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HERITAGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY stream:_Chornical Engineering Paper: Chemistry— Be Paper Code: ¢ HEM~ O04 Date of Examination : \6/o8/202. L Full Signature of Student : Berochan Mawik rane. | 1. 12[6[2[010[O[é [0 [1 [5 Reg. No. Total Marks | Total in Words Hem 1008 LEC 101, vars 1061 ferevtmen sear con Torsone Sens Name ofthe Candidate Son / Daughter of Compulsory Papers (REGULAR ) ADMIT BEROCHAN MARIK: SOMNATH MARIK Registration Number of 2020-2021 Roll Number 12520006015 ‘Session: 2020-2024 For and Semester B.Tech Examination 2021 in Chemical Engineering snes Ena Chematy Se Becta Engrocrs Communication fr Presson creme La se Hectic Engng La nae Grapes & Design Pretesnorl Communeaton ib ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION. fem nt ate fa Reap et ec ane ks ed ity er Ma Grroup- A Berachan Mark 4262000601 > Bolh a ard b D> sed ii ® ynetal- Sprangly- sat uelole. 7 » Fi /smit v > Taversely, proportional te the a Concontradiol Ne O>ENyL chloride OF Aho reacloud A A -am Elseholyhe call coll chemical way is nh o> Osromakie sibdanee eee V5, @h4,C00l4 Db ally eclipsed, Greerup-B Beraochan Mark 42620006015 @ Cavona\ Shosen cone denest [4- few ~{ tay Ms Aq™ = Fa > Ae = Rein | = Talo, Ri ln Ay RG ls “Wa GT a Now, Sor Carnot eran ee achieve. nate rnasduine ELAM 5 al Ae Nenee, GM 4 — © therefore, for OK Jenapanahstres Contra cycle achiever poste efficien a chawieel pote micah potenti is a pa lial me! venalar / vealal Spon which indicates Ve. \ncvease| vn Gules enoray due cro the addikion of ave Ghesimd numer of mnales ot Hab subslame Go -o-bra Wintuve bev vnde of the sub Berochan Mari 42620006015 @ [ Sibos Db The free enor oh a Given syle as a shake cfunesien ‘upon dhe Paraneders (et, v) Sines thap ave tlemeled 5 We way write G= $e Bu ifwetuke ov Opens don the free energy wilh depends wean, the amaund-of the Conepomank® G= F(R; Wits = BP derGy,dr BO ont AG = Vap_sd T+ QB)dn, H+ —O ‘OT m,,.- and is denoted by, the symbol AL, Adter addition of Component Q, Now, AG pr -MdnaMedn tA dn, —— =Sitidn, Then, ‘at Condom Rand, ah Ane Comoponerds ove_ ner in the Same proportion, An = Axo du, = 4,2. Hens A AG=Grdx 6 6% an cHensive propent Berachan Mark 412620006015 @ Now from (1), AG = Any de +m dnt + +Uinax Ov, @Ax= dre (Abn Hetty + 2+) or, G= LN tM, ++ Ai = > pate = > Aw = (adn, +Abpdnes +) + Come in, + mys ot --) _G) Henees Comparing, @ and(ii) Vdpuemdprts-- =O “Ths yg. Any Ab +MeMst <5 dh = Ay dntdbdneee = Slbn O= Midiyn, du +--+ = Snduu Fnduy= WAU andy anjdligs --- =o TH is the Gibbs duhem Equation ds as Anfrared protons Bevochan Mavik 12620006015 e Acearding bo Weisenber ais Uneortaidy, eeaineie| An Ap = Wor | M= DMxlo?" h= 6-626 xio44 ze So, MM AV 2 ATT vn 5% 6.026% 10" An FAXD MW IOP OKO” > AVY we AV} 5B F9MI0% ws [4x- 0-48] enee Uncertainday “in raat uring, velocity is Be xo m/s S @rCO, absorbs AR todiabom because hos \ adernal cyilbrations with the Same energie iS CO, is a holero polar vnelecule, whieh esses ” bewnanend dipole SRBTRON Cel rere eternal asevladi < Avelric HAY hones Cause % “AR absorp Tin Bevochan Mark 42620006015 Avpliedions oR . i) Thaving rrore number of absgerephion land TR provides mare dcevrate Angoomation, Dsouts|nuctunes of-wolecules. @ clea nie uscd po dolewnine characlerishies ob cobalyst . FD) To oalyie reseland vk pratus ie, Vin svu- reaction ~ronitorlg GD Analyses Lrayid belwann sell plates. Grroup- Beraochan Mari 12620006016 @ Ca. Molecule. C2 Carbon’ electronic Condi palo AS oso Hove ‘total 12 elecbrons re: ave in G Maleeule, a “The Maleeular ont oe ele etic Confignion thy he ee! 4 Ser ' oe een #27272 Ls 4s \s Nes Gs [Te el bay The ope, Bord ordov me eae si(e-D=2 \_ Ss : : ; The walacle ends and a yams Wis aiarnagadic due to Lr AOlbsence er Urpaived ahechrans, b ‘ Aeearding do NSEPR Theory » The deyiabion in banc | angle is dependant on he rehechronogehivi ties, As ne sulpPhur atom is Large thom oxyaen, the 2hecho Awilr-es, dacreases. eee Vro position of Whe Aus bide bonds pains ohtlts away and away dram \ho Ris Conbal atom. asequondby the versttsion a . Cone we bond a 47 ON Is~ g & nN Waa decreases az We Mave Jrom Toa me 4 | tee to LS Thre dome “the bad Aral decrees _| d> Berochan Marik 42620006015 Beryltiums elechronie configuration A5?28% where Baron's electronic Conkisuvakion is Leastz pt. Thus, for berylbium te be \ owzed, requires amor envy Bor loreal the stable configuration os of Neliums . Buk for Boron, rhobting Stable Condiguaradion 0 a helium alter \ orazakion Thus “pp Grol ‘oni zection polentia of Bexy\Lium ts ware. than Boron. " Ba+ thos Bo+HA wWhone Bol} iswweak base] and Wh is weak acid + BTA A +40 > BOW+ HA Srifel _, a Gueortrain € ° OPK Soaidin| allle Kye Lissoctl iin cGn) et") eh ch ey _ Pei] 2 Ko < Ke apy ote CaO h= VK -> Teot tit) oan Ky = Let [Ad] Berachan Mark 42620006015 Mabliplgong both Minne ar Sherer bt Fsdfowr] , os reccranging thal, — Offewd, tL a a TetJfowl © 5 [Bot] THA) 2 = —Kw aa Kee Ka - hee Kak oe weak acid YA dissociales te bheradte Wr HA WY AT 4 _ BTA _ Ka DHA Kem “Ti el Ta] = ketch oy. th) © Kash wer [le kl WI 2 | phe depkw + eek 4% TR equi red ex pressi of @® Berochan Mark 42620006015 tae" ---HHoy Nat eM é =O e=e 7 S Ne HO Wp oP Na. p : hed +- “ Fumer |e. Aeid. Fumert e. Aeid clue 4+. vane shuelume foomd insermoleeular H-bond having, more assoctadile fovee And have bebler Paeking im ergata labbied| erg roe el poind: than maleic acid Where indramalzeular W-bond along Loith poor packing Present Group - D Berochan Marik 42620006015 Nob the rea edion RP J vralect vention, v= SET = “AEN ~ ihe Inge) = GO _ _ eke aw s Oh Ws kt R>P 4-0 2 O : = tk = @ x |-wa Se t=+ Ga) % Ss x=al-e me) Hence Th ts Pre Aexived expression el, €00 Calls -t-NaOll > CH, COM e+ CMeOtt Lek » “Sribial Coneerdealion be “a. Aes? of yeaekion is Complelel, he amount oe yonetomd ere ts Y from Yormila of Secand orlor vreachton ; Rade Banshanl Ke : ED zo) a XBx 60x G-%) =n +1 ~ San Berochan Mark 412620006015 Now, Wale fe = ty = > - x ty= OXSoca. > ty, = Soo secands = (5 mindes [Ane] é Tonic rash lly tis Swe velocity of « partie ~ jon KW sdudion ts Proportional to tne Strength of He pple At (e) Ten Conductonee of hat Oa) = 53-9 ymhoCm* Ton Conduchaner of Nor (QD = C184 whe em? “Tramsper| number of fet SRo $,2 4, = = 0-465 Net he 53-9 +6\-24 + “Franeporl niwben. of Alger = t= Bosc RR Now, toni oii = Giga ws Tonie mo byoh 53-9+61-34 Agt = Us a Ne + FE = 0-5343 = 35 _ 5.5955 x14 2c500 7 xo wig Tone milky ° “ + = G34 Nog = U_= ae = 56500 = 6-40 gax\obwelvt a a Berachan Marik 42620006015 Poligmer leehrolite ynarnlsrane in H2-% §uel ealh 4 () conduel podon Som ton- exchange purpose, @) Alye acks os the lechelyte. The veacdions ave y Anode:- Hy 207+ 2 Colale :- Y0,* ON 126 —> HO Group E Berachan Marik 42620006015 Ammovia . (NIE) Gas Shuchive — 4 “NN “The geanahey is " lebrabhodral drt hope is Anigonah pyramidal. Rotali onak Axis \ CS 126 6 aN a oa yon an De {ou 1 Both sthruchunee ave same, 0 oh = e c Ne dolk = age TSt= 2 told TRS, The axis \s ofold on Ge aks No. of & planes LP Js Y K One O- plane ORD KA With each yotadion of 420° there \s one. ST plone So 4folal there are. amr plane, So the tell no. of & planes is z © “Bero chan Mavik 42620006016 positional Tsomerism The type ot shuchural Tomentn| vetere Which onises whendthe carbon tdeton paemans Unchanged bul the s 4 Group ov oborn Sceupics difevend postions in the Meeleton, a =x ome... ce x Cs cl, Ce - otf eH ae o} Propon-2ol acid cabalysedl clehydration of cng Clhe eke Seu, ells The. hoffman, ~vrule shader dhat E,2 elinnadic Proluess predominantly The Loge subsdilitled alkene if --he ebirination are. Carried oud wi rovged swostrates, Berachan Mark, 42620006015 © he Hog AO), 8s ey creel, Rey ‘ Cooninas) SOU, 2 Oe he ae Crtajor) “The produch cei ecu= off & [2-ralyl-{-bulog] is “rajan De User ob oi ab winergeean P © Th ie used | in Low Gomeontrabion tn Chessing, qum. @ rs used to wale pain oe ellen - wadteius doy aeule ri Oi ob winker reuscle gor gon Ki) Used as prolgesie Ci) Awe wed dor 4 mproving claslomaie 3 “properties of bu old Febber Sree Sike effets _ Qu is “Or ie polersially deadly in pediahei < population, @ nee haz toxie sible effec. ®, Gi) Algo du Ce. Muoraie veachons in Nshor Concorde | Berachan Mark 412620006015 © W eH, el, st CLOW ays Qk 2 Nag LAs Hp Vv Get, att 4 cuits EH Ot eo "S \ surodep > EL cco’ ow Ay XM RTEX® sep ° DS RAN Rar > RENO RNe Transition | ih » 4 a 8 Shee Pee R S\ern —Tiversion and TEwersion chemists () Rorenaion co) Mole sealer. Univraleenlare Bimaleentar F s\n Polar} “Treresses in r soe [ALS enk | BPreke sate Roacsivity 3y 2yk> At- Ug TYe>3" Berachan Mark 42620006015 © Addition d WB in Absence. af of peroxide Lellaws Markenikovg addition As the Mechanism 18, oe He- Sy om, W¢ fen fete Q- ‘Drspard Welles ane ion 1S Mairkceni€ay noed-slalle Addihion Rules Bob, on Addition of New te Praluck’] presence ofperoxide fell ows Ank-Markenikou ddditin as Theme is oO diMenenel- Mechanism oceurs. Mecharisen [@ R-o-0-R 4 => 2R-O- Leeroxide} ® - gpl, —> Ras Be @- aT wedeo > ye—E-- CHR “27 Radical fooms @) ; Ast is hable, Gs He— beet + he Sis ° - coher HB "> He E-eHBe + Bt Andi Marko kav Product 4 Al Th case of N.N-Dimelhal emiine ths dialloyl derivatives y the NMeZpeip 1s Complanae with benzene ving. so p-elechron CHa oe els Cone pair) on Nader and ti . er Ovbitals @ remaing /ndhe Same lane. For this the i: weDinalll 7 online ineniatanetern be ized via P orb nthe benzene ms ard ils Rds Raswh the ® ele ctran audit awailability th nw Parra. Position is high ard Lene ob WHORE i ae tahemellyl dckem once lees basie Aniline Bus on NNe2s6-eLadvamellyt onlne, LAB . voy Aue roulky cmnadhyl groups ip ortha positions of bewzene ving >the Nie? group Ean Ne lorger be in Same plane, Therefore » clue te Stevie anbibition of vesowmec sthe Pclechrens ao N atom dow Mok, delocslize henec Wis more, besie. oe aR ens’ Ne 0 + Berochan Mavik 12620006015 @

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