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Paragraph 1: Identify and explain your theory. This first paragraph should include all of the
following information:

● Identify your area of investigation. Eg. This study will investigate the role of word length
on recall.
● Identify, describe, and explain the theory or model that underpins your area of
investigation. This should be a theory - and not an “effect” or “cognitive bias.” So, in
this case, the Working Memory Model. Remember - explain means “why does this
happen?” So, using the WMM, why does Word Length Effect happen?
● Link the theory to the study you are going to do. How will we see this theory in action in
your study?

Paragraph 2: State the aim and why it is worth studying. Your aim should not be - to replicate
the original study. The aim should clearly indicate what you hope to study and in what
population. After stating the aim, explain why this is worth studying. How would the potential
findings of this study be useful?

Paragraph 3: Operationalization of your variables. In this paragraph, you should clearly

describe your IV and your DV. Remember:

● Your independent variable should not be materials. A “list” is not an IV. You should be
explaining what the difference is between the two conditions.
● Your description of the dependent variable should clearly indicate how it will be
measured. Be as specific as possible.

Insert your null hypothesis here


Insert your research hypothesis here:


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