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# Item Name / Text Guidance Note
1 Trade name of company (doing Trade name means the company name normally used in commercial
business as) communications and trading. It may be different from the legal name on
the business license. Business owners can use a trade name for
advertising and sales purposes. The trade name is the name the public
sees, like on signs and the internet.
2 Legal name of company (per Legal name means the official company name which is shown on the
business license) business license/registration documents and registered with government.
Please also provide the local language version of the legal name of
company if applicable.
3 Registered Office Address The place where the real activity and day to day operations of the
company are carried out e.g. manufacturing & packaging. In most
countries this address should be the same as that shown on the business
licence or other legal documents such as tax certificates etc.
4 Company Phone Number Landline or official telephone number of the Company
5 Company Fax Number Fax line of the Company (if applicable)
6 Contact Person Name and surname of the person completing the SAQ
7 Contact Phone number (direct line) Direct telephone number for the person completing the SAQ
8 Contact Email Address Direct email address for the person completing the SAQ
9 Ownership type Provide the ownership type of the company (specified in the business
 A private company is a firm that is privately owned.
 Private companies may issue stock and have shareholders, but their
shares do not trade on public exchanges.
 A public company is a company that is listed in a well-known stock
exchange and can be traded freely
 Government company is a state-owned company
10 Year business established Provide the year when the company was established, generally available
in the business license/registration document.
11 How many years has the company Provide the length of operation in years of the company in the current
been operating in this location location according to business license/registration document.
according to the business license?
12 Number of employees at facility Select the approximate number of total number of employees (including
permanent, temporary, agency workers, management, etc.) in the
13 Total actual number of employees Provide the actual number of total number of employees (including
permanent, temporary, agency workers, management, etc.) in the
14 Worker Analysis Provide the number of total number of female/male/foreign
migrant/domestic employees (including permanent, temporary, agency
workers, management, etc.) in the company.
 Foreign migrant employees mean employees who are from a
different country working on specific contract terms. Immigrants are
not considered as migrant employees.
 Domestic migrant employees means employees who are from other
provinces of the country.

15 Please select the business nature  Material Supplier: Raw Material Supplier - is a company that supplies
raw materials to companies that manufacture goods
 Material Supplier: Packaging Material Supplier - is a company that
supplies packaging materials to companies that manufacture goods
 Product Supplier: Primary Supplier is a refiner, manufacturer,
marketer, distributor, firm or person who makes the first sale of any
product to resellers
 Product Supplier: Subcontractor - is a firm or person that carries out
work for the primary supplier or vendor, and typically would not be
the recipient of the order from the Retailer/Brand. The
subcontracted work can vary from manufacturing, assembly, packing,
embroidery, washing etc.
 Product Supplier: Licensee - is a business, entity, or individual that
has legal permission to conduct activities using something that
another party owns or controls
 Product Supplier: Vendor - is a person or company that sells goods or
services that are manufactured by the Primary or Subcontracted
 Product Supplier: Distributor - is an agent who supplies goods to
retailers that they neither own nor have influence over.
 Product Supplier: Wholesaler - is a person or company that sells
goods in large quantities at low prices, typically to other retailers.
 Service Provider: Agent - is a person or business authorized to act on
another's behalf, and often is the liaison between the Vendor /
Primary Supplier and the Retailer/Brand.
 Service Provider: Support Service Company - is a company that
provides services to support another company’s operations, and can
vary from marketing to logistics and distribution.
16 Does the company have a valid Business license or registration document means an official document
business license which accurately issued by local government to permit the company to engage in certain
reflects the current operations? If business operation activity.
yes, please upload the document. Upload Examples:
 Business Licence
 Company Registration Documents
 Bank Confirmation Document (must be less than 3 months old)
 Government Documents Showing Name & Address
 Occupation certificate
17 Does the company have a valid Import and export license means an official document issued by local
import and export license? If yes, government to permit the company to import product from other
please upload the document. Country/Region or export product to another Country/Region.
Upload: Import / Export Licence
18 Does the company have a valid tax Tax Registration Certificate means the official document issued by the Tax
registration certificate? If yes, please Department of government to register the company's production and
upload the document. business activity as the basis of paying tax.
Upload: Latest version of Tax Registration Certificate or similar document
defined by local law
Item Name / Text Orange
Q19 We have a comprehensive process in place that ensures that all employees we hire are of Yes
legal minimum age (if no legal requirement, 15 years or above). Describe your processes. If
yes, please upload supporting documents such as hiring procedures
Guidance Comprehensive process means that the company has established a procedure/process to verify whether
Note the employees' ages are above minimum working age.
Minimum working age will be the legal minimum working age if there is a local law defining the
minimum working age. Otherwise, minimum working age will be 15 years old.
Example  Child Labour Policy
Documents  Recruitment Policy / Process (clearly indicating minimum working age and means to verify age e.g.
to Upload workers produce a valid identification, such as national identification cards, birth certificates etc.)
Q20 Please select one option that best describes your process for verifying legal proof of age Yes
when hiring new employees.

Guidance Whether the process is written or not, what process, if any, is used to verify and record workers' ages.
Q21 We have a written and effective process in place that ensures juvenile employees (legal No
working age but under 18 years old) have special protections, special training and meet all
legal requirements (i.e., registration, health checks, etc.). Describe your processes. If yes,
please upload supporting documents such as policy, training procedures, legal procedures,
Guidance Juvenile worker are young workers whose age is above the legal minimum wage but less than 18 years
Note old. The process here means the procedure/process to protect young workers according to local law
requirement; such as registering young workers with local government, providing health examinations,
not being engaged in hazardous work, limitation on overtime and shift work. etc.
Example  Recruitment and Employment Policy/Procedure on juvenile workers
Documents  Registration document of juvenile workers
to Upload  Attendance records of juvenile workers (to check overtime/night shift)
 Employment contracts of juvenile workers (to check whether engaged in hazardous work, working
hour information as well as wage information)
 Health check reports of juvenile workers since their joining the facility
 Training records for juvenile workers
 Copy of ID documents of juvenile workers
Q22 We have a written policy and effective process in place that prohibits utilizing employees Yes
who are trafficked, imprisoned, bonded, or indentured either directly by the site or via
intermediaries, agencies, etc. Describe your processes. If yes, please upload supporting
Guidance The company should have related policy and written effective procedure/process to prevent utilizing
Note these kinds of forced labor and modern slavery directly or via intermediaries, agencies, etc.

Indentured Labor refers to situations where employers forbid employees from leaving at the employees'
discretion. Below could be considered as indentured labor:
1. All employees are not voluntarily present such as imprisonment or locked in the employment site.
2. Employees' right to leave at the end of work shift is restricted or employees are unable to terminate
3. Employees are required to perform excessive overtime or disciplined for refusing to work overtime.
4. Movement in the facility such as access to toilet/drinking water/facility compound or dormitories is
Bonded Labor refers to situations where employees work to pay a debt, which is often incurred by
another person offering the employee's labor in exchange. For example, recruitment fees.
Prison labor occurs most often where the employer is using a government or military-controlled agency
to provide or arrange for hiring of employees.
Trafficking in persons means the recruitment, transportation, or receipt of persons by means of threat or
use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, deception, or abuse of power for the purpose of
Example  Social Compliance Policy / Code of Conduct showing prohibition of Forced Labour
Documents  Forced Labour Policy or Statement
to Upload  Recruitment & Hiring Policy
 Employment contract / Factory Regulations (to check whether it has any contents related to forced
labor intention)
 Attendance records/payroll records (to check working hours and any illegal or excessive wage
Q23 Select the option that best describes your site's policy around retaining original Yes
identification cards, passports, or other personal documents of employees. If your facility
has a process in place to manage original document retention, please upload supporting
documents. Describe your processes.
Guidance Original Government issued identification, passport or any personal documents shall not be retained by
Note the employer. If the employer must retain employees' original documents according to local law
requirement, the most essential thing is the employer has a system to let the employees retrieve their
document at any time without any restriction. For example, lockers are provided to employees to store
their personal documents, in a location where access is not restricted. The facility shall also
communicate this procedure with the employees and preferably written consent letters from employees
shall be maintained.

Should workers original documents be retained for a short period of time; for example to make copies
or to apply for a visa, after which all original documents are returned to the worker - this does not
qualify as the retention of original documents.
Example  Written process on original document retention and retrieval of such documentation
Documents  Consent documents of employees on permitting facility to retain original documents
to Upload  Records showing workers retrieving their original documentation when requested
 Photo of location where the original documentation is retained.
Q24 We have a written policy and effective process in place that ensures all employees, Yes
including foreign migrant workers, are not charged fees, deposits, or bonds as a condition
of employment either directly by the site or via intermediaries, agencies, etc. Describe
your processes. If yes, please upload supporting documents.
Guidance No fees charged, monetary deposits or bonds from employees are required as a condition of
Note employment unless allowed by local law. Employer should have a process/procedure to ensure that this
does not occur. This procedure must apply to all kinds of employees; either employed direct by the site
or via intermediaries, agencies, labour brokers, third party service providers, and includes migrant
Example  Recruitment / Hiring Procedure
Documents  Wage Payment Procedure
to Upload  Factory regulation and other procedure on managing the recruitment fees of workers
 Payroll records (to check whether factory charges any fees from employees)
 Employment contracts (to check whether it has any contents related to recruitment fees, deposits
that require paying back to facility if early termination, fees that need to be deducted to ensure
continuous employment, any fees being charged to employees after their joining etc.)
Q25 Are all employees free to decline overtime work without penalty (i.e., intimidation, No
threats of dismissal, pay cuts, demotion, etc.)?
Guidance Employees have the right to refuse to work overtime and employees are not required to perform
Note excessive overtime. Employer shall not discipline employees such as intimidation, threats of dismissal,
pay cuts, or demotion because of employees' refusal to work overtime.
Q26 Employees are free to move around the workplace, take restroom and water breaks No
without restrictions to employees’ basic rights.
Guidance Employees' movement in the facility (e.g. move around the workplace, take restroom, water breaks,
Note etc.) shall not be restricted such as access to washroom, drinking water and, where applicable, the
facility compound or dormitories.
Q27 We ensure that all employees are free to terminate employment within legal rights and Yes
without penalties, financial or other. Please upload the relevant documents.
Guidance Employees have the right to terminate the employment relationship, giving a notice period to the
Note employer according to local law requirement. Employer shall not hinder the employees’ right to
voluntarily terminate the employment.
Example  Hiring and Termination procedure
Documents  Employment contract (to check the termination section to see whether free to terminate without
to Upload any penalty)
 Payroll records of terminated employees (to check whether any illegal deduction and whether
notice given to employees who have left facility), etc.
Q28 We have a written policy and effective process in place that ensures all employees are free No
from any discrimination in employment, recruiting, training, compensation and benefits,
promotion, termination, and retirement. Describe your processes. If yes, please upload
supporting documents.
Guidance The term "Discrimination" includes any distinction, exclusion or preference made based on race, color,
Note sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, which has the effect of nullifying or
impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation.

Any distinction, exclusion or preference in respect of a particular job based on the inherent
requirements thereof shall not be deemed to be discrimination.

The terms "Employment and Occupation" include access to vocational training, access to employment
and to particular occupations, and terms/conditions of employment.

The company shall establish written policy/procedure to ensure that employer is free from any
discrimination in employment and occupation including recruitment, training, working conditions, job
assignment, pay, benefits, promotions, discipline, termination and retirement based on the grounds of
race, color, age, gender, caste, social background, sexual orientation, ethnicity and national origin,
disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, marital status, medical condition
or any other personal characteristics.
Example  Discrimination Policy & Procedure
Documents  Recruitment & hiring procedure
to Upload  Training policy & procedure
 Wage management procedure
 Health check documents (to check whether have pregnancy testing, HIV testing or other testing
which will cause discrimination)
 Training attendance records (to check whether certain group of employees are excluded
 Payroll and attendance records
 Attendance records (to check whether have any discrimination in working hour arrangement)
 Factory regulation (to check whether have any discrimination in daily factory operation and
management), etc.
Q29 We have a written anti-harassment/abuse policy and effective process in place that No
prevents verbal or sexual harassment, psychological or physical abuse, intimidation and
bullying during hiring, employment, and termination stages. If yes, please upload
supporting documents.
Guidance Harassment is any inappropriate conduct toward another person that creates an intimidating, hostile, or
Note offensive work environment. Harassment or abuse includes threats of physical violence, penalties, fines,
or termination of employment, and may be conducted by management against workers, workers against
workers, and workers aimed at management.

"Anti-harassment/abuse policy/process" here means that the company shall establish written
policy/procedure to state the company's statement on anti-harassment/abuse and have procedures to
define what kind of behavior will be considered as harassment/abuse and how to follow up with
harassment/abuse behavior that happens with documentation maintained.
Example  Anti-harassment/abuse policy (can be social compliance policy which include the anti-
Documents harassment/abuse related contents)
to Upload  Code of Conduct
 Factory regulations
 Grievance records (regarding harassment/abuse)
 Disciplinary records (related to harassment/abuse phenomenon)
 Termination records (related to harassment/abuse)
Q30 We ensure that legally required employment contracts (or equivalent job description if no No
contractual law) are valid, signed with ALL employees and contain terms and conditions of
employment. Please upload example of employment contract and/or job description with
terms and conditions.
Guidance An employment contract shall be signed with all employees as required by local law and contain terms
Note and conditions of employment, including standard working hours and wages, rest days, overtime request
and conditions, holiday allowance, job description, length of employment, any probation period and
length, notice period required for termination and other information required by local law.

If employment contracts are not required by local law, then other similar employment document such as
letter of engagement, employment acceptance letter should be signed with employees and include the
following terms including but not limited to standard working hours and wages, rest day, overtime
request and conditions, holiday allowance, job description, length of employment, any probation period
and length, notice period when termination.
Example  Employment contract showing terms and conditions of employment
Documents  Process to manage issuing and signing of Contracts
to Upload  Signed copies of Contracts
Q31 We ensure original contract terms (from the site or via an intermediary) are never Yes
replaced with less favourable terms and conditions without the employee's consent.
Guidance The employment contracts provided to candidate at the time of discussing the working conditions and
Note benefit between employer and employee shall not be replaced by another employment contract with
less favorable terms and conditions after candidate's joining without their consent in advance.
Q32 We have a comprehensive process to confirm that employment (or recruitment) agencies Yes
providing employees for this site have fulfilled all legal obligations, signed contracts with
transparent terms and conditions, do not charge fees or engage in any penalties, coercion,
or physical force during recruitment. If yes, please upload supporting documents outlining
process for evaluating employment agencies' hiring practices
Guidance Employment/Recruitment Agencies means agencies or labour brokers who are paid by the company to
Note find/provide employees for the company. The Recruitment Agency shall also comply with similar social
compliance requirements for their employees. The company shall establish a written comprehensive
process to assess recruitment agencies on social compliance performance before using them as a
recruitment service provider. The company should also monitor their compliance from time to time.
Example  Management procedure for recruitment/labor agencies
Documents  Contract / Service Level Agreement with recruitment/labor agencies
to Upload  Periodical assessment report of recruitment/labor agencies and their employment conditions of
 Employment contracts and payroll records of agency workers
Q33 We ensure that all foreign employees we hire have a valid work permit. Yes

Guidance Normally local law have working permit requirements for recruiting foreign employees.
Note Foreign migrant employees means employees of the company who are from a different Country or
Region or Area.
Work Permit means official permit document issued by government to give permission to foreign
workers to work in the area of this Country.
Q34 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that employee earnings Yes
meet minimum wage requirements (or industry baseline where no law exists). Describe
your processes. If yes, please upload supporting documents.
Guidance Legal Minimum Wage means the lowest wage that an employer shall pay an employee according to law
Note requirements. If no legal minimum wage exists, then at least the minimum wage should be the industry
The company shall have a process/procedure e.g. wage payment procedure or other similar procedure
to ensure that wages paid to all employees shall at least comply with legal minimum wage requirement
or industry baseline in the absence of local law.
Example  Remuneration or Wage Management Policy / Procedure
Documents  Wage or payroll records
to Upload  Payslip examples
 Employment contracts indicating wage information
Q35 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that all employees' overtime No
work is calculated and paid at the premium rate as per legal requirements (or 125%
minimum if no law). Describe your processes. If yes, please upload supporting documents.
Guidance Normally local law will define the overtime wage premium rate. Hourly Overtime wage = Premium Rate x
Note Hourly Regular Wage
The company shall have a process/procedure such as a wage payment procedure or other similar
procedure to ensure overtime wages are calculated accurately according to the legal premium rate
requirement for overtime wage. In the absence of a legal overtime wage premium rate, then at least
overtime wage shall be paid at least 125% of the regular wage.
Example  Remuneration or Wage Management Policy / Procedure
Documents  Wage or payroll records
to Upload  Payslip examples
 Employment contracts indicating overtime information
Q36 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that all employees' benefits No
are provided as per legal requirements, i.e., social security, pensions, healthcare,
severance pay, holiday work, paid time off, maternity leave, sick leave. If yes, please
upload supporting documents.
Guidance The company shall have a process/procedure related to wages and benefits or included in employee
Note manual/contracts to ensure that all employees' benefits are provided. Legal benefits include social
security, pensions, holiday work, paid time off, maternity leave and sick leave etc.
Example  Remuneration or Wage Management Policy / Procedure
Documents  Benefits and Leave Policy / Procedure
to Upload  Employment contracts indicating benefits information
 Wage or payroll records
 Payslip examples
Q37 Please select the option that best describes how wage calculations are communicated to No
employees in the facility.

Guidance The company shall provide workers with information on the wages that they receive per pay period and
Note ensure that worker understand the calculation of their wages. Payslips should contain all information as
required by local law, and be in a language understood by the workers.
Q38 We have an effective process in place to ensure that complete and accurate records of No
employees' standard and overtime hours are regularly kept on file. Describe your
processes. If yes, please upload supporting documents.
Guidance The company shall have a process to keep complete and accurate records of employees' standard and
Note overtime hours regardless whether the time recording system is manual or electronic.
Example  Attendance and working hour management procedure
Documents  Photo of time punching machine
to Upload  Daily attendance records
Q39 We have a comprehensive written process in place to ensure all employees' standard and No
overtime hours are within limits under applicable legal requirements. If yes, please upload
supporting documents.
Guidance The company shall establish related process/procedure such as working hour management procedure to
Note manage working hours of employees including regular working hours and overtime working hours to
ensure regular working hours and overtime working hours of all employees does not exceed the legal
Example  Attendance and working hour management procedure
Documents  Daily attendance records (to check whether number of working hours listed in attendance record
to Upload exceeds local law limit
 Any corrective record in case of working hour exceeding the local limit
 Assessment records/tracking of the working hours
Q40 We have a comprehensive written process in place to ensure all employees are provided No
rest days according to applicable legal requirements. If yes, please upload supporting
Guidance The company shall establish related process/procedure such as working hour management procedure to
Note ensure rest days are provided to all employees according to local law requirement. For example,
provided with one day off in seven.
Example  Working hour management procedure
Documents  Employment contract (to check whether having listed legal required rest day requirement in the
to Upload contract)
 Attendance records (to check whether rest day enjoyed by employees as per legal requirement)
Q41 We have established a comprehensive grievance mechanism to communicate with No
employees regarding facility policies, practices and obtain their feedback and complaint. If
yes, please upload supporting evidence.
Guidance The company shall create internal programs for handling reports of workplace grievances including
Note anonymous reports. Employees in the company shall feel safe to talk to management about reporting
concerns they have as well as receive a timely investigation to their report without fear of retaliation.

The grievance may include harassment, discrimination, abuse, bribery and potential conflicts of interest,
working conditions, accidents or safety issues. The grievance mechanism shall also allow for suggestions
to be provided on ways in which the company could improve standard practices in order to be more
effective within the workplace. Methods should be available which allow for confidential and
anonymous reports if allowed by local law.

What makes a grievance mechanism effective?

1. A method is available to effectively file a grievance anonymously, where a thorough investigation
occurs without retaliation.
2. Grievance Mechanism includes written policies and procedures, communication and training
(understood by all) monitoring and governance (internal verification)
3. Person(s) identified to manage the grievance process which includes input from all levels of people
as applicable
4. Communication identifying how access to the grievance mechanism is made. This communication
should include what to expect once grievance is filed, timeline for further communication and
confirm that confidentiality without retaliation is assured.
Example  Grievance Policy & Procedure
Documents  Training records of employees on grievance management procedure
to Upload  Feedback records of employees, or minutes of grievance proceedings
 Photo of suggestion box or similar grievance devices
Item Name / Text Orange
Q42 We have a comprehensive training process in place to educate employees about health No
and safety that is inclusive of all applicable risks, and which is conducted upon hire and on
a regularly scheduled basis thereafter. If yes, please upload your health and safety training
process and sample set of records.
Guidance The company shall provide related Health and Safety training to all employees including chemical safety,
Note fire safety, machine safety, electrical safety, occupation safety, etc. This kind of training should happen
upon hire and on a regularly scheduled basis thereafter. Detailed records should be maintained.
Example  Health & safety training procedures
Documents  Health and safety training records of employees (to check whether health and safety training is
to Upload provided to employees upon hiring and regularly after hiring.)
 Training materials
Q43 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that sufficient audible and Yes
visual fire alarm systems exist in all areas of the site, and that those systems are tested,
functioning properly, and meeting all legal requirements. If yes, please upload supporting
evidence that documents this compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish written process/procedures such as a fire safety management procedure to
Note install/maintain/inspect fire protection devices and equipment in all areas of the company including fire
alarm, etc. The company shall inspect and test these fire protection devices regularly and ensure that
they comply with legal requirements and function properly.
Example  Fire Safety Management Procedure
Documents  Invoices of fire alarm installation; including repair and maintenance
to Upload  Photos of fire alarm system
 Testing and maintenance records for fire alarms
 Site map indicating location of fire alarm points
Q44 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that sufficient fire No
suppression equipment (i.e., fire sprinklers, fire hoses, etc.) exists in all areas of the site
and that this equipment is tested, functioning properly, and meeting all legal
requirements. Applies to work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory, and
canteen. If yes, please upload supporting evidence of compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish written process/procedures such as a fire safety management procedure to
Note install/maintain/inspect fire protection devices and equipment in all areas of the company (including
work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory and canteen) including fire suppression
equipment. The company shall inspect and test this fire suppression equipment regularly and ensure
that they comply with legal requirements and function properly.
Example  Fire Safety Management Procedure
Documents  Photos of fire suppression systems/equipment in different areas; e.g. hose reels, sprinkler systems
to Upload  Testing and maintenance records for fire suppression systems/equipment
 Site map indicating location of fire suppression systems/equipment
Q45 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure that fire extinguishers are No
placed in all areas of the site, and that they are labelled, are of correct type, not blocked,
functioning properly, and meeting all legal requirements. Applies to work areas,
management area, warehouse, dormitory, and canteen. If yes, please upload supporting
evidence of compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish written process/procedures such as a fire safety management procedure to
Note install/maintain/inspect fire protection devices and equipment in all areas of the company (including
work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory and canteen) including fire extinguishers. These
installed fire extinguishers shall be labelled, of correct type, not blocked, functioning properly and meet
legal requirements.
Example  Fire Safety Management Procedure
Documents  Photos of fire extinguishers in different areas
to Upload  Testing and maintenance records for fire extinguishersSite map indicating location of fire
 Risk assessment records highlighting type of extinguishers needed
Q46 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure all exit routes, aisles, Yes
passageways are clearly labelled, not obstructed, equipped with handrails (when
appropriate) and that they meet all legal requirements. Applies to work areas,
management area, warehouse, dormitory, and canteen. If yes, please upload supporting
evidence of compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish written process/procedures such as a fire safety management procedure to
Note ensure all exit routes/aisles/passageways are clearly labelled and not obstructed, equipped with
handrails when appropriate and meet local law requirements. This requirement applies to all work areas,
management area, warehouse, dormitory and canteen.
Example  Fire Safety Management Procedure
Documents  Photos of exit routes, aisles and passageways in different areas, including signage
to Upload  Site map indicating location of exit routes
 Checklists/records showing exit routes are regularly checked
Q47 We have a process and written procedures in place to ensure all emergency exit points Yes
(doors, stairwells, or windows) are sufficient in number, clearly labelled, not blocked or
locked, open to direction of travel, functioning properly and meet all legal requirements.
Applies to work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory, and canteen. If yes,
please upload supporting evidence of compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish written process/procedures such as a fire safety management procedure to
Note ensure sufficient emergency exit points which are clearly labelled, not blocked/locked, open to the
direction of travel, functioning properly and meeting all legal requirements. This requirement applies to
all work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory and canteen.
Example  Fire Safety Management Procedure
Documents  Photos of exit doors in different areas, including signage
to Upload  Site map indicating location of exit doors
 Checklists/records showing exit doors are regularly checked
Q48 There are secondary exits in all areas where legally required. Applies to work areas, Yes
management area, warehouse, dormitory, and canteen.
Guidance Secondary exits shall be equipped for all areas (Including work areas, management area, warehouse,
Note dormitory and canteen) if required by local law.
Q49 We have process and written procedures in place to ensure emergency evacuation drills No
are conducted for all areas during all shifts as required by law, or at least within the last 12
months. Applies to work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory, and canteen. If
yes, please upload supporting evidence of compliance.
Guidance The company shall establish emergency response procedure for fire safety and hold drills regularly with
Note record keeping for all areas (including work areas, management area, warehouse, dormitory and
canteen) and shifts as required by law or at least once within the last 12 months whichever is stricter.
Example  Emergency Response Procedure, including Fire Safety
Documents  Fire Drill Records
to Upload  Photos of fire drills
Q50 When personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to control safety hazards (i.e., No
goggles/glasses, face shields, earplugs, face masks, gloves, shoes, helmets, skin protectors,
respirators, etc.), we have a process in place to ensure the following: PPE is provided to all
applicable employees, PPE is paid for by the site, PPE equipment is replaced, as needed,
PPE is monitored for the correct use. If yes, please upload supporting evidence of
Guidance If PPE is required to control safety hazards identified, then the company shall establish a PPE
Note Management procedure to ensure PPE is provided to all applicable employees free of charge, replaced
and maintained as needed, and used correctly.
The PPE procedure is a comprehensive guide for the responsible manager, whose duty it is to assess the
suitability of PPE both for the work to be undertaken and for the employee involved. Employers must
absorb the cost of PPE
Example  PPE Management Procedure
Documents  Risk Assessment records highlighting PPE requirements
to Upload  Distribution records of PPE
 List of PPE requirements
 Factory Regulations (to check on PPE terms)
 Employment contract (to check on PPE terms)
 Payroll records (to check whether employees pay for PPE)
Q51 We have all legally required permits, licenses, and test reports, i.e., machinery, No
occupational load, building inspection, construction changes, fire safety permits, building
permits, etc.
Guidance The company shall have gotten all legal required permit/license/test reports such as fire safety permit,
Note building safety permit, inspection report on building safety, registration document for special
equipment, etc.
Special equipment: Each country has their own categories for special equipment. but normally special
equipment includes lifts, pressure container, hoisting machine, boiler or forklift.
Q52 We ensure all employees have free access to potable drinking water. No
Guidance Potable water is water that is suitable and safe for human consumption.
Note Portable drinking water should be made available at designated and clean areas and shall be provided to
employees free of charge. Drinking water shall be tested periodically to ensure it is safe and healthy for

Q53 Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are maintained and updated for all chemicals used at No
the facility, and readily available for operators at all times.
Guidance MSDS is a document intended to provide information regarding a specific chemical. Format can vary
Note from sources, however the internationally recommended and recognized format includes the following
• Identification
• Hazards identification
• Composition/ information on ingredients
• First aid measures
• Fire-fighting measures
• Accidental release measures
# Question Response

1 How long will it take me to This is dependent on you. We recommend that you review the
complete the SAQ? questions in the SAQ as per above guidance and prepare the
documentation for upload in advance. This will make the process
of completing the SAQ online easier and more efficient.
2 I am reluctant to upload Upload the documentation as it will negatively impact the result if
documentation as it is private you do not.
and confidential. What should I Intertek will not use any of the information provided for any
do? purposes outside of assessing the SAQ.
Should there be personal information such as employee name,
Identity/Passport number – this information can be blocked
3 For some of the questions, the Yes, we would need the relevant documents uploaded for each
documents to upload are the question as the auditor reviews the documents specific to the
same as previous questions. Do I question being asked.
need to upload the documents
again for each question?
4 Where I have answered a Yes, for those questions where you respond that you have a
question that I have a written written process, documentation or other evidence upload is
process, is a document upload mandatory; and you will not be able to submit unless this has been
mandatory? done.
5 What happens if I upload an An auditor will review the documentation/evidence uploaded and
incorrect document or one that if it does not verify that you have the necessary process or
does not match the question? procedure in place, this question will be marked as not compliant.
It is therefore necessary to upload correct documentation as per
the guidance given.
6 What is an Orange Qualifier as Orange Qualifier is a question or risk area that Walmart believes to
indicated in the last column of be a higher-risk issue and may be escalated for possible
the table for the Labour & Health investigation or supplier engagement, and/or result in the facility’s
& Safety sections? color rating being downgraded to Orange.

7 If I answer an Orange Qualifier No, just one orange qualifier will not automatically result in an
Question in the negative, does orange assessment. Our Assessment team looks at a number of
this mean my result will orange qualifiers to determine if an orange rating is warranted.
automatically be an Orange?

8. Will the scoring/rating that I get Yes, it is likely to be different as Walmart has a different scoring
from Intertek be different to the methodology. You are however encouraged to review both
one I receive from Walmart? assessments and make improvements to your results.

9. Am I able to make changes to the No. Once the SAQ is submitted you cannot make changes. It is
SAQ once I have submitted it? important that you review the SAQ responses carefully before
submitting it.
10. Once I have received my rating You would need to ensure you have made the necessary
from Walmart, how can I improvements, and then apply and complete a new SAQ. This
improve my result? would incur the cost of a new SAQ.

11. What are the benefits of Should your new SAQ result in a green rating, versus a yellow or
remediating and submitting a orange rating, this would be valid for a 2 year period from the date
new SAQ? of the SAQ submission.

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