Stochastic Maximum-Likelihood DOA Estimation in The Presence of Unknown Nonuniform Noise

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7, JULY 2008

From (50) [10] L. C. Godara and A. Cantoni, “Uniqueness and linear independence
of steering vectors in array space,” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 70, pp.
[b; b3 ]H VH ()GGH GGH V()
b 467–475, Aug. 1981.
b3 [11] B. Picinbono, “On circularity,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 42,
no. 12, pp. 3473–3482, Dec. 1994.

) [b; b3 ]H VH ()GGH V() 3 = 0

[12] A. J. Barabell, “Improving the resolution performance of eigenstruc-
ture-based direction-finding algorithms,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), Boston, MA, May
1983, pp. 336–339.
where the property that PG = GGH is the projection matrix is used.
Note that (51) is in a quadrature form. We then conclude that

GH V()
= 0: (52)
Stochastic Maximum-Likelihood DOA Estimation in the
Presence of Unknown Nonuniform Noise
Lemma 3 actually shows an equivalence between (26) and the esti-
mator fr (). Chiao En Chen, Student Member, IEEE,
() = [ba(); b3 a()3 ]. From Lemma 3 we know that if Q()
Let a
Flavio Lorenzelli, Senior Member, IEEE, Ralph. E. Hudson, and
drops rank at  = l , then GH a () = 0. Since A  is a full-column- Kung Yao, Life Fellow, IEEE
rank matrix that is orthogonal to G, the following statement can be

equivalently made:
• there exists a  = l , such that a () is a linear combination of

columns of A(:; q ), q = 1; . . . ; LR + 2LC . Abstract—This correspondence investigates the direction-of-arrival
From Assumption 1, we know the probability for the existence of  can (DOA) estimation of multiple narrowband sources in the presence of
nonuniform white noise with an arbitrary diagonal covariance matrix.
be reasonably assumed to be zero. While both the deterministic and stochastic Cramér-Rao bound (CRB)
and the deterministic maximum-likelihood (ML) DOA estimator under
Uniqueness of Estimator (35) this model have been derived by Pesavento and Gershman, the stochastic
If there exists a  = c and aH ()G1 GH 
1 a( ) = 0. Then the
ML DOA estimator under the same setting is still not available in the
literature. In this correspondence, a new stochastic ML DOA estimator
following equations hold: is derived. Its implementation is based on an iterative procedure which
a() 0 concentrates the log-likelihood function with respect to the signal and noise
GH = 0; G H = 0: (53) nuisance parameters in a stepwise fashion. A modified inverse iteration
0 a()3 algorithm is also presented for the estimation of the noise parameters.
Simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm is able to pro-
vide significant performance improvement over the conventional uniform
An equivalent statement is made as follows:
• there exists a  = c , such that [aT (); 0T ]T , and [0T ; aH ()]T ML estimator in nonuniform noise environments and require only a few
 (:; q ), q = 1; . . . ; LR + iterations to converge to the nonuniform stochastic CRB.
is a linear combination of columns of A
2L C . Index Terms—Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation , nonuniform noise,
Similarly, the probability for the existence of  is considered as zero, sensor array processing, stochastic maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm.
and the uniqueness for (35) can be guaranteed with probability one.
[1] P. Chage, Y. Wang, and J. Saillard, “A Root-MUSIC algorithm for Direction–of-arrival (DOA) estimation has been one of the central
non circular sources,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal problems in radar, sonar, navigation, geophysics, and acoustic tracking.
Processing (ICASSP), Salt Lake City, UT, May 2001, pp. 7–11.
[2] R. O. Schmidt, “A Signal Subspace Approach to Multiple Source Loca- A wide variety of high-resolution narrowband DOA estimators have
tion and Spectral Estimation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Univ., Stan- been proposed and analyzed in the past few decades [2]–[5]. The max-
ford, CA, May 1981. imum likelihood (ML) estimator, which shows excellent asymptotic
[3] R. Roy, A. Paulraj, and T. Kailath, “ESPRIT-estimation of signal pa- performance, plays an important role among these techniques. Many of
rameters via rotational invariance techniques,” IEEE Trans. Acoust.,
Speech, Signal Process., vol. 37, pp. 984–995, Jul. 1989.
the proposed ML estimators are derived from the uniform white noise
[4] P. Stoica and K. Sharman, “Maximum likelihood methods for direction assumption [5]–[7], in which the noise process of each sensor is as-
estimation,” IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., vol. 38, pp. sumed to be spatially uncorrelated white Gaussian with identical un-
1131–1143, Feb. 1990. known variance. It is shown that under this assumption the estimates of
[5] M. Pesavento, A. B. Gershman, and K. M. Wong, “Direction finding in
the nuisance parameters (source waveforms and noise variance) can be
partly calibrated sensor arrays composed of multiple subarrays,” IEEE
Trans. Signal Process., vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 2103–2115, Sep. 2002. expressed as a function of DOAs [8]–[10], and, therefore, the number of
[6] J. Li, B. Halder, P. Stoica, and M. Viberg, “Computationally efficient independent parameters to be estimated is substantially reduced. This
angle estimation for signals with known waveforms,” IEEE Trans.
Signal Process., vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 2154–2163, Sep. 1995.
[7] A. van der Veen and A. Paulraj, “An analytical constant modulus al- Manuscript received May 21, 2007; revised November 26, 2007. This work
gorithm,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 1136–1155, was supported by in part by the NSF CENS program NSF Grant EF-0410438,
May 1996. by AROD-MURI PSU Contract 50126, and by ST Microelectronics, Inc.The
[8] H. Abeida and J. P. Delmas, “Music-like estimation of direction of associate editor coordinating the review of this correspondence and approving
arrival for noncircular sources,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 54, it for publication was Dr. Eran Fishler.
no. 7, pp. 2678–2690, Jul. 2006. The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University
[9] K. C. Tan, S. S. Goh, and E. C. Tan, “A study of the rank-ambiguity of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA (e-mail:;
issues in direction-of-arrival estimation,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process.,;;
vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 880–887, Apr. 1996. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2008.917364

1053-587X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE


procedure is called concentration which results in a substantial reduc- source with respect to the array centroid, where m = 1; . . . ; M . The
tion of the parameter space required for numerical optimization. y
array output (t), observed at the tth snapshot can then be modeled as
In many applications, the uniform white noise assumption may be
unrealistic. For densely placed sensors, the sensor noise may be corre-
lated and therefore should be modeled as a colored random process. In y(t) = Ax(t) + e(t); t = 1; . . . ; N (1)
order to reduce the number of nuisance noise parameters, various noise
modeling techniques have been applied in the literature [11]–[15]. In where x(t) = [x1 (t); . . . ; xM (t)]T and e(t) are the signal and the
[11], [12], the noise process is assumed to follow the AR(MA) model noise vector observed at the tth snapshot respectively, and
while in [13], [14] the noise covariance matrix is parameterized to
have a linear structure. For non-Gaussian and nonstationary environ-
ments, the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
A = [a(1); . . . ; a(M )] (2)
(GARCH) modeling has been proposed recently [15]. is the steering matrix. It will be assumed that the geometry of the sensor
In some practical applications, the sensors may be sparsely placed
array is such that is full rank for all DOAs of interest. As a result,
so that the noise at each sensor is essentially uncorrelated. However,
the noise power of each sensor can still be different due to the nonuni-
A AH will always be positive definite.
In this paper, we investigate the case where the sensor noise of each
formity of sensor noise or the imperfection of array calibration. In this
case, the noise covariance matrix can be modeled as a diagonal matrix channel is a spatially uncorrelated white Gaussian random process, and
but the diagonal elements in general are not identical. It is crucial to it follows that the noise covariance matrix has the following diagonal
note that this scenario can not be obtained as a special case of the Au- structure:

Efe(t)e(t)H g = Q = diagf12 ; . . . ; P2 g

toregressive Moving Average (ARMA) modeling since the noise is uni-
form and white in the simplest zero-order model but becomes colored (3)
as the model order increases [1]. Also the DOA estimators derived from
where p2 is the noise variance of the pth sensor.
either the uniform white noise assumption or the general colored noise
modeling techniques may not give satisfactory results in this nonuni- For the signal waveform (t), two different modeling techniques
form uncorrelated noise environment, since the uniform white noise can be applied: 1) the deterministic model which assumes (t) to be x
assumption blindly treats all sensors equally and the general colored deterministic but unknown, and 2) the stochastic model which charac-
noise modeling technique neglects the fact that the sensor noises are x
terizes (t) as a stochastic process. In [1], a ML DOA estimator is de-
uncorrelated. rived based on the deterministic signal model. Here, we take the second
The considered uncorrelated unknown noise model has a linear x
route and model (t) as a zero-mean Gaussian process with covariance
covariance structure and thus many DOA estimation algorithms can matrix
be applied. However, it appears that the ML DOA estimator does not
have a concentrated form except for the trivial single noise parameter Efx(t)x(t)H g = Rx : (4)
case [13], [14] and therefore a multidimensional search in the joint
signal-noise parameter space is generally required. To circumvent
such difficulty, many suboptimal solutions have been proposed [13],
From (1), (3), and (4), it follows immediately that (t) is also a zero
mean Gaussian random process and its covariance matrix can be ex-
[14], [16]–[18].
pressed as:
The deterministic and stochastic CRBs for the considered DOA esti-
mation problem are first derived by Pesavento et al. [1]. In order to mit-
igate the burden of the straightforward implementation of the ML DOA
Efy(t)y(t)H g = Ry = ARx AH + Q: (5)
estimator, a new deterministic MLE based on the stepwise concentra-
tion is also proposed [1]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no
similar work has been carried out for the stochastic case. In this paper, III. ML DOA ESTIMATION
we propose a new stochastic ML DOA algorithm under the same noise
Under the signal model defined in the previous section, we can de-
rive the joint likelihood function of the unknown parameters 9 =
model and in some sense “complete” the understanding of this problem.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The stochastic signal
model is introduced in Section II, and the stochastic ML DOA esti- R Q
f22; x ; g as
(99) = PN j1Ry jN exp 0 y(t)H R0y 1 y(t)
mator and its implementation is derived in Section III. In Section IV, we
present the modified inverse iteration algorithm for the noise variance f (6)
estimation stage of the iterative optimization procedure. In Section V, t=1
the performance of the proposed nonuniform ML estimator is studied
through extensive numerical simulations. Section VI concludes this where 2 = [1 ; . . . ; M ]T . Taking the logarithm of (6) and neglecting
paper. all the constant terms, the log-likelihood function L(9 9) can be ex-
Throughout this paper, we denote the superscripts T , 3 , H , and y pressed as
as transpose, conjugate, conjugate transpose, and pseudo inverse of a
matrix. The operator diagf g denotes the diagonal matrix with the L (9) = g(S; Ry ) = 0N flog jRy j + tr(Ry01S)g
v X
vector as the main diagonal, and diagf g denotes the column vector
formed from the elements of the main diagonal of square matrix . In X where
addition, trf1g and j 1 j denote the trace and determinant of a square
matrix respectively.
S = N1 y ( t) y ( t) H (8)
II. SIGNAL MODEL is the sample covariance matrix of the array output.
The ML estimate for 9 can then be obtained by solving
Let there be M narrowband sources in the far field of a P -element

9^ = arg max
randomly distributed array. For simplicity, we assume the sources and
the array lie in the same plane, and denote m as the DOA of the mth 9
9 ):
L(9 (9)

Clearly, the search space of solving (9) is huge (of dimension M + It appears that (19) is a rather complicated function of Q and no ana-
M 2 P ), and, therefore, we seek to reduce the optimization problem lytical solution seems to be available.
since the estimation of is our only interest. To this end, a new ML DOA estimator based on the stepwise concen-
We first maximize (9) with respect to Rx for fixed and Q. Taking 2 tration is proposed. The idea of this technique is to numerically concen-
partial derivatives of L (99)
with respect to Rx i;j , we obtain [ ] trate the log-likelihood function by the following iterative procedure.
@L (99)
[ ]
@ Rx i;j
Iterative procedure of the proposed ML DOA estimator

= 0N fa( ) Ry 01 a( ) 0 a( ) Ry01SR0y 1a( )g (10)

i j
Step 1) Iter = 1. Compute the MLEs
for i; j = 1; . . . ; M . Setting (10) to zero and putting it into a compact
(2^ ; R^ x ; Q^ ) under the uniform white noise
assumption, summarized as follows [10]:
form, a necessary condition for the extremum point can be written as 2^ = argmax 2 log jAR ^ x A + ^ 2 I j

^ x = A SA 0 ^ [A A]01
y y

R 2
A Ry01 [S 0 Ry ]R0
y 1 A = 0:

^ 2 = trf(2I 0 AAy )Sg=(P 0 M )


^ = ^ I

where Ay = (A A)01 A .
For a more detailed derivation of (10)–(11), see [9]. H H

Following a similar derivation as [13] and [14], the optimal Rx that

Step 2) Use (2 ^ ; R^ x ; Q^ ) as an initial estimate, and define A^ as the
solves (11) is obtained as
steering matrix evaluated at 2 ^.
^ x = [A~ H A~ ]01 [A~ H S~ A~ 0 A~ H A~ ][A~ H A~ ]01 ^
Find a refined Q so that the resultant R ^ y = A^ R^ xA^ + Q^

R (12)
increases the log-likelihood function.
Step 3) Use the obtained Q ^ to find an improved 2^
where ^
through 2 = argmax2 L(2 2; Q^ ) where
~ = Q01=2A L(2 2; Q) is defined as in (16). Update R^ x using
A (13)
the latest estimates (2 ^ ; Q^ ) through (12).
S~ = Q01=2 SQ01=2 : (14) Iter = Iter + 1
Substituting Ry of (5) by ARx AH ^ + Q, the ML estimate for 2
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the
algorithm converges.
and Q can be obtained by solving

(2^ ; Q^ ) = arg max 2; Q):

L(2 (15)
The parameter “ Iter
” denotes the index of iteration in the procedure.
2Q ; Note that we start with a joint optimization problem (9) of dimen-
+ +
sion M M 2 P , and reduce it to a sequence of smaller problems (of
where dimension M in step 1 and 3 and of dimension P in step 2). Many nu-

(22; Q) = 0N log jQ1 2fPA~ S~ PA~ 0 PA~ + I gQ1 2 j

= =
merical algorithms exist in the literature [19]–[24] which can be used
L P (or modified) to solve the DOA estimation problem in step 1 and step
0N trfS~g + N trfPA~ S~ g (16) 3. The only remaining issue which has not been explained in this corre-
spondence is how step 2 is implemented. The modified inverse iteration
and PA ~ =A ~ [A~ A~ ]01 A~ .
algorithm is proposed for this purpose.
To concentrate L(2 2; Q) further, one would fix 2 and seek an
estimator for Q that maximizes L(22; Q). Unfortunately, a separable
closed-form estimator for Q that maximizes (16) seems to be an- IV. MODIFIED INVERSE ITERATION ALGORITHM
alytically unavailable [13], [14], and that prevents us from further
simplifications. In [25], a general method based on the inverse iteration algorithm
At the same time, we can approach the problem by fixing and Rx 2 for estimating a covariance matrix of a specified structure from vector
in (7) and solve for an estimator for Q that maximizes L . Denote (99) samples of the random process is proposed. We modified this algorithm
q = diag fQg and qp as the pth element of q, then the pth element of to solve step 2 and referred to it as the “modified inverse iteration al-
the gradient vector rq L (99)
can expressed as gorithm” in the following discussion.
01 The basic idea of the this algorithm is as follows. Let D denote the
[r L(99)] = 0 N @ log@ qjRy j + @ trf@Rqy Sg set of all P 2 P diagonal matrices. In each iteration we start with
2^ ^ ^ 1
q p
p p
some initial estimates , Rx , and Q, and a Q 2 D is sought so
= 0 N ftrfRy01E g 0 trfRy01SR0y 1E gg p;p p;p ( 1 ^ )
that S 0 Q; Ry satisfies (20), i.e.
= 0 N trf[Ry01 0 Ry01SR0y 1]E g (17) p;p
01 0 1
= 0 N [Ry 0 Ry SRy ] 01 (18) p;p
[R^ y01(R^ y 0 (S 0 1Q))R^ y01] = 0 ; p = 1; . . . ; P (21)

where E is a P 2 P matrix with the (i; j )th element equals to 1


9) to zero, a necessary condition for

and 0 elsewhere. Setting r L(9 q
where R^ y = A^ R^ xA^ + Q^ . Note 1q = diagf1Qg is an improving

the extremum point is obtained as direction since

trf[Ry01 0 Ry01SR0y 1]E g = 0; p = 1; . . . ; P

p;p (19)
[r L(9^ )] 1q = trf[0R^ y01 + R^ y01SR^ y01]1Qg

or equivalently
= trf[0R^ y01 + R^ y01(S 0 1Q)R^ y01]1Qg
[R0y 1 0 Ry01SR0y 1] = 0; p = 1; . . . ; P:
p;p (20) +trf[R^ y011QR^ y01]1Qg (22)

= trf[R^ 0y 1 1QR^ y01]1Qg  0: (23)

The equality sign in (23) holds since the first term in (22) is zero by
The condition (21) is equivalent to

trf[R^ y01SR^ y010R^ y01(R^ y+1Q)R^ y01]E g =0; p =1; . . .; P: (24)


Putting (24) into a matrix form, then 1q, the vector of the diagonal
elements of 1Q can be solved by the following linear equation:

H1q = u (25)


[H] = trfE R^ y01E R^ y01g

i;j j;j i;i (26)


u = trf[R^ y01SR^ y01 0 R^ y01]E g

i i;i (27)
Fig. 1. Comparison of the DOA estimation RMSEs and the stochastic CRB in
= 1 ...
for all i; j ; ;P. the presence of nonuniform sensor noise (uncorrelated sources scenario).
The overall procedure of the modified inverse iteration algorithm is
summarized as follows.
Modified inverse iteration algorithm In this section, we present the simulation results of the proposed sto-
chastic ML estimator in comparison with the deterministic ML esti-
Step 1) Given some initial estimates ; x ; (2^ R^ Q^ )
, compute an mator [1], the power domain (PD) method [26], and the approximate
improving direction 1Q
by (25). ML (AML) algorithm [18]. In order to make a fair comparison, we ini-
Step 2) Backtracking Line Search tialize the AML algorithm with the DOA estimates of the conventional
Set t = 1. stochastic uniform ML estimator (same as the 1st iteration estimate of
while the proposed stochastic ML algorithm). The nonlinear DOA estima-
(S R^ + 1Q) (S R^ ) +
g ; y t < g ; y trq g ; y T (S R^ ) 1q tion required in step 1 and step 3 of the proposed iterative procedure
or Q^ + 1Q 0
t < , is solved through the alternating maximization (AM) algorithm [19],
implemented by an initial 1 coarse grid search followed by the golden
t = t.
end section fine search. Despite of the fact that AM guarantees only a local
Step 3) Set new Q^ Q^ + 1Q
as t optimal solution, excellent global convergence has been observed in
this type of DOA estimation problem [19].
Repeat Step 1. to Step 3. until the algorithm converges,
where and are two constants satisfying < < : 0 05 The simulation settings and scenarios of this paper are intentionally
and < < . 1 chosen to be identical to the settings in [1] in which the DOA esti-
mation of two narrow-band sources of equal power using a uniform
linear array (ULA) is considered. The DOAs of the narrowband sources
are set to be 7 and 13 relative to the broadside respectively, and the
Remark: The proposed modified inverse iteration algorithm has a
very interesting connection to the Newton’s method. To see this we first
compute the Hessian of L (99) q
with respect to . After some straight-
ULA is assumed to be omnidirectional with half-wavelength inter-ele-
ment spacing. In each simulation scenario, the root-mean-square-errors
forward manipulations, we have the following expression:
(RMSEs) of the DOA estimates are computed by averaging over 1000
[r2 L(99)] = N trfE R^ y01E R^ y01g Monte Carlo runs and plotted along with the stochastic CRB [1], [27].
q i;j j;j i;i

02N <ftr[E R^ y01E R^ y01SR^ y01]g (28)

jj i;i
Throughout the first four scenarios, we let P = 10 and consider the
following noise covariance matrix:
for all i; j = 1; . . . ; P . It follows immediately that the Newton’s di- Q = 2diagf[10:0; 2:0; 1:5; 0:5; 8:0; 0:7; 1:1; 3:0; 6:0; 3:0]g:
rection , 1qnt can be obtained as

1qnt = 0[r2 L(99)]01 r L(99):

In the first scenario, we assume the sources to be uncorrelated and
q q (29) set the array-SNR (ASNR) to be 5 dB, where the ASNR with respect
to the mth source is defined as [1]
However, the Newton’s method cannot be applied in our problem
since L(99) is highly nonconvex. In fact, it is observed that the Hessian
= Efjx P(t)j g
2 P
ASNRm (30)
of L evaluated at the initial estimate is not positive semi-definite 2
p =1
which means nt is not guaranteed to be a improving direction.
1q , on the other hand is always an ascending direction as is proved Fig. 1 shows the RMSE performances of the tested algorithms with
in (23). After comparing (26) to (28) and (27) with (17), it is interesting respect to the number of snapshots.
(9) = u
to see that rq L N . Furthermore, 0 r2q L [ (9)]
R^ = R
i;j is exactly In the second scenario, we assume the sources to be uncorrelated and
[H ] S = R S = R
N i;j if y if y and y y . As a result, the =
set N 100 snapshots. The RMSEs of the tested algorithms versus the
proposed modified inverse iteration algorithm can be viewed as a novel ASNR are shown in Fig. 2.
modification of the Newton’s method for the considered nonconvex In the third scenario, we assume the sources to be partially correlated
optimization problem. where the correlation coefficient of the two sources are assumed to be

Fig. 2. Comparison of the DOA estimation RMSEs and the stochastic CRB in Fig. 4. Comparison of the DOA estimation RMSEs and the stochastic CRB in
the presence of nonuniform sensor noise (uncorrelated sources scenario). the presence of nonuniform sensor noise (correlated sources scenario).

Fig. 3. Comparison of the DOA estimation RMSEs and the stochastic CRB in Fig. 5. Comparison of the DOA estimation RMSEs and the stochastic CRB
the presence of nonuniform sensor noise (correlated sources scenario). versus the number of sensors.

0.1 (same as in [1] but due to a typo appeared as 0.9). The ASNR is set In the fifth scenario, the RMSE of the tested algorithms versus the
to be 7.5 dB and the RMSE performance is plotted with respect to the number of sensors is investigated. We assume the sources to be uncor-
number of snapshots in Fig. 3. related and the ASNR, number of snapshots, and the WNPR are set to
In the fourth scenario, we assume the same correlated sources as the be 20 dB, 100, and 65, respectively. Simulation results are shown in
third simulation scenario. N is fixed to be 100 and the RMSEs of the Fig. 5.
tested algorithms are plotted in Fig. 4 versus the ASNR. In the sixth scenario, we assume uncorrelated sources again and set
In the following two simulation scenarios, we investigate how the the ASNR, number of snapshots, and the number of sensors to be 0
nonuniformity of the sensor noise affects the performance of the tested dB, 100, and 10, respectively. The RMSE performance is plotted with
algorithms. As in [1], we define the worst-noise-power-ratio (WNPR) respect to the WNPR in Fig. 6.
max From Figs. 1–6, it can be observed that all the tested nonuni-
WNPR = (31)
2 form algorithms provide essential performance improvement over
the conventional (uniform) ML estimator in the nonuniform noise
as a measure of nonuniformity of the sensor noise, where max

and environment. As the nonuniformity of sensor noise becomes larger
min are the highest and lowest sensor noise variance in the array, (WNPR 1), a more substantial performance improvement of the
respectively. In each Monte Carlo run, we fix the WNPR and ran- proposed nonuniform ML estimator over the uniform ML estimator is
domly choose two sensor locations in the ULA, one with noise vari- observed. The performance improvement also becomes more signifi-
2 2 2
ance min and the other max = WNPRmin . The rest of the sensors cant as the number of degrees of freedom (N times P ) increases.

are assigned their noise variances according to a uniform distribution Among the tested nonuniform algorithms, the PD method has the
2 2
(min ; max ). lowest complexity since the parameter space is only of dimension M

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[25] J. P. Burg, D. G. Luenberger, and D. L. Wenger, “Estimation of struc- where X is a perturbed version of the data matrix X , and 1
X is the
tured covariance matrices,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 70, Sep. 1982. perturbation. The subspace decomposition of X is
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H = U s6sV Hs + U n6nV Hn (2)
fields,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Radar, Sonar Navig., pp. 2–8, Feb. 2002.
where U s , associated with nonzero singular values, spans the column
space of X , which is also called the signal subspace, and U n , associ-
ated with zero singular values n (66 = ) 0 , spans the orthogonal space
of U s , which is also called the noise subspace. Similarly, the subspace
First-Order Perturbation Analysis of Singular Vectors in decomposition of X is given by
Singular Value Decomposition
Jun Liu, Student Member, IEEE,
Xiangqian Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, and
X = 6
U V = s6 s
U V s + U n6nV n : (3)
Xiaoli Ma, Member, IEEE
Due to the perturbation X , all the quantities in the right-hand side
(RHS) of (3) may differ from those in the RHS of (2). For example, we
= +1
may express U s as U s U s U s , where 1
U s is the perturbation

Abstract—Singular value decomposition (SVD) is an important tech- of the singular vectors that span the signal subspace.
nique in signal processing. In the literature, the perturbation analysis of Perturbation analysis results for subspace decomposition have been
SVD has been well documented in the context of subspace decomposition. well documented in the literature. For example, the statistics of eigen-
The contribution of the signal subspace to the perturbation of the singular vectors of sample covariance matrices is investigated in [1]. The pertur-
vectors that span the signal subspace is often ignored as it is treated as
bation of the invariant subspace is considered in [2] and [3]. Based on
second and higher order terms, and thus the first-order perturbation is
typically given as the column span of the noise subspace. In this corre- 1
the results in [2] and [3], a first-order approximation of U s is given in
spondence, we show that not only the noise subspace, but also the signal [4]. Furthermore, [5] and [6] give a second-order approximation using
subspace, contribute to the first-order perturbation of the singular vectors. similar arguments as in [4]. It is shown in [4]–[6] that the contribution
We further show that the contribution of the signal subspace does not
of the noise subspace spanned by U n to U s is of the first order of
impact on the performance analysis of algorithms that rely on the signal
1 X . It is argued that the contribution of the signal subspace spanned

1 1
subspace for parameter estimation, but it affects the analysis of algorithms
that depends on the individual basis vectors. For the latter, we also give by U s to U s is of the second order of X , and thus the contribution
a condition under which the contribution of the signal subspace to the
perturbation of singular vectors may be ignored in the statistical sense.
of the signal subspace to U s is ignored when the first-order pertur-
bation is considered.
Numerical examples are provided to validate our theoretic claims.
In this correspondence, we analyze the perturbation of U s from an-
Index Terms—Perturbation analysis, singular value decomposition other perspective. Different from the existing results in [4]–[6], we find
(SVD), subspace decomposition. 1
that the contribution of the signal subspace to U s is also of the first
order of X . The difference is explained in detail in Remarks 1 and
2 of Section II. Furthermore, we show that the signal subspace has an
I. INTRODUCTION impact on the first-order perturbation of the individual singular vectors,
but not on the first-order perturbation of the signal subspace spanned
Singular value decomposition (SVD) plays an important role in by these vectors. For this reason, this new result has no material effect
signal processing. For example, subspace-based algorithms in array on the performance analysis of subspace-based algorithms that utilize
signal processing depends on SVD or eigenvalue decomposition the signal subspace, e.g., ESPRIT [7], MUSIC [8], the column span
to obtain a basis of the desired signal and/or noise subspaces, and methods [9], as well as the subspace-based algorithms discussed in
principal component analysis (PCA) uses SVD to retrieve principal [4]–[6]. In other words, the same results will be obtained in the per-
components from noisy observations. Therefore, perturbation analysis formance analysis of these algorithms no matter whether the contri-
of SVD is important for these algorithms. Consider the following
observation matrix
bution of the signal subspace to the first-order approximation of U s 1
is considered or not. However, our result does affect the performance
analysis of methods that depend on the individual singular vectors,
X = +1
X X (1) e.g., prewhitening in JADE [11] and the principal component analysis
(PCA) [10].
The rest of the correspondence is organized as follows. The perturba-
Manuscript received February 20, 2007; revised November 29, 2007. The tion of the singular vectors of a perturbed matrix is given in Section II.
associate editor coordinating the review of the manuscript and approving it for In Section III, we give a condition under which the contribution of the
publication was Dr. Sergiy A. Vorobyov. This work was supported in part by
the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under
signal subspace to the first-order approximation of U s can be ignored
grant number W911NF-06-1-0415 and W911NF-06-1-0090. Parts of this work in the statistical sense. In Section IV, we apply the perturbation result
were presented at the IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Madison, to analyze several subspace-based algorithms. Numerical examples are
WI, August 26–29, 2007. provided in Section V to validate the theoretic claims.
J. Liu and X. Liu are with Department of Electrical and Computer En- In the following, upper (lower) boldface letters are used for matrices
gineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 USA (e-mail: (column vectors). A 3 , A T , and AH denote the conjugate, transpose,;
and Hermitian transpose of A , respectively. We will use I M for an
identity matrix of size M 2 M , 0M 2N for a zero matrix of size M 2 N ,
X. Ma is with School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Insti-
tute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2007.916137 kAk for the Frobenius norm of A, and kAk2 for the 2 norm of A.
1053-587X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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