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For Immediate Release Contact Information:

February 26, 2021 Liz Tarsitano


Love Beauty And Planet Announces Charity Event to Reduce Plastic Waste In Oceans

MANCHESTER, U.K.: Love Beauty And Planet will begin a worldwide campaign to

raise awareness for climate change, focusing on plastic pollution in the ocean, that encourages

the general public to get out and clean up their beaches. They will host an event that will take

place on June 8, 2021 that will send people out to local beaches, parks and other polluted areas in

an attempt to get them clean and stop the spread of plastic pollution.

In order to encourage a large amount of participation, Love Beauty And Planet will be

giving away five baskets full of their products, each totalling a $100 value. In these baskets are

products that are exclusive and are only being given away for this event. These collectible

baskets will provide incentive to participate and obtain products that will never be available


“This campaign will be a great way to showcase the roots of what this company stands

for while getting people talking about all the different ways they can help their own

communities,” Global Vice President Piyush Jain stated, “It will be great to see everyone doing

their part in helping keep our planet healthy”.

The day of the event, people are encouraged to head out locally where they notice large

amounts of plastic pollution. In order to enter the giveaway, participants will have to post a

picture of them to Instagram under the hashtag “#KeepOurOceansPlasticFree” during a 24 hour

time period on the day of. This allows for a large enough time frame to get the largest amount of

participation while also containing it in a way that makes it easy to see the impact and spread the


Love Beauty And Planet is extremely dedicated to keeping oceans clean. The date of this

event was chosen specifically because it is World Oceans Day. This will lead to a larger

conversation about taking care of the planet, especially the oceans. Choosing this day allows for

information to be spread via the Love Beauty And Planet Instagram account encouraging people

to learn more about keeping oceans clean.

About Love Beauty And Planet:

Love Beauty And Planet is a beauty product brand that also specializes in giving back to the

planet in everything they do. They showcase a wide range of products, all with ingredients that

are good for the planet. The packaging of all of their products is also designed to all be recycled,

reused or composted. The main goal of the company is to provide products to keep the consumer

feeling their best while also keeping the planet beautiful.

Company Backgrounder

Mission Statement: Love Beauty And Planet aims to create a line of products and campaigns that

bring awareness to the bigger issue of climate change and environmental consciousness. They

aim to help stop pollution, especially within oceans, and keep the planet healthy.

History: Love Beauty And Planet began as a group of people in 2018 with the same idea at heart:

creating great products while also giving back to our planet. They believed that looking good and

doing good should go hand in hand, and created a wide range of products that allow their

customers to do exactly that. Love Beauty And Planet strives to share their goals with the people

buying their products, and hopes to encourage them to take initiative in their own lives to make a

positive change. They make it well known that they are aiming to make a huge positive impact in

the world with their products and company message as a whole, and encourage those buying

their products to do their part.

Goals: Love Beauty And Planet focuses on six main goals in order to make the most positive

impact by the year 2030: being people and planet friendly, sustainably sourced, net zero carbon

emissions, water consciousness, benevolent innovation and small acts of love. Starting with the

first goal, they aim to continue having 100% of their packaging be reusable and have all of their

products be biodegradable. They are committed to a goal of having all ingredients 100%

ethically and sustainably sourced by 2030. Also in this time frame, they strive to reduce their

emissions and achieve the goal of having net zero emissions. They will also work to minimize

their impact on aquatic ecosystems by creating biodegradable formulas for all of their products.
The fifth goal is a bit more broad, but essentially aims to create new products and use new,

innovative technologies when they can.

Finally, as a whole, Love Beauty And Planet encourages five million small acts of love in

communities, especially those that are most affected by climate change. Each of these goals work

in harmony to support the greater good of the planet and each and every community.

Product Information: Each product is made in a way that allows for the most positive impact on

the environment. The bottles that the products are sold in are made to be recycled, and the

products themselves are curated in a way to not pollute the water with harmful chemicals. They

are working to ensure that they will keep the planet as clean as possible and not contribute any

further to the contamination of the world, especially the oceans and other bodies of water. By

keeping their products as environmentally friendly as possible, while also promoting this

message, Love Beauty And Planet aims to do just that.

For Immediate Release Contact Information:

May 20, 2021 Liz Tarsitano


Love Beauty And Planet - New York Announces Youth Climate Activist Xiye Bastida To

Appear At July’s “Seeing A Sustainable Future” Event

NEW YORK, NEW YORK.: Love Beauty And Planet will host well known youth

climate activist Xiye Bastida at the New York City informative “Seeing A Sustainable Future”

event. Bastida is one of the lead organizers of the Fridays For Future youth climate strike

movement and participates in numerous other environmental groups and organizations. She will

attend Love Beauty And Planet’s “Seeing A Sustainable Future” initiative event on July 18th,

2021 to speak to the members of the community on her work, as well as brainstorm and work

with them to come up with new ideas that they can put into effect.

At only 19 years old, Bastida has worked diligently to be the change she wants to see in

the world. She has already done so much to make a change within the city, organizing climate

strikes and speaking out about climate justice issues in various meetings and rallies. In addition

to all of her environmental work, she is currently a student at the acclaimed University of

Pennsylvania. Bastida is an inspiring choice as a speaker, as she is just around the age of the

majority of attendees of the “Seeing A Sustainable Future” events and has lived and worked on

environmental issues in the city for years.

“Having Bastida attend one of the events for our big initiative sounds almost too good to

be true,” Love Beauty And Planet - New York’s director Liz Tarsitano states, “She has done so
much great work already to better our city, and I can’t wait to see what she brings to the table to

encourage all of the young people in our wonderful community”.

On the day of the event, members of the community will gather in the Love Beauty And

Planet - New York warehouse that is transformed into a workspace for each “Seeing A

Sustainable Future” event. Bastida will speak on all of the work she has done, work with

members of the community on discussing and fixing issues they notice, and do a little hands on

work by writing out letters to their representatives about the issues they discussed during the day.

Bastida is someone the younger members of the community can relate to, as well as

someone they can look up to, which makes her the perfect candidate for this event. Each member

of the community can feel comfortable, while also working together towards a common goal.

Working as a group, alongside Bastida, will set up a successful and insightful “Seeing A

Sustainable Future” event that embraces all that the initiative has to offer.

About Love Beauty And Planet:

Love Beauty And Planet is a beauty product brand that also specializes in giving back to the

planet in everything they do. They showcase a wide range of products, all with ingredients that

are good for the planet. The packaging of all of their products is also designed to all be recycled,

reused or composted. The main goal of the company is to provide products to keep the consumer

feeling their best while also keeping the planet beautiful.




Dear Stakeholders,
Here at Love Beauty And Planet, we are extremely dedicated
to keeping the world we live in beautiful. Having the opportunity
to influence such a large group of people means we need to work
extremely hard to make our message and efforts loud and clear.
Through all of our work within the brand itself, we also are
proud to share our initiative, "Seeing A Sustainable Future".

Throughout the past year, we have worked tirelessly and put

our best effort forward to make a positive impact on curating a
more sustainable future and encouraging others in the
community to do so. Our main focus was the emphasis on the
little things we can all do every day to help make a difference.
Throughout our headquarters and all of our facilities, we made
these little changes that all together make a big difference. Little
changes included a complete plethora of sustainable products
from our business cards to food, utensils and sanitary items
available for our employees. We also included positive, little
changes our employees could make in their everyday lives
around the work space.

We took "Seeing A Sustainable Future" a step further with our

community outreach programs. To make a bigger impact, we
hosted a variety of events across America in each location where
we create our products throughout the year to encourage
community engagement. There were more interactive events,
where participants found themselves parading for environmental
awareness or creating new ideas to make a difference through
our products, as well as more education based events where
each participant left with a new mindset and ways them can
encourage others to create a more sustainable future.

Through our "Seeing A Sustainable Future" initiative, we are

continuously working to make the world a better place and put
forth major efforts to do so. Our hopes are that by seeing the
work we have done, people have learned little ways they can
make a difference in their own communities and find new ways
that they can encourage others to do so. Throughout this report,
you will find a detailed overview of the program and understand
why we do what we do! This program is only possible with
people like you, so thank you for your support through each of
our efforts!

Piyush Jain
Co-founder and Global Vice President

The main focus of our "Seeing A Sustainable Future"
initiative is obviously sustainability— but why? There
are so many reasons why sustainability is so important
to us, as it is truly the foundation for a better future.

The planet is dying; there is no question about it.

Sustainability is so important to creating a healthy,
beautiful planet in the future.
Not everyone knows the impact their decisions
make, so being able to educate and show ways that
small changes make a huge difference is vital in
getting people to keep putting forth effort to do so.
Creating a greater sense of community around the
concept of sustainability allows for a greater impact
to be made and will make positive strides towards a
healthier planet.
Encouraging the use of reusable or easily recyclable
products within everyday life not only helps the
planet, but encourages an overall more well rounded
and budget friendly lifestyle.
Sustainability has always been a cause close to the
heart of our company, so creating an initiative
centered around was taking it a step further.

The "Seeing A Sustainable Future" initiative has a set of
objectives that are there in order to help push forward
and achieve our goals.

Over the past year, we have:

Planned events on a bi-monthly basis within each
community that has a Love Beauty And Planet
facility in order to encourage community
engagement and bring forth ideas of sustainability
into the community.
Implemented procedures and tools available to
members of the Love Beauty And Planet team that
encourage sustainable living and working within
their lives.
Through this initiative, worked with members within
the community who have ideas to promote a
sustainable lifestyle through the Love Beauty And
Planet company, product lines and events.
Engaged with professionals working in sustainability
and use their insight to help us create the most
effective postitive change.

Since its inception, the "Seeing a Sustainable Future"

initiative has worked hard to create a program that
encourages a sustainable lifestyle among all in the
community. Over the past year, we have worked efficiently
and have been able to host six events at 12 of our facilities
nationwide. These events ranged from New York to
California, and people from one end of the country to the
other were able to partake in similar activities to raise
awareness in their communities. The six events hosted this
year were each unique and gave insight in different,
meaningful ways.

Three of the events that took place this past year were
focused on education, brainstorming and idea sharing.
Participants were welcomed into our facilities and partook
in a full day of activities. From different seminars and
speakers presenting on topics relating to sustainability and
climate change to interactive activities that allowed
everyone in attendance to share their own ideas on how we
all could do more, each person who walked into the event
left with new ideas. People shared stories, made friends and
banded together in order to work on ways they could make
positive changes in their communities.

The remaining three events were action based, and were

directly impacted by the ideas presented at the education
events. Based on the brainstorming done there, we pulled
together a variety of the group's ideas and put them into
action. Events varied, as each location had different people
with different ideas on what would work best in their
communities, but there is some common events that stood
out. We saw a variety of environmental awareness festivals,
"Recylc-a-thons" and "Zero Waste Days" across our
different locations, but there were so many unique events
taking place that were catered to each community they
were in.
The turnout at these events was remarkable. Members of
the community came together and worked hard for one day
to make a change. Those who took part in the planning
spread the word, and the amount of people who showed up
and participated was extraordinary; each event was
successful. The message was spread, the communities all
joined together and a positive impact was made on the

In addition to these events, we took action in our own

facilities. Our staff is provided with sustainable work
materials, as well as options to help them in their everyday
life such as reusable bags and metal straws on keychains
that are always available to them. Each small aspect of our
big community within the workplace was made to be more
sustainable and better for the planet. Encouraging messages
and small challenges were posted and changed often around
the facilities to ensure that everyone in the company had
their own chance to do their part. So many members of our
crew noted how amazing these little things were, and how
they really showed just how seriously we take this cause. It
gave them the insight needed to make better decisions in
their lives both in and out of the workplace.

This past year has shown the success of the "Seeing A

Sustainable Future" initiative, but this is only a start. Over
the past year, the growth of community engagement has
been unbelievable. Almost each event gained more
participants each time, and people from all around the
communities have spread the word about making more
sustainable choices. This program has allowed for so much
positive to be made all across America, and our hope is to
continue these efforts for many years to come.
"Through the "Seeing A Sustainable Future" programs and events, I have been able
to encourage my friend group to partake in activities that not only reduce harm
to the planet, but actually actively helps keep it clean."
-Kelsey, 17 year old high school senior
COMMENTS "Being able to take the kids to these fun events where they actually learn ways to
be environmentally conscious, even at such a young ages."
FROM -Dan, 45 year old father of two elementary age children
THE "Hearing about these events from students in my class is so wonderful; it is great
to see the community come together for such a great cause."
COMMUNITY -Maria, middle school English teacher

"I love seeing some positive changes being made in the community I grew in.
There was never anything like this when I was growing up and I really see
changes being made now."
-Jack, 24 year old Graduate school student

Top Issues of Importance

(as ranked by participants)

Based on the success of the "Seeing A

Sustainable Future" program over the 2019
year, Love Beauty And Planet will look to top
these number this coming year. The growth
has been consistent, and we look to grow even
more. The members of the communities
participated noted the issues they deem most
important to the left, and we plan to use these
statistics to plan future event with even more

Average Amount of
Participants at Each
Bi-monthly Event
Love Beauty And Planet
Corporate Fact Sheet
Who We Are
Love Beauty And Planet is a company FOUNDED IN
that not only aims to provide
environmentally friendly products, but Reached $100
also works to raise awareness for
million in sales
environmental issues and concerns.
Love Beauty And Planet also uses their
in December
platform for education and encouraging Over $750k 2019
those who use their products to do good
for the planet in their personal lives.
donated to
partners who
What We Do support a Equivalent of
Love Beauty And Planet provides a wide
greener planet over 60M
variety of products that are eco friendly
plastic bottles
to customers worldwide.
Our products range from their classic
beauty and wellness products to our
home care category that was launched in reach: 50+
January 2019.
We work to have both sustainable countries 195k products
packaging and product formulas that donated
minimize harm done to the planet.
Not only do we encourage eco friendly
behavior through our products, but also
encourage our customers to take
initiative and make changes in their own

Our Goals

Net Zero Small
and Benevolent Water Sustainablty
Carbon Consciousness Acts of
Planet Innovation Sourced
Emissions Love
May 2021, Issue 15



How Jenny Went From

Intern to Product Manager
Jenny Callaway walked into the Love Beauty and Planet
offices as a 20 year old college junior with no prior intern
experience. She knew very little about the brand, or the
Keep an Eye Out!
world of business in general. Seven years later, Jenny is a
Product Manager and a bright light of positivity around the
Our next "See A Sustainable Future"
office space- so how did she do it? Below is a firsthand event is taking place towards the end
account of just how she ended up where she is.
of this month. Be on the lookout for
Q- So Jenny, how did you find Love Beauty and Planet? more information on when and where
A- Well I had heard about the internship from one of my
the event will be taking place! Spring
classmates who had applied to it, and as a junior, I knew I
definitely needed to find myself one. So I applied, ended up is here so get ready to come out and
getting it, and now I practically live and breath Love Beauty enjoy the beautiful whether while
and Planet.
taking steps to save our planet!
Q- You started as just an intern, how did you work your way
up all the way to Product Manager?
A- As an intern, I took part in lots of brainstorming sessions
and those above me saw a lot of potential in my ideas. After
graduating, I was hired as a Product Production Assistant. I Looking to have a say in the
worked hard for a few years and when my manager was newest design for our next
promoted, I applied for her job and got it! product? Send in one of your
designs on the contest section
Q- Wow, it seems like you have been really passionate since
you started here, What would you say your biggest of our website. Not a designer?
accomplishment is? You can still vote for the designs
A- It is so hard to name just one! I have been so proud of submitted and have a chance to
everything I have done here, but recently I pitched our new
see your favorite on one of our
Bang! Body Butter, and worked closely with the
development team through the whole process during its products nationwide!
development. Seeing that product hit the shelves was a
surreal moment for me for sure

Q- What advice would you give to someone looking to find

their first internship?
A- Choose something you are interested in, and a cause you WHO DO YOU WANT A PROFILE
are passionate about. I am a huge environmental advocate
so once I learned a little about all the great work Love
Beauty and Planet does, I was sold.
spring cleaning
Clean That Closet!
Around The House
Switch Up Your Morning Routine

Get Some Sun!

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