Ryanair Training Agreement January 2022

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Training Courses 2022 January 2022

Cabin Crew Operator Training Agreement:

This Agreement is dated the 22 APRIL 2022 between Ryanair DAC and,

NAME: ...........................................................................................................................................................................




Congratulations on being offered a place on the course. Below are all the details of your training contract. Like
all contracts it contains legalistic phrasing etc. so if you are not sure of anything contained in the contract please
contact us and we will answer any questions that you may have.

1. Criteria for Acceptance to the Training Course:

To qualify for acceptance to the Training Course applicants must satisfy the following criteria:-
1) Pass interview assessment
2) Intermediate + level of English
3) Aged 18 +
4) Able to swim
5) cm)
6) Willing and have unrestricted right to work anywhere in Europe
7) Medically fit in accordance with airline procedures
8) No previous criminal record
9) Weight in proportion to height
10) Hold current EU passport valid for minimum of 1 year
11) Complete Pre Course Study Pack 40 hours study. This will be emailed to you when you Register for a Training

Please note all candidates must be proficient in the English language in order to qualify for a place on the
Training Course.

2. Medical Exam:
To operate as cabin crew it is a legal requirement that a Medical Exam will have to be taken by an aviation approved
doctor prior to the start of the Training Course. It is a requirement to pass the medical exam prior to attending the
Training Course. It is medical certificate prior to attending
the training course and also notify the Company. Students must inform the Company if they suffer or are taking any
regular medication for any illness. The company can recommend Charter Medical, http://chartermedical.ie/our-
services/aero-medical-centre/ who can refer you to an Aeromedical Examiner close to your location however other
approved AMEs/OHMPs can be found on each countries own Aviation Authority website. Please note the medical
must be completed by a registered AME/OHMP and not a regular doctor.

cal Report for Cabin Crew Attestation (CCA)

English). Students must ensure that the AME certificate is valid for the course start date. The students must also
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
Training Courses 2022 January 2022

If you fail to provide your original AME Medical Certificate on the first day of training you will not be permitted to
continue on the course. If you have any questions please ask our recruitment team.

Please note that it often takes several weeks to receive a medical certificate so please ensure you allow plenty of
time to receive same. Pilot medicals will not be accepted.

3. Crew ID Application / Reference Letters:

For security reasons you will need a Crew Identification Card to access the airport to operate as Cabin Crew. It is the
with all
the relevant details to obtain a Crew ID. There are different requirements for different airports. Please note you will
receive these requirements when your base is assigned.


These must be provided either before or on the first day of the course in order to provide sufficient time to be
processed before the end of the course. If all your References are not submitted and approved by the Crew ID Unit
before the end of the course, you will not be able to take up the position.

A minimum requirement for all bases is to provide a fully completed Ryanair Security declaration form, copy of
passport, a CRC from every country where you have resided for 6 months or more during the previous 5 years and
a written reference from every previous employment or educational establishment you have attended in the last
5 years. The ID Background Check Department will request the references based on the information you provide
us by completing the Crewlink Identification Form.

Criminal Record Check

A Criminal Record Check from every country you have resided for 6 months or more during the previous 5 years
verifying that you have no previous criminal convictions should be supplied on the 1st day of the Training Course.
Crew Identification Card. Any expenses incurred in applying for
a Criminal Record Check a Criminal Record Check your
ID cannot be submitted and you need to have your FULL ID approved by the end of the course, otherwise you cannot
take up the position of Cabin Crew. The CRC is valid for a period of 10 weeks only, so this needs to be valid and
remain in date for the duration of the training course. The Criminal Record Check must be officially translated into
English by a certified translator and officially stamped.

Missing Paperwork
If you are missing paperwork or Criminal Records you will be given a deadline of 1 week to provide this missing
paperwork. Our ID team will then meet with you to review your file in or around the end of week 2 of the training
course. If you are still missing paperwork at this meeting we will give you a 2 nd deadline to provide the missing
paperwork. You will need to have provided all missing paperwork by the end of week 3. If you do not provide the
paperwork at this stage the payment of per diems will cease and you will be given a final 5 days to provide all missing
paperwork. You will then be removed from the training course and will be unable to attend any future training
courses for this position.

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022

4. Training Course Schedule:

The course will run for approximately six weeks generally from 09:00 18:00, five days a week and may include
weekend days. The majority of the training days will be completed in the classroom; however, training will also be
carried out at an airport base and in-flight. Due to the availability of aircraft this training may not necessarily happen
during normal course hours and may be completed at weekends or during the night. It will be necessary for the
Trainees to make themselves available at these times should it be required. The company reserves the right to
change the course plan and move the location of the classroom if it proves necessary to do so.

5. Breakdown of Training Course Schedule:

The course is divided into 3 parts:

Part 1: Service Training, 1-2 week:
School Introduction Day
Ryanair Introduction + Uniform Fitting
General Aviation Knowledge and Regulation
Passenger Handling
Security + Survival
Security Exam + First Aid
First Aid
Dangerous goods + Fire & Smoke
Dangerous goods Exam
Initial Exam

Part 2: Safety Training, 3-5 week:

Fire & Smoke and Doors & Exits
Fixed Equipment
Safety equipment & Pilot incapacitation & Passenger briefing
Evacuation procedures & Decompression & Crowd control
Ditching & Rejected take off & Missed approach
Swimming pool
First Aid practical + Fire & Smoke
SEP practical
Conversion Exam
Ryanair Direct 3 days
Sales & Service
Sales & Service / Security
Security Exam / Contracts / Wing Ceremony

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022

Part 3: Supernumerary Flights:

Upon successful completion of the final examination and for the purpose of completion of the training, it will be
necessary for each Trainee to complete a series of (practice flights) with experienced
Cabin Crew Staff operating on Ryanair aircraft.
Supernumerary flights will be organised over three to four consecutive days and are part of the training and
therefore unpaid. The base/airport from which the supernumerary flights are operated will be assigned subject to
availability and will be at the discretion of Ryanair. Should you fail to complete your supernumerary flights then the offer
of Employment with Crewlink Ireland Limited/Workforce Intl Contractors will be withdrawn.
At all times Crewlink Ireland Limited/Workforce Intl Contractors have the right to relocate Cabin Crew Staff to any
Ryanair European Base/Airport. While every consideration will be given to each Tra base preference, due to
logistical and operational demands the cabin crew contract agencies have the right to move staff where
operation requirements dictate.

6. Accommodation during the Training Course:

the student.
7. Per Diem
payment and may be withdrawn at any point during the training if you do not comply with the ID/Back ground
checking criteria.

8. Study Time:
The Training Course is an intensive programme and will require that each Trainee takes approximately 2 hours
each evening to revise what they have learned that day. You will need to do this in order to pass the exams.

9. Pre Course Study Pack

The Pre Course Study Pack will be sent to each candidate before the course commences. There is 40 hours of study
within the pack and each candidate must ensure that they have covered all the topics before the first day of training.
In order to pass the course successfully we recommend you to study this pack for at least 40 hours.

10. Attendance:
Like any course that you would study attendance is compulsory. In a mere six weeks you will learn an entirely new
profession. Each day of the course is dedicated to a specific training technique and cannot be repeated, hence, it is
obligatory that all Trainees maintain a 100% attendance record. Absenteeism or repeated tardiness will result in
expulsion from the course.

11. Behaviour:
general behavior and attitude will be assessed throughout the Training Course. If your instructor deems your
behavior to be unsatisfactory, (this would include abuse of alcohol/drugs) you may be terminated from the Training
Course and you will not be offered a position as cabin crew. You may be required to partake in a random drug
screening programme during the course.

12. Examinations:
Examinations will take place throughout the training. It will be necessary for any Trainee who would like to be
considered for a position with one of our contracting agencies to pass all of these exams. An opportunity to re-sit the
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
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final exam will be given in certain circumstances. If you are encountering any difficulties on the course it is extremely
important that you inform the trainer so that they can give you as much additional assistance as possible.

13. Wings Ceremony:

Successful Trainees will be invited to participate in the Wings Ceremony / Presentation to celebrate all the hard
work during the course and will be organised for you by the Company. You will receive your uniform and Training
Certificate on this day.
14. Base Allocation:
While every effort is made to meet your preferred base (through review of your assessment day location, current
address and nationality), please note there may not be any positions available at these locations and as such, you may
be offered an alternative base. Base allocations will be assigned before the first day of the course and therefore
you can begin your search for accommodation with other students at your base. Your instructor will endeavor
to assist you with contact details from crew notice boards and letting agents. It will be the own
responsibility to organise their accommodation at their new location. The company however withholds the right
of changing pre-assigned bases at any stage of the Training Course should client operational requirements change.

15. Health Insurance:

In order to qualify for health insurance during training all candidates should ensure that they hold a valid European
Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by their Home Country before commencing the Training Course. An EHIC entitles
the holder to free emergency medical assistance in any EU member state in which they are not residing. Once
employment commences employees will need the following documents to be covered for health insurance;

If Based in ANY UK BASE:

1. UK EHIC issued by the UK government (application to be made by the employee this can be done online at

If Based in ANY IRISH Base

1. Irish EHIC issued by the Irish Health Authority (CWK/WFI will include application form in Contract Pack)
2. HSE Medical Card this card will entitle the holder to free medical care within the Irish public healthcare
system. Application can only be made directly by the employee and is subject to various requirements/criteria. For
more information go to http://www.hse.ie/en/

If Based in EU BASE - EXCLUDING ALL Irish bases and UK bases:

1. Local (Home Country) EHIC issued by your Health Authority

** Please note also that these certificates are linked to your employer/employment, hence, are only valid while the
holder remains employed. The Certs will become invalid upon resignation or termination of the employment

15. Flights to Training Course:

You will be provided with a flight to start your Training Course on any Ryanair flight throughout the Ryanair network.
Should a candidate fail the course or choose to leave the course for any reason they will not be provided with a
return flight home.

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022

16. Advertising:
The Company reserves the right to use any photographs/video footage taken during the recruitment/training for
any of its company advertising or promotions.

17. Applicable Law:

The relationship between the Company and you shall at all times be governed by the law in effect and as amended
from time to time in the Republic of Ireland. The Irish courts have jurisdiction in all matters relating to the execution
and termination of this contract.

18. Confidential Information:

Except insofar as your duties shall require it, you shall not, during the continuance of your training or at any time
after the termination thereof, without the previous written consent of the Company
Ryanair or its associated companies or their respective businesses, any trade secrets, the
knowledge of which you may possess while training, not use or attempt to use such information or trade secrets in
any way that may cause loss or injury to the Company, associated companies or their respective businesses.
includes but is not limited to all secret confidential information of whatever kind that may
have come to your knowledge during or as a result of your training, its business plans, finances, staff, customers and
prospective customers, suppliers or products, information which has been disclosed in confidence by a third party,
and any other information of a kind that would usually be regarded as secret or confidential.
You shall not at any time during your training nor at any time after the termination of your training, directly or
indirectly gather material about any aspect of operation for use by newspapers, magazines, websites,
television or radio stations, or any other media or other third party use.
You are expressly prohibited from making any video, audio, electronic or other recording of any aspect of
operations whilst on duty or off duty without the express prior written permission of Ryanair.
You shall not work on behalf of any media organisation or work on a freelance basis during your training. Failure
to comply with the above provisions shall be considered grounds to immediately terminate your participation in the
Training Course. In addition, Ryanair will initiate legal proceedings against you and/or any relevant third party
seeking damages (including exemplary damages) for defamation libel, breaches of confidentiality and invasion of
privacy and furthermore shall pursue you for the legal costs of said proceedings.
19. Assignment:
Ryanair shall have the right to assign this Agreement to any other person, firm or corporation without the
consent. This Agreement is personal to the Trainee and shall not be assignable by the Trainee.

20. Data protection

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that the Company and our contracting agencies, will be processing
personal data provided by you in compliance with applicable data protection rules.
Specifically, you acknowledge that the Company will be processing personal data provided by you to the Company
and our contracting agencies for all purposes relating to the performance of this Agreement and as set out in the
Data Protection Addendum attached to this agreement.
By signing this Agreement you confirm that you have read and understood the content of the attached Data
Protection Addendum.

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022


Ryanair is committed to complying with applicable data protection and privacy standards at all times and takes its
responsibility regarding information security very seriously. Any personal data collected by the company through
this training course is processed in accordance with this Cabin Crew TraineeData Protection Policy, and in
compliance with the Data Protection Acts 2018, 1988 and 2003, the ePrivacy Regulations 2011 and related

1. Data Controller

D.A.C., the main operating company of the Ryanair group, and, where appropriate, to other companies in the
Ryanair group or other entities o
in connection with this training course. Ryanair is
registered in Ireland with registration number 104547 and registered offices at Ryanair Dublin Office, Airside
Business Park, Swords, Co. Dublin.

2. Our Data Protection Obligations

The data protection rules require that personal information we hold about you must be:-

Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way,

Collected by us only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in a way
that is incompatible with those purposes,
Relevant and limited to the purposes that we have told you about, and sufficient to meet those
Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date,
Kept only for as long as necessary for the purposes that we have told you about, and
Kept securely.

3. What Personal Data We Process, and Why

Personal data means any information relating to you which allows us to identify you, such as your name, contact
details, education, qualifications and work experience.
We only collect that personal data which we need to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Policy and we will not
retain it for any longer than is necessary.
The information you provide us, or to our contracting agencies Crewlink Ireland Limited/Workforce Intl
Contractors (contracting agencies) or that we share with our contracting agencies during the training process is
used to assess your suitability for employment as Cabin Crew. Our use of this information during this process is
based on your consent. You do not have to provide the information we request but it might affect your
application if you do not provide it.
We or our contracting agencies may collect personal data from you at the application stage, during the training
course, and when our contracting agencies are making a conditional and / or final employment offer. The
contracting agencies will perform pre-employment background and reference checks. All checks are carried out in
a fair and consistent manner and will be limited to information that is directly relevant to the position being
applied for and in pursuance of our legitimate business interests.
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
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Specifically, the following categories of information may be collected:

a. Personal details including name, contact details, and a photo;
b. Previous experience and employment entitlements, education, qualifications, a resume and answers
to questions relevant to the position you have applied for;
c. Information provided when completing tests or profile questionnaires and/or attending an interview;
d. Proof of your identity and qualifications, criminal records if relevant, referees, health information if
e. Bank details and emergency contact details.
Personal details about your physical or mental health, alleged commission or conviction of criminal offences, and
trade union membership
only process such data if you have either given your explicit consent, we are legally required or allowed to collect
and process it, or you have deliberately made it public. We will only request such sensitive personal data that is
necessary, proportionate and in pursuance of our legitimate business interests. By providing any sensitive personal
data you explicitly agree that we may collect and use it in accordance with this Policy.
4. Sharing Your Personal Data
Your personal data may be shared with other companies within the Ryanair Group.
We may also share your personal data with the following third parties for the purpose described in this Policy:
a. Third party recruitment agencies we contracted to assist us with the vetting of applicants.
b. Third party employee background screening companies who may check your credit history,
employment history, driving records and criminal records, if relevant to the position.
c. Any regulatory body or other organisation which investigates and determines complaints about
employment recruitment or which regulates employment or equality legislation, if a complaint is
made about this process. We will also share personal data with our legal advisors in such cases.
We require all third parties processing personal data on our behalf to have appropriate technical and operational
security measures in place to protect your personal data, in line with Irish and EU law on data protection standards.
We further require that they do not share your personal information with any third parties without our explicit
consent and without guaranteeing adequate security standards and that they will hold it securely and retain it for
the period we instruct.

5. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data

If you successfully complete this training course, the personal data you provide during the training process will be
securely retained by our contracting agency that you will be employed by as part of your employee file in line with
their Data Protection and retention policies. This includes your criminal records, fitness to work, records of any
security checks and references.

If you are unsuccessful at any stage of this training process up until the completion of initial training, the
information you have provided will be securely retained for 12 months from the end date of the training course.
Where you have completed initial in full and have been issued with a CCA, it is a legal requirement that Ryanair
retain all records until 3 years after you have left the company. We retain your information in case any queries or
issues arise in relation to this training process, and we need the information to respond to such issues or queries,

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

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and/or if a suitable position were to arise with the Company within that time period which we may invite you to
apply for.

6. Data Protection Officer

We have appointed a DPO to oversee compliance with this policy. In addition, you always have the right to make a
complaint at any time to the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, the Irish supervisory authority for data protection
issues which is the lead data protection supervisory authority for Ryanair as an Irish data controller.
7. Your rights

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

Request information about whether we hold personal information about you, and, if so, what that
information is and why we are holding/using it.

Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a "data subject access request").
This enables you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we
are lawfully processing it.

Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you. This enables you to have
any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.

Request erasure of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove
personal information where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the
right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have exercised your right to
object to processing (see below).

Object to processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or
those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to
object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object where we are processing your
personal information for direct marketing purposes.

Object to automated decision-making including profiling, that is not to be subject of any

automated decision-making by us using your personal information or profiling of you.

Request the restriction of processing of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to
suspend the processing of personal information about you, for example if you want us to establish its
accuracy or the reason for processing it.

Request transfer of your personal information in an electronic and structured form to you or to
is enables you to take your data
from us in an electronically useable format and to be able to transfer your data to another party in an
electronically useable format.

Withdraw consent. In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the
collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the
right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. Once we have received
notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the
purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
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If you want to exercise any of these rights, then please submit your request through -form
which is available here [https://app-de.onetrust.com/app/#/webform/22fc437a-98d6-40a3-adef-
5ed53e74d0ce] or contact our DPO by post at
Business Park, Swords, County Dublin.
You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However,
we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may
refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.
We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to
access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to
ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.
8. Changes to this Data Protection Policy

This Policy may change from time to time.

Status May 2018

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022

21. Covid-19

The novel coronavirus, Covid-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organisation.
Covid-19 is reported to be extremely contagious. People reportedly can be infected and show no symptoms and
therefore spread the disease. The exact methods of spread and contraction are unknown.

Infection with the virus that causes Covid-19 can cause illness, ranging from mild to severe, and, in some cases, can
be fatal. It can take anything from 2 days up to 14 days for symptoms of coronavirus to appear. They can be similar
to the symptoms of cold and flu. Symptoms include:-

A fever (high temperature 37.5 degrees Celsius or above)

A cough this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
You should be constantly monitoring your health and watch for the signs and symptoms of Covid 19.
Attendance at any Training Course is forbidden if:-

You show any signs or symptoms of Covid 19

if you have tested positive for Covid-19

if you are in quarantine following Government or Health Authorities advice

if you have been in close contact with a positive person in the 14 days prior to the start date of your
Training Course (Close contact deemed as less than 1 metre for 15 minutes or more)

Note: Some people infected with the virus, so called asymptomatic cases, have experienced no symptoms at all.
You must ensure you are familiar with, and follow the below guidance at all times whilst on your training course.
follow good hand hygiene - wash your hands properly and often.
o Wash your hands before and after eating
o Wash your hands when you arrive to the training centre
o wash your hands after toilet use
o wash your hands before having a cigarette or vaping
o wash your hands even when not visibly dirty
o wash your hands before handling any equipment
Cover your mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze
o Put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands
Avoid touching your face, mouth or eyes
Do not shake hands or hug
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
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Use only disposable napkins

Avoid close contact with people who have identified with symptoms
Abide by all physical distancing guidelines subject to the criteria in place in any jurisdiction at any given
Wear a mask at all times whilst on the training centre premises with the exception of eating or drinking
Avoid crowded places as much as possible

Social distance when possible

Classes will ope
whom you interact with to decrease the epidemic risk of Covid-19.

You must abide by the following:-

Do not interact or share any free time with students from another Training Course.
Do not share notes, books or personal items with students from another Training Course.
Only share accommodation with students who are attending the same Training Course.
Employment is strictly subject to adhering to all Covid-19 Policies and Procedures in place.
Crewlink and associated companies cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading
Covid-19 while attending your Training Course. Therefore, by attending your Training Course you may be exposing
yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading Covid-19.

Whilst your Training Course is currently scheduled to commence on the agreed Start Date, due to the Covid-19
Worldwide Pandemic, circumstances outside of our control may impact this.

Adherence to our company policies will only be achieved if we adopt a shared responsibility to implement the
measures set out above. A collaborative approach to the implementation of the Procedures is essential to achieve

By signing this Training Agreement, you confirm you have read and understood the above advice concerning
Covid-19 and agree to follow all company Procedures.

22. Psychoactive Substance Abuse

Ryanair has a duty to provide a safe and healthy environment for its employees, subcontractors and customers.
You must comply with any psychoactive (drug and alcohol) abuse policies introduced by the company and agree
that you may be subject to screening exercises during your employment (in accordance with screening policies
introduced from time to time). Refusal to undergo psychoactive testing or any deliberate effort to avoid
participating in testing will be treated as a positive test result and may result in dismissal. Prior to joining the

Crew, Cabin Crew and Engineers) and failure to undergo screening or receive a negative results will result in your
offer of employment being immediately rescinded. The cost of the Psychoactive testing and screening
and This fee must be discharged prior to course commencement or on the
1st day of your course via Credit Card or Bank Transfer on the day of testing. In the event you do not commence
employment with the Company for any reason please note you will be liable for the cost of the test you have
Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement
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Any reports generated from such analysis or examinations will remain the property of the Airline. All staff
(particularly Flight Crew, Cabin Crew and Engineers) are responsible for the safety of our passengers and have a
to work safely and
anyone who takes drugs, whether during duty hours or not,
is jeopardising the safety of our passengers, crew and aircraft and will face immediate dismissal. The possession,
sale, transport on aircraft, use or being under the influence of illegal drugs is gross misconduct and will lead to
immediate dismissal without notice or compensation.


Ryanair places great importance on customer service and you will be expected to maintain a high standard of
appearance at all times. Where uniform or protective clothing is provided it must be worn and you are expected to
take care of it. Other common sense rules are simple - as long as you're in uniform, whether you are on duty or
not, you must never drink alcohol or consume psychoactive substances and you must not bring the airline into
disrepute. For reasons of security, all uniforms must be returned to your manager should you elect to leave the

Examples of gross misconduct include but are not limited to:

Consumption of alcohol on or within 8 hours of commencement of duty or consumption of any other psychoactive
substances for Flight/Engineering/Ground Operations staff.

23. Summary
You must clearly understand that your position on the Training Course does not constitute an offer of employment.
Positions with our contracting agencies Crewlink Ireland Limited/Workforce Intl Contractors will only be offered to
those who have successfully completed all aspects of the assessments and training process.

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

Training Courses 2022 January 2022

In order to do this, you must achieve the required pass rate in all examinations throughout the Training Course
and you must also pass the Medical Examination required by the aviation authorities. Your overall attitude will also
be assessed throughout the course. The Medical Examination should be undertaken by an aviation practitioner prior
to the course and Trainees who are found to have illnesses such as epilepsy, which may affect the safety of the
passengers, will not meet the medical requirements for the position and therefore an offer of employment will not
be made.

I, the undersigned, understand and agree to accept the terms of this Cabin Crew Operator Training Agreement. I
understand that my position on the Training Course does not constitute an offer of employment and in order to
secure a contract of employment I will need to pass all aspects of my training, including Oral, Practical, Written
Examinations, a Medical Examination and Reference/ Identity Check

Finally, congratulations again on being offered a place on the training Course. Best of luck on the course and we
hope everything works out well for you. If you have any queries about this contract, please do not hesitate to contact:

Recruitment Team at cabincrewrecruitment@ryanair.com

Finally, please sign and print your name below.

Print Name (Student): TEODORA NASTASA _

Signed: (Student) Date: 04/22/22


Signed: (Ryanair) Date:

Signed: (School) Date:

Cabin Crew Training Course Agreement

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