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Intercultural Communication

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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication is the study of communication across different social and

cultural groups. In a social context or organization, there exist individuals from diverse ethnic,

religious, educational, and social backgrounds that encounter communication process and

problems as they tend to appear naturally. Within communication, culture plays a vital role, for it

determines how people encode and interpret messages. Intercultural communication has

enhanced social sciences such as cultural studies, communication studies, linguistics, and

psychology. Concepts of semiotics, language and culture, social class and privilege, intercultural

relationships, and empathetic listening are common in intercultural communication (Holliday,


Semiotics of culture, aims at defining culture from a semiotic perspective and within the

human symbolic action, the creation of signs and adding meaning for things around us. For this

reason, culture is taken as a system of communication signs or symbols. The symbols are

analyzed and grouped in various classes within a hierarchical manner. Personally, I like using

signs when communicating to people, for I like people to understand me.

Language has much influence and power to ethnic and cultural groups. Within each

speech community, the use of language is vital for there exist forms, codes, and norms of

communication. In the interaction of people, differences are brought about by the value and

frequency of speaking, speaking performance interpretation, and the shared language forms.

These rules and norms of communication maintained in speech communities. I like delivering

speeches to people, and thus, have improved in my language skills.


The intercultural relationships usually involve two individuals that are of different

countries. Therefore, this indicates they use two different languages. For instance, one individual

may speak English as their first language, while the other speaks English as their second

language (Neuliep, 2016). The one using English as their second language has to put more effort

while communicating. Once I come across someone who doesn’t understand my language well, I

ensure we spend time together for him/her to know my language.

The social class privilege can be defined as those groups that are advantaged based on

gender identity, age, sexual orientation, ethnic category, and religion. Through this, the concept

of the social class come to being. For instance, in America, a gap exists in communication

between those in the upper class and lower class. Passing message from one individual to another

with these differences becomes difficult. Besides being an educated person, I usually interact

with people from different classes.

Empathetic listening is whereby one pays attention to another with a lot of empathy, such

as showing emotion, compassion, insight, and feelings. One needs to understand others before

they first get to know the message he/she is passing (Arnold, & Boggs, 2019). In this concept,

there is the technique of active listening, which involves repeating what the other person has said

to make sure you understand. I like asking people how they feel about a certain situation,

creating emotion to understand each other; and that's why I like being listened to

To conclude, the process of intercultural communication has facilitated communicated

across different communities and nations. The concepts of semiotics, empathetic listening, social

class, language and culture, and intercultural relationships have broadly facilitated the

communication process. For instance, intercultural communication has promoted business across

different communities.


Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2019). Interpersonal Relationships E-Book: Professional

Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Holliday, A. (2018). Understanding intercultural communication: Negotiating a grammar of

culture. Routledge.

Neuliep, J. W. (2016). Intercultural communication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications.

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