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(ACV-S05) Week 05 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz (PA)

Fecha de entrega
20 de nov en 23:59
14 de nov en 0:00 - 20 de nov en 23:59
Límite de tiempo
20 minutos

Hi there!

Congratulations on reviewing the information and practicing the exercises proposed during the week. It's time to challenge yourself and take the
weekly quiz, so read the instructions and questions carefully and double-check your answers before submitting your quiz. Remember that you
have only one attempt. 

Best wishes!

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sentences and choose the word/words that best complete each of them.

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
13 minutos 20 de 20

Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 21 de nov en 0:00 al 22 de nov en 0:00.

Puntaje para este examen:

20 de 20
Entregado el 17 de nov en 20:39
Este intento tuvo una duración de 13 minutos.

Pregunta 1 2
/ 2 pts

I am going to _____________ Spanish next summer. 

will learn




Pregunta 2 2
/ 2 pts

Look out! You ____________ break that glass!



will going to

are going to

Pregunta 3 2
/ 2 pts

I ______ it because it is too sweet.​

am not going to drink​

am not going to drinking

going to drink

am not drink

Pregunta 4 2
/ 2 pts

What are you going to __________ this evening?





Pregunta 5 2
/ 2 pts

A.- ______ you going to have a barbecue tomorrow?​

B.- No, I'm not . I ______work.

​Will / will​

Are / don't

Are / am going to

Do / am going to

Pregunta 6 2
/ 2 pts

A.- ______ you going to have a barbecue tomorrow?​ 

B.- No, I'm not . I ______work. 

Will / will​

Are / am going to

Do / am going to

Are / don't

Pregunta 7 2
/ 2 pts

Be careful or you ______ fall!​

going to


are go

are going to

Pregunta 8 2
/ 2 pts

Look at that car! It _______________________.

It will crash

is will crash

is going to crash

It is go to crash

Pregunta 9 2
/ 2 pts

Look at that car! It _______________________.

is will crash

is going to crash

It will crash

It is go to crash

Pregunta 10 2
/ 2 pts

______ going to ______ eating healthy food?

Are you / start

Are you / started

What you / starting​

Do you / start

Puntaje del examen:

20 de 20

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