DJ Axie

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io/eth-dapps/axie-infinity-damage-shield-explained/ -
Damage & Shield Guide
whole list of cards - buffs and debuffs guide

SLP Farming Guide:

SLP Farming Tip - Especially with the new 20 energy cap. Depending on your goals whether its to farm
SLP or to hit the leaderboard, sometimes its okay to lose on purpose. You can use up all your energy first
then play more arena fights(YOU CAN GET RATING EVEN AT 0 ENERGY) to drop your rating. By dropping
your rating you're setting yourself up for a higher win rate when your energy is back. Ex: I won all my
fights today and end at 1600 rating. At 0 energy I play more Arena and lose on purpose to drop my
rating back to 1300. When my energy is back I'll be playing against 1300 rating opponents which I
assume would give me a higher winrate and more overall SLP farmed. Main reason why you want to do
this: Assuming SLP if your main priority, the difference between 7SLP at 1200-1400 vs the 8+ SLP at
1400+ is not worth the drop in win rate as overall you'll be getting less SLP winning less matches

Card Tier List for Season 13


Highly recommended watch for PVP Tutorials. Good PVP coaching tips from Indes, one of the Top Axie
players! Teaches you: - How to setup your team - How to read the game and your opponent - Count
cards used and what can be expected - Card and Energy Management - When to pass!

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