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Name : Surya Teguh Apriyanto

NPM : 19220042
Class : 6A Pend.Ekonomi

“Demi tuhan saya berjanji untuk tidak melakukan kecurangan serta menaati semua tata tertib
ujian dan siap menerima sanksi jika melanggarnya”
1. To get approval or permission from somebody to do something (j)
2. To discuss something carefully and in detail (I)
3. The process of producing of improving a product to suit customers’ needs (F)
4. To introduce a product to the custemers for the first time (G)
5. To be good at noticing the smaller but important parts of things (H)
6. The material used to product goods and present them to the costumer (E)
7. Money paid to government and loss in value of equipment (B)
8. Money distributed to shareholders (A)
9. Other cost, e.g. administration, buildings, utilities (D)
10. Direct cost, e.g. materials and labour (C)
1. Sarah ford
2. Possible help with product design
3. James forrester
4. James work for sales department
5. Depatment is working on the new parfume is department product design
6. Launching new perfume
7. Desain suggestions
8. The head of sales department is sarah ford
9. Sarah would to sit down james this Friday
10. Best regards
4 July 2022
HR Department
Head Office of
PT. Mandira Prima Perkasa
30 Stadion Street
East Java

Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your company that is informed by
the newspaper. I am interested in a position as marketing executives.
My name is Surya Teguh Apriyanto . I was twenty-three years. I have a background in the S1
Economi Education at University PGRI Semarang.
With my education background, I am confident that my qualifications and skills can contribute
significantly to PT. Mandira Prina Perkasa. I was able to operate the computer especially
Microsoft office packages, MYOB, etc. In addition, I am a person who can work independently
or in a team. I am also hard workers, initiatives and eager to learn.
My resume has been included which outlines my qualifications in more detail. I would
appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications. Please keep the application secret. I will
look forward to hearing from you soon


Surya Teguh Apriyanto

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