Baba Borra Java Resume

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Name: Baba Borra

Email id:

Phone no: (650) 397-8154
Professional Goal: To be recognized as a very professional and efficient individual in any organization I work for
and should be able to learn and apply my knowledge in the right way to utilize my potential.

Professional Summary:
 8+ years of Java Full stack developer experience in SDLC such as Analysis, Design, Implementation and
Testing of Object-Oriented applications and Web based Enterprise Applications using Java/J2EE.  Strong
Technical expertise in Java / J2EE Technologies Java, JSP, Servlets, Spring, Spring DAO, Spring MVC, Spring
IOC, Hibernate. And very good understanding of Object-Oriented Design (OOD), Design Patterns, J2EE
Design Patterns, MVC, Struts multi-tier architectures and distributed architectures.
 Experience in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Web Services using SOAP/WSDL and Restful services. 
 Extensive experience in using Java based application frameworks like EJB, Struts, spring and hibernate in
development of web-based applications. Experience on open-source frameworks like SPRING (core, context,
ORM, DAO, web MVC modules), JMS, Angular JS. 
 Familiarity in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML, XHTML, jQuery and JavaScript. 
 Expertise in Multi-Threading, Collection, Interfaces, Synchronization, Exception Handling. 
 Proficient in developing Dynamic Single Page Application (SPA) using MEAN.
 Developed Microservices with Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring Cloud, Eureka, API-Gateway etc.
 Hands on experience with Spring Core, Spring JDBC Template, Spring MVC. 
 Experienced in developing event driven applications using AJAX, JSON and XML. 
 Experience with different Application servers like Apache Tomcat, Web-sphere and Weblogic10, JBOSS. 
 Worked extensively on both Web and Standalone (middleware) applications.
 Expertise in RDBMS like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and experience on Mongo DB (No SQL). 
 Experience in working with Data structure and Algorithms in java 
 Good experience with Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Spring Security, Spring Quartz batch jobs.  Strong
experience in unit testing using Junit, and Postman tool.
 Experience on SOAP protocol using JAX WS and integrated Apache CXF, AXIS-2 for WS -Security, WS-Remote
Messaging, WS- Policy and automated documentation using Swagger and WSDL.
 Used Eclipse-Spring Tool Suite (STS) for Microservices with Spring Boot& deployed into AWS lambda.
 Good knowledge on ECS, VPC, AutoScaling, Security Groups, AWS CLI, Cloud watch. 
 Developed Hibernate Annotations, Many-To-One Mapping, One-To-One Mapping, Many-To-Many Mapping,
Component Mapping, Many-To-One Mapping Using Annotations, One-To-One Mapping Using Annotations,
One-To-Many Mapping Using Annotations, Many-To-Many Mapping Using Annotations, Component
Mapping Using Annotations.
 Very good experience in using GitHub Enterprise, SVN, CVS for version control systems.
 Integrated Kafka with Flume for more efficient real-time event processing via Kafka Source.
 Working with Pivotal cloud foundry to deploy and run the applications through Jenkins.
 Used POSTMAN to test API end client using REST Web Services.
 Experienced in writing unit test cases using JUnit and used Test Driven Development (TDD). 

Employment History

Client: Dish Networks, Denver, Colorado Apr 2021 to Present

Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer
 Involved in requirement gathering, designing and developing the entire system with Agile-Scrum
methodology and development using Java/J2EE Technologies, Web Services and Hibernate ORM
 Used Java8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, creating resource classes, fetching
documents from database.
 Implemented Micro Service Architecture using Mongo DB, Angular and Node JS stack and developed Single
Page Applications (SPA).
 Performance tuning, Refactoring and Reusability of Java code is addressed in regular basis.
 Implemented OOPs concepts in refactoring the java classes.
 Converted the code base to use modern ECMAScript (ES6 / ES7) used Babel, Typescript and Web pack as a
module loader and used along with Angular CLI.
 Pair programming using the divide and conquer method of breaking down a chunk of requirements into
piecemeal stories and breaking each major release into iteration.
 Worked with J2EE design patterns in MVC architecture with spring. 
 Involved in the integration of frameworks like spring and hibernate. 
 Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, a file that contains declarations and business classes are
wired- up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern.
 Implemented application using Spring Boot Framework and handled security using Spring Security.
 Designed a RESTful API with Spring. 
 Used SOAP UI tool to test the REST web service operations.
 Development of internal dashboard applications using the Apache HTTP Server. 
 Used Docker as CI/CD tool for integrating different code components. 
 Developed presentation layer includes UI components, validations using HTML5, applying styles using CSS,
used jQuery to make Ajax calls.
 Used Python and Django to interface with the jQuery UI and manage the storage and deletion of content
 Created new REST web service operations and modified the existing web service's WADLs Web Application
Description Language
 Enhancement of the existing functionality to persist the messages to Cassandra DB in Kafka.
 Responsible for Architecture, developing of application’s UI using Angular, Typescript.
 Experience in upgrading / migrating various versions of PostgreSQL database on different platforms.
 Responsible for all backup, recovery, and upgrading of all of the PostgreSQL databases.
 Developing single page web applications by using Angular with typescript/ ES
 Used Spring and Hibernate frameworks for middleware services integration and data access.
 Development of DAO layer using Hibernate Template, JDBC Template and Mongo Operations. 
 Expertise in implementing application using Multithreading, JSF, Struts, Struts Validations, Log4j, spring,
Hibernate Frameworks, Apache Camel
 Implemented agent-server messaging dialog using Camel and JMS (Active MQ implementation) 
 Part of the team migrated from WebLogic JMS to Active MQ. 
 Designed and documented REST/HTTPAPIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy. 
 Used WSDL file information for invoking Web Services. 
 Created EC2, S3, SQS, Lambda instances using cloud formation Templates on AWS
 Designed user Interface using Angular UI components such as tabs, grids, dropdowns etc and configured the
routing service using Angular-JS router. Involved in developing Angular-JS directives to do reusable UI
 Used Apache Kafka (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of vital information between
multiple business applications.
 Extensively used AWS to integration with Enterprise and web applications. 
 Implemented the framework to migrate Relational data to non-relational data stores and to run
performance tests against different NoSQL vendors. 
 Wrote application-level code to perform client-side validation using jQuery and JavaScript.
 Designed and developed intranet web applications using JavaScript and CSS.
 Configured Docker container service and build pipe line. Handled all the port mapping/binding things that
happen with Dockers and Containers. Implemented HTTP REST API using Node Js and express. 
 Implementation of second level cache in Hibernate. 
 Researching JavaScript based frameworks like React Native
 Wrote build & deployment scripts using Ant, Maven on Unix environment. 
 Developed unit test cases using Mockito framework for testing accuracy of code and logging is done using
SLF4j + Log4j.
 Used Cucumber and Selenium for Behavioral and Integration testing respectively.
 Application development experience using Multithreading, Collection framework and Core Java, Spring,
Hibernate, SQL server.
 Worked on Integration and Analytics based on Kafka and NoSQL databases
 Strong understanding of Microservices patterns.
 Developed Rich UI applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
 Worked with http interceptors’ configurations for security in Angular applications.
 Experience with Docker images, Containers, push /pull with Spring Boot, used Jenkins for CICD.
 Used GIT for Version Controlling. 
 Worked closely with Testing team for issue fixing and coordinating test set up for testing
Environment: Java1.8, J2EE, JSP, SOAP, REST, Servlet, Spring, Hibernate, Angular Js, Node Js , WebLogic, Oracle 11g/12g,
XML, Java Script, CSS, HTML, Kafka,React.js , Cassandra, Json,JUnit4, Ant, Jenkins, Maven, JIRA, Apache Camel.

Sovereign Bank, Boston, MA June 2019 – Mar 2021

Sr. Java Full Stack Developer
 Used Agile Software Development for developing the application.
 Java 1.8 Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections using both Streams and Parallel Streams.
 Developed business components by using Spring Boot, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Annotations,
Spring Cloud) &Persistence layer by using Hibernate/JPA along with Web Services (RESTful).
 Designed User Interfaces using JSP, Servlets, Angular, CSS, XML and HTML.
 Design and implement web services using of REST Web services by using Jason formatting language. 
 Used Apache camel, CXRF web services, Service Mix engine, Active MQ etc. to build a custom ESB
(Enterprise Service Bus) 
 Secured the API's by implementing Oauth2 token-based authentication/authorization scheme using spring
 Developed Maven scripts and developed builds using Maven , continuous integration servers like Jenkins.
 Experienced in Security-System development for Web Applications. Involved and developed all phases of
security implementation using spring security system against modes of authentications: LDAP
authentication, Database authentication and Pre-Authentication.
 Developed Angular services, controllers and created models for two-way data binding.
 Implemented spring MVC architectural design pattern. 
 Used Angular to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single
Page Applications.
 Experience in React JS for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React
Native concepts.
 Used AWS to build Java applications that work with Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple-DB.
 Created Mongo DB/NoSQL collections. Developed Server-side automation using NodeJS scripting and
connecting different types of SQL and NoSQL stores.
 Created Jenkins jobs and pipelines and integrated python scripts to communicate to AWS resources.
 organized result in web pages by writing AngularJS controller, directives, services, and route providers. Also
used Angular.js filter to make the data searchable and sortable.
 Implementing Micro services to base on Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC and Apache Kafka.
 Experienced in build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle and using them with continuous integration tools like Jenkins to
create and publish application artifacts.
 Scalable data design for MongoDB, Caching in MongoDB with Redis Cache Using Spring Boot. Involved in writing SQL
Queries, SQL Scripts and performing Database testing
 Worked on angular resources for all data access and standardizing data access interfaces. 
 Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several Java/J2EE Design patterns
like MVC, Singleton, Data Transfer Object (DTO). 
 Built reporting module for analytic services using custom AngularJS MVC framework components
 Extensively worked on form validation using the Spring Validator framework. 
 Developed Form Beans and Action Classes to model views and client-side functionality. 
 Used the Struts Validator framework for validating the forms. 
 Created Spring MVC components like Dispatch servlets, hibernate configure Request mapping annotation
controllers, view resolver components and implemented transaction management using Spring declarative
transaction management with Spring AOP concepts.
 Developed our application using Service Oriented Architecture.
 Used SOA framework with hibernate to map oracle database. 
 Wrote deployment descriptor and configuration files using XML. 
 Configured and deployed the application in JBoss. 
 Implemented Web Services (SOAP) for transmission of large blocks of JSON data over HTTP.
 Used Log4J for logging and tracing messages. 
 Designed and developed the UI using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, React-JS
 Developed Single Page application using angular JS & backbone JS. 
 Used JIRA tool to communicate with other team members in QA and production. 
 Tested components using Unit Test mock frameworks during development. 
 Responsible for writing Ant scripts for building and deploying the application.
 Used GIT for source code version control. 
Environment: Java, JBoss, JSP, Angular, Bootstrap, Maven, Struts, SOAP, REST, Servlet, Spring, Hibernate, JBoss, Camel,
Oracle 10g/11g, XML, Java Script, CSS, HTML, GIT, React JS, AWS, JUnit, python, Ant.

Client: Ford Motors, Dearborn, MI Feb 2017 – May 2019

Role: Sr. Java/J2EE and Full Stack Developer
 Worked with the Requirements team, analyzed the Use cases and followed AGILE/ SCRUM methodology. 
 Developed modules in RAD environment using Spring MVC, DI, AOP, Hibernate ORM (for backend data
 Developed Web Services for both Client and Service Side using SOAP and RESTful. Consumed Web services
securely using JAX-WS API and tested using SOAPUI. 
 Extensively used the Hibernate Query Language for data retrieval from the database and process the data
in the business methods. 
 Developed a web-based reporting for credit monitoring system with HTML, XHTML, and Tiles using Struts
 Client pages are built using HTML, CSS, JSP, AngularJS, JavaScript/jQuery.
 Developed reusable components using Custom Directives in AngularJS.
 Designed web responsive pages using Bootstrap framework to give a rich look to the user interface.
 Wrote various Struts framework Action classes for interfacing with the business logic, form beans for
presenting the data to JSPs. 
 Extensively used Custom JSP tags to separate presentation from application logic. 
 Installation, Configuration & administration of WebSphere environment, including deployment of Servlets. 
 Responsible for monitoring & resizing Oracle database objects (Table spaces, Tables, Indexes)
 Used jQuery to make the frontend components interact with the JavaScript functions to add dynamism to
the web pages at the client side. 
 Designed and developed the libraries and applications following Multithreading concepts.
 Deployed the code in WebSphere Application server. 
 Used AJAX with jQuery to parse object to dynamically overlay contents on web pages. 
 Designed and developed various stored procedures, functions and triggers in PL/SQL to implement complex
business rules. Worked with MySQL Work Bench. 
 Developed Scripts for UNIX platform deployment. 
 Configured JSF backing beans as spring beans. 
 Designed and developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML and JavaScript. 
 Used Jenkins continuous integration tool to do the deployments. 
 Involved in the Integration testing support and involved in bug fixing.
 Prepared Unit test cases for existing functionality and execute them.
 Involved at the time of deploying the code in the production environment and do the functional checkout
and merging code using the distributed version control system (GIT). 
Environment:  J2EE, JSP, Struts, Spring Web services, Hibernate, JPA API JSP, Servlets, JSTL, HTML, CSS, XML,
Ajax, Java Script, log4j, JNDI, Maven, SVN, jQuery, Junit, Oracle, SQL/PLSQL, Multithreading
Client: Staples Inc., Framingham, MA Nov 2015 – Jan 2017
Role: Java/J2EE Developer 
● Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like requirements
gathering, Design, Analysis, Code development and Testing.
● Involved in implementation of ORM layer using Hibernate.
● Developed Struts Action classes and Servlet Controller configuration.
● Built Prototype and Technical Specification based on the Functional Requirements.
● Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server to code configuration files.
● Used J2EE patterns and EJB for development of modules and Reporting purpose.
● Extensively used Apache Tomcat transformation and used both Java DSL and XML DSL.
● Used Spring Core module for Inversion of control/dependency injection.
● Extensively used Core Java such as Exceptions and Collections.
● Developed stored procedures, triggers, views for effectively storing, retrieving related data.
● Worked on Hibernate object/relational mapping according to database schema. 
● Prepared the technical design and developed the system MVC architecture using Spring.
● Used Spring Framework for Dependency Injection and integrated with the Hibernate framework for
interacting with the database.
● Used several APIs of Spring Framework like Spring Core and Spring MVC.
● Involved in creating web services using RESTful web services.
● Wrote build & deployment scripts using Ant, Maven on UNIX environment and worked with QA Director.
● Unit tested each component using Junit.
● Used Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring MVC, MySQL, Log4j, Apache Tomcat, RESTful Web services, GIT, Maven, Eclipse,
Junit, HTML 5, CSS 3, JSP, JavaScript.

Client: SBI bank, India June 2014–Sep 2015

Role: Java Developer
 Developed the application using Struts following MVC architecture. 
 Developed Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using UML. 
 Developed action and form classes based on Struts framework to handle the pages.
 Created several JSP's and populated them with data from databases using JDBC. 
 Designed and developed EJBs to handle business logic and store persistent data. 
 Developed Web Services to retrieve data from legacy systems. 
 Involved in coding using Java Servlets, created web pages using JSP's for generating pages dynamically. 
 Used J2EE Singleton design pattern. 
 Used EJB Session Beans. 
 Worked with WebLogic application server that handles various requests from Client.
 Planned and implemented various SQL, Stored Procedure, and triggers. 
 Used JDBC to access Oracle database and implemented of connection pooling. 
 Used BEA WebLogic Application Server. 
 Used ANT for the build process. 
Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JMS, Struts, BEA WebLogic, JUnit, XML, HTML, UML, ANT, Oracle

Education: Bachelors of Engineering, India

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