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Unit 1

Having Fun Revision

Choose the correct answer:
1. Ramadan is a (family reunion-festival-race) that is
celebrated for thirty days.
2. Eldabka is a (folk dance-festival-race) in Lebanon, people
dance stamping on one foot.
3. The bride and groom celebrated their (team-wedding-fair)
in the morning.
4. I gave mum a beautiful card inside a green (envelope-
5. The black horse didn’t win the (team-festival-race) this
6. At the (show-end-race) of the birthday party, they gave us a
simple present before going home.
7. I didn’t find a (place-festival-race) in the bus so I took a
8. I decided to (answer-festival-paint) my room in pink.
9. Please, (show-answer-laugh) the following questions.
10. Maradona was a famous football (band-score-player)
twenty years ago.
11. Sara and her friends made a musical (band-laugh-
athlete) at the school party.
12. I (answered-festival-laughed) loudly when he said
this joke.
13. El- Ahly (team-festival-race) got a high (team -score-
14. We went with mum to the (fair-envelope-team) ,and
we had a lot of fun.
15. My father was a famous (family reunion-athlete-race),
and he got many swimming medals.
Correct the verbs between brackets:
1. I (study) studied well for the exam last Monday.
2. She (draw) drew a beautiful picture last night.
3. We (stop) stopped at the fuel station five minutes ago.
4. Mum (buy) bought me a beautiful present in my last
5. Salma (bake) baked a delicious cake this morning.
6. In the past, people (be) were so kind.
7. Once upon a time , methere (be) was a beautiful princess.
8. She (play) played for two hours last night.
9. Mum (mistake) mistook the salt for sugar yesterday.
10. They (grow) grew in the country years ago.
Do as asked:
1. There was a child in the garden .(There were )
There were some children in the gardens .
2. I am always happy. (yesterday)
I was happy yesterday.
3. Our classes are clean and tidy. (My)
My class is clean and tidy.
4. He watches T.V in the morning. ( Replace He with a proper
Hisham watches T.V in the morning.
5. The team sometimes plays football in our club. ( yesterday)
The team played football in our club last time.
6. They fight together in the morning. (this morning)
They fought together this morning.
7. We often finish our homework in the evening. (two hours
We finished our homework two hours ago.
8. Amira borrows a book from the library every Friday. (last
Amira borrowed a book from the library last week.
9. Those are butterflies .
10. That is a butterfly . (change into singular
11. It is my favorite country. (Replace it withproper noun)
Egypt is my favorite country.
1. In the bag were some bread and some cheese
2. The farmer worked hard in the field
3. The farmer was going to buy a tractor
4."Then call down to the village”.

Answer the following questions:

1. "You must take the sheep to our land on the mountain,"
The farmer said these words to his son.
2. What did the farmer's son do during his father in the
He stayed at home and played with his friends.
3. What did the farmer and his son buy?
They bought a tractor.
4. What did the boy carry?
The boy carried his father’s stick and a small leather bag.
4. Read the following passage and answer the
questions below:
Friends are an important part of a person's life.
They help you learn how to get along with people.
Friends are people you have fun with and that you have
things in common with. You should feel comfortable
with your friends and you should be able to trust them.
Making friend is harder for some people than for others.
Some people have lots of friends and some people just
have one or two good friends. The easiest places to make
new friends are at school and around your neighborhood.
You can also meet new people during activities like
sports or special classes. The best way to make anew
friend is to just walk up and introduce yourself. Then try
and find things you have in common or invite the person
to do something with you.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How do friends help you?
They help you learn how to get along with people.
2. What is the best way to make a new friend?
The best way to make anew friend is to just walk up and
introduce yourself.
B. Choose the correct answer.
3. You can meet new people during activities like (sports
- exams - dreams) or special classes.
4. You should feel (sad - comfortable - scared) with your
Four nouns: people, friends, sports, activities, school
Four verbs: help, make, try, find, meet
Three adjectives: important, good, easiest, comfortable
Two pronouns: you, they
One preposition: at- around
Complete the following dialogues:
Lucy: Good morning, what’s up?
Hany: Good morning ,Lucy , I am very happy.
Lucy: I am happy for you but why are you so happy?
Hany: I passed my English exam, what about you? / and you?
Lucy: I am so worried.
Hany: Why are you so worried?
Lucy: My French exam is tomorrow.
Hany: I hope you will get the full mark. / I hope it will be easy.
Lucy: I hope so.
John: Hi Joe, how are you doing?
Joe: Hi John, not bad.
John : Do you play basketball?
Joe: No, I don’t play basketball.
John: What is your favorite sport?
Joe : My favorite sport is football.
John: Do you play football?
Joe: Yes, I play football ,but my brother plays basketball.
John: Can he join our basketball team?
Joe: Yes, he can. / Yes, of course.
John: Waiting for your brother next Saturday at 11 am.

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