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Report new trends in software development methodologies

CLO Description PLO Learning Level

CLO 4 Report new trends in software development methodologies PLO 12 A3

Introduction to Activity:

One of the course learning outcomes (CLO) is to study new trends in software development
industry. This CLO maps to program learning outcome (PLO) No 12 which is “Lifelong Learning”
which state “An ability to recognize importance of and pursue lifelong learning in the broader
context of innovation and technological developments”.

To perform an activity related to this CLO, a survey questionnaire has been designed. This is a
group-based activity. Students are supposed to carry out this activity as described in the following


Students are required to visit any software house located in any city/country and after interviewing
the professional team members over there, the attached questionnaire is to be filled.

Students in groups are required to present the analyzed assessment of their respective questionnaire
on the scheduled date and time.

Making Online Forms may help you in organizing this activity.

Report new trends in software development methodologies

This survey questionnaire is for research purpose only whose aim is to assist software industry in
increasing its productivity.


1. Organization: _________________________
2. Address: __________________________
3. Registrations (CMMI,P@SHA,PSEB,Others) __________________________
4. Respondent’s Name: __________________________
5. Role (Developer, Lead, Tester, etc) ___________________________
6. Experience in years ____________________________

Please answer the following questions


Q 1. Do you follow any software development lifecycle model?

a. Yes
b. No
c. For some projects
d. Partially
Q 2. If yes please write the name of the model(s)
a. _____________________________________
Q 3. In your opinion, does following a model affects productivity
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
Q 4. Do you prefer agile models over traditional models for all projects?
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
Q 5. If you are given a safety critical project, what will be your strategy
a. I shall follow agile methods
b. I shall follow traditional methods
c. I won’t follow any model
d. I don’t know
Q 6. If you are given an organizational management information/ERP system, what will be your
a. I shall follow agile methods
b. I shall follow traditional methods
c. I won’t follow any model
d. I don’t know

Q 1. Do you prepare architecture of a software before development?

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know
Q 2. Do you have any idea about architectural styles/patterns?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 3. Which architectural styles do you use in your projects?
a. Depends on project
b. We don’t follow any style
c. We follow ________________________ for all projects
Q 4. Do you know what design patterns are?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 5. Do you think design patterns are useful?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 6. Have you ever used a design pattern? If yes, please mention name
a. Never used
b. _______________
c. _______________
Q 7. Do you design your product before implementing?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 8. Which type of design you perform for your projects
a. _____________________________
Q 9. Do you think designing before implementing is good?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 10. In your opinion, what are the advantages of designing a project before implementation
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
Q 11. In your opinion, what are the advantages of designing a project before implementation
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
Q 12. Which diagrams you use during architectural or low-level design
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________

Q 1. Do you know what coding standards are?

a. Yes
b. No
Q 2. Do you follow any coding standards in your projects?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 3. Which level of standards do you follow?
a. Industrial
b. Organizational
c. Project
d. No standard
Q 4. Do you know what coupling and cohesion is in code?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 5. Is your code reviewed by anyone?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 6. Do you comment while writing code?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 7. Do you know what is code quality?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 8. Do you like commenting?
a. Yes
b. No


Q 1. What type of testing do you perform?

a. No
b. Depends on projects
c. _______________________
Q 2. Do you use any testing tools?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 3. If yes, please mention names
a. _______________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
Q 4. Do you know what is black box or white box testing?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 5. Do you know what is a test suite?
a. Yes
b. No
Q 6. Do you know what is test suite optimization?
a. Yes
b. No


Q 1. Do you perform maintenance of any delivered product?

a. Yes
b. No
Q 2. What challenges you face during maintenance?
a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
Q 3. What should be done of improve maintainability
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. ______________________

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