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P.53 No.2, P.54 No.

a) Lines 51-55

b)Everyone is different when compared to Arnold. They have more expensive

clothes. They even get treated differently than Arnold because they aren’t Indians and
most of them have developed this thing where they hate all Indians. Which is
basically racism.

c)He feels scared because he thinks someone from the „whites“ will hurt him. He also
feels as an outsider because everyone else is on a „higher level“ than him. That’s
also because he is viewed differently from all the „whites“.

d)To find your place in a new environment you must first of all treat everyone with
respect and those who don’t treat you the same way back, you should avoid. Clothes
don’t really matter if they’re cheap or expensive. You can dress thesaurus Wayne’s
others but in a cheaper way. Humor is also something that doesn’t matter because
you don’t have to be funny to make friends. All that matters is to respect others and
eventually they’ll treat you the same way. When it comes to looks, i would develop a
mindset that you wouldn’t care about what anyone else would have to say about you.
Forget about everything that happened in the past and always focus on the current
moment and not in the future. With sports you can gain their respect and attention if
you’re good at a certain sport. Being friendly is the same with treating everyone with
respect. Being cool also doesn’t matter, because its really pointless unless you want
to gain attention from everyone.


a)It’s because he has to live with all the struggles that come from being Indian. Being
Indian is the „job“ and the struggles are the part that „don‘t pay well“

b)He would use his feelings to replace all the things that made him look bad.

c)It’s because others make fun of him, and by him making fun of himself makes it
look more like he belongs to them.

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