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Plant growth

CB2c.4 Homework 1

Name Class Date

1 Select the statement that best describes how plants grow. Tick one.

 Cell elongation is followed by cell differentiation then cell division.

 Cell division is followed by cell elongation and then cell differentiation.

 Cell division is followed by cell differentiation and then cell elongation.

2 What name is given to the kind of cell division that happens in plant growth?

3 Explain why measuring the change in mass of a plant over time can be used to measure the plant’s growth.

4 The diagram shows a xylem vessel from a plant.

a Add labels to the lines to describe the features of a xylem vessel that are not found in other plant cells.
b Describe the function of a xylem vessel.

c Explain how the features of a xylem vessel help it to carry out its function.

5 Describe one other kind of specialised plant cell and explain how it is adapted to carry out its function.

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Specialised human cells
CB2b.4 Homework 1

Name Class Date

1 Growth of an animal can be defined as cell division followed by cell differentiation. Explain what the bold
words mean.
cell division

cell differentiation

2 The diagrams in the table show some specialised human cells.

Complete the table to describe how each cell is specialised and the function of each cell.

Cell A B

How the cell is


Function of the cell

3 The mass of a boy was measured every month

after birth for his first year, and recorded on
percentile curves, as shown in the graph.
a The boy's mass lay on the 25th percentile
when he was 3 months old. What does this
mean compared with the mass of other 3-
month-old baby boys? Explain your

mass of a baby boy (thick line) displayed on

percentile curves

b Suggest how old the boy was when the doctor became concerned about his growth. Explain your

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purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.

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