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Ministry of Education Stage: Second

Directorate General of Institutes Subject: English

Private Akre Institute for Computer Science Time: 1 Hour
Final Examination Date: / /2020

Q1/ Fill the blanks to complete the paragraph about Kurdistan . 16 Marks
high plains , warm , mountains , pleasant , rivers , waterfall , streams , valleys

. Kurdistan is an area of ------------------------ with ------------------------- around them

------------------------ The mountains have many deep ------------------------------------- with

and --------------------------------------- . Tourists should visit -------------------------------------------- ,

. ----------------------Kurdistan in spring because the weather is usually -------------------- and

Q2- Choose the correct answer 30 marks

1- I started walking across the desert with a ………….. bottle of water .
a- full b- empty
2-After he …………… his story , he………………….. out.
( a-wrote/had gone b-had written/went c-had written/go )
3-This is the pen ....… was lost . ( a-which b-when c-
who )
4-We have to get ……. The mountain fast. ( a- up b-in c- on )
5-It doesn't go up in the sky. It …………….. a bus .
( a-could be b-must be c-can't be )
6-I have a problem with this CD. You need to ………………………….
( a-work hard d-go to the music shop c- go to the doctor )
7-They …………..…. Solve the math problem tomorrow.
( a-was able to b-were able to c- can d- will be able to )
8-They ----------- able to solve the math problem in time yesterday .
( a- was b- were c- are d- have )
9- I already (do) my homework. ( use the correct form of the verb )
10- We ---------------- studying this subject for three years .
(a- Have been b- have c- has been d- had )

Q3/-A- Pronunciation
(4 Marks)
1-The sound /z/is found in the word …………
( a-consider b-remains c-lights d-street )
2-The sound /s / is found in the word ……………..
( a-books b-tourism c-should d-remains )
B/ Underline the letters that are not sounded .
(4 Marks)

Listen island

B/Write the missing words from the table below . 10 marks

verb noun

Q4/ Answer the questions. 16 marks

1- Mr. Joe Gargery worked as a ___________
A. goldsmith B. businessman C. blacksmith D. police officer
2- Why did soldiers come to Mr. Joe's house?

3- Pip took some ________________ for the escaped prisoner in the Old Fort.
A. water B. clothes C. food D. weapons
4- Mrs Joe was very cruel to Pip. True False
5- Who is Charles Dickens?
6- What is the meaning of ‘starve’ in Kurdish?
7- Pip told Joe everything he saw at the Old Fort. True False
?"Who is the writer of "Great Expectations -8
”Wish You the Best Dears“

Director of the Institute Teacher

Nechirvan A. Majeed Fouad Sh. Kreem

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