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Semasiology is a branch of linguistics, which studies the meaning of the language units

STYLISTIC SEMASIOLOGY - is a branch of stylistics, which studies the stylistic meanings.

DENOTATIONAL MEANING – primary/dictionary meaning of the word

CONNOTATIONAL MEANING – additional meaning of the word
1. Emotive – shows the emotional attitude of the speaker to the object
Dad-daddy. Dog-doggy
2. Expressive – here we intensify the characteristic of the object.
I like/Adore. To work, to toil, to slave.
3. Evaluative – characterizes the object positively/negatively
Notorious and famous

4. Stylistic – slang/jargon/prose/archaic and etc

horse/steed. Anyway/nevertheless

Figures Of Replacement
Figures Of Quantity
HYPERBOLE is a stylistic device that He was so tall Аққан жасы көл
әсірелеу intensify qualities of that I was not болған.
objects or people: size, sure he had a
colour, age etc ..It can be face. Мен сабаққа
defined as an I am so hungry, i өмір бойы
overstatement or could eat a horse. кешіге берем.
exaggeration. 'I'd give the
world to see him.'
My bag
weighs a tonne

MEIOSIS is a figure of speech opposite She wore a pink hat, Мына балапандар
to hyperbole. It is lessening, the size of a button алақанымдай екен.
reducing the real
characteristics of the object.
LITOTES is a stylistic device that that dress is not too Қазір
consist of negative bad. I wasn't жағдайым жаман
constructions. But it unhappy with the емес. Сен мен
establishes a positive feature gift. ойлағандай аңқау
in a person or thing. емессін
Figures Of Quality
METAPHOR is a figure of speech his eyes were ice. Жапырақтары жерге
that describes an 'floods of tears', қайғылап құлады.
object or action in a 'a storm of Оның дауысы менің
way that isn't literally imagination', құлағыма әуен
true. When two 'a flight of fancy' болды.
objects have common үміт сәулесі
features .
METONYMY is based on The White House Құлағым сенде, айта
relationship between made an бер! Анам бар
the dictionary and announcement. This жүрегім маған берді
contextual meanings, suit made a lot of
or association money again.
connecting two He is always chasing
concepts skirts
IRONY is a stylistic device the locker room Мұғалімнің баласы
where dictionary and smells really good. An мектепті тастап
contextual meanings English teacher has кетті. менің сүйкімді
stand in opposition to poor grammar. кішкентай итім
each other. it's usually
contradicts the

Figures Of Co-Occurrence
Figures Of Identity
SIMILE is a stylistic device Her Teeth Are As Менің әкем
which based on White As Snow. таңертең аюға
He Ran Like A Scared ұқсайды. Оның
likening one thing
Rabbit. шашы күндей алтын
to another. түсті. Ол Таяқтай
ап арық.
QUASI- Is a figure between She is a real angel Байгустын дымы
IDENTITY metaphor and simile калмапты
or between simile and
9SYNONYMOUS is a figures of Children went Мен көшеде бір
REPLACERS speech where outside, kids үлкен кісіні
different synonyms played with other көрдім, қарт адам
of one word used babies жалғыз
in a context серуендеді, сол
кәрі кісі менің
көршім екен
Figures Of Inequality
CLIMAX is an arrangement of It was a beautiful Менің кеткеніме
sentences which city, a lovely city, бір сағат болды,
increase in
a fair city. жок жарты күн
importance. They looked at өтті.
hundreds of
houses; thousands Мен жаңа
shops; innumerable телефонды,
parks машинаны, үйді
ANTI-CLIMAX is a figure of She is a great Әйелдер бәрін
speech in which mother, a doctor байқайды, ең
statements and a woman. маңыздысынан
gradually get down I will do my best басқа.
in order of for Kazakhstan, for Мен оны
importance Astana, for my құрметтеймін,
friend сыйлаймын,
PUN is a play on words. new library in our балықты иістен
it uses to give town has thousands of қалай кетіресін ?
different sense and stories. reading while мұрнын кесіп
sunbathing makes you
add double well red тастайм.
ZEUGMA is a figure of because of his greed, тыныс пен ойды
speech in which a he lost his job and his жаңартыңыз. Ол
word applies two mind. She had жаман әдетті, көп
others in different already exhausted he ұзамай қоқысты
r kids and her
senses patience тастады.
TAUTOLOGY is a statement I have heard this Маған күшті
which repeats an with my own ears. сыйлық сыйлады,
idea I personally made this ол сыйлықтын
card for you with my
own hands. ішінде сағат
Figures Of Contrast
OXYMORON is a combination of Open Secret Ащы шындық
two words in which Money is poor Тірі өлік
the meanings being business. Miras is адал ұры
opposite in sense always busy doing
nothing. The end of
ANTITHESIS is FOS which based on Man proposes God аспан — жер,
шендестіру  the use of antonyms. disposes. Don't use big жарық — қараңғы,
words. They mean so су — от
little. A very nice man
with a ugly face
angel' —'devil',

Types of metaphor
 Deadline - a time by which something must be done
 Hold your horses - take your time and don't hurry

PERSONIFICATION here we associate an inanimate object or animal with a quality that only
human beings have.
 That leftover pizza In the fridge is calling my name
 Lightning danced across the sky
 My car is hungry I need to get it drunk
ALLUSION is a figure of speech, in which we expect that person understand what we mean
 Oh my God, you solved this task so quickly, you are basically Einstein
 Your house looks like the Buckingham Palace
 It seems to me that I lost my key
wait, I'll find it
Emm ,Are you Shakespeare?
ALLEGORY - hidden or abstract meaning with moral significance. It helps the reader to
understand a deeper concept.

 Wall-E is a moral-based allegory that teaches people to protect the Earth.

 Blade Runner represents the relationship between mankind and technology.
Ертегілердегі жануарларға адамның сипатын беру, мысалы- тулкі қу, қой – аңқау !

EPITHET – is used to describe the person with synonym.

 Careful attention. Алтын жага, алтын адам , дарк форест. Жан досым
Galperin's classification of expressive means and stylistic devices
I. Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices
II. Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices
III. Syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices

Phonetic EMs and SDs

Euphony - produces a pleasing acoustic effect. Красивое звучение

Onomatopoeia - is a sound imitation- Nature sounds

 Ding-dong, meow, cuckoo. Boom. Mo-moo

Alliteration – is a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant
sound. Seven sisters slept soundly on the sand. Perfect picture, quick question.
Assonance- is the repetition of vowel sounds
 The cat had a snack
 The rain in a Spain
 Motion of the ocean
RHYME - is the repetition of identical or similar sound combination of words. they are
usually placed at the end of the lines.
 Cat and sad / Sky” and “high / double and trouble/
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Rhythm Ырғақ – is a literary device that demonstrates the long and short patterns through
stressed and unstressed syllables.
 Nina liked the ball in a mall.
 Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night
Lexical EMs and SDs
• Intentional mixing of the stylistic aspect of words
• Interaction of different types of lexical meaning
• Intensification of a certain feature of a thing or phenomenon
• Peculiar use of set expressions
Syntactical EMs and SDs
1. Inversion - is the reverse order of subject and predicate.
 Шығып кетші тез тез кабинеттен
 Rude am I in my speech
 Беріп жіберш ана тұрған даптерді
2. Detachment.
Detachment is a kind of inversion. , - ) The aim is to make some words or phrases more
prominent. In the text Detachment is usually marked by commas, dashes, brackets. Также
выделяется интонацией. типа паузы
 Жаңа көлікке басым кетіп қалды.
 I want to go, i am so tired !

3. Syntactical parallelism - is the repetition of similar syntactic structures in the text, the
improvement of emotionality or expressive description.
 Stop existing. Start living
 The rose is smelling - The stream is flowing
4. Lexico-syntactical repetitions: anaphora, epiphora, framing, anadiplosis.

5. Chiasmus - is a figure of speech in which the grammar of one phrase is inverted in the
following phrase.
 All for one and one for all !
 She has all my love; my heart belongs to her
 Beauty is a wonderful. Wonderful is a beauty.
ELLIPSIS – is a SD with omission of some parts of the sentence that are easily understood
from context or situation.
• Біз супермаркетке жеміс-жидек сатып алуға бардық, ананас, алмұрт, алм.. болды,
көпшілігін таңдадық.
• Отыз, қырық...Қартаям, сөнем, өлем..
• She can help with the housework; Nancy can (help with the housework), too.
• John can speak seven languages, but Ron can speak only two (languages.)

ANTONOMASIA – some defining word or phrase is replaced for a person's proper name.
 Hey, look! Our Madonna has arrived!
 Жираф – Адиль
 Elephant – for fat person
 Она ходячая проблема
 Tarzan/Maugli – for weird, crazy and strange person
 Ironman – for strong person
PERIPHRASIS – is a description of an object instead of its name.
• my father’s father = grandfather
• wife = spouse
• smart = intelligent
• көмір = қара алтын
• арыстан = орман патшасы
PARALLELISM -  is a literary device in which parts of the sentence are grammatically the
same, or are similar in construction
 Give all of your energy. Give all of your time
 Easy come. Easy go
 I have a dream today. I have a target tonight
EUPHEMISM – is a FOS in which we change a rude word.
 Өлді - қайтыс болды, өмірден озды, дүниеден қайтты
 Pregnant – in the family way /
 Fat – plump . chubby
 Мүгедек – мүмкіншілігі шектеулі адам
 You are stupid – you have an interesting point of view.
CLICHÉ - is a stable word-combination which has been accepted as a language unit
 Better Late Than Never
 No pain no gain
 The customer is always right.
 You can't judge a book by its cover."
 "Actions speak louder than words."

PROVERBS - is a short saying that gives advice or expresses truth.

 яблоко от яблони далеко не падает.

 анасына карап кызын ал.
 the fruit is known by tree.
 отан оттан да ыстык.
EPIGRAMS - is simply a way of conveying an idea
 If we don’t end war, war will end us.
 A thing of beauty is a joy forever
 Failure is the foundation of success

SYNECDOCHE - is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to refer to the

• do you like my new Wheels ? – CAR
• head can refer to people. how many heads were at the party ?
• Give us our daily bread – food/dish
• Many mouths to feed - people

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