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For part two of my rambles, I move onto the topic of women.

In the previous ramble, I

brought up how I hate women in an extreme sense, and this is unchanging. But I want to talk
about women because they’re disgusting. I was scrolling through Instagram, which is basically
now a softcore pornography receptacle, and I kept seeing videos or pictures of women being
promiscuous. This wasn’t deviating from the norm at all, but today something clicked. There was
a video of a mediocre looking Hispanic woman shaking her ass in a sundress, and being a
connoisseur of mediocre looking hispanic women myself, I checked her profile out. In her bio
was just the word “God,” with a praying hands emoji right next to it. A lot of these sluts bring up
things like how, “God is above all,” and whatnot. Obviously this is true, but women saying it
seems ingenuine. They seem so vain. Almost every post from the majority of them is showing
off their face or bodies, and rarely their family or friends or what they’re doing (unless it gives
them the disguise of being a worthwhile person.)
Why is this? Most women are basically living penis holders, I understand, but I feel like
it’s all a farce. They put on this show about how confident they are or how good they feel
emotionally, but it’s clearly a disguise. They’re not happy. They probably have a shit ton of
anxiety too, almost every woman I’ve ever met had terrible anxiety, from my mother to basically
every one of my girlfriends. Women post only pictures of themselves so other women can kiss
their ass in the comments saying how pretty they are and to “keep slaying,” or what have you.
And it’s cyclical, every woman does it too. Maybe I don’t truly hate women. I may just pity them
so much that it makes me inconceivably angry. They never improve because they never have to.
They settle for a life of simple pleasures until they’re old and ugly, and they never make
anything worthwhile, except for their sons; but even that is a setting sun, more and more women
are starting to detest the idea of having children. I think that’s a good way to remove the retards
from our gene pool. Just let them wither up and hit menopause, by the time that happens, they’ll
want kids and it’ll be too late.
I don’t think I’m jealous of women either. They’re handed everything on a platter, sure,
but in the end, they’ll never be as strong as me. They have no experience with struggle, only the
illusion. They may have had a bad breakup once or twice in their lives, but they almost always
fix it by sleeping around like a whore. Most likely because women understand their pussies are
(for some reason I don’t know) considered valuable, so they have complete control of the ‘sex
market,’ for lack of a better term. I don’t think women have a concept of being part of a group
either. A lot of women I meet have few friends, and I know why. Because women have
sexualized themselves to the point where no man wants to be their friend without fucking them,
and women can’t have meaninful relationships with other women because they will always
gossip and talk shit about one another.
And a good amount of the time, most females can never get enough. You can sacrifice
anything and everything for them, and for many, that still won’t be enough. I think this ties back
to them having no clue about what suffering truly is. They have no concept on what certain
actions or even tangible objects take as a mental toll. You can sacrifice your friendships and
family for them (you’re a cuck if you do this) and they’ll still want more.
These ‘people,’ if you will, aren’t beyond saving of course. Mary Magdalene was a
whore, and if you’re Martin Scorcese, you think she fucked a nigger in front of Jesus, but she
still turned out pretty okay. Holy Mary is a shining example of a wonderful woman, and one I
consider to be more of a maternal figure to me than any earthly being.
When I see a woman in public, I look right through them. It’s like seeing another guy,
except I can expect their conversation and personality to be about as thin as paper, so I don’t
even waste time thinking about them. I hardly notice their beauty anymore, female beauty to me
is like the bright colors of a poisonous berry, or a flower I’m allergic to. It’s neat to see from afar
at first, but it only takes so long before I just can’t bring myself to give a fuck. Even dating one
seems like a waste at this point. If they refuse to bear children and whine all the time, it’s not
worth the time.
This isn’t to say I haven’t met good women. I’ve dated enough, and I’m friends with a
few, but nine out of ten have this problem of vanity. I genuinely believe almost all of them are
mentally ill in one way or another. Anxiety, depression, addiction, it’s such a wide range of
problems, and some women have more than one! A lot of fellas have problems too, don’t get me
wrong, but more men have their shit together than women. Women use the minority of men to
strawman the fuck out of any argument to say men are generally worse than women.
Just not the case. Sure, my evidence is anecdotal, but it’s overwhelmingly one sided. I’ve
met far fewer abusive men than abusive women, and far fewer men who cheat than women who
cheat. I’m not even going to bring in posts on the internet as support because that will just
destroy any femoid argument or empathy I have for them and bring this passage to a close
quicker than I want to.
I completely forgot to bring up the female impact on politics too. Women have no real
grasp on facts or evidence, so they rely on emotion. That’s why for 4000+ years of civilization
they had no real say in domestic or foreign affairs, unless they used their pussy (a la Cleopatra).
But the biggest flaw of our governing body was allowing them to have a vote equal to people
who do have a grasp on facts and evidence. Overnight, elections went from deciding whose
policies are favorable to who’s liked as a person by more people. Women, who make up around
half the population, can swing the election in any way they want, since almost all of them, again,
operate off of feelings rather than fact. At the time of writing this, late November 2020, this is
especially topical, because Donald Trump just lost his reelection to Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a
senile old man who can’t string together a sentence and is projected by many to die or resign in
the first year of his presidency, ushering his mystery meat vice president (who’s a corrupt cop)
into power. Donald Trump on the other hand did plenty for the economy, brought more jobs
from around the world back into America, and is the first president in 40 years to not start an
armed conflict while he was in office.
But of course Joe Biden won because he had the full backing of the mainstream media.
Women are avid consumers of cheap and accessible media, so couple that with their inherent
stupidity and they’ll believe anything they see on their phones. It really doesn’t matter the age or
race either, they just take in whatever info is told to them enough, so when the news framed
Donald Trump as a terrible man who’s ruining the country for 4 years, they believed it.
I’m not even going to get into white women either. Literally the biggest politically active
female group and by far some of the most annoying fucking creatures in the animal kingdom. I’d
rather interact with a bunch of ants in a skinsuit on a regular basis than encounter a white woman
in public, or for that matter, in private. They’re obsessed with being “informed,” but informed to
them is sitting in a communist-Jewish echo chamber university for four years while they ride the
cock carousel on the side. They advocate for world peace yet vote for the cogs of the military
industrial complex. They advocate for self care yet abuse hard drugs and alcohol. They advocate
for body positivity yet kill children. I will never understand their reasoning, even if it was laid
out right in front of me, I’d simply decline to listen. It’s like listening to a toddler speak. I nod
along and smile and use a happy voice as they spout their babble.
Maybe if we legalized beating them again, we could bring our species back on track.

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