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To take up – empezar una nueva actividad

-You must take up a new sport.
-Last week I took up yoga.

To be keen on – estar interesado en, entusiasmar

-Andrea is keen on singing.

To be good/bad at – ser bueno o malo en algo

-I am bad at Maths, however, I am good at English.

To hand in – entregar
-You have to hand in your homework by next Tuesday.

To be interested in – estar interesado/a

-My brother is interested in learning programming and robotics.

To be afraid of – tener miedo, me temo que…

-They were afraid of failing the exam.

To look forward to + vbo en -ing – estar deseando/esperar

-I look forward to seeing you.

To go on – continuar
-The show must go on.

To be fond of – aficionarse a
-I am fond of playing video games.

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