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Monbel thibaut 2nd9 25,75/30

1 :

A tragedy a nightmare

A terrorist attack breaking news

A plane to collapse

The Twin Towers to evacuate

2 :

I was wasn’t was I

You were weren’t were you

He was wasn’t was he

We were weren’t were we

You were weren’t were you

They were weren’t were they

A was

B were

C wasn’t

D were

E was

3 : 160 words

The september 11th 2001, in new york, there was a terrorist attack, the terrorist attack destroyed
somes americans symbols, this day was named the american nightmare.

In the first place, a plane crash into the first tower of the world trade center, after, a second plane
crashed on the same tower and everyone in the USA were horrified, next, a plane crash into the
seconds tower and everyone in manathan run away of manhatan, they saw some smoke comming
and the pepole on the towers jump out of the windows for not be burnt by the fire, another plane
crash into a filed in pensilvania because a person on the air plane attack a member of the terrorist
and everyone in the plane died. The terrorist attack was done by a terroris group called ackaida and
the leader was Ousama Benladen who was killed in 2011.

This day was the hightest terrorist attack of the world ever knew.

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