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NO: 2025

. According to Flippo,’A career is a sequence of separate but
related work activities that provide continuity, order and meaning to a persons life’. Career
planning is a systematic process to be aware of self , possible opportunities, constraints,
choices and consequences; identifying career related goals ;and programming
work ,evaluation and related developed experiences to provided the direction ,timing and
sequence of steps taken to attain a specific goal.

Career planning aims at identifying personal

skills ,interest, knowledge and other features; and establishes specific plans to attains specific
goals. Career planning making sure that the organization has the right people with the right
skills at the right time.

Career development is a formal, organized and planned

effort to achieve a balance between individual career needs and organization workforce
requirements. It is the dual responsibility of the individual as well as by the organization. It is
the process of increasing an employees potential for advancement for career change. Career
planning and development should be seen as a process that aligns the interests and skills of
employees with the needs of the organization. This means that career must be managed
strategically so that skills demanded by the organizations strategic business objectives are
understood and a workforce with a matching profile of skills is developed. Career planning
and development play a major part in ensuring that the organization has a competitive and
knowledgeable workforce. Career planning and development plays a major part in ensuring
that the organizing has a competitive and knowledgeable work force.

The lliad written about 2000 years ago by Odyssey is
considered as the first classic in the western literary wodd. The 10 year long war between troy and
Greek is narrated and reported in it. From history we can learn that Egypt in the ancient times made
paper from“ pappirans”for writing and word paper is derived from“ pappirans”. It is the Chinese
first to establish the gazette (newspaper) according to the technology of composing various
information. The newspaper in India were in English and establish by the English people and meant
only for them. The first English newspaper was published by Mr. Tense Augustus Hicky in January 29 th
of 1788 and the name of the paper was “Calcutta general advertiser”. The “Bengal
gazette”published in 1814 in Bengali by Sri. Gangadhara Bhattacharya is the Indian language
newspaper. The history of newspapers is arguably one of most dramatic episodes of human

The newspapers in India were English and they were established by the
English people and meant only for them. The introduction of newspapers in India was hastened by
the spreading sense globalization amongst the countrymen who wished to be informed about the
recent events in the world. It was during the same time that first newspaper of the country was
introduced in Calcutta (Kolkatta). The newspaper titled Calcutta general adveritises or Hickeys Bengal
Gazette was introduced by an eccentric Irishman called James Augustus Hickey during the 1780s. In
the years to come India was the establishment of another newspaper daily in the form of Bombay
Herald followed closely by Bombay Courier.

Mr Benjamin baily started the CM press in 1921 at Kottayam. History of Malayalam

newspaper begins with the establishment of three Malayalam magazines. The first printing press
arrived in India on 6 September 1556 and was installed at college of St Paul in Goa. The first printed
newspaper of India was in English, edited and published by James Augustus Hicky, an employee of
Indian company.

Mangalam Publications (India) Pvt. Had its beginning in Kottayam.
Established in 1969 by Mr. M.C Varghese, an extraordinary visionary with social commitmernt and
dedication. The Mangalam Group initiated the project of publishing a weekly magazine that would
quench the thirst of an average Malayalee reader. Today the Mangalam group of companies enjoys a
comfortable spacing in one of the india's largest media houses. The Mangalam newspaper is the third
most read newspaper in Kerala today. The pioneering vision and the academic activities of Mangalam
led to the emergence of educational institutions in the higher education sector of Kerala, giving more
options for higher studies and research in engineering, Management Studies, teaching and
International studies. Since its inception in 1969, Mangalam has been successful in creating indelible
impressions on the pages of history. The driving force behind the group's unique style of functioning
is its Chairman, Mr. M.C. Varghese. A noted philanthropist and a visionary, he entered the field of
printing and publishing in his early ages. As a dedicated servant of society, he has left footprints in the
sands of humanitarian services. The flagship company of the group, Mangalam Publications (India)
Private Limited, publish Mangalam weekly in Malayalam. Started in 1969, as a monthly journal, with a
meager circulation of 250 copies, turned to a fortnightly and became a weekly, smashing the record
in Indian journalism with a circulation of over 1.5 million copies. Growth of its popularity was beyond
imagination. The weekly, deep within a widely varied package of humor, stories, human sentiments
and helpful information, guide people in all walks of lives.

M.C. Varghese, quite deservedly known as the 'Doyen of

magazine journalism in Malayalam has succeeded in making Mangalam a household name in Kerala.
The energy that he gave to the staff was the main reason why the paper had a huge success. The
Mangalam Group is responsible for the dowry less community wedding (the first in the world). It
conducted 22 such weddings which were attended by then President.

As the word Mangalam means, the guiding principles of the group are

 Good for all seasons

 Good for all ages

 Good for all those who make the world a better place


Adopting technology and benchmark standard in customer service and performance. Spreading our
wings beyond the borders of Kerala on a global level.


 To become the top in newspaper industry.

 To become a national player.


 Managing Director: Sajan Varghese

 Chairman and Chief Editor: Sabu Varghese

 Chief Editor (Kanyaka): Claramma Varghese

 Director: Dr.Saji Varghese

 Managing Editor: Biju Varghese


 1969: Mangalam Magazine was launched

 1972: Mangalam magazine became a weekly

 1981: Balamangalam Magazine for children was launched

 1982: Kanyaka a magazine for women was launched

 1989: started the publication of Mangalam daily


M.D of Mangalam Publication (India) Pvt. Ltd late Mr. M.C. Varghese had been honored with the
following awards:

 K.Sukumaran Award (1993)Sree Narayana Samkarikasamithi

 Rajiv Gandhi Award (1993)Rajiv Gandhi Peace Foundation

 Kerala ParisthithiPravarthakasangham

 SahodaraSevaRatna Award (1993)Sree Narayana Cultural Forum

 Harmony National Awards (1995)

United Children's Movement G.R Award (1996)

Humanist National Award

 Best Citizen of India Award (1998)International Publishing houshese


Career planning and development should be seen as a process

that aligns the interest and skills of employees with the need of the organization. This study attempts
to identify the career planning and employee development at Mangalam publication PVT LTD.



To assess career planning and development of employees in Mangalam Publications

1. To know the organizations support for career planning and development.

2. To analyze whether the employees are assigned with duties suitable for their

willingness and ability.

3. To study how career planning facilitates optimum utilization of human resources.

4. To evaluate how career planning and development aid in maintaining harmonious

industrial relation.

Research methodology is the systematic way to solve the research
problem. It gives an idea about the various steps adopted by the researcher in a systematic manner
with an objective to determine various manners. Research methodology explains why we are using a
particular method and not using another so that research results are capable of being evaluated
either by the researcher or others.


A research design is purely and simply the frame work or plan for a study that guides the collection
and analysis of data. It is blue print that is followed in completing a study. There are three type of
research design namely;

1. Exploratory Research Design

2. Descriptive Research Design

3. Casual Research In this project work, explorative research design is adopted.


Primary data were collected through questionnaire.


Secondary data were collected from magazines,newspapers,journals,websites and published data of

Mangalam Publications LTD.


The contacts with the employees were limited due to the pandemic situation
caused by Covid 19. The time available for this study is limited and hence it is not possible to cover all
the areas in full depth. The sample size of which is only a small portion compared to the total size of
the organization.

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