ADO Question Booklet 2022

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Questlon Booklet No.

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3. This Question Booklet contains 1Od questions. Each question is printed in pnSltth gnly. Each
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1. Which of the following is an 5. Ph5rtosiderophores have high
example of electroneutral pump? affrnity to
[A] H*-PPase [A] Fe*2

[Bl H*-ATPase ,lB( r.'"

[cl Both [e] and [B]
[Cl Ca*2-ATpase
,/ [Dl None of the above
SEI ru*1x*-ttyase
6. In which wavelength range, the
greenhouse gases absorb enerry?
2. A drought year as a whole is
defined by the [A] 0.3 to 3 pm
Meteorological Department (IMD) 1A( s to loo trm
as a year in which, the overall
rainfa.ll deficiency is more than lcl 1O0 to 50O pm
10 percent of lDl 4OO to 70O nm

[A] short period average value 7. Chlorophyll is formed from proto-

torrg period average value
chlorophyll in light. The proto-
1Z( chlorophyll lacks two hydrogen
[Cl seasonal period average value atoms one each at _ and
carbon of _ ring.
[Dl half yearly average value lAl 8th, eth, r
Is(zth, etn, w
3. H*-ATPases of plasma membrane lcl 8th, 9th, rv
and tonoplast are
lDl 7th, Sth, r
[Al same
8. Tensiometer is suitable for which
J{ different type of soil?

[C] not known [Al Clay soil

,[5[ Sandy soil

tDl None of the above
[C] Loamy soil
[D] I"aterite soil
4. Oceanic Nino Index corresponding
to El Nino period is
9. NADP-Me type C4 pathway is iound
greater or equal to o.5 'C in
12("ugu.*e and maize
[B] greater or equal to -O.S "C
lBl funiatm maxinum
[C] greater or equal to S .C
[Cl Atriplor and Amaranthus
[D] greater or equal to - 5 .C [D] Portulaca
ldLLUAl/ 21-A 2
lO. Partlenium hgsteroplarus is 15. Clay soil contains which type of
[A] C3 plant pores to a large extent?

[B] C4 plant 1x(CapUary pore

1e(CS and C4 ptrants [B] Coarse pore
[Dl CAM plant [C] Medium pore
[D] Macro pore
11. Inulin is a pol5rmer o'f

[Al glucose 16. The plantlet that is produced

through clonal propagation is
)B( fru.tor. termed as
[Cl pentose [A] seedling
[Dl galactose
IB] sapling
12. What is the Water Use Efrciency )Dframet
of rice if the grain
[Dl ortet
yreld is 6000 kglhectare with
evapotrErnspfu.ation of 95O mm?
17. Cropping pattem is referred to the
[Al 631
){ma>dlrrrlrn- area covered by
1s(o.u n^.^^ pafitcular crop with a
[Cl 63.1 particular season and
particular area
[D] 0.631
[B] minimum area covered by
particular crop with a particular
13. Which of the following act(s) as season and particular area
strong germinator for parasitic
weeds? [C] growing of crops in dilferent
,Idl StriBolactones
[D] growing of crops in
lBl ABA intercropping and mixed
[cl Both [A] and [Bl cropping sequences
[Dl Temperature and pressure 18. Calculate the basal area per
hectare if the number of tallied
14. The ratio of land required by pure trees was 14 and the Basal Area
crop to produce the same yield as Factor (BAF) of the wedge prism
that of intercrop is known as used is three.
lAl cEY yll+z^2
lBl cLUr [Bl 14 m2
firea [Cl 2l m2
lDl Mcr [D] 28 m2
19. The term used in watershed 22. Soil moisture tension is directly
management, time of concentration measured by
refers to
[A] V notch
tne drop
'),XT from mostofremote
water travelled
area of
[Bl current meter
watershed to the common [C] Parshalt flume
drainage point to the most
remote area
of watershed ;[Zi tensiometer
[B] the drop of water travelled
.' from common drainage point
to the most remote area of 23. In watershed management, use of
watershed 'Ridge Line' is referred to the

[C] the drop of water travelled 1X(ai-aing line of two watershed

from most middle area of ' .areas
watershed to the 'common [Bl drainage line of two watershed
drainage point areas
[D] None of the above [C] valley line of two watershed

20. Sa-lai gum is obtained from which

[D] imaginary line .of two
watershed areas
tree species?
o staellia s e nat a
,)ft1/B 24. What is meant bv Moisture
lBl Steranlia urens Equivalent?

lCl Arwg ebsus latifolia [A] Percent of water a soil can

retain in opposition to a
[D) lannea aromandeliq centrifugal force 10 times that
. of gravity

21. Fertigation system of irrigation [B] Percent of water a soil can

is retain in opposition to a
the centrifugal force 100 times
that of gravity
[A] supply of only water to the
)9(Percent of water a soil can
retain in opposition to a
of both water and
- 14\/suppty
nutrients to the crop
centrifugal force 10O0 times
that of gravity
[C] supply of only nutrieflt to ttre [D] Percent of water a soil can
crop retain in opposition to a
centrifugal force 1O0OO times
[D] None of the above , that of gravity
25. Lysimeter is used for measurement 29. Khaira disease of rice is due to
[A] transpiration [A] Fe deficiency
[B] water flow [B] Mn deficiency
)P{ev ap otr alr;s piration [C] sulphur deficiency
[D] evaporation
)E{ znc deficiency
26. What is/are the effect(s) of heavy
metals on soil? 3O. Which among the following is/are
[A] Heavy metals like Cd, pb, Hg, organic P containing compound(s)
As and Ni a{fect the microbia-l of soil?
processes insoil
[B] It creates ph]totoxicity on plants [A] Inositol phosphate
[C] High concentration of heavy [B] Phospholipids
metals aJfect the nutrient
balance {pl Nucleic acids
Nl of the above
,H )ET Nl of the above
27. Cycocel (CCC) is a
31. The trade name of Alachlor is
[A] growth promoter
[B] growth inhibitor [A] Machete
rt growttt regulator
lBl Stomp
[D] None of the above
28. Fertiliser is defined as [D] Basalin
)Lf/inorganic materiai with a
definite chemical composition
and high anal5rtical value that 32. Joint forest management concept
supplies one or more plant was first implemented at
nutrients in plant available form
tAI Jabalpur
[B] organic material with a
definite chemical tBl Ayyalur
' and high analyticalcomposition
value that
supplies one or more plant
nutrients in plant available form
N Arabari
ID] Jhansi
[C] inorganic material with no
defrnite chemical composition 33. Which weed is ca-lled 1\4AMA, of
and high analytical value that wheat crop?
supplies one or more plant
nutrients in plant available form I Ll"PLntaris minor
[D] inorganic material with a
definite chemical composition lBl Chenopodium album
and 1ow analytical value that lCl Cgperus rotundus
supplies one or more plant
nutrients in plant available form lDl Echinocliloa alona
3BLLL(A)/21-A 5 lP.r.o.
34. If the drainage coefficient is 3t. Pusa Surya Mango cultivar is
3 cm/day, then the flow rate selected from
through drains of watershed of
area l5O0 hectares is )Al
[B] Brooks
lAl 0.2 m3/s
[C] Haden
[B] o.5 m3/s [D] Golden Nuggets
[C] 2 m3ls.
39. Plantation of high \ ater
So(s.z ^"1, consuming trees for withdrawal of
groundwater is termed as
35. In waterlogged lands [A] mole drainage
[A] the soil pores are saturated [Bl interceptor drains
within a depth of 1 m bio-dratnage
[B] the soil pores are saturated [Dl surface drainage
within a depth of 60 m
4O. Splash Erosion is otherwise called
[Cl the soil pores are saturated
within a depth of 40 m AS

,61 raJm drop erosion

S{ tn soil pores are saturated
up to the root zone of the crop [B] sheet erosion
[C] rill erosion
36. Which sub-surface drainage tOl gully erosion
system consists of laterals that
enter the main drain at an angle,
generally from both sides?
41. Who among the following is
popularly known as the Father of
[A] Random Agricultural Demonstration?

.t Herringbone

tcl Interceptor
[Al Paul Leagans
,[B[ Seaman A. Knapp
[Cl Edger Dale
tDl Gridiron [D] Auguste Comte

37. The presence of e>rcess salt in tJ:e 42. The Marginal Physical Product
soil requires (MPP) is maximum corresponding
to the
high water storage efficienry
S*( [Al input price and output price
[Bl low water storage efficie4ry ratio
tcl hiCh water application [B] Total Physical Product (TPP)
efficiency [Cl Average Physical Product (APP)
[D] low water use elliciency $e"irr,- of inflection
aELLLl ll2l-A 6
43. Which of the following is a cultivar 48. According to Thomas Robert
of custard apple? Malthus, population tends to grow
[Bl Jayanagar ylf geometic progression
[B] arithmetic progression
[Cl Vijayanagar
[C] ever increasing rate
[Dl All of the above
[D] increasing and decreasing rate
44. Tagetes patula rnarigold is also
49. In paracentric 1nvers10n,
known as
rearrangement of genes
[A] African Marigold [A] involves both the arms of a
-{trIl French Marigold chromosome
[C] Signet Marigold .,EII is confined to single arm of a
[D] Brazil Marigold
[C] involves the exchange of
45. A subdivision on the basis of some telomere ends of a chromosome
important deviations such as [D] involves the centromere part of
surface texture, erosion, slope and a chromosome
stoniness is called as
5O. The National Extension
,[d soil phase Policy was announced by the
[B] soil series Govemment of India during which
[C] soil family year?
[D] soil order )AI 2ooo
lBl 2003
tl5. Ceteris panbus means lcl 2011
[A] proportionate change in all lDl 2014
[Bl small change in all other 51. Azospiillum lipoferum is reported to
variables be associated with the roots of

[C] same proportionate change in [A] rice

variables [B] potato
.)Dl keepng other things constant [C],/pigeon pea
.JPI maize
17. H* and Al3* ions present in non-
form with organic
exchangeable 52. Training and visit system is mainly
matter and silicate clays and known for
aluminium hydro>cyl ions account [Al bottom-up planning of extension
for activities
[A] active acidity -Elfsystematic training and
scheduled visits
,[8']-reserve acidity
[C] decentralized extension
[C] exchangeable acidity approach
[Dl non-exchangeable acidity [D] farmer friend
.BLLI lal l 2l-A 7 lP.r.o.
53. The rhizosphere effect can be 58. The product of pedigree selection
quantitatively represented by is
[A] C:N ratio ,[A] homorygous and homogeneous

)BT x: S ratio [B] homozygous and

[C] C:P ratio heterogeneous
[D] O:C ratio [C] heterozygous and
54. The art of training plants into [D] heterozygous and
different shapes is known as heterogeneous
IA] shrubry
)Bl topiary 59. The CITES was signed in the year
IC] skirting
ll.l re72
[D] propping
lBl 1e71

55. For determination of soil microbial Ydrczs

biomass, carbon extracting agent
used is IDI te74
[A] silver sulphate
[B] sodium sulphate
6O. In gametophytic self-
incompatibility system, when sib
.{€fpotassium sulphate matings are carried out, the
crosses are
[D] ammonium sulphate
[A] funy compatible, partially
56. The mixture of breeding lines having compatible or fully
the same genetic constitution, but incompatible
differing at a specific locus is
[B] 'always fully compatibie
known as
[A] iso parental lines
[B] doubled haploid lines
v fully compatible or

ID] always partially compatible


)Zf mutti-lines
[D] recombinant inbred lines
61. Prosoprs cinerea and Cenchrus
57. Critica-l level for hot ciliaris arc good fodder tree + grass
extractable B (ppm) in soil is combination for
[A] semi-arid climate with red soil
lBl 2.o-s.o [B] temperate climate
lcl s.0-10.o )e(and, climate with sandy soil
lDl 10.o-15.o [D] semiarid black cotton soil
sBLLLtal/21-A 8
62. The type of germplasm, which is 67. The Charga{Ps rule
frequently utilized by breeders for (l : 1 stoichiometric ratio of purine
their crop improvement programme, and pyrimidine bases) is not
is called as followed in organisrhs having _
as genetic material.
IA] base collection
[B] active collection [A] dsDNA
[C] long-term collection
.2. [B] dsRNA
.)Pl worktng collection
,[uf ssRNA
63. 'Ilpical nitrogen deficiency
sJrmptoms in crop plants under [D] dsDNA : RNA hybrid
high nitrogen content is due to the
deficiency of

N*" 68. Under which condition the hybrid

[B] seeds produced should be
lcl zn compulsorily subjected to grov/ out
test for grant of certificate?
[D] Mn
[A] The seed crop raised under
64. The type of recurrent selection modilied isolation distance
that uses homozygous tester is
known as
[B] The seed crop raised without
[A] simple recurrent selection following the prescribed
planting ratio
)9faecur:ent selection for SCA
[C] recurrent selection for GCA yq4Yana seeds produced
[D] reciprocal recurrent selection ' through application of
chemica-l hybridizing agents
65. Orgaaic acids developed from
organic matter decomposition act [D] The certification officer is not
as chelating agent may be
satisfied with the field
[A] abscisic acids
[B] gibberellic acids
[C] mercuric acids 69. Chemicals that have been
amino acids implicated in attraction of rhizobia
,[ZI are
66. Tempering in seed drying refers to
[A] peptides
[A] equilibrium moisture content
[B] moisture gradient [B] organic acids
[C] moisture vapour pressure lZl flavonoids
small pause between stages of
PT orylng [D] sugars
EELLL(A)/21-A 9 lP.r.o.
?O. Among the following, under which 74. The recently developed training
condition for maize hYbrid seed system in grapes is called as
production, the modilication of
isolation distance bY PlantinS
lAf Y-trellis
border rows is not permitted? 1B1
[A] Seed lield having diagonal [C] telephone
exposure to contaminating
field lDl kniffing
[B] If two hybrid seed Iields with
different pollinator Parents are 75. In rice, assume that a recessive
within the isolation distance of gene is responsible for
one another resistance to BLB. This lene is
n tne contaminating field is present on chromosome # 1. A
,H monosomic resistant line for
planted with sweetcorn,
popcorn or teosinte chromosome # 1 is crossed with
normal susceptible line. The
[D] Border rows planted with male phenotype of F, plants will be
[A] all plants resistant
71. In the Gl phase of cell cycle, each
[Bl all plants susceptible
chromosome has chromatid(s).
ffSOU. plants resistant and 5oo/o
)wt - " plants suscePtible
lBl 2
75o/o Plants resistant and'
lDl 25o/o
tcl 3 plants susceptible

72. ln the ATP-driven proton potassium 76. Nernst equation allows us to make
exchange mechanism, the H* ions certain predictions about
are formed due to dissociation of equilibrium concentrations of
[A] oxaloacetic acid ions inside the cell when ion
transport is due to facilitated
[B] pymvic acid diffusion
l.{malic acid
[Bl equilibrium concentrations of
[D] phosphoglycolic acid ions inside the cell when ion
transport is due to ion
73. Compounds which disruPts transport
hormone balance and Protein
synthesis by which the Plant [C] equilibrium concentrations of
ultimately dies are ions outside the cell when ion
transport is due to ion
)-X( plant growth re gulators transport
[B] pigment inhibitors
[Dl equilibrium concentrations of
[C] seedling growth inhibitors ions outside the cell when ion
[D] amino acid synthesis transport is due to facilitated
regulators diffr,rsion

ssr,rr(el/21-A 10
77. The estimate of degree of variation 81. Once incorporated into the plant
in a phenotypic trait in a genome, the gene product, cP4
population that is due to genetic EPSP synthase, confers crop
variation between individuals in resistance to
that population is called as
IA] expressivity ,[A[
[Bl penetrance IBI 2,4-D
IC] pleiotropy [Cl atrazine
,{Dl heritability IDJ. thiefensulfuron
78. lhe unit of spectral enerry fluence
rate is
82. The Government of India in l99Z
[Al mol m-2 sr launched the Targeted public
m-2 nm-r Distribution System (TPDS) to
1c1 mol photon m-2 s-2 nm-l
benefit about _ poor families.
[Dl J P-z 5-t [A] 4 crore
?9. The marker systems Restriction [B] 5 crore
Fragment Length Pol5rmorphism ,,.
(RFLP), Diversity Array Technolory
)Cl 6 crore
pAfl), Single-Featr:re Pol5rmorphism [D] 7 crore
(SFP) and Regtriction-site-
Associated DNA (RAD)fare detected
bva E3. In CRISPR-Cas9 technolory, the
JAI DNA: DNA hybridization RNA designed to find and bind to a
DNA : RNA hybridization specific sequence in the DNA, is
IBI known as
[Cl PCR followed by electrophoresis
[D] real time PCR [A] ScRNA

8(,. Which among the following
statelnents is true about [c] mRNA
Gibberellin (GA)?
[A] GAs are tetraterpenoids fr enNl.
synthesized from jasmonic
acid pathway
E+. Cuttings of black pepper are raised
N GAs are diterpenoids
synthesized from MVA
mainly from

tcl GAs are tetraterpenoids [Al plagiotropes

synthesized from MVA [Bl geotropes
[D] GAs are diterpenoids
Synthesized from jasmonic )Pf ntnner shoots
acid pathway [D] orthotropes
SELLLIA,/21-A 11 lP.T.o.
85. Aflatoxin is a t9. When a disease is more or less
constantly prevalent in a locality
[A] pathotoxin year after Year in a moderate to
severe form, it is known as
,/' endemic disease
[Cl vivotoxin [B] epidemic disease

[D] phYtoalexin [C] paademic disease

[D] sporadic disease

86. Krishi Vigran Kendras are one of
the largest networks for scientific
dissemination of agricultural 9O. The United Nations AssemblY
technologies to the end users declared as the
IinanciallY suPPorted bY Intemational Year of Fruits and
[A] the State Government
[B] the Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers Welfare lBl 201s

lcl 2018

lDl 2020

91. The Destructive Insects arrd Pests

87. In which Year the National Food
Act (19f4) is related to
Securit5r Act was Passed?
IA] biodiversitY
a*I 2ot3
[B] envAonmental Protection
lBl 2014
l/l plart quarantine
lcl 2015
[Dl forest Protection
lDl 2016

92. The "AntYodaYa Anna Yojana"

(AAY) was launched in December,
88. Which is a system of suPervised
control of diseases and Pests in 20OO for Poorest of the Poor
winter wheat? families among BPL covered under
[Al 4 crore
[B] BLITECAST [Bl 3 crore
[C] SimCast [Cl 2 crore

[D] PhytoPRE 14, "o"

ssl.I,r(e) / 21-A t2
93. Which one of the following is not a 97, Science dea-ling with the outbreak
mode of action of biocontrol and spread of disease in a
agents? population is called as

[A] Competition [A] Etiolory

IB] Lysis fieoiaemiotoar ,

[C] Antibiosis [C] Pathologr

IUI RNA interference [D] None of the above

94. Which agenda of SDGs of UN 98. CIBRC is responsible for

addresses zero hunger? registration of
lAl 1l [A] bio-pesticides
)El 02 IB] insecticides
lcl 07 [C] fungicides
lDl l7 gzf tsl ot the above I

95. tllitecast' is a forecasting model 99. World free of hunger and

for malnutrition is who's vision?
[A] blister blight of tea lAl wHo
[B] bacterial blight of rice lBl FAo
l9l late blight of potato
!4 rFPRt

[D] turcicum corn btght [D] None of the above

96. Transfer of agricultural 1OO. Which is the most widespread form

technologies to the farmers is '
of malnutrition among preschool
done by KVKs located in children in India?
_ zones of the country.
- [A] Vitamin A deficiency
[B] Iron deficiency anaemia
lBl 7o2 aad, 07
Protein Energr Malnutrition
[C] 71 1 and 08 /[p{ (pEM)

[D] 675 and 09 [D] Iodine deficiency

aBLLr,l llzL-A 13 lP.T.O.

sBLLL( l/21-A l4

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