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CJJ News Channel!

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II. Headlines
# 1 Trust vs. Mistrust
*video clips
Main Host: Erikson developed an eight-stage theory. He included crises within each stage, so
it was only until you were able to develop a result from that crisis that you were able to move
on to the next stage. The first theory or stage is called trust vs. mistrust. This happens between
the ages of 0 months - 1 year.
Live from CJJ Network Center, this is CJJ News Channel!
Main Host: Good afternoon, Philippines! This is CJJ News Channel, Main host’s name,
bringing you the latest, hottest, and most wanted news this afternoon.
Main Host: The trust versus mistrust stage serves as a foundation of development. To know
more about this news, here’s Reporter 1’s name. Ms/Mr. Reporter 1, what can you say about
Reporter 1: Well, Main host’s name, Erikson's theory of psychosocial development (stage
theory) tells us that we should go through 8 stages of life development from birth to death. At
each stage, we encounter different needs, ask questions, and meet new people that affect our
judgment and experience in our lives.
Each stage is a challenge for each individual, and if we can't get through it, we can't move on
to the next stage and are stuck with the problems we haven't solved within.
Trust vs. mistrust is the first stage in Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.
* Flash babies’ videos
This happens between the ages of 0 months - 1 year or what we call “infancy”.
During this stage, the infant is uncertain about the world in which they live and looks towards
their primary caregiver for stability and consistency of care. Their needs should be met because
basic trust develops when needs are met (attachment). Feeding is the most important event that
must happen to gain infant’s trust.
*video clips
Erikson believed that the fundamental attitude to be taught was trust between a child and their
caregiver. And at this stage, infants learn whether they can trust or mistrust the world around
them. If the care the infant receives is consistent, predictable, and reliable, they will develop a
sense of trust which will carry with them to other relationships, and they will be able to feel
secure even when threatened. They figure that if they can trust someone now, they can trust
them in the future. However, experiencing fear produces doubt and mistrust. If these needs are
not consistently met, mistrust, suspicion, and anxiety may develop. The key to development is
the mother, who nurtures and protects the infant. If the care has been inconsistent,
unpredictable, and unreliable, then the infant may develop a sense of mistrust, suspicion, and
anxiety. In this situation the infant will not have confidence in the world around them or in
their abilities to influence events. If the family fails to create a safe environment, the child will
develop a doubtful attitude toward others.
*Erikson’s interview video
Another place where morality manifests itself is in the relationship, in which the mother feeds,
reassures, coddles, and maintains warmth.
Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of hope. By developing a sense of trust, the infant
can have hope that as new crises arise, there is a real possibility that other people will be there
as a source of support.
Failing to acquire the virtue of hope will lead to the development of fear. This infant will carry
the basic sense of mistrust with them to other relationships. It may result in anxiety, heightened
insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world around them.
If the infant's needs are met, the infant learns to depend on the family. This will result in a
strong bond and healthy development. Spend quality time with your child.
For CJJ News Channel, Reporter’s 1 name, reporting!
Main Host: Thank you, Reporter’s 1 name. The stage of trust versus mistrust forms the basis
for development. The results of this stage may have repercussions for the entirety of the
person's life. As a result, it is crucial for parents to offer attentive, trustworthy care. This is
Main host’s name, all for you, all for them, all for Him! This is CJJ News Channel!

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