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1. It ________________ (not/rain) yesterday.
2. I ________________ (not/see) the exhibition yet.
3. I ________________ (see) this film some weeks ago.
4. I ________________ (just/do) my homework.
5. You’ll have to wait. I ________________ (not/finish) yet.
6. I _______________ (see) you in town two or three days ago.
7. I’m going to do it again. I ________________ (already/do) it once.
8. He ________________ (not/pay) his taxes yet. He must pay them soon.
9. He ________________ (write) some articles for the school magazine last year .
10. I____________________ (not/meet) Marta and Jenny at the church yesterday.

B. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

1. If my sister _____________________ (see) this puppy, she ________________( love) it.
2. I _____________________ (wait) for you outside the cinema if I________________(arrive) early.
3. They ________________(not/ believe) him if he ________________________ (tell) them the truth.
4. We _______________________________ (sit) in the garden if the weather _____________(turn) nice.
5. If you (go) _____________________ out with your friends tonight, I ____________________(watch)
the football match on TV.

C. Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

1. Fred__________________________ (be) bored if you____________(take) him to the opera
2. If I ____________________ (have) lots of money, I_______________________ (sail) round the world
3. Val and Cherie _____________(move) if they ________________________ (not / find) a better house.
4. I ________________________________ (tell) him my name if he__________________(ask).
5. She__________________(be) upset if her best friend ________________ (not / come) to her wedding.

D. Rewrite the sentences using present passive

a. They grow coffee in Kenya.
b. They publish The Times newspaper in London.
c. They transport oranges from Valencia to Germany in special crates.
d. The shark eats the man.
e. The police take the boy away.

E. Rewrite the sentences using past passive

a. Someone stole my bike last night.
b. My aunt gave this ring to the children.
c. A Rottweiler bit our neighbour.
d. The police arrested many people at the demonstration.
e. A tsunami destroyed many villages in Japan.

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