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Bill Hicks once said, "Why is marijuana illegal? It grows naturally on our planet".

It tells
you that medicinal marijuana can be used, but does it help? Many Americans agree that
medicinal marijuana can be used as an alternative or a getaway drug. Medicinal marijuana if
not used properly can cause a lot of side effects, not only on our minds but also in our
bodies, that’s why using it requires a lot of attention, if not used properly it can lead to severe
problems. Making it illegal makes it controllable.

The medical benefits and safety of marijuana have not been studied enough to determine if
the benefits can outweigh the risk associated with the drugs. Sarah C. Hull, a cardiologist at
yale explains why should not rush the legalization of medical marijuana “Decriminalization of
marijuana will create significant opportunities to conduct this research, but common-sense
regulation based on science must be implemented simultaneously to create an ethical policy
framework” she also said it’s aim is to promote public health through comprehensive education
programs and protection of vulnerable populations such as adolescents, while recognizing the
right of autonomous adults to make decisions about their own health but not to act in a way that
might compromise the health of others that is involved.

Medical marijuana is government tightly controlled because it may be abused or cause

addiction, Americans overwhelmingly support the legalization of marijuana in fact according
to the pew research center, almost 91% support the legalization of medicinal marijuana. The
PSR also concludes findings that Marijuana is said to treat appetite loss associated with
conditions like HIV/AIDS and certain types of cancers. Although marijuana has its benefits,
there are still negative possibilities that marijuana can cause, Frequently uses of marijuana
can alter your memory there is also a risk of abuse and addiction. In addition, Smoking
marijuana could damage your lung tissues and increase the risk of lung cancer.

Medical marijuana although helps in many other things, can cause greater risk. Developing brain
diseases such as schizophrenia, and can impair your thinking abilities, cause driving
problems, and many other things. Medicinal marijuana should be banned and illegal
because although it can help with health issues the chances of getting addicted or even
developing many other diseases are still on the list of many possibilities that could happen.

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