Brochure eXLerate TAS 2007

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eXLerate is the ideal

software integration platform for Terminal Automation systems, because it brings your demanding flow metering automation and the familiar world of Microsoft Office together into a single solution. Reliably and scalable.

eXLerate allows you

to integrate all your metering and control equipment at your facility, including third party flow metering equipment, batch controllers, tank gauging devices, and PLCs into a single Microsoft Office based solution.

Depot and Terminal Automation

Powered by

eXLerate eXLerate

Your ultimate choice of oil & gas software

Ranging from small standalone systems to a large network of client / server based systems with redundancy and database replication, eXLerate is a perfect solution for all your demanding Depot and Terminal Automation.
eXLerate is a registered trademark of Spirit Holding B.V. Mircosoft Office and Microsoft Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

The process of Depot and Terminal Automation and Management requires a high degree of integration of field equipment and pertaining computer software functionality unfortunately not commonly found in other solutions. For example, most manufacturers of tank gauging equipment offer specific software solutions only for tank inventory, but lack full functionality for flow metering equipment, batch controllers and control valves leaving vital functions of the automation process fully open and unresolved. Other manufacturers partly solve your Depot and Terminal Automation requirements with a software solution that requires purchase of additional third party SCADA software or reporting software tools with introduces a collection of programs and an impressive number of expensive software licenses and configuration / system integration work. eXLerate for Depot and Terminal Automation is the ideal software integration platform for small to medium size terminal systems because it allows you to integrate all of your metering and control equipment at your tank farm depot, including third party flow metering equipment, batch controllers, tank gauging devices, and PLCs into a single solution.

With our Microsoft Excel based eXLerate solution for Depot & Terminal Automation, a high degree of tailored functionality and full integration is facilitated in a single and unique product. eXLerate covers all supervisory functions required for the different areas of a depot and terminals independent of your installed hardware. Product Receipt & Dispatch (from and to pipelines, barges, trucks, railcars and any combination) Batch scheduling Batch controlling Flow metering Meter proving Custody transfer reporting Audit trail for Weights & Measures Vehicle loading scheduling and controlling Loading order processing and management Bill of lading (BOL), delivery documents, etc. Vehicle and driver entry validations Managing Identification Systems Managing vehicle weighing systems

Product Storage (though dome, conical, cylindrical and spherical tanks and underground storage facilities) Interfacing to any brand of level gauges Tank measurement (strapping tables, volume conversions) Tank inventory

eXLerate offers a graphical User Interface, product based tank inventory, fiscal flow metering, valve control, fully automated product loading, and database support available in a tailor-made single solution totally independent of hardware suppliers.

A selection of the available functions in eXLerate can be made by a System Integrator for each client specific Depot and Terminal Automation system. This brochure describes the various software components with which a full-fledged Depot and Terminal Automation solution can be realized from within a Microsoft Office environment.

Product receipt area

Product storage area

Product dispatch area

Depot & Terminal Automation: from product Receipt via product Storage to product Dispatching

With our Microsoft Excel based eXLerate solution for Depot & Terminal Automation, a high degree of tailored functionality and full integration is facilitated in a single and unique product: Single interface to the entire facility Operators are no longer required to work on different type of systems, they have full control from one and the same operator interface. Automatic load order processing Because of its Microsoft Office environment and MySQL database environment, eXLerate will smoothly integrate with any administrative host systems (e.g. SAP/R3) to process incoming and outgoing transaction orders. Supervision of all your equipment You monitor and control all your metering and control equipment from one and the same system. True independency from hardware vendors Spirit Software Innovations is a software company independent from any hardware supplier. eXLerate interfaces to virtually any device, so you are no longer bond to particular brands. Optimized operator interface Operators are no longer annoyed with nonrelevant entry fields and information. Automation of validations & calibrations As an integrated function of the system, online and real-time validation & calibration functionality may be added for field equipment. Compliance with international standards Built-in volume correction methods (API, ISO, ASTM, IP, etc.) allow you to operate according to international standards. Complete documentation eXLerate does not only generate all documents that are required for load order processing, but can also generate all the documentation that is required by the local Weights and Measures authority. Intelligent measurement data Potential measurement problems can be automatically detected when they appear. Measurement disputes can be cleared much easier. Make your facility smarter All measured data from flow meters, tank gauges and weighing bridges is available in a central location allowing for mass balance analysis for the complete terminal. Sophisticated comparison of independent measurements provides very beneficial information. It can not only be used to detect and alarm fluid leakages and measurement failures but it can also help to minimize product give-away (overfilling) especially when the different measurements are performed with high accuracy.


The combination of functionality in eXLerate of SCADA/HMI functionality, flow metering, tank management and product loading creates the ideal tool for System Integrators: Open, functional and flexible You have full control of the software configuration. Powerful built-in features and comprehensive sample applications get you quickly up and running at full speed. It can be tailored to all the specific needs of your customers. Single software license No separate software products for HMI/SCADA, communication drivers, report generation, flow metering functions, etc. are required. Single tag database It is no longer required to maintain data points in additional software packages like an HMI, a reporting tool, a communications driver, and a script & logic processor etc., which tremendously shortens the engineering effort and, just as important, the integration and testing phases in a project. Configuration directly in Excel Exporting and importing configurations to and from Excel is no longer required. Excel is the environment from which you operate. Embedded communication drivers Our embedded communication drivers with integrated protocol analyzers ensure smooth data communications and help out during trouble shooting. Reporting power Report generation and storage directly from the more than rich Office / Excel environment. Calculating power Standard liquid and gas calculations in accordance with international standards such as API/AGA/ISO, as well as customer-specific calculations can be directly entered on an Excel spreadsheet. Programming power Visual Basic for Applications used for customerspecific logic, with a rich library of special builtin functions in our product. Database support & ERP connectivity Built-in MySQL based relational database management system adds ERP (SAP/R3) connected functionality for client based order processing and truck loading.

We eXLerate your operatiing operat ng performance!


We eXLerate your iintegratiion ntegrat on performance!

A complete SCADA environment is available in eXLerate to create a full-fledged application with all the functionality as required for your Depot and Terminal Automation application, including: Data communications Visualization & animation Alarm management Real-time and historical trending Reporting

Visualization & animation

Obtained information may be presented to the user in a graphical mimic page via animated graphical or numerical objects, or typical Excel objects, such as line charts, pie- and stack charts.

Data communications
Real-time data communications can be realized with tank gauge equipment, PLCs, flow computers, batch controllers, but also to a remote DCS. All data communications in the application is defined on a single worksheet containing protocol and data message definitions, while in the tag database worksheet all incoming and outgoing data are made available for display and further processing. Since the configuration is done in Excel, it is easy to include tag lists from engineering companies or to generate such lists for customers. eXLerate is able to concurrently communicate bidirectionally with many serial ports under the Windows NT platforms, each with its own protocol and different information. When connected to Ethernet based devices, high performance Modbus/TCP may be utilized to boost performance even further. The data communications module contains a powerful built-in protocol analyzer, with which all data messages from and to external serial devices can be scrutinized.

Operation of the supervisory computer is made easy using function keys and/or pointing device, and only requires minimal training. Menu navigation through available graphical mimic pages is made robust, simple and straightforward. Object animation, such as coloring or blinking of process symbols on the display depending on an alarm or fault condition can be easily implemented.

Data communication may be fully simulated for all devices, so an application can be fully functional for testing and debugging purposes without the need of having all external devices actually connected. Various protocols are available, including all versions and dialects of Modbus to allow communication with most instrument vendors. The transmitter oriented HART protocol, and a programmable ASCII protocol is available as well. eXLerate is able to act as an OPC Data Access 2.0 client as well, so your application can connect to virtually any protocol (such as DNP3, IEC60870 etc.) using external third party drivers. Please inform us about the communication protocols required in your Depot and Terminal Automation application.

Security levels assigned to various users prevent accidental mistakes or unauthorized access, for example to open a control valve without the proper permission.

Alarm management
The system will automatically generate alarms and events on display and printer in case a process signal exceeds its corresponding limit value. Both an alarm summary, with current alarms, as well as an alarm history is available. All events and alarms will be stored on disk such that historical data are available for analysis in a later stage. To suppress unnecessary alarms, conditions may be defined when the alarm must occur e.g. only when a meter run is actually opened.

An important function for a Depot & Terminal Automation application is the ability to generate (fiscal) reports, such as a bill of lading or a delivery note. In eXLerate, such reports may be automatically generated, printed, stored in an Excel workbook or HTML output format, and e-mailed to a user. The data in the report, such as batch totals, daily averages, periodic data series or other real-time data are all calculated and made available by eXLerate. All data at the supervisory computer may be used for reporting purposes simply by applying familiar Excel worksheet functions and expressions at the report template. The layout and contents of a report are defined in the familiar Excel environment, offering maximum of flexibility and computing power for the system administrator in user-definable reports.

MyCompany Petrochemical Company

Tank Farm Shift report

Data from Previous report

9/Jan/2005 21:01 9/1/2005 13:01:46

Summary display containing actual alarms




Level [mm] 21847 28706 19330 11393 2737 11259 11074 18615 28482 20821 16601 5898 20810 12517 17570 17179 10586 26610 599 25340 20830 20485 8596 14137 4364 4934 18916 3289 28458 2029 29597 25128 26785

Interface [mm] 18 0 0 0 20 0 0 36 41 0 38 39 39 11 0 0 49 0 50 0 24 24 46 27 31 42 0 23 0 30 18 0 29

Volume [m3] 46902 57723 41530 24478 5835 24189 5261 12218 12244 12289 12247 6566 14280 16129 22669 11337 940 1219 49 1263 1261 1887 1183 3783 557 698 5019 329 30942 3394 30911 14623 14529

Std Vol. Calc. density [m3] [kg/m] 47841 57799 40905 24201 5683 23978 5496 12230 12237 12352 12388 6600 14256 16115 22767 11356 934 0 50 1252 1260 1899 1192 3749 541 687 4960 325 30591 3344 30452 14631 14568 497.7 507.0 515.5 591.9 600.9 590.4 523.3 410.6 800.4 796.0 790.9 795.9 801.4 1075.9 896.1 898.5 774.8 0.0 755.5 781.8 775.9 769.8 768.6 1009.0 721.9 787.7 809.6 910.4 617.5 710.5 710.6 699.6 698.1

calc. mass [Ton] 24583158.80 29595143.00 20981982.78 14219411.10 3368980.28 14092093.34 2334443.15 5026711.34 9789904.55 9881383.59 9910328.76 5279815.60 11404463.18 17323587.05 20490485.20 10220245.27 719996.76 0.00 38939.39 970633.62 976354.97 1471980.76 924129.20 3749223.70 378351.94 532086.36 3967619.31 292434.85 18675891.97 2340518.72 21316262.52 10241599.29 10197382.33

Avg temp [degC] 21.6 15.5 9.7 8.5 0.0 17.2 15.0 9.6 14.4 20.4 27.2 20.4 13.1 13.6 20.6 17.1 10.2 8.3 37.8 7.0 14.0 21.1 22.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.0 8.0 3.7 3.6 15.4 17.0


All alarms may have a priority assigned to distinguish urgent alarms from warnings and events. Alarms may be also assigned to an alarm group, such as a production line or instrument group. If any alarm occurs in a group the group alarm will be raised. Alarms may be also optionally stored in a MySQL based relational database.


In eXLerate, real-time and historical trending is available to permanently store process parameters and derived data. Any tag from the tag database may be selected for real-time and historical trending. A tag will only be recorded when the change in value exceeds a certain user-defined threshold value, preventing excessive data storage. Several pens may be displayed simultaneously in a single trend graph. An application may contain various independently changing trend graphs.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

YT-FB-101A YT-FB-101B YT-FB-101C YT-FB-111A YT-FB-111B YT-FB-111C YT-FB-121 YT-FB-201A YT-FB-201B YT-FB-201C YT-FB-201D YT-FB-211A YT-FB-211B YT-FB-221A YT-FB-221B YT-FB-231 YT-FB-291 YT-FB-292 YT-FB-293 YT-FB-294 YT-FB-295 YT-FB-296A YT-FB-296B YT-FB-241A YT-FB-241B YT-FB-241C YT-FB-241D YT-FB-241E YT-FB-251A YT-FB-251B YT-FB-251C YT-FB-261A YT-FB-261B

Propane Propane Propane Butane Butane Butane Propylene 50% C austic Soda 50% C austic Soda 50% C austic Soda 50% C austic Soda Ethylene Dichloride Ethylene Dichloride Pyrolysis Gasoline Pyrolysis Gasoline Reconstuted Naphta Heptane Hexane Methanol Extending Oil-B Extending Oil-A Styrene Monomer Styrene Monomer Vinyl Chloride monomer Vinyl Chloride monomer Vinyl Chloride monomer Vinyl Chloride monomer Vinyl Chloride monomer Benzene Benzene Benzene Mixed Xylene Mixed Xylene

Report output, stored in a multi-worksheet workbook

Reports may be automatically generated predefined intervals or at certain events.


For example, a bill of lading may be automatically generated after successful completion of a delivery procedure. In addition, a user may select to manually generate a report, or to reprint existing report sheets. Reports are generated from a report template worksheet, and may be stored in a report output workbook, for example as a separate worksheet in a report output workbook, thus forming a collection of day- week- or monthly reports. Additionally, a report may be stored in HTML format as well, enabling a remote user to have an Internet browser installed only as interface with the metering system. The HTML output is optimized for small file size.

Historical trending with multiple pens

eXLerate continuously monitors the available disk capacity to prevent disk overflow conditions. 5

Tank inventory management in eXLerate offers the end-user a complete graphical overview of a tank farm, fully integrated in the Depot and Terminal Automation solution. The communication module of eXLerate allows for direct serial or Ethernet connection to PLCs and tank gauge equipment from various manufacturers, utilizing the vendor specific communication protocol, or through general protocols, such as Modbus/TCP and OPC client.

Alternatively, reports can be stored in a .HTML format as well, which in combination with a web server allows for report browsing over an intranet.

Tank inventory calculations

Tank actual measured volume is corrected for the tank type, and liquid product according to API-2540 or TP-25 (LPG), or various other calculation methods. Optionally, user defined strapping tables can be used as well using a simple spreadsheet interface. Tank types which are currently supported are: dome, conical, covered floating roof, and spherical.

Reporting tank inventory

Tank farm inventory reports may be defined which may be automatically generated, such as: Shift reports Day reports Monthly reports Snapshot reports Reports are all Excel formatted spreadsheets, where the system is able to archive all generated reports on the hard-disk of the system, or at a network drive.

Graphical Tank Displays

Various graphical and table-oriented display pages are available for the user: Tank farm overview. This type of display page shows an overview of the entire tank farm, with the most important parameters displayed. The following properties are available: Tag number Product Level Calculated actual volume Product Temperature

Calculated liquid density Vapour Reference density Calculated VCF Calculated Vapour density Calculated Liquid mass Calculated Vapour mass Temperature Water & vapor temperature various status signals

Tank Group display This type of display is used to subdivide the tanks in a tank farm into logical groups of tanks, for example per liquid type. The following parameters are displayed: Tag number Tank type Product Level Calculated actual volume Calculated standard volume Calculated mass Product Temperature

Tank maintenance pages These pages are available to allow the operator to change settings for a tank. These parameters include, but are not limited to: Tank data (tank dimensions, tank type, parameters for roof correction etc. Temperature sensor data Alarm settings Product data settings Product calculation settings

With the appropriate security rights set, an operator is able to setup the tank farm and define all parameters which are associated with a tank.

Tank Detail display This type of display shows all measured and calculated parameters for a selected tank. The following parameters are displayed: Tag number & Tank type Product name Tank Height Stilling well height Level Uncorrected level Corrected Interface Level Uncorrected interface level Calculated actual product volume Calculated standard product volume Water volume (measured) Water volume (Corrected, FWV) Maximum storage capacity (MaxC) Free storage capacity Liquid Reference density 7 Such parameters include temperature sensor properties providing maximum flexibility for the enduser. Exact details regarding tank parameters and settings depend on the type of connected hardware, and may be tailored to the requirements of each customer.

Flow metering within the concept of eXLerate is considered as an integral part of the depot and tank management system.

Liquid metering functions

Liquid (and also gas) metering are areas in which eXLerate is powerful through its available metering functionality. The support for liquid metering includes, but is not limited to: Liquid density calculations (i.e. API liquid density calculations, TP-25 LPG density corrections and various other liquids) ready to be directly used in the application spreadsheet. Retentive flow totalizers, time weighted averages, flow weighted averages and periodic time series for each data point as required. Linearization curves for correction of calibrated meters straight in the application software. Proving (master meter proving, compact and ball proving), either through a flow computer, or directly in the application. Batching, batch control, and associated batch reporting. Instrument validation & diagnostics (on-line and real-time verification of field instrumentation, such as pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters, densitometers etc). Audit trails at the supervisory level, as well as from connected devices. All of the required flow metering equipment specific data formats (i.e. 64-bits IEEE double precision floating point formats, various dedicated formats). Ultrasonic meter diagnostics & validation (VOS footprint charts, VOS ratio chart, gain monitoring, status monitoring).

Interfaces with flow computers and field equipment from various manufacturers is realized by means of its communications drivers, ranging from Ethernet or serial port based communication protocols.

Supported metering devices

Special metering devices, such as ultrasonic meters, electronic turbine meters and flow computers from various vendors are integrated in eXLerate beyond the regular Modbus interface found in many other metering systems. For example, eXLerate is able to directly read out historical reports from an Omni 3000/6000 flow computer, which are archived and can be reprinted at any time.

Virtual Flow computing

With eXLerate, support in our Depot and Terminal Automation solution is available for virtual flow computing, in systems where no mandatory requirement from the National Weights & Measures organization is required for a hardware based flow computer, but where flow calculations are still an essential part of the application. The virtual flow computing functions operate on hardware controllers from various vendors, such as Honeywell, ABB and others. With larger quantity of loading gantries, the concept of virtual flow computing utilizing hardware controllers is more cost effective than when using a flow computer because of the larger quantity I/O. Virtual flow computing can be verification or backup metering. also used for

A sophisticated mechanism make sure that the central report archive is synchronized with all the flow computers at all times even when the eXLerate system has been offline for a longer period.

Since the software internally uses the double precision floating point formats throughout the entire application, high accuracy is ensured over the calculated flow results. 8

Batch controllers are devices which are especially laid out for the loading and unloading of trucks, rail cars and barges. A batch controller typically resides in the hazardous area near to the actual loading facility.

eXLerate brings the automation of load transactions to a higher level. A selection of such functions is: directly interface to the readers and coordinate all the vehicle, driver and loading authorization. remotely monitor, control and set up the individual batch controllers. send loading information to and receive transaction data from the batch controllers. maintain safe compartment fill levels. print loading reports for grouped orders, i.e. orders consisting of multiple batches.

Upon batch initiation the device monitors and controls all inputs and outputs associated with the loading process (valves, pumps, ground protection, overfill protection, level switches, etc.). It allows for interruption / cancellation of the batch in case of any loading problems. Other devices, such as Ex(i) rated terminals, displays and barcode readers may be additionally installed at the loading gantry. When barcode and/or card readers are used for loading gate entry/exit and loading authorization, either the supervisory computer, or when connected directly, the batch controller interfaces to such associated equipment. The interfacing may be direct or indirect, e.g. via PLC or the supervisory computer system. When the loading transaction has ended the batch controller prints a delivery ticket to its local printer (if available).

When the loading is subjected to the local Weights & Measures authority it must also print a Custody Transfer protocol to the associated printer. A batch controller receives its order data manually through a local terminal or remotely from a host system.

eXLerate for Depot and Terminal Automation supports all functions to manage and control the loading of products into trucks, rail cars, barges (ships) and pipelines.

Verify validity of loading transactions Support self-service loading with camera monitoring Manage vehicle weigh bridges

Loading order management

Manage planned (scheduled) orders Manage immediate orders Accept compartment-based loading orders Aggregate loading orders such that one loading order covers multiple vehicles Accept loading orders from and send transaction data to a host system (e.g. Management of customer and delivery addresses. Support for multiple loading stations Support for multiple compartments per vehicle Manage compartment loading sequences.

Control field devices

Plan Orders
Customer Delivery address Product

Monitor and control batch controllers, flow computers, PLCs, weighing bridges, etc. Exchange loading information
Product Quantity

Planned orders

Send product-dependent data such as densities and meter factors to the flow computers / batch controllers Store complete audit trails for Weights & Measures authorities

Activate Order
Active Orders Group one or more orders into a single aggregated order. Plan forwarding agency and vehicles Assign order quantities to vehicle compartments Vehicle

Coordinate flow meter proving Facilitate instrument validation & calibration Interface to bar code and card reading equipment

Forwarding agency

Control Loading
Loading control Release loading order Execute and control loading process (start, stop, cancellation). Display actual status and quantities. Print out transaction report Batch Controller Flow Computer Report

Document management
Automatically printout delivery document for each executed loading order. Generate and archive Bill of Ladings, transactions reports, delivery receipts, shipment documents, etc. Facilitate extensive reporting based on customers, orders, products, vehicles, drivers etc.

Generate Documents
Documents Generate Bill Of Lading Generate delivery documents Statistics On customers, vehicles product etc. System throughput.

eXLerate uses the powerful and open MySQL database engine for storage of all configuration, order and transaction data. eXLerate provides a comprehensive database template supporting all the mentioned loading functions. The template can be fully adapted to the needs of the actual facility.

Vehicle management
Manage vehicles, drivers, forwarding agencies Manage trucks / locomotives and trailers / rail cars (combined or separately). Manage access to the facility at the entry and exit gates, and Manage authorization by ID and PIN code Manage authorization through card readers 10

In an eXLerate based Depot & Terminal Automation system, the vertical integration architecture of a complete solution can be implemented as in the illustration below. At the top end, a companys ERP system is the high end interface with the Depot & Terminal Automation solution, and exchanges client driven order processing data with the eXLerate system. At this level, various supervisory computers are the

backbone of the Depot & Terminal Automation application, of which one or more computers are connected to the batch controllers, PLCs, flow computers and optionally directly connected to field devices, for example utilizing the HART protocol. The connection between these layers is based on Ethernet, or serial (RS232/RS485) interfaces. Field equipment, such as tank gauges, pressure transmitters, temperature transmitters are connected to the controller layer via either 4-20mA signal loops, or utilizing the HART protocol.

ERP infrastructure Internet

Client-/server infrastructure with eXLerate for Depot & Terminal Automation

Controllers, PLCs and Flow computers

Tank level devices, transmitters

Storage tanks


The eXLerate software solution is completely independent of hardware suppliers. It provides builtin communication facilities to interface to intelligent sub-systems and field devices: Batch controllers Tank gauges Flow computers PLC systems DCS systems GIS (Geographical Information Systems) GPS (for time synchronization) Fire & Gas systems

Hardware requirements
eXLerate 2003 runs best on a Personal Computer with a Pentium IV based processor (>=1GHz). Memory capacity should be 256MB of RAM or more. Required hard-disk space highly depends on application specific storage requirements, typically 10GB.

Software requirements
eXLerate 2003 runs under Windows NT4.0 (SP5), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, in combination with Microsoft Excel 2000 SR3, or Microsoft XP SR3. A remote eXLerate database server may run under various other operating systems, including UNIX. Please inform at Spirit for further information.

Although eXLerate fully supports OPC and Modbus, which are the de-facto communication protocols used in the process industry and which allow it to interface to virtually any device, it provides even sophisticated communications at a higher level to specific flow computers and batch controllers, which brings integration and automation to an even higher level.

Main Office, The Netherlands:

Spiritit B.V. Postbox 2019, 5600 CA, Eindhoven Office address: Paradijslaan 44, 5611 KP, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Tel: +31 40 23 69 445 Fax: +31 40 23 69 605 mailto: surfto:
For further information, please contact our main office, or your local distributor:


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