31 - Velev - GeoSci - 2016 Field Features of Magmatic Hydrothermal Injection Breccias

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БЪЛГАРСКО ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКО ДРУЖЕСТВО, Национална конференция с международно участие „ГЕОНАУКИ 2016“

BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, National Conference with international participation “GEOSCIENCES 2016”

Field features of magmatic hydrothermal injection breccias from

Bulgarian Antarctic Base area (BAB), Livingston Island, Antarctica
Геоложки особености на магматично-хидротермални инжекционни
брекчи от района на Бългаската Антарктическа База (БАБ),
о-в Ливингстън, Антарктика
Stefan Velev1, Docho Dochev1, Kamen Bonev2
Стефан Велев1, Дочо Дочев1, Камен Бонев2
Sofia University, FGG, 1504 Sofia; E-mails: velev@gea.uni-sofia.bg; dochev@gea.uni-sofia.bg
Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, 1504 Sofia; E-mail: bonev.kamen@gmail.com

Keywords: Livingston Island, magmatic hydrothermal injection breccias, high sulfidation ore systems.

Introduction related to hydraulic breccias (Willan, 1994) and form

by injection of mineralized magmatic fluids, typically
Willan (1994) described hydrothermal veins and brec- in high sulfidation ore systems.
cias exposed on Hurd Peninsula, Livingston island. Magmatic hydrothermal injection beccias in stud-
Based on field data obtained in Antarctic season 2016 ied area comprise host rock fragment, mainly sand-
we proposed for the first time morphological and ge- stones and mudstones (Fig. 1a–d) set in a matrix of
netic classification of hydrothermal breccias, based on minerals deposited by magmatic hydrothermal fluid:
the classification of Corbett and Leach (1998). quartz, carbonates and ore minerals (pyrite, chalco-
pyrite, galena and malachite) (Fig. 1a). The observed
Geological settings of BAB area injection breccias are with vertical dimensions and
thickness of several cm to 2–3 m (Fig. 1d). In some
The sedimentary sequences exposed on the Hurd cases these braccias form in dilational structural en-
Peninsula composed mainly of terrigenous and aleuro- vironments derived by movement on controlling
pelitic mixed rocks, formed in different depositional structures, and so display transitional relationships to
environments are grouped in Myers Bluff Formation the dilational breccias. Tectonic faulting assists fluid
(Campanian–?Paleogene). The formation consists pressures in fracturing host rocks, and creation of open
of five members (as follows from bottom to top): space which becomes filled by hydrothermal minerals.
South Bay Member, Johnson Dock Member, Sally These breccias are classified as rotational (Fig. 1c),
Rocks Member, Napier Peak Member and Moores mosaic (jigsaw) (Fig. 1a, b) and fluidized breccias.
Peak Member. The sedimentary rocks exposed in Rotational breccias are characterized by substantial
BAB area consist of medium- to coarse grained mas- fragment rotation or transport in association with fluid
sive sandstones, alternating with thick mudstones injection. Mosaic or jigsaw breccias are distinguished
and fine-grained sandstones are part from South Bay by fragments which are separated, but have not un-
Member – the host sediments of magmatic hydrother- dergone substantial transport. Rock fragments in these
mal breccias. breccias may be joined back together by removal of the
matrix. Fluidized breccias contain milled fragments in
Geologic description and systematic a transported matrix, to form dike-like bodies.
of magmatic hydrothermal injection
breccias Interpretation
During our investigation ore-related hydrothermal The formation of the magmatic hydrothermal breccias
breccias around BAB are systematized and described is an integrated element of the evolution of the mag-
in details. We distinguish chiefly magmatic hydrother- matic hydrothermal system. They are formed by the
mal injection breccias, according to classification of explosive release of overpressured magmatic fluids
Corbett and Leach (1998). These kinds of breccias are from the fluid saturated magma.

Fig. 1. a, mosaic breccias with secondary copper mineralization
(malachite); b, mosaic breccia; c, fragments of mudstones in ro-
tational breccias; d, mosaic brecciated hydrothermal vein; e, ide-
alized cross section through a magmatic hydrothermal breccias

References Willan, R. C. R. 1994. Structural setting and timing of hydro-

thermal veins and breccias on Hurd Peninsula, Livingston
Corbett, G., T. Leach. 1998. Southwest Pacific Rim Gold- Island, South Shetland Islands: A possible volcanic-epith-
Copper Systems: Structure, Alteration and Mineralization. ermal system in deformed turbidites. – Geol. Mag., 131, 4,
– Soc. Econ. Geol., Spec. Publ. 6, 236 p. 465–483.


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