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…………………………………. SECONDARY SCHOOL


Duration: 40 minutes
Name-Surname:……………………………………… Class:…………… Number:………

1. Match the words with the pictures. 12*2 = 24 Points)

A. Comment G. File attachment

B. Social media H. Download

C. Upload I. Web browser

D. E-mail J. Account

E. Password K. Confirm

F. Screen L. Wireless

2. Look at the acronyms below and phrase them. (6*2 = 12 Points)

OMG : _______________________ CU: _______________________
NP : _______________________ ILY: _______________________
2NITE: _______________________ THX: _______________________

3. Reorder the dialogue and number it. (12*2 = 24 Points)

_____ Nancy: Yes, please. Could you tell her to call Mr. Brown as soon as possible?
_____ Mark: All right, thank you. I will tell her when she gets back home. Bye!
_____ Nancy: Ok, no problem. I can repeat it. It’s 7563089.
_____ Mark: Hello, Mark speaking.
_____ Nancy: Alice’s English teacher.
_____ Mark: I’m afraid she is not available now. She has gone out. Would you like to leave a message?
_____ Nancy: Thank you very much. Bye!
_____ Mark: Ok, Could I get his phone number, please?
_____ Nancy: Hi, Mark. This is Nancy, Alice’s friend. May I speak to your sister?
_____ Mark: I’m sorry. Could you repeat the phone number again, please. I think it is bad line.
_____ Nancy: Of course. It’s 7563089.
_____ Mark: Who is he?

4. Complete the phone conversation with the phrases in the box. (4*2 = 8 Points)
Secretary: Good morning. Foster Company. _______________? A. Can you please tell him that Sam called.
Mr. Loren: Hello, this is Sam Loren. ______________________? B. How can I help you?
Secretary: I’m sorry, ________________. May I take your message?
C. He is not available now.
Mr Loren: ______________________________.
D. Can you put me through to Mr. Smith?
Secretary: Of course sir, good bye.
5. Translate the text from English to Turkish and answer the question below.
(30 points for translation + 2 points for question)

Menemen is a well-known dish in Turkey. Most of the people in Turkey is fond of this dish
and they make it easily. First, chop some onions and green peppers. Second, peel some
tomatoes and dice them. Next, pour some olive oil into a frying pan and heat it. Then, put the
onions, green peppers and tomatoes in it. After that, cook them for almost ten minutes and
crack the eggs into the frying pan. Finally, add some species like salt, black pepper and chili
pepper. Your dish is ready to serve and serve it hot, please. Enjoy your meal!


 Which one is FALSE according to the text? (2 Points)

A. Most of Turkish people love eating menemen.

B. Crack the eggs into it before put the onions, green peppers and tomatoes in frying pan.

C. Menemen is very popular in Turkey and it is very easy to make.

D. After cook the vegetables, add the eggs into the pan.

English Language Teacher

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