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alel22 Big Doda tssentics

Ootc tact that exis ting

imtoymotion a
noLoledge isYepyesent ed o Y Coded in
SomeSuilable toy better UsagePyoteisng.
Big Doa Huqe Size Masve
Podentio hoqDLO erpomentiolly
Ano te He eitent -Cat be matg ecd Peceed
LAsino tocheoao techni4we

ohe oe Call Big Dgtul

OBench mayk
& the cloda has ep panded to uch an e tevt
thot md aSingle Computi n Sshem is
Unable tostoe Ond Pci tt, than
it is Callec as Biq Dota

Some mpolant_aspect oB Ootur

( Roleot clenge t Veloct)
Varieku: sw cuted|un-Stuctused Semi Stwchu
Bi Doda
Majo Sources
Go0gle faceboolc.

Faceboolk: Shoyes300 fexabite Da
yocesses 6oo TB doda lco
Photo uploads 3 m |dau
Uses log in B do

uexs month
100qle: Ceyve: |B
mdesed 6o tillioN Web P e
Suth An exlent
Dcda thad has expamdedB
thoct Sngle Comuphinqysiem not alle
stoyePmcessgnd ondlyze it

|People | machine | omomizca5oO 7
Souaces o Biq Dest
(Docol Medic: Msas pollde Valuable intamchBon
YeolEmGH AboA CushoymoY Pefexentes 8 puache
BEID Togs Supply choin
Cellphsne Totoer (onnecked deuices
Calls it (onnect & Cosplet
Cox Sensou
ndust Usec (o1e
click styeamO nalusis
Sehment Onnlysi
ant iol Cexodtel
(delct & op koaud
design modi taanacton
ky_pgedlc hve modols on inyesim
1 P R A G Y A N O I E B O O O
Heal th Caye
(a) Giemeyode pecdic tive moclels toY Plan.ecd eoue
disti budtom
Yeseosch labs cnd thaxcpy
Yemote monionsot heolth
(Manuf.cwhud ClnstmuMentodio Dotad
aPeacd dota tom Cenor
Factive mainianante_Of equiphend
) hevevnt loss ot Pcluche hou

pes ar_Dotu
Big Dotu SucdemYehuiyemvds
DSSe huse Volumes_ot datc
Hotes Drter
Flexible ond Scolable to OCcomodote Giyooth indek

Psblem Solving: (noogle Goegle le Sictem

Stoke dola i disdnbudec naMn
2 BuyM peterse on cistmbuded dot gsrem
JLthot deliveos yesuts o geote oe turjated oudcoe.
Oierent Type c Pte
OShonachured data 5 of al nlormatiom beln Pcea
e Semi Stouctud :no DB talbles metudedce is there
S-1o7: of oVveYal intomoho1
Ons ucthed kot_ot liornac on
HOHunman Giemeole mdile odol Meclicupl oacAs
2 Sada lites,oeccttu, CCTVKIO
machive leMted:Kadoy PRAGYANOTEBOK

So na
rhirulgY dotu
4Vof Biy Dada
ONoluMeovt be Stbed,Panceuafnmly b si
NelociH:Speed. Capol.eok as.esiny,Soning,.o
Vaxiey: Stuthed)Sevi-qmuthaied |unshurklye
Ne uYshrtlya
ekther be ot uestionoble \uoox
utthenhit lacle
one to noisebias.Lumls|s fon
AloCalled usehulnesot døku.
Bi Dau: nousty (aye Sheles
Disti scriavn Atceloyatinyhe Glenarodon ot Bi
DSoci nteyacton þtuween
Avolyirs Dhns tOMes
U|ncaeaje in Potessia SPee
oxoe Gn MPm0 s t has allen
6Ygomiz oddoms pasuccess to
coudushen mol bt 0fen_SOure_Cnd
1 Cay Diutiz odto): Spnsrs dotu-Reol
O Ho the Co Ti
2 Engine jempxechue
Hots Lony the (ox ous idle
Coxs Sost time
PedePedo osi oM Bi,D.Lod
OctCoe Vayiety
ODsiyig Shle edu.cohg chiven Yebut
2 Dete: oríant Cost
# P R A G Y A N O T E B O O k
2 Sentine Analuris
oci iano Apprpach
Pocuc t6montns Feeclback Decisi oA.

ou Appor Volume[Uorne Veloct

SOcio Mech'C post Vercc
lonsumeys percephon ot Pcluct
uxchase D vess
onsamex Veiw poit oBuY vs Competihion

3 MoYe Vs,t not covered in 4.

ubada is alwO chang}ng_hoco it is collect-ecl
One tooTd-mny medihg f 090%d is anoluze
oithot Meumimg SuYYDUndin

(oYSat esy ok Vclue paesent in_dataset
dadoset bounc h bove Oyamoli (missing yalue
incomect Vexlue.
yeseyde ot this miluentes outpatRmoY
toY, et negoe VoluA in Oe colU mm

t ef akey GSTold VAr 2 Ta dota oae not

DIfteente Beduween Vevacit 3 Valicliy

DNeyacit: ohethey_duta is JmstLOort

gecibilty df ouares. lnattuxeAe mo-Hhod

hlidst: CorrectnuSS of dodt

natcuxate InsdnLment
Conyevtionol DaduYovcescing 3
Big Dt

adibono Sustews
SummeAM Massivey forallod
MulhpybLessing Pocessinas
S L Serw Teyadota
DB2 Netezza
Geen flum
O Hondle auchuxed_dsta
mff Con havdle upho lo0 TBx
(anot SCalewp eu0yn.d o0 [6s

OVolu'm Pismde Dota oou
Vane: Stucitaed\doda ayoss
OsS multiple
Velact m:
hijh Nelotity dota elhtie nuy
()Verac: TTednent ot erterme LoadH) Lstflbleevd
md dotao
dodu of usnio
ttadlemq t dodu tho4eu dov t oton
obs n Big Dotue

(O Conrultin:Lfunchionod 3 Domoin Speciic)

Big doda Yeleve useck Coses
Benefit Galysiof big cloda
mpcct ot B Deda t orgcmizsctiahs
2 Axrchidets:
Luncdex.saand how tzuclitiono biclot ausevns
Ha9e e infsustuchuue toy clistm bstec Cbnputiny
Deleymine clustuge Spe
EAyalystPepo8tin dcoltoorks Topanig D Atn
i s uali20toM and Yeporti yM t acts-
Dexixing insishisA o detes
ApplipgaNo ned ML and A Tech LOoste Cient

hoiect Mongge |DolieManageY

undersAond distdbuted Shr aqe ond putescin
Deyive imaghs
Orchestrode client clelivaxobles

uYTentIr okesioa Sleillcat o

(O Sustem Desin
P 6novwledghe
Dodaboje knoeledg
Slls needs to e ugmonded
ORHin BD eccsgshem m oleyal enteagrise oachitetue
trocWtiood BO i
OEYsumhy Seam ess (oo lking of #PRAGYANOTEBOOK


Tool eraluoctions boved o eatures

Cou (ompucth nq AWS Cetup

ocbhisno Daa Centey

A doca cexneri a cleckrotecd Space coln
ptullding n_0ohith ol Compudey Sucems ane
hey Component Yeloed tv _Sto xage oY
etoo yk aie kep

O On- Premise Sy.stems

dems aye hosaec o idiaim Oraani 2nion
(2 Coloccch'o
doda centar used by oxgani2uon is hositel b
thixd: porty him
hid pa.rpovides poter Coblin and phsica
OYgai 2oshon Ponyides Yeuiyed (omputey SexveS.
StoioeCInd neBuaoslkin
BeneAt af (olocosion
DRisle Mano topt: Mot tecded im Cuse o poLeY Aitux.
9 ensuyes (oninwrinbui
Secunt: Lodesh Setunt Tech noloyy i 0visdecd.
Cost Yeducdion in Copital exmcdiiuge
Solabli: epnsio
OHixh (ost investrent Mainianance Cupgsac)
aro mtensive, le ettici ent, DoYe to human erao
B l d n Contined Spate PRAGYANOTEBOOK
Cloud (ompucin
CeYyice Such as
Yetess t de vey of
clotabCuse nOtworling
PoDCessinShaq e,
and ogciyizdHAnI basedOn
t Use
eluineynaut 0 Vey he ntexnt
these_cottioayes d
he seyye on Ohitla
I _datu ceytey
dadabare Yu aYe lococtecd
CiCYOS 00rld

OO Alobal Scale Glob Reach

(2 Pa-as-you-go Stnuctuye
End ues don't (omy aLoot hoto ib happerir
Business MaYo9eme nt sexs AnupnelAny iu

Mexcham. com
(entaolizeded Deelopmantflodterm
SeSe o AP].
LQuMh otAWS._
Laurmch of EC 2
Ho etfli Scolad tth AWs 1
e ou pvDe by_ mal.
Delivenodhed toy a Pos
MaVeda Ocd to AWs
Scole Netklia (o
up doD pey ruxeme v

Lcloud based Applicdaiov
taceboalk oitlex inlkedin, toogle DoC
Dxcpbo Siri ALera Sky peioogle sisort,
Clou c SeyvitePevide
Aws CAnozon
A z u r e Lmicmsot)
Hoogle Cloud fhttofw

Benetib ot clouo Covmputin

O Cost _SaNin
SDoda Stofage space
Bedute moimicMCe (Ost
Ray-as ou0
eliminctfs Setup (ogt'
Pedue Stat 6O0ge
Se cued doda Shorage space
Poyides Scolobiltty
Globa fvoilablit

Cloud Baued xcaitectuse 2 Deployanand made

-Visulzdion Loey

FYont End: clientend usex
9Applicction neskttes
Bark End: Clauditselk.> Intaousanuthye
cloda bae Compusthnq xejauge deploumewt model,

Deplotmat Modelk
Poe ubli
OoNode cloucSolely Coded kor dnale Oramai
0YOailzo id poxt
bm,OYacle Vm 0axe HPE
Hih secuyB YIstmct attess
Hih (ontzolOY ejouotes
Dis. Adueiaaes
Liided Scalabilks

Public cloud otoned Bperade by hived Poy
oAchontae Dis AduCintaj
Hyhadcloud Bet of Bert GOordSJ.
Pecucetecd teYconect GHOOgle
Dixect conecd A s
Exphess Boule A2ure
(Ommunit Cloud

DEHex ent cloud seves yteq o l

Meets SPece need of mduj t O (omnunit
ntgasimicue isShared Gmong gant2.enle
. HealthCcy mecu'

Multi- cloud Storoutey

MuHiple priyode publië cloucl b_dlitlevent pYeve).
Ayoid_lock i oithSingle provdex
utili ze the best Ceyvic P0oVided eacheach clael
pes oB cloudSEKALe
(OIntustmuctue as aSesyite aaS
Claq S)
(2 Platko m as a Seryites (aaS)
SotAioame as a Sexvice SaaS

Fnd ueY SeaS

Developey Caas
TT OS Tools Sustem Admin.
Stovage Co mpudel Veticte

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