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Chilean Protests on Metro Tickets

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Chilean protests on Metro Tickets

In Chile, there are ongoing protests due to the rise in Santiago Metros Subway fare.

People are now protesting against the Chilean government. These protests began within

Santiago, whereby students had direct confrontations with the police in the city's main train

stations (AFP). The situations escalated to the point of creating rebellion bands that have already

damage 81 stations with 17 being burnt down. The protests have led to the death of 19 people,

almost 2500 are injured, and 2840 have been arrested (Boren, 2019). Now, the United Nations is

calling the human rights organizations in Chile to end these protests.

On October 2019, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a state of

emergency is being declared to the Chilean capital protests who are sparked by the rising metro

ticket prices resulting in violent (Scherman, Arriagada, & Valenzuela, 2015). Many continue to

die while others are getting hospitalized for the brutal beatings from the Chilean army. The New

York Times also reports the Santiago metro station is one of the most expensive stations in Latin

America. Besides, the city officials have become injustice.

In similarity, the three sources of news capture and expose images that show the level of

the event. For instance, going through the sources website, one will find pictures that show how

the police use force to move the crowds. There is a difference between the AFP News Agency

sources and the two British Speaking Sources. The AFP captures both pictures and videos, while

the other two employs the use of images. In my opinion, the difference in coverage is brought by

security purposes. The two British speaking sources has to rely on AFP for more information in

call for international help. The freedom of the press in Chile makes it easy to expose pictures and



AFP News Agency, Santiago.

Boren, M. E. (2019). Student resistance: A history of the unruly subject. Routledge.

Scherman, A., Arriagada, A., & Valenzuela, S. (2015). Student and environmental protests in

Chile: The role of social media. Politics, 35(2), 151-171.

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