivis-nikon.indd 52 9/22/21 10:53 AM

King Abdulaziz and his Companions Foundation for Giftedness and
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_C3.indd 3 9/10/21 4:18 PM


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_C4.indd 4 1 9/10/21
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