Flat Notes

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They uy Computation, mainly about what Kind of thing, can OW compule mechanical » how + fart and fy idoes tt take to do So, oe oe that thd with o, tay -Finite stu Machive |< ~ simplest! rnodel of comp” 6 ha: Very United me . etcfornt very low lowy Weuel Comp” S & caleulabions. bile e es atk Sa > Fs (Prerequisites) Symbol - any ythinag lke ab 6,0) 215+ that ve . Something: my abc tity) ~Alpvabet- - % precented bi tl ic a collec hom i symbols. a fab}, (ded, gh, Cot) --- String ~ sequence of Symbols £4: a,b,0) 1, aay, 9b, ab, 0! - Lom uage - Sek of Strings over an Apa. 9) We fo,) j L,= set of all strings. of lang a 2 { 00, 01,10) "14 i ] eles Geb of all stings of lungth 3 ] = 4000, 001, 010, 160, 011; 110,101,111} woth 0 = 2 Sef ofa aul stingstof ate who, 01,00, 000,209 01) Bee pe inte Wpinite (2 Duca Pens of & Se ve . 2 ley, sc Sth of al all Shings 4 gt 0! 2+ Sth of au Strings of lungth £: sist} 5 ih GEN of, all so 4 lenge q: ae {08, ol, (0,1 i t ) 5%, ‘cet of al tring “ah lgth n. sasaivality: M0, 0f dawnt a Set, 2. a “Edges = Travis Hons an input (0,1) A) = initial state [sting st ) = = Fil State [fedeptiig see Lt DEA ext ‘g AL set of alt strings that starts with '0! | = 40, 00,01 000, 019) 001,041 0000. -- J ot Dead ep g ceaty, > Tt, is bay tote as HE ant each © [er ‘4 AS et he, . Consbutt a DFA that accept ae.” "e{ag oF (ength 2. Le 00,01, 10, a sa 30446 te L (0) ‘ 46 EX €x> be -Consbucs a DEA Eno accepts any Strings: over 4 0, does nor Conitatn ta sting gal in it. . gc hab kehw, Tey te detign a Simpl phobiom. Jet's construct volitch. Conboins, Rabb’, ay States Es lito NES @ MES to € $ to “Gi ae eg OOS" umes R of fques Be vacoyicat| i Hiei, 00) ew € ree we use peed Seno cn ogi if Stat” “Machine, piceogeet _ Hae Bhii al | v esl is veg -tt can : chings- Xk { * Rbabie sd —) Five (etlers Os ve peatid ; fellowaeg t by his laug ad wey At COMME + “we Lothiy Caunot be Tecognien! ‘oy 5M 9 Nol RauIay, Cx | aN pn => No. OF ak No. of ae i : \ be 24 Ody Nag bbG —_aconmot nt mecoqny’ is 328 mo of Us as ol at same YY OS 4S gle aay, obi 5 ce antack to, Cou, cout, Yo. of a as WOH fig £x_ fot Regulss voce ron ua [LP J L4- Opesa exations on Raqular mgange’, Union - AUB < pKinen or 1€B4 ny [XE & and He Cancotenation - St8 ~ eh My | C20 aud each x cay Stor- AY < Aa %5- | ex: We Le \ 7) Be ae ae kpetind | b. We jpg te | AF = (py TP” pape iment} Tin 4; Clase Of Regula angie “ie Cloged uncles Uti - won of quo, RL. is also. a RL in! Clots 0 j Requias tunguages ic ‘coed under = aa ‘i RL is also a RL. A con cat + a ses ene ee inti Peat -Aatony “_Detetminnisin ; ae We Cumtnt “Gate. “oll Ment Steele wilt toe only OM Lig stacle no Choilts ox Yandomness a easy ty cle Siqn i Ain] = Noni Deteiminnicm que the Cuvent state are told We multiple ext. tates : t Stee may lo. aa i. raul ; AKO PAL) cathy ond moe : Sf AkO— tha ov sta ce Rr 1B x02 Lexie Vanes ns 1 -[418,c).. {é i pei PARC Cas ~ ll “NPA €x4) ,) a Ay ( hve vf all strings tal cud with 4 XA) »() (x: (00 (h) ~ NFS ; ( (i) Ne f De ps Aer 7 Cx} 01 Not al (ceprd: a Bb) NES 4A “gy 7 6) of OF TOL geod. mun Uae machine thot td; d Of thee ts any oH { ont Stade isa ud any sel of states oul of WiKi ables shake, tren thu NEA aceepts. L138 (NeA-ex2). Lz hset of a that i. vittr of = 40,00, 04,00. - oi g" 06) (6) 1 001 “eae — Dead Hal 40 B).. Final state V’0,! ' Il ii ore Not accepted Dead Coufigurattorr. gs { Construct a NFA eli Recep eek of al ty over 4014 of length 2h, Zzh 14 fc 4 00,01, to, 49 6239 ot [NPA er ae ee — of eh that ends det 0 DO ()0,)) ° a | thet contain ‘0% xt w : hset all strings ws Me ees Qe. 0 . 0% 4 ings saat Sts | with Wy i | x CR ik lic en i SE (cons esion of NEA e DFA) ~€Veny D DED is an NAA bet 0 vice versa. But there ic an equivalent pep for even Neg mh Diy DEA Qed NEN! QKE WS te [axe mtyy, nol 29 y 9) nen = DFA. Le heer of at stings ne (0) ‘tat \ clasts it iy he 2) nd tquivalont DEN “pr NED given by =" C4, (are), , nA) wre. 6 is hn by ee OC iteulel accept Shiny ; > Hat end’ with mnlyreb. Ue eye Given bel below ts Nén for, a languagé Leds of all Strings pves (0) brat ens wits ‘og hee ity SDPA- 1, Minimization of DFA panera eat ton of PEA Le TeqWired -L0 obtain \ ’ he jaime 7 oot DEA Which constets of t \ a pine 0 of states possible, y Ton states cau be cormbotned only tf they ase cauivaleny a | ee 8(A,x) WE as 8h ) oF Sy , & 1S Gray input | 4 66, %) - F . (8, %) 7F Ad a ES A & oe Said ty be 0 equivalent af Wxleo, theo Ree std to be 4 egpivalent. 4 er ston af (ele 2 at | n, then ARB Oe ae be n eqpivosart. putting MeO] 4 rs i 1 a c es Go 0 2, ee the DEA dn, uiverloince : ae An! oe sivalonce a nh ah hens “(weit rat} te ar ane Wy 2 3) | Wet os mote than one _ ew! ota ane weld, ' { on with | Umeha \ h-Rh bx ( [ minimization - Sate! A tate ic Any cab sautt if there ic iy, Whar these ase une rt" Vit ante Teac, ) glate fiom Mitict 5 tt é) | | only butgo tng no ite “transits! Up)! Pe one shoul we forall G oth: should be nan- fo a oy ead fee Bi oh &(8:\)=8 sls) [c,A) = eo) 6) 86A)>c S(A, = as (A,0)= “1 - §aa)=6 i a qidec of lo)z ston): ay! s(o1)= € © gonea J 8)2c (v v (o,0): §(00): 3 “$(0,1)- ely ; ee my t o}e8 ‘eso eb | dre se < i enacts: 45 fei) yin! Nesode That } MyHill Nowde [Tabu Fy, ee Vk hind U ste $1 J (mya % table for ati o,,; | states (9,4) Re bi, (2 mask: abl airs whi Pee, ‘| aff Oa thot 038. OH Vin, es. vs (P14) Suche that yy} ina se ic Mit ae rast (8) whe OH 0, | pepe 71s UAT WF : i MARKINGS. CAN BE Me Combine alt | the Damas, “ad Make! tern 3 Si Binds te ot DFA. 6 i $ID | 5(% jee sc.) ° al “(0 FI 1 sO?" ap Fite Rian wth Outpt enn Mocre_Machine av) (0,8,8,5.4,%0) annie set of States We tute Sue Of Stodes cenit worceraply set fg eFuliStOe Gone | nyu apres alphabet ye set of owtput alphabet pesck-of ovckpud apleabet “ge Trim fond Q18 OU § 2 Traniition func" QA 39 { “jz Output func? 1X07 4 A owekpuk fun! 2g ye et tet toe Roa Gon eat EO us se Ola. bey *-ofb- + Eni (O10, ef O4@LOLO%* Wh Oy Gi? ins “4 input (ett) ovat luuyth Te Ved sae OH) “Constmckion of Mealy Machine. ~ ) Patt & Mealy machine tat producer the 4'c eee Lai Bugis a aed 7 ) is “e Exaunplis upting tne Language Cony th chub aud de Stig ny th | hn aac! fia ig ne att any om g 2 ole! <> 100i | eu 0.00 ae Cove Machine Consbuction Hon of mM struck Moore machive that Print $ ‘ (Q) Sequente OU 1S eucounteud M awy "i th put vv sng E-{ol A of thee Mauve Example me machine “that counts the ocasrees Bey i (ls _§ a bb. @0EO 000! Pabst agc900? 00010 be a fined } iy Ne S33 Construction of Mote Machine Example ah 9%) For the following Moore Machine the UMpul olpt,, ab 16 A241), ° Th) Shove): ane vw comet pole 1 OF Oh 9, > ne plowing inp gaguances andl fond the Yep, outputs’ (iaabab (i) abbb [iiJababb i) aa nas arsgeepisad wt vend ofb ee Stat 6) >(b\ te Fu 0 a Rye 0) ~F | BD so ay of) & B,b Ca. Se C fbb ay L385 tramples THe Given Mole Maclia Courts the occurences 4H. | sequen 'abb' in auy input binwoy strings bes (4,1, Conveat UF Ths eauivalent qwenly Machines Sah tbh SLOP inte wae. ow, | 208 Sev re gi Hi ake es es Ne esi) ate, a: " 5 merits shor B= (1h, ‘ webs \ elow is a Mealy machine Ahad prints 4) 40 Giver b yuneer De Sequence tga’ or ‘bb! ts ehCountered ; (h wr ey input binary, string pom gt ar Be {a,b}. Qa ge habh i Ac {0,14 : ‘i 1 \ j Z } Qi We co Biye {0 be A Sta Laine cont ive 4 as the Condition aa eoplegd) 8 it " (aay (one oe ore mea Eig 1 Mo to eal fonveriion WEHOrt Of i \ Ate qs. hw ee fg qw! $0: 0. Yr! ae ton of &-NEA oly NEA ) Oo cr bs dtot 9” Onput & Eciocuere C4720 Starter that can be readvd fiom a a ticular Cale onM oy ama 4 Seo! Convers hey ~~ i | gear’ Got) eo? . (A RA SoA 7A, ¢ : eee is — . La} gener NE \ y . \ i ‘ s (A)! (hy «) (0) NUA : 0.3 Salpg 6 PA Bf fe (8,07) che 40 B fey eh >\ i W ~ fi u G D Dp | (‘. Requlas Expression Expressions ont used fot ( tings ‘tn ay, algeeraxe fasion, ay turin gyrate i be. Symi \s ig exprestions. [Pic nf] Id ' ai evpresitons is alse & sepals = dite) >f “boo pequlat exprestiom is ation im [Ruki > (ee) tosune) of a vegutas ekpre ‘” is expression, (8 ”). oe pression Over $ axe ve gecly Mose sivel ey the app lccectin of the & cveral times j te presenter Certain € 2 iacluding » ne ‘ag baad a ~ Deseathe the foume| gels ipl bp Hie, ytonay ode Re o+it2. 2) (hoa as enyfty gpa duit wig Rh. abe =A i Ga ee bb. 2) J abb, a) a Ree nub tat bth uasion tS a) EK 0 0000: 4s ly ‘keen Closine= Closure -; Arden's Theorem | and @ a%e “two Re clon Caprestions 0 over £, p does not cont ain &,-then the Gollowend A ation w R ba at (ez G1 Pp) hat Qa oo ie oe Re grrr is cy. R-@P* Bee NS Blogs: at. eo. ae { us? ng ide sdentitees of RE ———— i An example ie Ai) a (o4io" Di, Pave that (vxanti)+ (1400 % hee Des = (14007 i)4(1400 "it (otto "1 (0110 *) = (va00" nferore i)*(o+10” D). Crete, © (v4o0") (ote ik alk Aa. e (¢+ 1400 1) (oti) a am = (¢+00” yt otto” iF = i (oro a; 2 REGS de * ‘ Oa cs Design Raqulac an 200, ba, 66% By radjan, batbb- _ (ee C (Epate) ene 4 ta Requles Baprestivn for the “following Ne. : aon ata ; =m atqab + 936-1) sentoh ok oy i Pas cesne: ee - neigh ee 78 ' santa tee o ‘ge Be & gus ere 2) © "lnal Late () oS a cee a fim 0) as aaah Fn, Goqusrgdthaprenen cara Art Nea, ; L-sz : \ ' ’ f; Regular exp a wT ei, Ge Etpbtqa sp » Beyer . | ‘yagi | OF ai biqbtyst = 84 (4 ayo (88 . a. States w Owitial state 4 final & patti 4g = 030 Sarva, in Ai ’ ‘ tia . (9.9) Ww quis Be coud is V sf nfs oan (4s) mY WH esta. ni BM. : , % is left alov, WON dives Yo, (% fn) Ve ey fs as a Vy pee Gat ‘a Lemna be Requlas ae 3 “Lemon o lisea prove ~that a Re guage i ic y uh ipojesinn ny hs ia Pumpin) et sgh whore Isize i. be

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