Visa Client Voip Quick Reference Guide

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Quick Reference Guide for VOIP

What is VOIP? Accessing VOIP

VOIP, or Visa Online Invoice Portal, is the application 1. Sign into Visa Online.
that Visa clients (and internal staff) can use to view
monthly invoice information.

VOIP is available through Visa Online.

2. Click Visa Online Invoice Portal on the Visa Online

home page.
3. Click I Agree on the legal disclaimer.

Home Page Layout Search for Invoices

User Info: The user’s name, BID, Country and currently 1. Select the Invoice Account.
selected region.

2. Select a Billing Period from the list of available periods.

Menu Bar: Access OIP functions. Invoices matching your criteria will be displayed.

Filter: Specify the Invoice Account and Billing Period to

search for invoices.

3. Click the double arrows next to the column titles to

change the sort order
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Quick Reference Guide for VOIP
Show/Hide Columns Invoice and Collection Summary

Click the Invoice & Collection Summary icon for the

invoice you want to view.

Total Billing This Month is the total of the fees for this
1. Click the Show/Hide Columns button.
Previously Collected amounts have already been
2. Check the columns that you want to appear in the collected.
search results, or click Select All to show all columns.
Net Amount Due amounts are itemized by payment
3. Click Save to Profile to save your settings for next method.
time you log on to VOIP. Otherwise, click the X to
close the column selection box. Amount Due Upon Receipt must be remitted manually.

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Quick Reference Guide for VOIP
Collection Details (Current Billing)

1. Click the Collection Details (Current Billing) icon for the invoice you want to view.

2. Select the Settlement Type from the list of settlements for the selected invoice.

3. To narrow down the search results, you may also select the Settlement Entity from the list.

4. Click on Expand All to display the individual entity details.

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Quick Reference Guide for VOIP
Invoice Detail

Click the Detailed Invoice number for the invoice.

View a specific page by selecting a page number or by selecting

an Entity Type and Entity Value.

Expand or Collapse individual lines or all lines.

Hover over a billing line to see a description.

You can switch between Current Billing and Previously Collected

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Quick Reference Guide for VOIP
Download Invoices Email Subscription Preference

The E-mail subscription function will notify you when

invoices are available on VOIP.

To download a complete or summary invoice, go to the

Home page and click on the icon in the Download column
for the type of file you want (PDF, Excel File, or CSV files). To change your email notification preference:
1. Log into your VOIP account.
You can also download individual invoice sections from the 2. Check the E-mail Subscription box to subscribe or uncheck
Invoice-Detail screen by clicking on the PDF, XLSX or CSV it to unsubscribe.
icons. 3. Click “I Agree” and the update will be effective on the next
billing cycle.

Get Help

Support resources are available directly within VOIP’s Training courses can be found in the Visa Business School
Help Page: catalog:

• For information about VOIP, click on the Help Guide. • “Using the Visa Online Invoice Portal” course - learn
to view and retrieve invoices.
• For information about specific billing lines, click the
Reference Manual. • “Diving into Visa Billing Statements” course – learn
how to read your Visa Invoice.
For other issues, contact your Visa representative.
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