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Telemedicine is an integration of video conferencing, telecare, and teleradiology.

The practice supports

care provision across both urban and rural environments. This video will discuss the business and
development of Telemedicine and how this new technology is adopted to mitigate some of the challenges
of health care provision. A significant aspect of Telemedicine is compelling networking that provides real-
time, two-way video interaction (Kardaras et al., 2021). This video will explain how Telemedicine uses
telecommunication networks, the Internet, and networking technologies to achieve video communications.
Packet switching applies to Telemedicine as the basis of the system is in the network. There are no
central data centers. The only data center would be the video conferencing center. When video
conferencing is used, it will be used for point-point connections, not multipoint-multipoint connections.
Telemedicine is a network of connected devices, not a circuit.
In Telemedicine, the patient could be on several sites worldwide and only need a connection to a local
site. If the patient cannot connect to the local site, they could make an intra-site connection. Therefore,
the patient could have a connection to several sites at the same time. The network infrastructure
requirements are particular and must be optimized. The systems include hardware and software,
providing an infrastructure that supports care provision for the rural and urban environment. The project
examined Telemedicine using two technologies, circuit and packet switching.
Furthermore, the circuit and packet switching applies as part of a telemedicine system, allowing different
transmission methods and protocols. In

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